Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

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451 градус по Фаренгейту
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451 градус по Фаренгейту
451 градус по Фаренгейту. Книга для чтения на английском языке. Повесть знаменитого американского писателя-фантаста 451 градус по Фаренгейту написана более полувека назад, но своей актуальности не потеряла и по сей день. Ее лейтмотив - озабоченность духовным обликом будущего. Будущее, как его видел Бредбери, довольно мрачно: тоталитарное государство, в котором пресекается любое инакомыслие. Реклама, бесконечные телешоу - вот и все, что нужно человеку для безмятежного счастья. Так решило государство, и оно защищает своих граждан в меру собственного разумения: разговаривать друг с другом - значит думать, думать заставляют книги, поэтому, дабы не нарушать покоя обывателей, их надлежит сжигать. 451 градус по Фаренгейту - это температура горения бумаги. Предлагаем вниманию читателей неадаптированный текст повести, снабженный комментариями и словарем.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Modern Prosa
Год: 2017
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 2246146
ISBN: 9785992504750
Автор: Брэдбери Рэй
Страницы: 224
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

451 градус по Фаренгейту
254 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
The Invisible Man (Человек-нивидимка), на английском языке
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The Invisible Man (Человек-нивидимка), на английском языке
Вниманию читателей предлагается полный, неадаптированный текст известного научно-фантастического романа Герберта Уэллса Человек-невидимка (1897). Издание рассчитано на лиц, владеющих основами английского языка и совершенствующих свои навыки в нём.........................

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Классики в оригинале
Год: 2005
Производитель: Юпитер-Интер
Артикул: 2046264
ISBN: 9785954200652
Автор: Уэллс Герберт Джордж
Страницы: 176
Гендер: Мужчины
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Invisible Man (Человек-нивидимка), на английском языке
254 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
13 Great Horror Stories: 13 жутких историй: Книга для чтения на английском языке
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13 Great Horror Stories: 13 жутких историй: Книга для чтения на английском языке
Вниманию читателей предлагается сборник популярных рассказов-триллеров английских и американских авторов. Издание рассчитано на лиц, владеющих основами английского языка и совершенствующих свои навыки в нём.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Классики в оригинале
Год: 2006
Производитель: Юпитер-Интер
Артикул: 2086843
ISBN: 9785984050807
Автор: Норрис Фрэнк
Страницы: 260
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

13 Great Horror Stories: 13 жутких историй: Книга для чтения на английском языке
274 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
The Tell-Tale Heart
Читай город
The Tell-Tale Heart
Just one line from the short story says it all: "Presently I heard a slight groan, and I knew it was a groan of mortal terror .. the low stifled sound that arises from the bottom of the soul." A man confronts himself and an unknown listener with his desire to murder an old man. Is it his father? Is the man mad? Is he in jail or an institution? A psychological thriller with many more questions than answers.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2015
Производитель: Penguin Books
Артикул: 2871272
ISBN: 9780141397269
Автор: Poe Edgar Allan
Страницы: 56
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Tell-Tale Heart
281 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
Призраки усадьбы Блай. Сборник рассказов: книга для чтения на английском языке
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Призраки усадьбы Блай. Сборник рассказов: книга для чтения на английском языке
Поклонникам популярного сериала Призраки усадьбы Блай наверняка знакомы герои и сюжеты всех рассказов этой книги. Поворот винта мистико-психологическая повесть, ставшая культовой для мирового кинематографа XX и XXI веков.В усадьбе Блай происходят необъяснимые события, заставляющие читателя сомневаться, что реально, а что нет. Пытаясь понять таинственные явления, главная героиня ищет разгадку в прошлом в отношениях между людьми, жившими в усадьбе до нее. Неужели призраки пытаются завладеть душами живых?Любители классического сюжета о доме с привидениями обязательно оценят эту книгу. Неадаптированный текст публикуется без сокращений и снабжен примечаниями и словарем.

Серия: Classical Literature
Год: 2022
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 2958284
ISBN: 9785992515954
Автор: Джеймс Генри
Страницы: 416
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Призраки усадьбы Блай. Сборник рассказов: книга для чтения на английском языке
288 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
The Haunting of Hill House / Призрак дома на холме
Читай город
The Haunting of Hill House / Призрак дома на холме
Вашему вниманию предлагается книга на английском языке The Haunting of Hill House / Призрак дома на холме

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Horror Story. КАРО
Год: 2023
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 2998908
ISBN: 9785992516753
Автор: Джексон Ширли
Страницы: 320
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Haunting of Hill House / Призрак дома на холме
306 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
The Wendigo = Вендиго. Книга для чтения на англйском языке
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The Wendigo = Вендиго. Книга для чтения на англйском языке
Элджернон Блэквуд английский писатель, путешественник и мистик первой половины XX века. Основоположник жанра хоррор, он оказал влияние на всех современных писателей этого жанра. Последователи и поклонники признают в нем мастера мистической истории с привидениями.В сборнике представлены самые завораживающие тексты Блэквуда. Каждая история со своей особой атмосферой, каждая захватывает читателя и заставляет сомневаться в том, что реально, а что нет. Автор погружает читателя в мир непознаваемых, древних и таинственных сил, где нет места здравому смыслу. Реальный мир в его произведениях постоянно соприкасается с волнующей тайной и необъяснимым ужасом.В книге представлены неадаптированные полные тексты повестей на английском языке.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Horror Story
Год: 2023
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 3010061
ISBN: 9785992516937
Автор: Блэквуд Элджернон
Страницы: 320
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Wendigo = Вендиго. Книга для чтения на англйском языке
306 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
Fahrenheit 451
Fahrenheit 451
Роман рисует антиутопическое общество будущего, а по сути - нашу реальность, доведенную до абсурда. Это одно из редких научно-фантастических произведений Брэдбери. Очень волнующее, трогательное и, вместе с тем, очень живое и динамичное. В рабочем кабинете писателя к стене прибит автомобильный номер "Р-451", притом что сам он за руль ни разу не садился.Издание на английском языке.

Серия: My Favourite Fiction
Год: 2018
Производитель: Антология
Артикул: 190847
ISBN: 978-5-9496-2157-8, 978-5-94962-215-5, 978-5-9908664-9-2
Автор: Bradbury Ray
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Fahrenheit 451
307 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Одержимый, или Сделка с призраком : книга для чтения на английском языке
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Одержимый, или Сделка с призраком : книга для чтения на английском языке
Предлагаем вниманию читателей рождественскую повесть классика английской и мировой литературы Ч. Диккенса "Одержимый, или сделка с призраком".Главный герой повести, учитель химии Редлоу, довольно часто вспоминает об обидах и горестях прошлого, о промахах и досадах. Обо всем этом знает Призрак, зловещий двойник Редлоу, который его преследует...В книге представлен текст повести с комментариями и словарем.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Чтение в оригинале
Год: 2016
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 2710965
ISBN: 9785992511420
Автор: Диккенс Чарльз
Страницы: 160
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Одержимый, или Сделка с призраком : книга для чтения на английском языке
332 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
Fahrenheit 451 = 451 по Фаренгейту
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Fahrenheit 451 = 451 по Фаренгейту
451 по Фаренгейту - температура, при которой воспламеняется и горит бумага. Философская антиутопия Брэдбери рисует беспросветную картину развития постиндустриального общества: это мир будущего, в котором все письменные издания безжалостно уничтожаются.

Обложка: Твердый переплёт

Серия: My Favourite Fiction
Год: 2016
Производитель: Антология
Артикул: 2228306
ISBN: 9785990866492
Автор: Брэдбери Рэй
Страницы: 192
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Fahrenheit 451 = 451 по Фаренгейту
341 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
Великий бог Пан
Читай город
Великий бог Пан
Признанный классик жанра хоррор с эталонными страшилками в оригинале, на богатом и образном английском языке.Перед вами знаковая проза Мейчена: таинственные и запутанные истории с неочевидным финалом. Сюжеты держат читателя в постоянном сладостном напряжении. Оккультные тайны, странные эксперименты с человеческой природой, древние языческие силы, зловещие убийства и страшные видения... Мистика и саспенс проникли в литературу ХХ века через Артура Мейчена и остались в мировой поп-культуре навсегда.Неадаптированные тексты на английском языке без сокращений.

Серия: Horror Story. КАРО
Год: 2024
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 3021673
ISBN: 9785992516876
Автор: Мэкен Артур
Страницы: 352
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Великий бог Пан
353 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
I, Robot
I, Robot
Сборник рассказов "Я, робот" - один из самых известных сборников классика американской фантастической литературы Айзека Азимова. В нем впервые были разработаны три закона робототехники, ставшие впоследствии традиционными для всех писателей-фантастов.

Серия: My Favourite Fiction
Год: 2016
Производитель: Антология
Артикул: 183893
ISBN: 978-5-94962-153-0, 978-5-94962-181-3, 978-5-9907622-9-9
Автор: Asimov Isaac
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

I, Robot
368 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
The Call of Cthulchu / Зов Ктулху
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The Call of Cthulchu / Зов Ктулху
Перед вами сборник коротких рассказов знаменитого писателя-мистика Говарда Филлипса Лавкрафта. Эти истории положили начало целой литературной вселенной, названной "Мифами Ктулху". Огромная и загадочная вселенная Лавкрафта, нашедшая столько ярых поклонников и почитателей по всему миру, захватывает и очаровывает всех любителей мистики и фантастики. Последователи писателя дополняют "Мифы Ктулху" новыми книгами, фильмами и компьютерными играми. Вселенная ужасов Лавкрафта - жемчужина мировой культуры и актуальный мейнстрим нового века.Неадаптированный текст рассказов печатается без сокращений и подойдет всем, кто изучает английский язык.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Horror Story
Год: 2023
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 2983226
ISBN: 9785992516685
Автор: Лавкрафт Говард Филлипс
Страницы: 288
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Call of Cthulchu / Зов Ктулху
374 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
Currant Events
Читай город
Currant Events
This is the 28th pun-studded entry in the Xanth series. In the magical Land of Xanth, Good Magician Humfrey has the power to provide the answer to any question, but always demands a service in return. So when Clio, the Muse of History, asks Humfrey to decipher one of her books, he sends her on a perilous quest to save the dragons of Xanth.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2016
Производитель: A Tom Donerty Associates Book
Артикул: 2567154
ISBN: 9780765343109
Автор: Anthony Piers
Страницы: 362
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Currant Events
377 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy = Руководство для путешествующих автостопом по Галактике : книга
Читай город
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy = Руководство для путешествующих автостопом по Галактике : книга
Однажды невезучий англичанин Артур Дент чудом спасается от неминуемой гибели благодаря своему другу Форду Префекту, оказавшемуся инопланетянином. Планета Земля стёрта с карты звёздного неба, и им ничего больше не остаётся, кроме как странствовать по галактике, отбиваясь от монстров полотенцем, попивая коктейль "Пангалактический грызлодёр" и оттягиваясь по полной. По счастливой случайности "Золотое сердце", недавно угнанный корабль на невероятностной тяге, подбирает Артура и Форда. На борту они встречают безбашенного президента галактики Зафода Библброкса и его подружку Триллиан, с которыми Артур, оказывается, уже знаком. Вместе они отправляются на поиски сокровищ легендарной планеты Магратея. А в это время некие высшие существа охотятся на Артура в отчаянной попытке найти Основной Вопрос к Основному Ответу, касающемуся Жизни, Вселенной и Всего Остального.Текст сокращён и адаптирован.Уровень B1.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Abridged & Adapted
Год: 2018
Производитель: Антология
Артикул: 2679694
ISBN: 9785907097117
Автор: Адамс Дуглас
Страницы: 128
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy = Руководство для путешествующих автостопом по Галактике : книга
378 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
The Green Mile / Зеленая миля
Читай город
The Green Mile / Зеленая миля
Вашему вниманию предлагается книга на английском языке The Green Mile / Зеленая миля

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Modern Prosa м
Год: 2023
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 2998906
ISBN: 9785992516838
Автор: Кинг Стивен
Страницы: 384
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Green Mile / Зеленая миля
394 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
Fierce, Fearless and Free
Читай город
Fierce, Fearless and Free
A brilliant, inclusive collection of traditional tales from around the world featuring amazing women and girls.Once upon a time, there was a handsome prince who - no, thats not right! Once upon a time, there were strong, fierce women who plotted, schemed, took action, showed kindness, used magic and trickery, and made their own destiny. From the long-haired Petrosinella who escaped the tower and broke the spell that the ogress had cast over her and Nana Miriam who beat a hippo using politeness and magic, to Kate Crackernuts who tried to save her stepsister from her mothers curse, these are stories of girls doing it for themselves!With stories drawn from all over the world, including China, Scotland, Armenia, Italy and Nigeria, Lari Don presents heroine stories that dont leave girls sitting around waiting to be saved by the handsome prince.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Bloomsbury
Артикул: 2825918
ISBN: 9781472967138
Страницы: 160
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Fierce, Fearless and Free
395 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
Читай город
Unchained from fate, the Norse gods Loki and Hel are ready to unleash Ragnarok, a.k.a. the Apocalypse, upon the earth. They ve made allies on the darker side of many pantheons, and there s a globe-spanning battle brewing that ancient Druid Atticus O Sullivan will be hard-pressed to survive, much less win.Granuaile MacTiernan must join immortals Sun Wukong and Erlang Shen in a fight against the Yama Kings in Taiwan, but she discovers that the stakes are much higher than she thought.Meanwhile, Archdruid Owen Kennedy must put out both literal and metaphorical fires from Bavaria to Peru to keep the world safe for his apprentices and the future of Druidry.And Atticus recruits the aid of a tyromancer, an Indian witch, and a trickster god in hopes that they ll give him just enough leverage to both save Gaia and see another sunrise. There is a hound named Oberon who deserves a snack, after all..........

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Del Rey
Артикул: 2730229
ISBN: 9780345548566
Автор: Hearne Kevin
Страницы: 315
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

396 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
The Invisible Man
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The Invisible Man
Herbert George Wells (1866 1946) a famous English writer who worked in many literary genres. Wells is best remembered for his science fiction novels and is called a "father of science fiction"; his most notable works include The Time Machine, The Island of Doctor Moreau, The Invisible Man, and The War of the Worlds. The Invisible Man is a science fiction novella originally published in 1897. The Invisible Man of the title is Griffin, a scientist who has devoted himself to research into optics and invents a way to change a body's refractive index to that of air, thus becoming invisible. He successfully carries out this procedure on himself, but fails in his attempt to reverse it.

Серия: Palmyra Classics
Год: 2022
Производитель: Т8 Издательские технологии
Артикул: 2947460
ISBN: 9785517075468
Автор: Wells Herbert George
Страницы: 123
Гендер: Мужчины
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Invisible Man
401 руб.
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Пища богов= The food of the gods: книга для чтения на английском языке
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Пища богов= The food of the gods: книга для чтения на английском языке
Вниманию читателей предлагается широко известный фантастический роман Г. Дж. Уэллса Пища богов .Издание адресовано студентам языковых вузов, а также всем любителям англоязычной литературы и, в частности, фантастики. Неадаптированный текст на языке оригинала снабжен постраничными комментариями и словарем.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Classical Literature
Год: 2015
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 2500166
ISBN: 9785992510737
Автор: Уэллс Герберт Джордж
Страницы: 352
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Пища богов= The food of the gods: книга для чтения на английском языке
419 руб.
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The Demon Club
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The Demon Club
The gripping new Ben Hope thriller from the Number One bestseller.Life is good for ex-SAS soldier and rescue specialist Ben Hope. He's found love, peace and happiness at last... That is, until a man he's never seen before sits beside him on a plane, and makes him a proposal that turns his whole world upside down.Now Ben must embark on a deadly mission to eliminate a former SAS comrade, the enigmatic, elusive and highly capable Jaden Wolf. If Ben fails, the people he cares about will die as punishment.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2021
Производитель: Avon
Артикул: 2847385
ISBN: 9780008365516
Страницы: 405
Гендер: Мужчины
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Demon Club
423 руб.
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Weirdstone of Brisingamen
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Weirdstone of Brisingamen
All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, down-loaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins.HarperCollinsPublishers has made every reasonable effort to ensure that any picture content and written content in this ebook has been included or removed in accordance with the contractual and technological constraints in operation at the time of publication.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2014
Производитель: Harper Collins Publishers
Артикул: 2847316
ISBN: 9780007355211
Автор: Garner
Страницы: 284
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Weirdstone of Brisingamen
423 руб.
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Dandelion Wine = Вино из одуванчиков
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Dandelion Wine = Вино из одуванчиков
Книга на английском языке..

Обложка: Твердый переплёт

Серия: My Favourite Fiction
Год: 2018
Производитель: Антология
Артикул: 2234898
ISBN: 9785990921245
Автор: Брэдбери Рэй
Страницы: 288
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Dandelion Wine = Вино из одуванчиков
426 руб.
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Busted Flush (м)
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Busted Flush (м)
In 1946, an alien virus that rewrites human DNA is accidentally unleashed in the skies over New York City. It kills 90 percent of those it infects, but one percent gains superpowers. The latest book in the the Wild Cards series is the tale of the history of the world since then.
Год: 2018
Производитель: ВБС Логистик
Артикул: 2567149
ISBN: 9780765357137
Автор: Мартин Джордж Р.Р
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Busted Flush (м)
431 руб.
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Fort Freak
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Fort Freak
In 1946, an alien virus that rewrites human DNA was accidentally unleashed in the skies over New York City. It killed ninety percent of those it infected. Nine percent survived, mutated into tragically deformed creatures. And one percent gained superpowers. The Wild Cards shared-universe series, created and edited by New York Times #1 bestseller George R. R. Martin (called the American Tolkien by Time ), is the tale of the history of the world since then - and of the heroes among the one percent..Now, in the latest Wild Cards mosaic novel, we get to know the hardbitten world of Manhattan's Fifth Precinct - or Fort Freak, as cops and malefactors alike call the cop-shop where every other desk sergeant, detective, and patrol officer is more than human..Featuring original work by writers such as Cherie Priest, author of the bestselling Boneshaker; Paul Cornell, Hugo-nominated comic book and Doctor Who writer; David Anthony Durham, winner of 2009's John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer; and many others, Fort Freak is one of the strongest offerings yet in the ongoing Wild Cards project.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2016
Производитель: A Tom Donerty Associates Book
Артикул: 2567502
ISBN: 9780765364685
Автор: Мартин Джордж Р.Р
Страницы: 563
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Fort Freak
431 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
Inside Straight (м)
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Inside Straight (м)
In 1946, an alien virus that rewrites human DNA was accidentally unleashed in the skies over New York City. It killed ninety percent of those it infected. Nine percent of those who survived mutated into tragically deformed creatures. And one percent gained superpowers. The Wild Cards shared-universe series, created and edited since 1987 by New York Times #1 bestseller George R. R. Martin along with Melinda Snodgrass, is the tale of the history of the world since then and of the heroes among that one percent..Originally begun in 1987, long before George R. R. Martin became a household name among fantasy readers ("The American Tolkien" --Time magazine), the Wild Cards series earned a reputation among connoisseurs for its smart reimagining of the superhero idea. Now, with Inside Straight, the Wild Cards continuity jumps forward to a new generation of major characters, entirely accessible to Martin's hundreds of thousands of new readers, with all-original stories by Martin himself, along with Daniel Abraham, Michael Cassutt, and Stephen Leigh, among others.
Год: 2018
Производитель: ВБС Логистик
Артикул: 2567113
ISBN: 9780765357120
Автор: Мартин Джордж Р.Р
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Inside Straight (м)
431 руб.
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Dune. House Corrino. Book three
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Dune. House Corrino. Book three
Book Three of the Epic Prequel to the Classic Novel Dune--Soon to Be a Major Motion PictureThe grand finale of the complex epic trilogy of the generation before Frank Herberts masterwork Dune. Shaddam Corrino IV, Emperor of the Known Universe, has risked everything to create a substitute for the spice melange . . . The substance that makes space travel possible . . . That prolongs life . . . That allows prescience . . . A substance that is found only on the desert planet Arrakis, a harsh world of storms and monstrous sandworms. Shaddam has used the noble houses as chess pieces for his scheme, causing the overthrow of powerful families, raising other houses to power. The Bene Gesserit Sisterhood works their own plans, manipulating bloodlines, trying to create their long-awaited messiah, the Kwisatz Haderach. Duke Leto Atreides battles his mortal enemy, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, while his love for the beautiful and wise Jessica grows even in the face of bloodshed and betrayal. But are they all just pawns of an inevitable future centered around the planet Dune? Look for the entire prequel seriesDUNE: HOUSE ATREIDES - DUNE: HOUSE HARKONNEN - DUNE: HOUSE CORRINO

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Не установлено
Артикул: 2872264
ISBN: 9780593159620
Страницы: 661
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Dune. House Corrino. Book three
445 руб.
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Dune. House Harkonnen. Book two
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Dune. House Harkonnen. Book two
Book Two of the Epic Prequel to the Classic Novel Dune--A Major Motion Picture Sequel to the international bestseller Dune: House Atreides Before Dune . . . The epic tale of Duke Leto Atreides and his rise to power . . . The fierce ambitions of his mortal enemy, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen . . . The struggles of the young girl Jessica, the Barons secret daughter, under the harsh training of the Sisterhood school . . . The schemes of Shaddam Corrino to create a synthetic spice that may bring unlimited wealth, or cause the collapse of the Spacing Guild . . . And the implausible dream of Planetologist Kynes to turn the desert planet Dune into a paradise, uniting the desperate Fremen into a force unlike anything the Imperium has ever seen . . .Dune: House Harkonnen continues the epic story that lays the foundation for Frank Herberts masterpiece Dune, a complex tale of politics, religion, and the rise and fall of dynasties on a galaxy-spanning canvas. Look for the entire prequel seriesDUNE: HOUSE ATREIDES - DUNE: HOUSE HARKONNEN - DUNE: HOUSE CORRINO

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Не установлено
Артикул: 2872265
ISBN: 9780593159613
Страницы: 743
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Dune. House Harkonnen. Book two
445 руб.
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Haunting the Deep
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Haunting the Deep
Samantha Mather knew her family's connection to the infamous Salem Witch Trials might pose obstacles to an active social life. But having survived one curse, she never thought she'd find herself at the center of a new one.This time, Sam is having recurring dreams about the Titanic . . . where she's been walking the deck with first-class passengers, like her aunt and uncle. Meanwhile, in Sam's waking life, strange missives from the Titanic have been finding their way to her, along with haunting visions of people who went down with the ship.Ultimately, Sam and the Descendants, along with some help from heartthrob Elijah, must unravel who is behind the spell that is drawing her ever further into the dream ship . . . and closer to sharing the same grim fate as its ghostly passengers..........

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Ember
Артикул: 2730182
ISBN: 9780553539547
Автор: Mather Adriana
Страницы: 343
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Haunting the Deep
445 руб.
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Night Shift
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Night Shift
At Midnight s local pawnshop, weapons are flying off the shelves only to be used in sudden and dramatic suicides right at the main crossroads in town. Who better to figure out why blood is being spilled than the vampire Lemuel, who, while translating mysterious texts, discovers what makes Midnight the town it is. There s a reason why witches and werewolves, killers and psychics, have been drawn to this place..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2016
Артикул: 2596225
ISBN: 9780425263235
Автор: Harris Charlaine
Страницы: 385
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Night Shift
445 руб.
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The Passage. A Novel
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The Passage. A Novel
An epic and gripping tale of catastrophe and survival, The Passage is the story of Amy-abandoned by her mother at the age of six, pursued and then imprisoned by the shadowy figures behind a government experiment of apocalyptic proportions. But Special Agent Brad Wolgast, the lawman sent to track her down, is disarmed by the curiously quiet girl and risks everything to save her. As the experiment goes nightmarishly wrong, Wolgast secures her escape-but he can't stop society's collapse. And as Amy walks alone, across miles and decades, into a future dark with violence and despair, she is filled with the mysterious and terrifying knowledge that only she has the power to save the ruined world..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2010
Производитель: Orion
Артикул: 2757708
ISBN: 9780525618744
Автор: Cronin Justin
Страницы: 977
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Passage. A Novel
445 руб.
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Dark Blade
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Dark Blade
Lann knows nothing of his mysterious past, but by his fifteenth birthday he will come face to face with destiny. For Lann must wield the Dreadblade, an ancient sword forged to defeat terrible monsters.Across the mountains a King has been murdered. His daughter, Astrid, is a warrior with no desire to bear the crown. Only she can uncover her father's killer before her brother is framed for the crime.Evil is stirring. Lann and Astrid are the kingdom's last defence. Together, they must face the greatest darkness their world has ever known.
Год: 2019
Производитель: Bloomsbury
Артикул: 2760522
ISBN: 9781408873397
Автор: Feasey Steve
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Dark Blade
451 руб.
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Infernal Devices
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Infernal Devices
The third thrilling book in the award-winning MORTAL ENGINES quartet.In a world removed from the huge motorized cities of MORTAL ENGINES, Wren is desperate to escape the static city of Anchorage, and a charming submarine pirate is ready to help her. But when she steals a mysterious object, she ignites a conflict that could tear the world apart.MORTAL ENGINES launched Philip Reeve's brilliantly-imagined creation, the world of the Traction Era, where mobile cities fight for survival in a post-apocalyptic future. Now, in time for the film debut, the critically acclaimed MORTAL ENGINES quartet is repackaged with a fantastic and eye-catching cover featuring new artwork..
Год: 2019
Производитель: ВБС Логистик
Артикул: 2711284
ISBN: 9781407189161
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Infernal Devices
451 руб.
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The Weight of a Thousand Feathers
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The Weight of a Thousand Feathers
WINNER OF THE AN POST IRISH BOOK AWARDS TEEN & YOUNG ADULT BOOK OF THE YEAR 2018.LONGLISTED FOR THE CILIP CARNEGIE MEDAL 2019.Bobby Seed has questions. What's another word for 'thesaurus'? How can I tell Bel I want her as my girl friend, not my girlfriend? How much pain is Mum in today? Has she taken her pills? And sometimes, secretly, Why us?Bobby's little brother Danny has questions too. Will Bobby let him have Rice Krispies for dinner? And can he stay up late on the computer? And why won't Mum's stupid illness just GO AWAY?But it's Mum's question for Bobby that could turn everything on its head. It's the Big One. The Unthinkable One. If Bobby agrees, he won't just be soothing her pain. He'll be helping to end it.Would he? Could he?.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2019
Производитель: Bloomsbury
Артикул: 2747130
ISBN: 9781408871546
Автор: Conaghan Brian
Страницы: 360
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Weight of a Thousand Feathers
451 руб.
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Doctor Who: Revenge of the Judoon
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Doctor Who: Revenge of the Judoon
The TARDIS brings the Doctor and Martha to Balmoral in 1902. Here they meet Captain Harry Carruthers - friend of the new king, Edward VII. Together they head for the castle to see the king - only to find that Balmoral Castle is gone, leaving just a hole in the ground..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2014
Производитель: BBC Books
Артикул: 2451500
ISBN: 9781846073724
Страницы: 108
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Doctor Who: Revenge of the Judoon
454 руб.
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The Keys to the Kingdom. Book One. Mister Monday
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The Keys to the Kingdom. Book One. Mister Monday
Seven days. Seven keys. Seven virtues. Seven sins. One mysterious house is the doorway to a very mysterious world -- where one boy is about to venture and unlock a number of fantastical secrets.This is another thrilling, triumphantly imaginative series from Garth Nix, the best-selling author of The Seventh Tower, Sabriel, Lirael, Frogkisser!, and the Troubletwisters series.

Серия: The Keys to the Kingdom м
Год: 2019
Производитель: ВБС Логистик
Артикул: 2716976
ISBN: 9781338216134
Автор: Никс Гарт
Страницы: 361
Гендер: Мальчики
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Keys to the Kingdom. Book One. Mister Monday
458 руб.
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Wrath of the Storm
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Wrath of the Storm
Trouble has a way of seeking out Nicolas Calva, and it's not likely to leave him alone any time soon. With Caesar's magic bulla, the Malice of Mars, and the possibility of a Jupiter Stone in play, all the powers of Rome are circling Nic. He'll have to maneuver his way through scheming government officials and reawakened magical beasts to save the Empire. Can he manage to keep his friends and family safe, claim his own freedom once and for all, and rescue the Empire -- before the magic gets the better of him?.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Scholastic
Артикул: 2666466
ISBN: 9780545562089
Страницы: 339
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Wrath of the Storm
458 руб.
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Humans, Bow Down
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Humans, Bow Down
The Great War is over. The robots have won. The humans who survived have two choices: they can submit and serve the vicious rulers they created, or be banished to the Reserve a desolate and hopeless slum camp. Now, following the orders of their soulless leader, the robots are planning to finish what the Great War started and conquer humanity's last refuge. Six, whose family was killed with the first shots of the war, is a young woman with nothing left to lose. Escaping the Reserve with her friend Dubs, Six knows she must find a way to stop the robots, before they wipe humans off the face of the earth..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Arrow Books
Артикул: 2675653
ISBN: 9781784754341
Автор: Паттерсон Джеймс
Страницы: 373
Гендер: Женщины
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Humans, Bow Down
464 руб.
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Gregor and the Code of Claw
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Gregor and the Code of Claw
The stunning conclusion to the riveting Gregor the Overlander series.Everyone in the Underland has been taking great pains to keep The Prophecy of Time from Gregor. Gregor knows it must say something awful but he never imagined just how awful: it calls for the warrior s death.Now, with an army of rats approaching, and his mum and sister still in Regalia, Gregor the warrior must gather up his courage to help defend Regalia and get his family home safely. The entire existence of the Underland is in Gregor s hands, and time is running out. There is a code to be cracked, a mysterious new princess, Gregor s burgeoning dark side, and a war to end all wars.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Scholastic
Артикул: 2826324
ISBN: 9781407172620
Автор: Коллинз Сьюзен
Страницы: 328
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Gregor and the Code of Claw
473 руб.
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Gregor and the Marks of Secret
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Gregor and the Marks of Secret
The fourth book in a gripping young fantasy series from the author of THE HUNGER GAMES.It s only been a few months since Gregor and Boots returned from the Underland, leaving their mother behind to heal from the plague. Though Gregor s family receives frequent updates on her condition, they all know Gregor must return to fulfill his role as the warrior who is key to the Underlanders survival.Accompanied by his now-talkative little sister Boots, still considered the honorary "princess, " Gregor joins forces with another princess - 12-year-old Luxa - and Ripred the rat to defend the Underlanders and the vulnerable "Nibblers, " or mice, from the rat army.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Scholastic
Артикул: 2826328
ISBN: 9781407172613
Автор: Коллинз Сьюзен
Страницы: 264
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Gregor and the Marks of Secret
473 руб.
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Born of Vengeance
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Born of Vengeance
Bastien Cabarro survived the brutal slaughter of his entire family only to have his wife pin their murders on him. Made Ravin by The League, he is now a target for their assassins-in-training to hunt and kill. The average life expectancy for such beings is six weeks. But defying the odds is what this Gyron Force officer does best?and Bastien won t rest until he lays his betrayers in their graves.Ten years later, Bastien has one chance to strike back, provided he relies on his former wingman?the very sister of the woman who testified against him. Major Ember Wyldestarrin joined the outlaw Tavali the day Kirovar fell to a tyrant, and she and her team were left to die under the barrage of enemy fire. Today, Ember vows revenge on those who murdered her parents and forced her and her sisters into exile. But joining forces with Bastien comes with a cost?and an attraction too dangerous for their own good. Is it worth the fight if losing means a fate worse than death?

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Артикул: 2653262
ISBN: 9781250082794
Страницы: 373
Гендер: Женщины
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Born of Vengeance
476 руб.
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The Lords of the North (The Last Kingdom Series, Book 3)
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The Lords of the North (The Last Kingdom Series, Book 3)
Uhtred wants revenge. He wants the land and castle that is his. He wants his treacherous uncle to pay for taking them...Heading north with his lover, former nun Hild, he finds chaos as the Vikings battle among themselves to consolidate their hold on the region. At the heart of it are men from Uhtred s past Sven the One-Eyed and Kjartan the Cruel, men of vicious reputation. Still, he has matched such men before...Then Uhtred suffers a betrayal to rival the treachery that deprived him of his birthright. It will leave him trapped with no hope of escape
Год: 2019
Производитель: ВБС Логистик
Артикул: 2605386
ISBN: 9780008139490
Автор: Корнуэлл Бернард
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Lords of the North (The Last Kingdom Series, Book 3)
476 руб.
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Cold storage
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Cold storage
They thought it was contained. They were wrong.After decades underground in a forgotten sub-basement, a highly mutative organism - capable of extinction-level destruction - has found its way out.Only Pentagon bioterror operative Roberto Diaz can stop it. With the help of two unwitting security guards, he has one night to quarantine this horror, before it destroys all of humanity.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Harper Collins Publishers
Артикул: 2826304
ISBN: 9780008334543
Страницы: 308
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Cold storage
479 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
The Skeleton s Holiday
The Skeleton's Holiday
'Ring for your maid, and when she comes in we'll pounce upon her and tear off her face. I'll wear her face tonight instead of mine.'These dreamlike, carnivalesque fables by one of the leading lights of the Surrealist movement are masterpieces of invention and grand-guignol humour.Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit of the iconic Penguin Modern Classics series, with each one offering a concentrated hit of its contemporary, international flavour. Here are authors ranging from Kathy Acker to James Baldwin, Truman Capote to Stanislaw Lem and George Orwell to Shirley Jackson; essays radical and inspiring; poems moving and disturbing; stories surreal and fabulous; taking us from the deep South to modern Japan, New York's underground scene to the farthest reaches of outer space.

Серия: Penguin Modern Classics
Год: 2020
Производитель: Penguin
Артикул: 813867
ISBN: 9780241339169
Автор: Garrington Leonora
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Skeleton's Holiday
484 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Horizon. Book 2. Deadzone
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Horizon. Book 2. Deadzone
The survivors have made it out of the jungle, but they may be sorry they ever left when they stumble upon a whole new ecosystem, populated with entirely new threats.And the greatest threat of all may come from within. Because one of the kids is changing...The epic series begun by #1 New York Times bestseller Scott Westerfeld only gets bigger and bolder under the frenzied imagination of bestselling, critically acclaimed author Jennifer A. Nielsen!..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Scholastic
Артикул: 2716966
ISBN: 9781338121445
Автор: Нильсен Дженнифер А
Страницы: 195
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Horizon. Book 2. Deadzone
486 руб.
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The Keys to the Kingdom. Book Five. Lady Friday
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The Keys to the Kingdom. Book Five. Lady Friday
Four of the seven Trustees have been defeated and their Keys taken, but for Arthur, the week is still getting worse. Suzy Blue and Fred Gold Numbers have been captured by the Piper, and his New Nithling army still controls most of the Great Maze. Superior Saturday is causing trouble wherever she can, including turning off all the elevators in the House and blocking the Front Door.Amidst all this trouble, Arthur must weigh an offer from Lady Friday that is either a cunning trap for the Rightful Heir or a golden opportunity he must seize -- before he's beaten to it!

Серия: The Keys to the Kingdom м
Год: 2019
Производитель: ВБС Логистик
Артикул: 2716946
ISBN: 9781338240443
Автор: Никс Гарт
Страницы: 304
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Keys to the Kingdom. Book Five. Lady Friday
486 руб.
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The Keys to the Kingdom. Book Four. Sir Thursday
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The Keys to the Kingdom. Book Four. Sir Thursday
On the fourth day there was war . .Following their adventures in the Border Sea, Arthur and Leaf head for home. But only Leaf gets through the Front Door. Arthur is blocked because someone . . . or something . . . has assumed his identity and is taking over his life. Before Arthur can take action, he is drafted by Sir Thursday and forced to join the Glorious Army of the Architect. While Leaf tries to banish Arthur's doppelganger on earth, Arthur must survive his basic training, avoid getting posted to the Front and work out how he can free Part Four of the Will.

Серия: The Keys to the Kingdom м
Год: 2019
Производитель: ВБС Логистик
Артикул: 2716945
ISBN: 9781338240405
Автор: Никс Гарт
Страницы: 344
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Keys to the Kingdom. Book Four. Sir Thursday
486 руб.
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Wild Cards III. Jokers Wild
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Wild Cards III. Jokers Wild
"The journey into high adventure soars on! Let the secret history of the world be told--of the alien virus that struck Earth after World War II, and of the handful of survivors who found they now possessed superhuman powers. Some were called Aces, endowed with powerful mental and physical prowess. The others were Jokers, tormented by bizarre mind or body disfigurements. Some served humanity. Others wreaked terror. Now, forty years later, under the streets of Manhattan an evil genius unleashes the powers of darkness--and Aces and Jokers alike must fight for their lives. Here, in the third volume of the Wild Cards series, seven of science fiction's most gifted writers take you on a journey of wonder and excitement.Includes stories by: Edward Bryant, Leanne C. Harper, George R. R. Martin, John J. Miller, Lewis Shiner, Walter Simons, Melinda M. Snodgrass" .

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2016
Производитель: A Tom Donerty Associates Book
Артикул: 2567493
ISBN: 9780765365095
Автор: Мартин Джордж Р.Р
Страницы: 452
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Wild Cards III. Jokers Wild
486 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
The Queens Secret
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The Queen's Secret
From #1 bestselling author Melissa de la Cruz comes the heart-pounding follow-up to The Queens Assassin, perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo and Holly Black.Lilacs birthright makes her the Queen of Renovia, and a forced marriage made her the Queen of Montrice. But being a ruler does not mean making the rules. For Lilac, taking the throne means giving up the opportunity to be with love of her life, the kingdoms assassin, Caledon Holt.Worse, Cal is forced to leave the castle when a horrific set of magical attacks threatens Lilacs sovereignty. Now Cal and Lilac will have to battle dark forces separately, even though being together is the only thing thats ever saved them.In the riveting conclusion to Melissa De La Cruzs fantasy duet, love and magic are at war, and victory rests on a knifes edge.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2022
Производитель: Не установлено
Артикул: 2873158
ISBN: 9780593353615
Страницы: 306
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Queen's Secret
490 руб.
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Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane
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Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane
The second in a gripping young fantasy series from the author of THE HUNGER GAMES.Spies have reported the sighting of a Rat King in the Underland, a character who has been legendary since the Middle Ages. Recognizable by its tremendous size and snow-white coat, the Rat King is destined to bring war to the Underland.But when Gregor eventually comes face to face with the Rat King, he finds he is unable to kill him. Gregors heart tells him hes making the right decision. Will it be one he lives to regret?

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Scholastic
Артикул: 2826330
ISBN: 9781407172590
Автор: Коллинз Сьюзен
Страницы: 243
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane
493 руб.
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Defender of the Realm
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Defender of the Realm
Alfie thought he knew his destiny. He didn't know the half of it.Fourteen-year-old heir to the throne, Alfie, didn't expect to be King so soon. He DEFINITELY did not expect to be DEFENDER OF THE REALM, a legendary superhero, fighting a secret, centuries-long battle to protect the nation from monsters and super-villains. An ordinary girl, Hayley Hicks, finds herself fighting alongside Alfie in a desperate struggle to stop a fearsome new enemy, the Black Dragon..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2017
Производитель: Scholastic
Артикул: 2711279
ISBN: 9781407180465
Автор: Хакерби Марк
Страницы: 341
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Defender of the Realm
494 руб.
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Defender of the Realm. Dark Age
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Defender of the Realm. Dark Age
The action-packed second book in the Defender of the Realm trilogy! After the great battle at King Alfie's coronation, the nation thinks it's seen the last of the Black Dragon, and Alfie gets busy learning what it means to fill his father's shoes. But when a band of undead Vikings appears, Alfie, Hayley and the rest of the Yeoman Warders fear that Professor Lock is back to finish what he's started. For the epic battle that's brewing, Alfie will need to enlist help from abroad, as well as from a mysterious new friend who seems to be watching over him....

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2017
Производитель: Scholastic
Артикул: 2711274
ISBN: 9781407164243
Автор: Хакерби Марк
Страницы: 358
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Defender of the Realm. Dark Age
494 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
The Passage
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The Passage
An epic and gripping tale of catastrophe and survival, The Passageis the story of Amy abandoned by her mother at the age of six, pursued and then imprisoned by the shadowy figures behind a government experiment of apocalyptic proportions. But Special Agent Brad Wolgast, the lawman sent to track her down, is disarmed by the curiously quiet girl and risks everything to save her. As the experiment goes nightmarishly wrong, Wolgast secures her escape but he can t stop society s collapse. And as Amy walks alone, across miles and decades, into a future dark with violence and despair, she is filled with the mysterious and terrifying knowledge that only she has the power to save the ruined world..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2019
Производитель: Ballantine Books
Артикул: 2730176
ISBN: 9781409190981
Автор: Cronin Justin
Страницы: 991
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Passage
496 руб.
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История с привидениями
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История с привидениями
Эпичная история от мастера жанра хоррор в оригинале, на английском языке. Необъяснимые явления переворачивают жизнь провинциального городка с ног на голову. Загадочные самоубийства, внезапные помутнения рассудка, шокирующие убийства, исчезновения людей и падеж скота, природные катаклизмы... Город погружается в панику. Но несколько друзей, связанных старой тайной, знают, кто, а точнее что, безжалостно мстит им и всему городу...Роман печатается с незначительными сокращениями, снабжен комментариями и словарем.

Серия: Horror Story. КАРО
Год: 2024
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 3021676
ISBN: 9785992516999
Автор: Страуб Питер
Страницы: 544
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

История с привидениями
500 руб.
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9 From the Nine Worlds
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9 From the Nine Worlds
An all-new collection of short stories from the world of Magnus Chase!Travel the Nine Worlds with your favourite characters from the world of Magnus Chase in a brand-new series of adventures.Find out why Amir Fadlan hates clothes shopping in Midgard, see how Mallory Keen learns in icy Niflheim that insulting a dragon can be a good idea, and join Alex Fierro as they play with fire (and a disco sword) in the home of the fire giants, Muspellheim.But watch out for Thor, who is jogging through all Nine Worlds so he can log his million steps - and is raising quite a stink . . .

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Puffin
Артикул: 2847733
ISBN: 9780241359433
Автор: Riordan Rick
Страницы: 150
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

9 From the Nine Worlds
501 руб.
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Generation One (м) Lore
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Generation One (м) Lore
It has been over a year since the invasion of Earth was thwarted. Taylor Cook thought of the invasion as just a bad dream. She'd heard about teens who were suddenly developing incredible abilities, but she had never really believed it. Not until the day she discovered she was one of them - a human with Legacies. Now Taylor is being sent off to the Human Garde Academy. A place where teens from across the globe can learn to control their new powers and discover what they are truly capable of. But not everyone thinks that's the best use of their talents. And the teens may need to use their Legacies sooner than they ever imagined. Perfect for fans of Marvel's X-Men and Rick Yancey's The 5th Wave, this epic new series follows a diverse cast of teens as they struggle to hone their abilities and decide what, if anything, they should do with them.
Год: 2018
Производитель: ВБС Логистик
Артикул: 2675637
ISBN: 9781405934244
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Generation One (м) Lore
504 руб.
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A girl and a baby. A priest and a poacher. A savage pursuit through the landscape of a changing rural England.When a teenage girl leaves the workhouse and abducts a child placed in her care, the local priest is called upon to retrieve them. Chased through the Cumbrian mountains of a distant past, the girl fights starvation and the elements, encountering the hermits, farmers and hunters who occupy the remote hillside communities. An American Southern Gothic tale set against the violent beauty of Northern England, Beastings is a sparse and poetic novel about morality, motherhood and corruption.
Год: 2019
Производитель: Bloomsbury
Артикул: 2760545
ISBN: 9781526611215
Автор: Майерс Бенджамин
Страницы: 223
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

508 руб.
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Last Descendants
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Last Descendants
Nothing in Owen's life has been right since his father died in prison, accused of a crime Owen is certain he didn't commit. Monroe, the IT guy at school, might finally bring Owen the means to clear his father's name by letting him use an Animus-a device that lets users explore genetic memories buried within their own DNA. During a simulation, Owen comes uncovers the existence of a powerful relic long considered a legend-the Trident of Eden. Now two secret organizations will stop at nothing to take possession of this artifact-the Brotherhood of Assassins and the Templar Order. It becomes clear the only way to save himself is to find the Trident first.Under the guidance of Monroe, Owen and a group of other teenagers go into a memory they all share within their DNA: the 1863 Draft Riots in New York City. Owen and his companions will find themselves tested on the violent streets of New York, and their experiences in the past will have far-reaching consequences in the present................................................
Год: 2019
Производитель: ВБС Логистик
Артикул: 2575560
ISBN: 9780545855518
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Last Descendants
509 руб.
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The Keeper. Vega Jane Book Two
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The Keeper. Vega Jane Book Two
Vega Jane was always told no one could leave the town of Wormwood. She was told there was nothing outside but the Quag, a wilderness filled with danger and death. And she believed it -- until the night she stumbled across a secret that proved that everything she knew was a lie.Now just one thing stands between Vega Jane and freedom -- the Quag. In order to leave Wormwood and discover the truth about her world, Vega and her best friend Delph must find a way to make it across a terrifying land of bloodthirsty creatures and sinister magic. But the Quag is worse than Vega Jane's darkest imagining. It's a living, breathing prison designed to keep enemies out and the villagers of Wormwood in.The Quag will throw everything at Vega Jane. It will try to break her. It will try to kill her. And survival might come at a price not even Vega Jane is willing to pay.Bestselling author David Baldacci unleashes a hurricane of action and adrenaline that takes readers to the breaking point...............................................

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2017
Производитель: Scholastic
Артикул: 2575554
ISBN: 9780545831956
Автор: Бальдаччи Дэвид
Страницы: 428
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Keeper. Vega Jane Book Two
509 руб.
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The Beast Of Buckingham Palace
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The Beast Of Buckingham Palace
The year is 2120. London is in ruins, the people are hungry and darkness has fallen across the world. Prince Alfred, a sickly boy of twelve, has never known life outside Buckingham Palace. But evil forces are at work, and soon Alfred must do battle with the King of the Beasts the Griffin
Год: 2011
Производитель: Harper Collins
Артикул: 2872018
Автор: Уолльямс Дэвид
Гендер: Мальчики
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Beast Of Buckingham Palace
513 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
Читай город
2041 and the world as we know it grinds to a halt. Our planet seems to be turning against itself - it would appear that the magnetic field, that protects life on Earth from deadly radiation from space, is failing . . .Desperate to quell the mass hysteria that would surely follow, world governments have concealed this rapidly emerging Armageddon. But a young Iranian hacktivist stumbles across the truth, and it becomes a race against time to reactivate the earth's core using beams of dark matter.As a small team of brave and brilliant scientists battle to find a way of transforming theory into practice, they face a fanatical group intent on pursuing their own endgame agenda: for they believe mankind to be a plague upon this earth and will do anything, commit any crime, to ensure that the project fails . . .And so bring about humanity's end.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Bantam Books
Артикул: 2812294
ISBN: 9780857503527
Страницы: 442
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

516 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
451 градус по Фаренгейту: книга для чтения на английском языке
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451 градус по Фаренгейту: книга для чтения на английском языке
В книге представлен роман-антиутопия Рэя Брэдбери 451 по Фаренгейту классика научной фантастики. Издание содержит сокращенный и адаптированный текст романа, снабжено словарем, постраничными комментариями, лексико-грамматическими упражнениями, творческими заданиями, заданиями на перевод, вопросами на восприятие и для обсуждения..Пособие адресовано учащимся 9-11 классов школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, а также широкому кругу читателей, имеющих уровень языковой подготовки Intermediate.....

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Reading with exercises
Год: 2016
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 2457301
ISBN: 9785992510096
Автор: Брэдбери Рэй
Страницы: 144
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

451 градус по Фаренгейту: книга для чтения на английском языке
520 руб.
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Last Chance
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Last Chance
Chance - that's me, the youngest Rain brother, and right ^ow I'm kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place ... Or more specifically, tied up and kidnapped. My captors? We call them Drones, and they serve the Harvesters that have infected all the adults in our town of Creek's Cause with parasites, turning them into mindless rage zombies that have only two objectives: capture or kill.. What we know so tar is that there are two tactions ot Drones, one that wants my big brother Patrick and me to save the world, and the other that is taking kids and using them to hatch something ... otherworldly. I don't want to know what they are, but I'm pretty sure I'm about to find out..What I do know is that Patrick and his girlfriend Alex are out there; they aren't dead and they won't let me die at the hands of the Harvesters. Not when we have things to do: because come on the world isn't going to save itself..Last Chance is the relentlessly action-packed sec uel to The Rains from the bestselling author of Orphan X and comics in the Batman, Wolverine and Punisher universes..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Penguin Books
Артикул: 2711460
ISBN: 9781405938303
Автор: Hurwitz Gregg
Страницы: 403
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Last Chance
520 руб.
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Марсианские хроники / The Martian Chronicles. Книга для чтения на английском языке
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Марсианские хроники / The Martian Chronicles. Книга для чтения на английском языке
В 1947 году вышел сборник рассказов начинающего писателя Рэя, Брэдбери о Марсе, но остался практически незамеченным читающей публикой. Редактор подал авто-ру идею организовать эти рассказы в некое подобие рома-на. Так получились Марсианские хроники ..Предлагаем вниманию читателей неадаптированный текст романа, снабженный комментариями и словарем..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Modern Prose
Год: 2017
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 2246151
ISBN: 9785992505399
Автор: Брэдбери Рэй
Страницы: 320
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Марсианские хроники / The Martian Chronicles. Книга для чтения на английском языке
520 руб.
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Only Human. Book Three of the Themis Files
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Only Human. Book Three of the Themis Files
Brilliant scientist Rose Franklin has devoted her adult life to solving the mystery she accidentally stumbled upon as a child: a huge metal hand buried beneath the ground outside Deadwood, South Dakota.The discovery set in motion a cataclysmic chain of events with geopolitical ramifications.Rose and the Earth Defence Corps raced to master the enigmatic technology, as giant robots suddenly descended on Earth's most populous cities, killing one hundred million people in the process. Though Rose and her team were able to fend off the attack, their victory was short-lived. The mysterious invaders retreated, disappearing from the shattered planet . . . but they took the scientist and her crew with them.Now, after nearly ten years on another world, Rose returns to find a devastating new war - this time between humans. It appears the aliens left behind their titanic death machines so humankind will obliterate itself.Rose is determined to find a solution, whatever it takes. But will she become a pawn in a doomsday game no one can win?

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2019
Производитель: Penguin Books
Артикул: 2751484
ISBN: 9781405935722
Автор: Neuvel Sylvain
Страницы: 424
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Only Human. Book Three of the Themis Files
524 руб.
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Читай город
Here's the thing about being Inside. Ain't no one believes that they are. Ele has never been Outside, but she knows it exists - she just has to prove it. Her whole world is Inside. Trapped with her books and the Others and Him. She has never seen a tree or felt the rain but that's about to change. Ele's getting out. For good.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2019
Производитель: Penguin Books
Артикул: 2733970
ISBN: 9780241330753
Автор: Juckes Sarah Ann
Страницы: 276
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

524 руб.
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The Upper World
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The Upper World
ONE GLIMPSE OF A TERRIFYING FUTURE.ONE CHANCE TO CHANGE EVERYTHING.After suffering a knock to the head, 15-year-old Esso experiences a chilling vision: that night he will witness the violent deaths of everyone he knows. He writes off the out-of-body experience as a strange dream - until a series of frightening coincidences prove that the vision is just hours away from coming true.There is only one person who can help him rewrite the future.The trouble is, she hasn't been born yet . . .

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2021
Производитель: Penguin Random House
Артикул: 2891265
ISBN: 9780241505618
Автор: Fadugba Femi
Страницы: 368
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Upper World
524 руб.
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From #1 New York Times bestselling author Marie Lu - when a game called Warcross takes the world by storm, one girl hacks her way into its dangerous depths.For the millions who log in every day, Warcross isn't just a game - it's a way of life. Struggling to make ends meet, teenage hacker Emika Chen works as a bounty hunter, tracking down players who bet on the game illegally.When Emika hacks into the game illegally, she's convinced she'll be arrested, and is shocked when she gets a call from the game's creator, the elusive young billionaire Hideo Tanaka, with an irresistible offer. He needs a spy on the inside of this year's tournament in order to uncover a security problem . . . and he wants Emika for the job.In this sci-fi thriller, #1 New York Times bestselling author Marie Lu conjures an immersive, exhilarating world where choosing who to trust may be the biggest gamble of all.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Penguin Books
Артикул: 2891177
ISBN: 9780241321447
Автор: Lu Marie
Страницы: 368
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

524 руб.
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In a world where long drinks are in short supply, it's dangerous to listen to your inner voice.Those who do, keep it quiet.But one man listens to the voice in his head telling him to buy a lemonade from the girl sitting on a dusty road.There is a reason why Pilgrim and Lacey must cross paths.They just don't know it yet..
Год: 2019
Производитель: ВБС Логистик
Артикул: 2620100
ISBN: 9781472233103
Страницы: 456
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

529 руб.
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I Am Traitor
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I Am Traitor
At the end of the world, who can you trust? The story of one teen's fight against an extra-terrestrial invasion. For fans of Michael Grant, Suzanne Collins and Robert Muchamore.London has been targeted by extra-terrestrial life and victims are transported to a terrifying other world.Amy Sullivan is an unwilling hero. She runs until she can't run any more. Then, she is taken.To have a chance of saving herself, and her planet, Amy will have to put faith in those she fears the most. But what if it means becoming a traitor to everyone she has ever loved?A modern-day War of the Worlds from one of Iceland's bestselling authors...
Год: 2019
Производитель: ВБС Логистик
Артикул: 2620093
ISBN: 9781444934472
Страницы: 394
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

I Am Traitor
529 руб.
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Orphans of the Tide
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Orphans of the Tide
he City was built on a sharp mountain that jutted improbably from the sea, and the sea kept trying to claim it back. That grey morning, once the tide had retreated, a whale was found on a rooftop.When a mysterious boy washes in with the tide, the citizens believe he's the Enemy - the god who drowned the world - come again to cause untold chaos.Only Ellie, a fearless young inventor living in a workshop crammed with curiosities, believes he's innocent.But the Enemy can take possession of any human body and the ruthless Inquisition are determined to destroy it forever.To save the boy, Ellie must prove who he really is - even if that means revealing her own dangerous secret . . .

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Puffin
Артикул: 2812251
ISBN: 9780241384435
Автор: Murray Struan
Страницы: 346
Гендер: Мальчики
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Orphans of the Tide
529 руб.
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The Knowing
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The Knowing
Samara is one of the Knowing, and the Knowing do not forget. Hidden deep in the comfort and splendor of her underground city, a refuge from the menace of a coming Earth, Samara learns what she should have never known and creates a memory so terrible she cannot live with it. So she flees, to Canaan, the lost city of her ancestors, to Forget.Beckett has flown through the stars to find a dream: Canaan, the most infamous social experiment of Earth's antiquity. Beckett finds Samara in the ruins of the lost city, and uncovers so much more than he ever bargained for -- a challenge to all he's ever believed in or sworn to. When planets collide and memories clash, can Samara and Beckett save two worlds, and remember love in a place that has forgotten it?At once thought-provoking and utterly thrilling, this extraordinary companion novel to Sharon Cameron's #1 NEW YORK TIMES bestselling THE FORGETTING explores the truth and loss that lie within memory, and the bonds that hold us together...

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Scholastic
Артикул: 2716972
ISBN: 9781338281965
Автор: Камерон Шерон
Страницы: 436
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Knowing
529 руб.
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The Favourite Sister
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The Favourite Sister
Brett and Kelly Courtney are the shining jewels in a New York-based reality TV show called Goal Diggers. One of the most popular shows on American national television, its fiercely competitive cast of five self-made women are defined by their success, beauty and ruthless drive to reach the top by whatever means necessary.The Courtney sisters rivalry goes skin deep despite the blossoming business they have built together that helps disadvantaged women in Morocco. Harbouring bitter jealousies and dark secrets about their manufactured screen lives they re joined by three other hyper-competitive women who all have their own agendas. And the latest season promises sparks to fly in the quest for even higher ratings.Vicious backstabbing, scathing social media attacks and finely-tuned scripting draw in the viewing public every week, all orchestrated by the show s omnipotent producers. But even they don t know that season four will end in murder.
Год: 2019
Производитель: Macmillan
Артикул: 2760566
ISBN: 9781509839971
Автор: Нолл Джессика
Страницы: 500
Гендер: Женщины
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Favourite Sister
530 руб.
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Fugitive Six
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Fugitive Six
Taylor Cook and the 'Fugitive Six' guard their Legacies against the murderous Foundation. They know trouble is coming.A mole inside the Academy is stealing secrets.They must be found and stopped.Because gifted teens are still disappearing.Between the trials of training and the tensions among Earth's defenders, Taylor and friends know they must work together to bring about the Foundation's fall.But the Foundation has its own plans. And the Fugitive Six are in their sights..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2019
Производитель: Penguin Books
Артикул: 2751490
ISBN: 9781405934251
Страницы: 436
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Fugitive Six
535 руб.
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The Infinite Sea: The Second Book of the 5th Wave (м) Yancey
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The Infinite Sea: The Second Book of the 5th Wave (м) Yancey
How do you rid the Earth of seven billion humans? Rid the humans of their humanity. Surviving the first four waves was nearly impossible. Now Cassie Sullivan finds herself in a new world, a world in which the fundamental trust that binds us together is gone. As the 5th Wave rolls across the landscape, Cassie, Ben, and Ringer are forced to confront the Others ultimate goal: the extermination of the human race. Cassie and her friends haven t seen the depths to which the Others will sink, nor have the Others seen the heights to which humanity will rise, in the ultimate battle between life and death, hope and despair, love and hate. ..................... ..............................

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2015
Производитель: ВБС Логистик
Артикул: 2520940
ISBN: 9781101996980
Автор: Янси Рик
Страницы: 300
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Infinite Sea: The Second Book of the 5th Wave (м) Yancey
535 руб.
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Brother in the Land
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Brother in the Land
An 'After-the-Bomb' story told by teenage Danny, one of the survivors - one of the unlucky ones. Set in Shipley, an ordinary town in the north of England, this is a powerful portrayal of a world that has broken down. Danny not only has to cope in a world of lawlessness and gang warfare, but he has to protect and look after his little brother, Ben, and a girl called Kim. Is there any hope left for a new world?.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Penguin Books
Артикул: 2682657
ISBN: 9780241331231
Автор: Swindells Robert
Страницы: 218
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Brother in the Land
538 руб.
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Volks Game
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Volks Game
Two men are massacred in an expensive Moscow bar. But the bullets miss their target: Alexei Volkovoy - Volk for short. Hes a deadly, battle-hardened veteran of Russias brutal war in Chechnya, and he serves two masters: Maxim, a psychotic mafia kingpin; and a military man known only as the General. By his side is Valya, an exotic beauty and the most dangerous weapon in Volks arsenal. Together they are commissioned to steal a long-lost masterpiece from St Petersburgs Hermitage Museum. Volk must choose which powerful man he will betray in order to escape with the painting and with his life. Volks Game announces Alexei Volkovoy as the boldest, most unforgettable hero of a new generation.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2008
Производитель: Faber & Faber
Артикул: 2890304
ISBN: 9780571236770
Автор: Ghelfi Brent
Страницы: 299
Гендер: Мужчины
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Volks Game
541 руб.
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All Hallows Eve
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All Hallows Eve
"Канун дня всех святых" - последний роман британского писателя, поэта и литературного критика Чарльза Уильямса, впервые опубликованный в 1945 году. Уильямс рассказывает о судьбе Лестер Фернивал и ее подруги Эвелин, которые погибают в авиакатастрофе и застревают в призрачном, сюрреалистическом, сумеречном Лондоне. В то же время другой Лондон попадает под влияние мага Саймона Леклерка, мастера черной магии и некромантии, который готов пожертвовать душой собственной дочери ради абсолютной власти. Лестер должна каким-то образом помешать злонамеренному плану Леклерка, если она хочет найти спасение - ведь злой некромант желает получить полное господство над обоими мирами. Неадаптированное издание на английском языке.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Palmyra Classics
Год: 2024
Производитель: RUGRAM_Пальмира
Артикул: 3023693
ISBN: 9785517096838
Автор: Уильямс Чарльз
Страницы: 241
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

All Hallows Eve
542 руб.
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The Firemane Saga. Volume II. Queen of Storms
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The Firemane Saga. Volume II. Queen of Storms
Dark and powerful forces threaten the world of Garn once more in this second novel in legendary New York Times bestselling author Raymond E. Feists epic fantasy series, the Firemane SagaHatushaly and his young wife Hava are living a good life, working to reopen the burned-out Inn of the Three Stars in the prosperous trading town of Berans Hill.But there is a great deal more to this bucolic scene than meets the eye. Both Hatu and Hava were raised on the secret island of Coaltachin, and though they may appear to be no more than a young couple in love, preparing for the midsummer festival where their friends Declan and Gwen will be wed, they are in fact assassins on a mission, waiting instructions from their masters in the Kingdom of Night.Moreover, Hatu is the last remaining member of the ruling family of Ithrace - the legendary Firemanes. He dyes his flaming red hair, and has studied to control his dangerous magical powers. But however hard Hatu may be hiding from all those who would seek to use or to destroy him, fate has other plans.Horrific events are approaching Berans Hill, bringing death and devastation to the peaceful town as unknown and monstrous forces are unleashed. And nothing will ever be the same again.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2021
Производитель: Не установлено
Артикул: 2871866
ISBN: 9780007541362
Автор: Фэйст Раймонд Элиас
Страницы: 471
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Firemane Saga. Volume II. Queen of Storms
543 руб.
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Twilight = Сумерки. Уровень В1
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Twilight = Сумерки. Уровень В1
Чтобы не мешать личному счастью матери, семнадцатилетняя Белла переезжает к отцу в маленький городок Форкс на севере США. Умная, немного неловкая, не слишком общительная Белла в новой школе неожиданно для себя оказывается в центре внимания. Она знакомится с красивым, но очень странным парнем по имени Эдвард. Он держится особняком, никогда ничего не ест, его кожа бледная и холодная как лёд, а глаза меняют цвет. И когда он чудом спасает Беллу от неминуемой гибели, она догадывается, что Эдвард совсем не тот, за кого себя выдаёт. Но кто же он на самом деле супергерой или злодей? А ещё Белла понимает, что теперь окончательно и бесповоротно влюблена в него.Текст сокращён и адаптирован. Уровень B1.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: MovieBook
Год: 2024
Производитель: Антология
Артикул: 3036529
ISBN: 9785605111429
Автор: Майер Стефани
Страницы: 288
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Twilight = Сумерки. Уровень В1
545 руб.
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The Saxons have returned and their war bands stalk the land. The lords of Britain look only to their own survival, unable or unwilling to unite as they once did under Arthur.And in a monastery hidden in the marshlands of Avalon, a novice monk prepares to take his vows. However, two strangers - the wild-spirited, Saxon-killing Iselle and the ageing warrior Gawain - will pluck him from his sheltered existence and his world will be turned upside down.Together they will go in search of the last druid, to find the cauldron of a god, and to raise an army to hold the darkness at bay.And as they journey, so the novice will cast aside his training and embrace his legacy.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2021
Производитель: Не установлено
Артикул: 2872101
ISBN: 9780552174015
Страницы: 595
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

547 руб.
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The Happiness Machine
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The Happiness Machine
If a machine could offer a prescription for happiness but you might not like the results would you take the test?Eat more tangerines. Divorce your wife. Cut off your right index finger. The Apricity machine s recommendations are often surprising, but they re 99.97% guaranteed to make you happier. Pearl works for Apricity meaning happiness is her job but her teenage son Rhett seems more content to be unhappy, and refuses to submit to the test. Is Pearl failing as a mother and in her job and does she even believe in happiness any more?

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2019
Производитель: The Borough Press
Артикул: 2751539
ISBN: 9780008265069
Автор: Williams Katie
Страницы: 287
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Happiness Machine
547 руб.
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The 12th explosive novel in the internationally bestselling Skulduggery Pleasant series, BEDLAM will blow your mind - and change everything...On a desperate journey to recover her sister s lost soul, Valkyrie Cain goes up against the High Sanctuary itself, and there s nothing Skulduggery Pleasant can do to stop her.With Abyssinia s grand plan about to kick off in a night of magic, terror, and bloodshed, it falls to Omen Darkly to save the lives of thousands of innocent people.And as the madness unfolds around him, as hidden enemies step into the light, and as Valkyrie is sucked into a desperate, lawless quest of her own, he has no choice but to become the hero he never really wanted to be - or die in the attempt.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Skulduggery Pleasant м
Год: 2020
Производитель: Harper Collins Publishers
Артикул: 2826294
ISBN: 9780008295684
Автор: Landy Derek
Страницы: 584
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

554 руб.
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The War of the Worlds
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The War of the Worlds
Герберт Уэллс (1866-1946) знаменит прежде всего своими фантастическими произведениями, основные темы которых (полеты в космосе, атомное оружие, применение лазера, идея невидимости) в современной литературе стали общим местом, а некоторые сменили жанровую принадлежность, обретя реалистичность не только в книгах, но и в обыденной жизни.Роман "Война миров" (1897) изображает вторжение марсиан на Землю: целью своей агрессии они выбрали старую добрую Англию. Техническое, интеллектуальное и военное превосходство инопланетных захватчиков, кажется, не оставляет людям шанса, пусть даже некоторые из них демонстрируют силу духа и отвагу. Не героизм одиночек поможет землянам выжить в бойне, устроенной пришельцами, а простое везение: куда страшнее артиллерии для марсиан окажутся обычные бактерии.

Обложка: Твердый переплёт

Серия: My Favourite Fiction
Год: 2020
Производитель: Антология
Артикул: 2802476
ISBN: 9785604415832
Автор: Уэллс Герберт Джордж
Страницы: 256
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The War of the Worlds
554 руб.
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Light Years
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Light Years
Hotshot pilot Vesper, an ambitious Tridian citizen, dreams of becoming a captain - but when she loses her spot to a brilliant, wisecracking boy from the wrong side of the asteroid belt, it makes her question everything she thought she knew. Growing up on the toxic planet Deva, Cormak will take any chance he can get to escape his dead-end life and join the Academy - even if he has to steal someone's identity to do it. Arran was always considered an outsider on icy Chetire, always dreaming of something more than a life working in the mines. Now an incoming cadet, Arran is looking for a place to belong - he just never thought that place would be in the arms of a Tridian boy. And Orelia is hiding a dark secret - she's infiltrated the Academy to complete a mission, one that threatens the security of everyone there. But if anyone finds out who she really is, it'll be her life on the line.These cadets will have to put their differences aside and become a team to defend their world from a cunning enemy - but the danger might be lurking closer to home than they think .

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Hodder & Stoughton
Артикул: 2705151
ISBN: 9781473663398
Автор: Morgan Kass
Страницы: 377
Гендер: Мальчики
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Light Years
556 руб.
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The Traitors Game (the Traitors Game, Book 1): Volume 1
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The Traitors Game (the Traitors Game, Book 1): Volume 1
Hearts and loyalties collide in this electrifying New York Times bestseller from critically acclaimed author Jennifer A. Nielsen -- in paperback alongside Book Two!Jennifer A. Nielsen's New York Times bestseller The Traitor's Game, which Entertainment Weekly called the next big YA fantasy, is perfect for fans of the Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard and the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. Kestra Dallisor has spent three years in exile in the Lava Fields, but that won't stop her from being drawn back into her father's palace politics. He's second-in-command to the cruel king, Lord Endrick, which makes Kestra a valuable bargaining chip. A group of rebels knows this -- and they snatch Kestra from her carriage as she reluctantly travels home.The kidnappers want her to retrieve the lost Olden Blade, the only object that can destroy the king, but Kestra is not the obedient captive they expected. One of the rebels, Simon, has his hands full as Kestra tries to foil their plot, by any means necessary. As motives shift and secrets emerge, both have to decide what -- and who -- it is they're fighting for.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Scholastic
Артикул: 2933833
ISBN: 9781338045383
Автор: Нильсен Дженнифер А
Страницы: 388
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Traitors Game (the Traitors Game, Book 1): Volume 1
560 руб.
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Читай город
A Trylle novelWendy Everly can barely remember what it was like to feel like a normal girl. She'd wished for her life to be different but everything is so much more complicated than she'd expected. And she certainly hadn't dreamt she'd be getting married at eighteen to a man she didn't love - all for the sake of duty.As the big day approaches, Wendy can't stop thinking about two different men - and neither of them are her husband-to-be. Finn, quiet, strong and determined to do what's right, and Loki, dark and seductive - a sworn enemy who once saved her life . . .With all-out war just days away, Wendy needs to act quickly if she is to save her friends and family. But while her loyalties and duties are to her people, deeper passions are leading her elsewhere.And as her worlds collide Wendy must sacrifice everything she loves to save them. But will it be enough?

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2012
Производитель: Не установлено
Артикул: 2872902
ISBN: 9781447210313
Автор: Hocking Amanda
Страницы: 352
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

562 руб.
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Defender of the Realm. Kings Army
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Defender of the Realm. King's Army
The thrilling conclusion to the trilogy! After the Defender's losing battle against the Black Dragon, the United Kingdom finds itself under the cruel control of "Lord Protector" Lock, the undead Viking invaders and the monstrous berserkers unleashed by the Raven Banner. King Alfie must raise an army and take back his country - or is that exactly what Lock's evil master wants him to do?.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Scholastic
Артикул: 2711280
ISBN: 9781407186665
Автор: Хакерби Марк
Страницы: 403
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Defender of the Realm. King's Army
564 руб.
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Читай город
The second volume in Raymond E. Feists highly acclaimed epic fantasy Riftwar SagaWith the Kingdom of the Isles at peace, Prince Arutha can at last look forward to marrying the Princess Anita in the city of Krondor.But the capital in the west harbours many shadows. When Jimmy the Hand, a young thief in the Guild of Mockers, upsets an assassination attempt on Arutha, a sinister plot is uncovered.As the dead rise and assassins stalk the darkness, Arutha must rally the Kingdom forces swiftly if he is to save his beautiful princess felled by a poisoned arrow on her wedding day, and prevent a madman from destroying Midkemia.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2013
Производитель: Не установлено
Артикул: 2871855
ISBN: 9780007509171
Автор: Фэйст Раймонд Элиас
Страницы: 386
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

564 руб.
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The Song Rising (м) Shannon
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The Song Rising (м) Shannon
The amazing third book in the bestselling Bone Season series - a ground-breaking, dystopian fantasy of extraordinary imagination.Following a bloody battle against foes on every side, Paige Mahoney has risen to the dangerous position of Underqueen, ruling over London's criminal population.But, having turned her back on Jaxon Hall and with vengeful enemies still at large, the task of stabilising the fractured underworld has never seemed so challenging.Little does Paige know that her reign may be cut short by the introduction of a deadly technology that spells doom for the clairvoyant community and the world as they know it.
Год: 2018
Производитель: ВБС Логистик
Артикул: 2653393
ISBN: 9781408877838
Автор: Шеннон Саманта
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Song Rising (м) Shannon
564 руб.
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Blood Sugar
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Blood Sugar
At the end of Yellow Street, in a ruined junkyard of a house, an angry outcast hatches a scheme to take revenge for all the wrongs he has suffered. With the help of three alienated neighborhood kids, he plans to hide razor blades, poison, drugs, and broken glass in Halloween candy and use the deadly treats to maim or kill dozens of innocent children. But as the clock ticks closer to sundown, will one of his helpers an innocent himself, in his own streetwise way carry out or defeat the plan? (less)

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Hard Case Crime
Артикул: 2783153
ISBN: 9781789091939
Страницы: 224
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Blood Sugar
565 руб.
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Читай город
A dreary castle, blood-thirsty vampires, open graves at midnight, and other gothic touches fill this chilling tale about a young Englishman's confrontation with the evil Count Dracula. A horror romance as deathless as any vampire, the bloodcurdling tale still continues to hold readers spellbound a century later.
Год: 2016
Артикул: 2401572
ISBN: 9785518414556
Автор: Стокер Брэм
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

578 руб.
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My calamity jane
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My calamity jane
Hold on to your hats: The authors who brought you the New York Times bestseller My Plain Jane, which Booklist praised as "delightfully deadpan" (starred review) and Publishers Weekly called "a clever, romantic farce" (starred review), are back with another irreverent historical adventure.Welcome to 1876 America, a place bursting with gunslingers, outlaws, and garou--better known as werewolves.And where there are garou, therere hunters: the one and only Calamity Jane, to be precise, along with her fellow stars of Wild Bills Traveling Show, Annie Oakley and Frank "the Pistol Prince" Butler.After a garou hunt goes south and Jane finds a suspicious-like bite on her arm, she turns tail for Deadwood, where theres talk of a garou cure. But rumors can be deceiving--meaning the gang better hightail it after her before theyre a day late and a Jane short.In this perfect next read for fans of A Gentlemans Guide to Vice and Virtue, bestselling authors Cynthia Hand, Jodi Meadows, and Brodi Ashton bring their signature spark to the side-splittin, whopper-filled (but actually kind of factual?) tale of Calamity Jane.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Не установлено
Артикул: 2873008
ISBN: 9780062652829
Страницы: 520
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

My calamity jane
589 руб.
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Darien Twelve Families
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Darien Twelve Families
The city of Darien lies at the heart of a dying empire.Twelve families spoil for a throne soon to be made vacant - by murder or civil war. Into this fevered, hungry city come six strangers:An orphan and an old swordsman.A hunter and a pitiless killer.A young thief and a cynical chancer.As the sun sinks the city will know no slumber. For long dormant passions have awoken. Fortunes will be won and lost. Lives will be staked and claimed.And a story long waiting to be told will catch fire in the telling . . ..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Penguin Books
Артикул: 2682606
ISBN: 9780718186470
Автор: Иггульден Конн, Iggulden C.F
Страницы: 340
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Darien Twelve Families
590 руб.
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The Body Lies
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The Body Lies
When a young writer accepts a job at a university in the remote countryside, it s meant to be a fresh start. But when one of her students starts sending in chapters from his novel that blur the lines between fiction and reality, the professor recognizes herself as the main character in his book - and he has written her a horrific fate.Will she be able to stop life imitating art before it s too late?At once a breathless battle-of-wits and a disarming exploration of sexual politics, The Body Lies is an essential book for our times.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Black Swan
Артикул: 2826613
ISBN: 9781784164522
Страницы: 273
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Body Lies
590 руб.
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The Colour Out of Space
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The Colour Out of Space
The master of weird fiction, H. P. Lovecraft combines cosmic fantasy with creeping horror in these three tales of malevolent alien forces, body-switching and travel across the space-time continuum.Evil, in Lovecraft, is universal, pervasive Michael ChabonHis prescience and novelty seem more and more remarkable ... shows a deeply modern horror at the universe Guardian

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Penguin Books
Артикул: 2826617
ISBN: 9780241443934
Автор: Лавкрафт Говард Филлипс
Страницы: 226
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Colour Out of Space
590 руб.
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The Puzzler s War
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The Puzzler s War
In a world transformed by technological disaster, the last survivor of the Guild of Historians and his wisecracking mercenary companion once again find themselves searching for a missing child with unfathomable abilities.Battling through a brutal future and returning to the dangerous City of Towers, they will need brains, heavy weapons, and a whole lot of luck to survive.But they are also haunted - and hunted - by shadows of the past. The story of a scientist who survived the end of the world holds deadly secrets. And a ruthless assassin from another era is on their trail.Stunningly creative and breakneck-paced, book two of The Tarakan Chronicles is a science fiction adventure like no other.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Harper Collins Publishers
Артикул: 2826260
ISBN: 9780008272333
Страницы: 548
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The Puzzler s War
590 руб.
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Doctor Who: Borrowed Time
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Doctor Who: Borrowed Time
Andrew Brown never has enough time. No time to call his sister, no time to prepare for that important presentation at the bank where he works... the train's late, the lift jams, the all-important meeting's started by the time he arrives. Disaster. If only he'd had just a little more time. Time is the business of Mr Symington and Mr Blenkinsop. They'll lend Andrew Brown some time - at a very reasonable rate of interest. If he was in trouble before he borrowed time, things have just got a lot worse! Detecting a problem, the Doctor, Amy, and Rory go undercover at the bank. The Doctor's a respected expert, and Amy's his trusted advisor. Rory has a job in the post room. But they have to move fast to stop Symington and Blenkinsop before they cash in their investments.................
Год: 2019
Производитель: ВБС Логистик
Артикул: 2340589
ISBN: 9781849902335
Страницы: 255
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

Doctor Who: Borrowed Time
592 руб.
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The End of the World Survivors Club
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The End of the World Survivors Club
In THE END OF THE WORLD RUNNING CLUB Edgar Hill ran 550 miles after an apocalypse to try and find his family.He had it easy.This is his wife s story.Beth Hill has survived the apocalypse with a baby and toddler in tow. And what s more she s done it alone - without her husband s help. He s never been any help. But when disaster strikes and someone steals her kids, she knows what she has to do.The new world might be very different: no government, no law, no infrastructure and a whole lot more ocean than there used to be. But one thing hasn t changed - the lengths a mother will go to save her family

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Penguin Books
Артикул: 2811921
ISBN: 9781785035739
Автор: Уолкер Эдриан
Страницы: 454
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

The End of the World Survivors Club
594 руб.
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A Sky Beyond the Storm
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A Sky Beyond the Storm
The long-imprisoned jinn are on the attack, wreaking bloody havoc in villages and cities alike. But for the Nightbringer, vengeance on his human foes is just the beginning.At his side, Commandant Keris Veturia declares herself Empress, and calls for the heads of any and all who defy her rule. At the top of the list? The Blood Shrike and her remaining family.Laia of Serra, now allied with the Blood Shrike, struggles to recover from the loss of the two people most important to her. Determined to stop the approaching apocalypse, she throws herself into the destruction of the Nightbringer. In the process, she awakens an ancient power that could lead her to victory - or to an unimaginable doom.And deep in the Waiting Place, the Soul Catcher seeks only to forget the life - and love - he left behind. Yet doing so means ignoring the trail of murder left by the Nightbringer and his jinn. To uphold his oath and protect the human world from the supernatural, the Soul Catcher must look beyond the borders of his own land. He must take on a mission that could save - or destroy - all that he knows.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2021
Производитель: Harper Collins Publishers
Артикул: 2971874
ISBN: 9780008411695
Автор: Tahir Sabaa
Страницы: 519
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Фантастика. Мистика. Ужасы

A Sky Beyond the Storm
597 руб.
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451 градус по Фаренгейту
451 градус по Фаренгейту. Книга для чтения на английском языке. Повесть знаменитого американского писателя-фантаста 451 градус по Фаренгейту написана более полувека назад, но своей актуальности не потеряла и по сей день. Ее лейтмотив - озабоченность духовным обликом будущего. Будущее, как его видел Бредбери, довольно мрачно: тоталитарное государство, в котором пресекается любое инакомыслие. Реклама, бесконечные телешоу - вот и все, что нужно человеку для безмятежного счастья. Так решило государство, и оно защищает своих граждан в меру собственного разумения: разговаривать друг с другом - значит думать, думать заставляют книги, поэтому, дабы не нарушать покоя обывателей, их надлежит сжигать. 451 градус по Фаренгейту - это температура горения бумаги. Предлагаем вниманию читателей неадаптированный текст повести, снабженный комментариями и словарем.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Modern Prosa

The Invisible Man (Человек-нивидимка), на английском языке
Вниманию читателей предлагается полный, неадаптированный текст известного научно-фантастического романа Герберта Уэллса Человек-невидимка (1897). Издание рассчитано на лиц, владеющих основами английского языка и совершенствующих свои навыки в нём.........................

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Классики в оригинале

13 Great Horror Stories: 13 жутких историй: Книга для чтения на английском языке
Вниманию читателей предлагается сборник популярных рассказов-триллеров английских и американских авторов. Издание рассчитано на лиц, владеющих основами английского языка и совершенствующих свои навыки в нём.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Классики в оригинале

The Tell-Tale Heart
Just one line from the short story says it all: "Presently I heard a slight groan, and I knew it was a groan of mortal terror .. the low stifled sound that arises from the bottom of the soul." A man confronts himself and an unknown listener with his desire to murder an old man. Is it his father? Is the man mad? Is he in jail or an institution? A psychological thriller with many more questions than answers.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Призраки усадьбы Блай. Сборник рассказов: книга для чтения на английском языке
Поклонникам популярного сериала Призраки усадьбы Блай наверняка знакомы герои и сюжеты всех рассказов этой книги. Поворот винта мистико-психологическая повесть, ставшая культовой для мирового кинематографа XX и XXI веков.В усадьбе Блай происходят необъяснимые события, заставляющие читателя сомневаться, что реально, а что нет. Пытаясь понять таинственные явления, главная героиня ищет разгадку в прошлом в отношениях между людьми, жившими в усадьбе до нее. Неужели призраки пытаются завладеть душами живых?Любители классического сюжета о доме с привидениями обязательно оценят эту книгу. Неадаптированный текст публикуется без сокращений и снабжен примечаниями и словарем.

Серия: Classical Literature

The Haunting of Hill House / Призрак дома на холме
Вашему вниманию предлагается книга на английском языке The Haunting of Hill House / Призрак дома на холме

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Horror Story. КАРО

The Wendigo = Вендиго. Книга для чтения на англйском языке
Элджернон Блэквуд английский писатель, путешественник и мистик первой половины XX века. Основоположник жанра хоррор, он оказал влияние на всех современных писателей этого жанра. Последователи и поклонники признают в нем мастера мистической истории с привидениями.В сборнике представлены самые завораживающие тексты Блэквуда. Каждая история со своей особой атмосферой, каждая захватывает читателя и заставляет сомневаться в том, что реально, а что нет. Автор погружает читателя в мир непознаваемых, древних и таинственных сил, где нет места здравому смыслу. Реальный мир в его произведениях постоянно соприкасается с волнующей тайной и необъяснимым ужасом.В книге представлены неадаптированные полные тексты повестей на английском языке.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Horror Story

Fahrenheit 451
Роман рисует антиутопическое общество будущего, а по сути - нашу реальность, доведенную до абсурда. Это одно из редких научно-фантастических произведений Брэдбери. Очень волнующее, трогательное и, вместе с тем, очень живое и динамичное. В рабочем кабинете писателя к стене прибит автомобильный номер "Р-451", притом что сам он за руль ни разу не садился.Издание на английском языке.

Серия: My Favourite Fiction

Одержимый, или Сделка с призраком : книга для чтения на английском языке
Предлагаем вниманию читателей рождественскую повесть классика английской и мировой литературы Ч. Диккенса "Одержимый, или сделка с призраком".Главный герой повести, учитель химии Редлоу, довольно часто вспоминает об обидах и горестях прошлого, о промахах и досадах. Обо всем этом знает Призрак, зловещий двойник Редлоу, который его преследует...В книге представлен текст повести с комментариями и словарем.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Чтение в оригинале

Fahrenheit 451 = 451 по Фаренгейту
451 по Фаренгейту - температура, при которой воспламеняется и горит бумага. Философская антиутопия Брэдбери рисует беспросветную картину развития постиндустриального общества: это мир будущего, в котором все письменные издания безжалостно уничтожаются.

Обложка: Твердый переплёт

Серия: My Favourite Fiction

Великий бог Пан
Признанный классик жанра хоррор с эталонными страшилками в оригинале, на богатом и образном английском языке.Перед вами знаковая проза Мейчена: таинственные и запутанные истории с неочевидным финалом. Сюжеты держат читателя в постоянном сладостном напряжении. Оккультные тайны, странные эксперименты с человеческой природой, древние языческие силы, зловещие убийства и страшные видения... Мистика и саспенс проникли в литературу ХХ века через Артура Мейчена и остались в мировой поп-культуре навсегда.Неадаптированные тексты на английском языке без сокращений.

Серия: Horror Story. КАРО

I, Robot
Сборник рассказов "Я, робот" - один из самых известных сборников классика американской фантастической литературы Айзека Азимова. В нем впервые были разработаны три закона робототехники, ставшие впоследствии традиционными для всех писателей-фантастов.

Серия: My Favourite Fiction

The Call of Cthulchu / Зов Ктулху
Перед вами сборник коротких рассказов знаменитого писателя-мистика Говарда Филлипса Лавкрафта. Эти истории положили начало целой литературной вселенной, названной "Мифами Ктулху". Огромная и загадочная вселенная Лавкрафта, нашедшая столько ярых поклонников и почитателей по всему миру, захватывает и очаровывает всех любителей мистики и фантастики. Последователи писателя дополняют "Мифы Ктулху" новыми книгами, фильмами и компьютерными играми. Вселенная ужасов Лавкрафта - жемчужина мировой культуры и актуальный мейнстрим нового века.Неадаптированный текст рассказов печатается без сокращений и подойдет всем, кто изучает английский язык.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Horror Story

Currant Events
This is the 28th pun-studded entry in the Xanth series. In the magical Land of Xanth, Good Magician Humfrey has the power to provide the answer to any question, but always demands a service in return. So when Clio, the Muse of History, asks Humfrey to decipher one of her books, he sends her on a perilous quest to save the dragons of Xanth.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy = Руководство для путешествующих автостопом по Галактике : книга
Однажды невезучий англичанин Артур Дент чудом спасается от неминуемой гибели благодаря своему другу Форду Префекту, оказавшемуся инопланетянином. Планета Земля стёрта с карты звёздного неба, и им ничего больше не остаётся, кроме как странствовать по галактике, отбиваясь от монстров полотенцем, попивая коктейль "Пангалактический грызлодёр" и оттягиваясь по полной. По счастливой случайности "Золотое сердце", недавно угнанный корабль на невероятностной тяге, подбирает Артура и Форда. На борту они встречают безбашенного президента галактики Зафода Библброкса и его подружку Триллиан, с которыми Артур, оказывается, уже знаком. Вместе они отправляются на поиски сокровищ легендарной планеты Магратея. А в это время некие высшие существа охотятся на Артура в отчаянной попытке найти Основной Вопрос к Основному Ответу, касающемуся Жизни, Вселенной и Всего Остального.Текст сокращён и адаптирован.Уровень B1.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Abridged & Adapted

The Green Mile / Зеленая миля
Вашему вниманию предлагается книга на английском языке The Green Mile / Зеленая миля

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Modern Prosa м

Fierce, Fearless and Free
A brilliant, inclusive collection of traditional tales from around the world featuring amazing women and girls.Once upon a time, there was a handsome prince who - no, thats not right! Once upon a time, there were strong, fierce women who plotted, schemed, took action, showed kindness, used magic and trickery, and made their own destiny. From the long-haired Petrosinella who escaped the tower and broke the spell that the ogress had cast over her and Nana Miriam who beat a hippo using politeness and magic, to Kate Crackernuts who tried to save her stepsister from her mothers curse, these are stories of girls doing it for themselves!With stories drawn from all over the world, including China, Scotland, Armenia, Italy and Nigeria, Lari Don presents heroine stories that dont leave girls sitting around waiting to be saved by the handsome prince.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Unchained from fate, the Norse gods Loki and Hel are ready to unleash Ragnarok, a.k.a. the Apocalypse, upon the earth. They ve made allies on the darker side of many pantheons, and there s a globe-spanning battle brewing that ancient Druid Atticus O Sullivan will be hard-pressed to survive, much less win.Granuaile MacTiernan must join immortals Sun Wukong and Erlang Shen in a fight against the Yama Kings in Taiwan, but she discovers that the stakes are much higher than she thought.Meanwhile, Archdruid Owen Kennedy must put out both literal and metaphorical fires from Bavaria to Peru to keep the world safe for his apprentices and the future of Druidry.And Atticus recruits the aid of a tyromancer, an Indian witch, and a trickster god in hopes that they ll give him just enough leverage to both save Gaia and see another sunrise. There is a hound named Oberon who deserves a snack, after all..........

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Invisible Man
Herbert George Wells (1866 1946) a famous English writer who worked in many literary genres. Wells is best remembered for his science fiction novels and is called a "father of science fiction"; his most notable works include The Time Machine, The Island of Doctor Moreau, The Invisible Man, and The War of the Worlds. The Invisible Man is a science fiction novella originally published in 1897. The Invisible Man of the title is Griffin, a scientist who has devoted himself to research into optics and invents a way to change a body's refractive index to that of air, thus becoming invisible. He successfully carries out this procedure on himself, but fails in his attempt to reverse it.

Серия: Palmyra Classics

Пища богов= The food of the gods: книга для чтения на английском языке
Вниманию читателей предлагается широко известный фантастический роман Г. Дж. Уэллса Пища богов .Издание адресовано студентам языковых вузов, а также всем любителям англоязычной литературы и, в частности, фантастики. Неадаптированный текст на языке оригинала снабжен постраничными комментариями и словарем.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Classical Literature

The Demon Club
The gripping new Ben Hope thriller from the Number One bestseller.Life is good for ex-SAS soldier and rescue specialist Ben Hope. He's found love, peace and happiness at last... That is, until a man he's never seen before sits beside him on a plane, and makes him a proposal that turns his whole world upside down.Now Ben must embark on a deadly mission to eliminate a former SAS comrade, the enigmatic, elusive and highly capable Jaden Wolf. If Ben fails, the people he cares about will die as punishment.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Weirdstone of Brisingamen
All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, down-loaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins.HarperCollinsPublishers has made every reasonable effort to ensure that any picture content and written content in this ebook has been included or removed in accordance with the contractual and technological constraints in operation at the time of publication.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Dandelion Wine = Вино из одуванчиков
Книга на английском языке..

Обложка: Твердый переплёт

Серия: My Favourite Fiction

Busted Flush (м)
In 1946, an alien virus that rewrites human DNA is accidentally unleashed in the skies over New York City. It kills 90 percent of those it infects, but one percent gains superpowers. The latest book in the the Wild Cards series is the tale of the history of the world since then.
Fort Freak
In 1946, an alien virus that rewrites human DNA was accidentally unleashed in the skies over New York City. It killed ninety percent of those it infected. Nine percent survived, mutated into tragically deformed creatures. And one percent gained superpowers. The Wild Cards shared-universe series, created and edited by New York Times #1 bestseller George R. R. Martin (called the American Tolkien by Time ), is the tale of the history of the world since then - and of the heroes among the one percent..Now, in the latest Wild Cards mosaic novel, we get to know the hardbitten world of Manhattan's Fifth Precinct - or Fort Freak, as cops and malefactors alike call the cop-shop where every other desk sergeant, detective, and patrol officer is more than human..Featuring original work by writers such as Cherie Priest, author of the bestselling Boneshaker; Paul Cornell, Hugo-nominated comic book and Doctor Who writer; David Anthony Durham, winner of 2009's John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer; and many others, Fort Freak is one of the strongest offerings yet in the ongoing Wild Cards project.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Inside Straight (м)
In 1946, an alien virus that rewrites human DNA was accidentally unleashed in the skies over New York City. It killed ninety percent of those it infected. Nine percent of those who survived mutated into tragically deformed creatures. And one percent gained superpowers. The Wild Cards shared-universe series, created and edited since 1987 by New York Times #1 bestseller George R. R. Martin along with Melinda Snodgrass, is the tale of the history of the world since then and of the heroes among that one percent..Originally begun in 1987, long before George R. R. Martin became a household name among fantasy readers ("The American Tolkien" --Time magazine), the Wild Cards series earned a reputation among connoisseurs for its smart reimagining of the superhero idea. Now, with Inside Straight, the Wild Cards continuity jumps forward to a new generation of major characters, entirely accessible to Martin's hundreds of thousands of new readers, with all-original stories by Martin himself, along with Daniel Abraham, Michael Cassutt, and Stephen Leigh, among others.
Dune. House Corrino. Book three
Book Three of the Epic Prequel to the Classic Novel Dune--Soon to Be a Major Motion PictureThe grand finale of the complex epic trilogy of the generation before Frank Herberts masterwork Dune. Shaddam Corrino IV, Emperor of the Known Universe, has risked everything to create a substitute for the spice melange . . . The substance that makes space travel possible . . . That prolongs life . . . That allows prescience . . . A substance that is found only on the desert planet Arrakis, a harsh world of storms and monstrous sandworms. Shaddam has used the noble houses as chess pieces for his scheme, causing the overthrow of powerful families, raising other houses to power. The Bene Gesserit Sisterhood works their own plans, manipulating bloodlines, trying to create their long-awaited messiah, the Kwisatz Haderach. Duke Leto Atreides battles his mortal enemy, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, while his love for the beautiful and wise Jessica grows even in the face of bloodshed and betrayal. But are they all just pawns of an inevitable future centered around the planet Dune? Look for the entire prequel seriesDUNE: HOUSE ATREIDES - DUNE: HOUSE HARKONNEN - DUNE: HOUSE CORRINO

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Dune. House Harkonnen. Book two
Book Two of the Epic Prequel to the Classic Novel Dune--A Major Motion Picture Sequel to the international bestseller Dune: House Atreides Before Dune . . . The epic tale of Duke Leto Atreides and his rise to power . . . The fierce ambitions of his mortal enemy, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen . . . The struggles of the young girl Jessica, the Barons secret daughter, under the harsh training of the Sisterhood school . . . The schemes of Shaddam Corrino to create a synthetic spice that may bring unlimited wealth, or cause the collapse of the Spacing Guild . . . And the implausible dream of Planetologist Kynes to turn the desert planet Dune into a paradise, uniting the desperate Fremen into a force unlike anything the Imperium has ever seen . . .Dune: House Harkonnen continues the epic story that lays the foundation for Frank Herberts masterpiece Dune, a complex tale of politics, religion, and the rise and fall of dynasties on a galaxy-spanning canvas. Look for the entire prequel seriesDUNE: HOUSE ATREIDES - DUNE: HOUSE HARKONNEN - DUNE: HOUSE CORRINO

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Haunting the Deep
Samantha Mather knew her family's connection to the infamous Salem Witch Trials might pose obstacles to an active social life. But having survived one curse, she never thought she'd find herself at the center of a new one.This time, Sam is having recurring dreams about the Titanic . . . where she's been walking the deck with first-class passengers, like her aunt and uncle. Meanwhile, in Sam's waking life, strange missives from the Titanic have been finding their way to her, along with haunting visions of people who went down with the ship.Ultimately, Sam and the Descendants, along with some help from heartthrob Elijah, must unravel who is behind the spell that is drawing her ever further into the dream ship . . . and closer to sharing the same grim fate as its ghostly passengers..........

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Night Shift
At Midnight s local pawnshop, weapons are flying off the shelves only to be used in sudden and dramatic suicides right at the main crossroads in town. Who better to figure out why blood is being spilled than the vampire Lemuel, who, while translating mysterious texts, discovers what makes Midnight the town it is. There s a reason why witches and werewolves, killers and psychics, have been drawn to this place..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Passage. A Novel
An epic and gripping tale of catastrophe and survival, The Passage is the story of Amy-abandoned by her mother at the age of six, pursued and then imprisoned by the shadowy figures behind a government experiment of apocalyptic proportions. But Special Agent Brad Wolgast, the lawman sent to track her down, is disarmed by the curiously quiet girl and risks everything to save her. As the experiment goes nightmarishly wrong, Wolgast secures her escape-but he can't stop society's collapse. And as Amy walks alone, across miles and decades, into a future dark with violence and despair, she is filled with the mysterious and terrifying knowledge that only she has the power to save the ruined world..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Dark Blade
Lann knows nothing of his mysterious past, but by his fifteenth birthday he will come face to face with destiny. For Lann must wield the Dreadblade, an ancient sword forged to defeat terrible monsters.Across the mountains a King has been murdered. His daughter, Astrid, is a warrior with no desire to bear the crown. Only she can uncover her father's killer before her brother is framed for the crime.Evil is stirring. Lann and Astrid are the kingdom's last defence. Together, they must face the greatest darkness their world has ever known.
Infernal Devices
The third thrilling book in the award-winning MORTAL ENGINES quartet.In a world removed from the huge motorized cities of MORTAL ENGINES, Wren is desperate to escape the static city of Anchorage, and a charming submarine pirate is ready to help her. But when she steals a mysterious object, she ignites a conflict that could tear the world apart.MORTAL ENGINES launched Philip Reeve's brilliantly-imagined creation, the world of the Traction Era, where mobile cities fight for survival in a post-apocalyptic future. Now, in time for the film debut, the critically acclaimed MORTAL ENGINES quartet is repackaged with a fantastic and eye-catching cover featuring new artwork..
The Weight of a Thousand Feathers
WINNER OF THE AN POST IRISH BOOK AWARDS TEEN & YOUNG ADULT BOOK OF THE YEAR 2018.LONGLISTED FOR THE CILIP CARNEGIE MEDAL 2019.Bobby Seed has questions. What's another word for 'thesaurus'? How can I tell Bel I want her as my girl friend, not my girlfriend? How much pain is Mum in today? Has she taken her pills? And sometimes, secretly, Why us?Bobby's little brother Danny has questions too. Will Bobby let him have Rice Krispies for dinner? And can he stay up late on the computer? And why won't Mum's stupid illness just GO AWAY?But it's Mum's question for Bobby that could turn everything on its head. It's the Big One. The Unthinkable One. If Bobby agrees, he won't just be soothing her pain. He'll be helping to end it.Would he? Could he?.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Doctor Who: Revenge of the Judoon
The TARDIS brings the Doctor and Martha to Balmoral in 1902. Here they meet Captain Harry Carruthers - friend of the new king, Edward VII. Together they head for the castle to see the king - only to find that Balmoral Castle is gone, leaving just a hole in the ground..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Keys to the Kingdom. Book One. Mister Monday
Seven days. Seven keys. Seven virtues. Seven sins. One mysterious house is the doorway to a very mysterious world -- where one boy is about to venture and unlock a number of fantastical secrets.This is another thrilling, triumphantly imaginative series from Garth Nix, the best-selling author of The Seventh Tower, Sabriel, Lirael, Frogkisser!, and the Troubletwisters series.

Серия: The Keys to the Kingdom м

Wrath of the Storm
Trouble has a way of seeking out Nicolas Calva, and it's not likely to leave him alone any time soon. With Caesar's magic bulla, the Malice of Mars, and the possibility of a Jupiter Stone in play, all the powers of Rome are circling Nic. He'll have to maneuver his way through scheming government officials and reawakened magical beasts to save the Empire. Can he manage to keep his friends and family safe, claim his own freedom once and for all, and rescue the Empire -- before the magic gets the better of him?.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Humans, Bow Down
The Great War is over. The robots have won. The humans who survived have two choices: they can submit and serve the vicious rulers they created, or be banished to the Reserve a desolate and hopeless slum camp. Now, following the orders of their soulless leader, the robots are planning to finish what the Great War started and conquer humanity's last refuge. Six, whose family was killed with the first shots of the war, is a young woman with nothing left to lose. Escaping the Reserve with her friend Dubs, Six knows she must find a way to stop the robots, before they wipe humans off the face of the earth..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Gregor and the Code of Claw
The stunning conclusion to the riveting Gregor the Overlander series.Everyone in the Underland has been taking great pains to keep The Prophecy of Time from Gregor. Gregor knows it must say something awful but he never imagined just how awful: it calls for the warrior s death.Now, with an army of rats approaching, and his mum and sister still in Regalia, Gregor the warrior must gather up his courage to help defend Regalia and get his family home safely. The entire existence of the Underland is in Gregor s hands, and time is running out. There is a code to be cracked, a mysterious new princess, Gregor s burgeoning dark side, and a war to end all wars.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Gregor and the Marks of Secret
The fourth book in a gripping young fantasy series from the author of THE HUNGER GAMES.It s only been a few months since Gregor and Boots returned from the Underland, leaving their mother behind to heal from the plague. Though Gregor s family receives frequent updates on her condition, they all know Gregor must return to fulfill his role as the warrior who is key to the Underlanders survival.Accompanied by his now-talkative little sister Boots, still considered the honorary "princess, " Gregor joins forces with another princess - 12-year-old Luxa - and Ripred the rat to defend the Underlanders and the vulnerable "Nibblers, " or mice, from the rat army.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Born of Vengeance
Bastien Cabarro survived the brutal slaughter of his entire family only to have his wife pin their murders on him. Made Ravin by The League, he is now a target for their assassins-in-training to hunt and kill. The average life expectancy for such beings is six weeks. But defying the odds is what this Gyron Force officer does best?and Bastien won t rest until he lays his betrayers in their graves.Ten years later, Bastien has one chance to strike back, provided he relies on his former wingman?the very sister of the woman who testified against him. Major Ember Wyldestarrin joined the outlaw Tavali the day Kirovar fell to a tyrant, and she and her team were left to die under the barrage of enemy fire. Today, Ember vows revenge on those who murdered her parents and forced her and her sisters into exile. But joining forces with Bastien comes with a cost?and an attraction too dangerous for their own good. Is it worth the fight if losing means a fate worse than death?

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Lords of the North (The Last Kingdom Series, Book 3)
Uhtred wants revenge. He wants the land and castle that is his. He wants his treacherous uncle to pay for taking them...Heading north with his lover, former nun Hild, he finds chaos as the Vikings battle among themselves to consolidate their hold on the region. At the heart of it are men from Uhtred s past Sven the One-Eyed and Kjartan the Cruel, men of vicious reputation. Still, he has matched such men before...Then Uhtred suffers a betrayal to rival the treachery that deprived him of his birthright. It will leave him trapped with no hope of escape
Cold storage
They thought it was contained. They were wrong.After decades underground in a forgotten sub-basement, a highly mutative organism - capable of extinction-level destruction - has found its way out.Only Pentagon bioterror operative Roberto Diaz can stop it. With the help of two unwitting security guards, he has one night to quarantine this horror, before it destroys all of humanity.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Skeleton's Holiday
'Ring for your maid, and when she comes in we'll pounce upon her and tear off her face. I'll wear her face tonight instead of mine.'These dreamlike, carnivalesque fables by one of the leading lights of the Surrealist movement are masterpieces of invention and grand-guignol humour.Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit of the iconic Penguin Modern Classics series, with each one offering a concentrated hit of its contemporary, international flavour. Here are authors ranging from Kathy Acker to James Baldwin, Truman Capote to Stanislaw Lem and George Orwell to Shirley Jackson; essays radical and inspiring; poems moving and disturbing; stories surreal and fabulous; taking us from the deep South to modern Japan, New York's underground scene to the farthest reaches of outer space.

Серия: Penguin Modern Classics

Horizon. Book 2. Deadzone
The survivors have made it out of the jungle, but they may be sorry they ever left when they stumble upon a whole new ecosystem, populated with entirely new threats.And the greatest threat of all may come from within. Because one of the kids is changing...The epic series begun by #1 New York Times bestseller Scott Westerfeld only gets bigger and bolder under the frenzied imagination of bestselling, critically acclaimed author Jennifer A. Nielsen!..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Keys to the Kingdom. Book Five. Lady Friday
Four of the seven Trustees have been defeated and their Keys taken, but for Arthur, the week is still getting worse. Suzy Blue and Fred Gold Numbers have been captured by the Piper, and his New Nithling army still controls most of the Great Maze. Superior Saturday is causing trouble wherever she can, including turning off all the elevators in the House and blocking the Front Door.Amidst all this trouble, Arthur must weigh an offer from Lady Friday that is either a cunning trap for the Rightful Heir or a golden opportunity he must seize -- before he's beaten to it!

Серия: The Keys to the Kingdom м

The Keys to the Kingdom. Book Four. Sir Thursday
On the fourth day there was war . .Following their adventures in the Border Sea, Arthur and Leaf head for home. But only Leaf gets through the Front Door. Arthur is blocked because someone . . . or something . . . has assumed his identity and is taking over his life. Before Arthur can take action, he is drafted by Sir Thursday and forced to join the Glorious Army of the Architect. While Leaf tries to banish Arthur's doppelganger on earth, Arthur must survive his basic training, avoid getting posted to the Front and work out how he can free Part Four of the Will.

Серия: The Keys to the Kingdom м

Wild Cards III. Jokers Wild
"The journey into high adventure soars on! Let the secret history of the world be told--of the alien virus that struck Earth after World War II, and of the handful of survivors who found they now possessed superhuman powers. Some were called Aces, endowed with powerful mental and physical prowess. The others were Jokers, tormented by bizarre mind or body disfigurements. Some served humanity. Others wreaked terror. Now, forty years later, under the streets of Manhattan an evil genius unleashes the powers of darkness--and Aces and Jokers alike must fight for their lives. Here, in the third volume of the Wild Cards series, seven of science fiction's most gifted writers take you on a journey of wonder and excitement.Includes stories by: Edward Bryant, Leanne C. Harper, George R. R. Martin, John J. Miller, Lewis Shiner, Walter Simons, Melinda M. Snodgrass" .

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Queen's Secret
From #1 bestselling author Melissa de la Cruz comes the heart-pounding follow-up to The Queens Assassin, perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo and Holly Black.Lilacs birthright makes her the Queen of Renovia, and a forced marriage made her the Queen of Montrice. But being a ruler does not mean making the rules. For Lilac, taking the throne means giving up the opportunity to be with love of her life, the kingdoms assassin, Caledon Holt.Worse, Cal is forced to leave the castle when a horrific set of magical attacks threatens Lilacs sovereignty. Now Cal and Lilac will have to battle dark forces separately, even though being together is the only thing thats ever saved them.In the riveting conclusion to Melissa De La Cruzs fantasy duet, love and magic are at war, and victory rests on a knifes edge.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane
The second in a gripping young fantasy series from the author of THE HUNGER GAMES.Spies have reported the sighting of a Rat King in the Underland, a character who has been legendary since the Middle Ages. Recognizable by its tremendous size and snow-white coat, the Rat King is destined to bring war to the Underland.But when Gregor eventually comes face to face with the Rat King, he finds he is unable to kill him. Gregors heart tells him hes making the right decision. Will it be one he lives to regret?

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Defender of the Realm
Alfie thought he knew his destiny. He didn't know the half of it.Fourteen-year-old heir to the throne, Alfie, didn't expect to be King so soon. He DEFINITELY did not expect to be DEFENDER OF THE REALM, a legendary superhero, fighting a secret, centuries-long battle to protect the nation from monsters and super-villains. An ordinary girl, Hayley Hicks, finds herself fighting alongside Alfie in a desperate struggle to stop a fearsome new enemy, the Black Dragon..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Defender of the Realm. Dark Age
The action-packed second book in the Defender of the Realm trilogy! After the great battle at King Alfie's coronation, the nation thinks it's seen the last of the Black Dragon, and Alfie gets busy learning what it means to fill his father's shoes. But when a band of undead Vikings appears, Alfie, Hayley and the rest of the Yeoman Warders fear that Professor Lock is back to finish what he's started. For the epic battle that's brewing, Alfie will need to enlist help from abroad, as well as from a mysterious new friend who seems to be watching over him....

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Passage
An epic and gripping tale of catastrophe and survival, The Passageis the story of Amy abandoned by her mother at the age of six, pursued and then imprisoned by the shadowy figures behind a government experiment of apocalyptic proportions. But Special Agent Brad Wolgast, the lawman sent to track her down, is disarmed by the curiously quiet girl and risks everything to save her. As the experiment goes nightmarishly wrong, Wolgast secures her escape but he can t stop society s collapse. And as Amy walks alone, across miles and decades, into a future dark with violence and despair, she is filled with the mysterious and terrifying knowledge that only she has the power to save the ruined world..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

История с привидениями
Эпичная история от мастера жанра хоррор в оригинале, на английском языке. Необъяснимые явления переворачивают жизнь провинциального городка с ног на голову. Загадочные самоубийства, внезапные помутнения рассудка, шокирующие убийства, исчезновения людей и падеж скота, природные катаклизмы... Город погружается в панику. Но несколько друзей, связанных старой тайной, знают, кто, а точнее что, безжалостно мстит им и всему городу...Роман печатается с незначительными сокращениями, снабжен комментариями и словарем.

Серия: Horror Story. КАРО

9 From the Nine Worlds
An all-new collection of short stories from the world of Magnus Chase!Travel the Nine Worlds with your favourite characters from the world of Magnus Chase in a brand-new series of adventures.Find out why Amir Fadlan hates clothes shopping in Midgard, see how Mallory Keen learns in icy Niflheim that insulting a dragon can be a good idea, and join Alex Fierro as they play with fire (and a disco sword) in the home of the fire giants, Muspellheim.But watch out for Thor, who is jogging through all Nine Worlds so he can log his million steps - and is raising quite a stink . . .

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Generation One (м) Lore
It has been over a year since the invasion of Earth was thwarted. Taylor Cook thought of the invasion as just a bad dream. She'd heard about teens who were suddenly developing incredible abilities, but she had never really believed it. Not until the day she discovered she was one of them - a human with Legacies. Now Taylor is being sent off to the Human Garde Academy. A place where teens from across the globe can learn to control their new powers and discover what they are truly capable of. But not everyone thinks that's the best use of their talents. And the teens may need to use their Legacies sooner than they ever imagined. Perfect for fans of Marvel's X-Men and Rick Yancey's The 5th Wave, this epic new series follows a diverse cast of teens as they struggle to hone their abilities and decide what, if anything, they should do with them.
A girl and a baby. A priest and a poacher. A savage pursuit through the landscape of a changing rural England.When a teenage girl leaves the workhouse and abducts a child placed in her care, the local priest is called upon to retrieve them. Chased through the Cumbrian mountains of a distant past, the girl fights starvation and the elements, encountering the hermits, farmers and hunters who occupy the remote hillside communities. An American Southern Gothic tale set against the violent beauty of Northern England, Beastings is a sparse and poetic novel about morality, motherhood and corruption.
Last Descendants
Nothing in Owen's life has been right since his father died in prison, accused of a crime Owen is certain he didn't commit. Monroe, the IT guy at school, might finally bring Owen the means to clear his father's name by letting him use an Animus-a device that lets users explore genetic memories buried within their own DNA. During a simulation, Owen comes uncovers the existence of a powerful relic long considered a legend-the Trident of Eden. Now two secret organizations will stop at nothing to take possession of this artifact-the Brotherhood of Assassins and the Templar Order. It becomes clear the only way to save himself is to find the Trident first.Under the guidance of Monroe, Owen and a group of other teenagers go into a memory they all share within their DNA: the 1863 Draft Riots in New York City. Owen and his companions will find themselves tested on the violent streets of New York, and their experiences in the past will have far-reaching consequences in the present................................................
The Keeper. Vega Jane Book Two
Vega Jane was always told no one could leave the town of Wormwood. She was told there was nothing outside but the Quag, a wilderness filled with danger and death. And she believed it -- until the night she stumbled across a secret that proved that everything she knew was a lie.Now just one thing stands between Vega Jane and freedom -- the Quag. In order to leave Wormwood and discover the truth about her world, Vega and her best friend Delph must find a way to make it across a terrifying land of bloodthirsty creatures and sinister magic. But the Quag is worse than Vega Jane's darkest imagining. It's a living, breathing prison designed to keep enemies out and the villagers of Wormwood in.The Quag will throw everything at Vega Jane. It will try to break her. It will try to kill her. And survival might come at a price not even Vega Jane is willing to pay.Bestselling author David Baldacci unleashes a hurricane of action and adrenaline that takes readers to the breaking point...............................................

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Beast Of Buckingham Palace
The year is 2120. London is in ruins, the people are hungry and darkness has fallen across the world. Prince Alfred, a sickly boy of twelve, has never known life outside Buckingham Palace. But evil forces are at work, and soon Alfred must do battle with the King of the Beasts the Griffin
2041 and the world as we know it grinds to a halt. Our planet seems to be turning against itself - it would appear that the magnetic field, that protects life on Earth from deadly radiation from space, is failing . . .Desperate to quell the mass hysteria that would surely follow, world governments have concealed this rapidly emerging Armageddon. But a young Iranian hacktivist stumbles across the truth, and it becomes a race against time to reactivate the earth's core using beams of dark matter.As a small team of brave and brilliant scientists battle to find a way of transforming theory into practice, they face a fanatical group intent on pursuing their own endgame agenda: for they believe mankind to be a plague upon this earth and will do anything, commit any crime, to ensure that the project fails . . .And so bring about humanity's end.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

451 градус по Фаренгейту: книга для чтения на английском языке
В книге представлен роман-антиутопия Рэя Брэдбери 451 по Фаренгейту классика научной фантастики. Издание содержит сокращенный и адаптированный текст романа, снабжено словарем, постраничными комментариями, лексико-грамматическими упражнениями, творческими заданиями, заданиями на перевод, вопросами на восприятие и для обсуждения..Пособие адресовано учащимся 9-11 классов школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, а также широкому кругу читателей, имеющих уровень языковой подготовки Intermediate.....

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Reading with exercises

Last Chance
Chance - that's me, the youngest Rain brother, and right ^ow I'm kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place ... Or more specifically, tied up and kidnapped. My captors? We call them Drones, and they serve the Harvesters that have infected all the adults in our town of Creek's Cause with parasites, turning them into mindless rage zombies that have only two objectives: capture or kill.. What we know so tar is that there are two tactions ot Drones, one that wants my big brother Patrick and me to save the world, and the other that is taking kids and using them to hatch something ... otherworldly. I don't want to know what they are, but I'm pretty sure I'm about to find out..What I do know is that Patrick and his girlfriend Alex are out there; they aren't dead and they won't let me die at the hands of the Harvesters. Not when we have things to do: because come on the world isn't going to save itself..Last Chance is the relentlessly action-packed sec uel to The Rains from the bestselling author of Orphan X and comics in the Batman, Wolverine and Punisher universes..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Марсианские хроники / The Martian Chronicles. Книга для чтения на английском языке
В 1947 году вышел сборник рассказов начинающего писателя Рэя, Брэдбери о Марсе, но остался практически незамеченным читающей публикой. Редактор подал авто-ру идею организовать эти рассказы в некое подобие рома-на. Так получились Марсианские хроники ..Предлагаем вниманию читателей неадаптированный текст романа, снабженный комментариями и словарем..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Modern Prose

Only Human. Book Three of the Themis Files
Brilliant scientist Rose Franklin has devoted her adult life to solving the mystery she accidentally stumbled upon as a child: a huge metal hand buried beneath the ground outside Deadwood, South Dakota.The discovery set in motion a cataclysmic chain of events with geopolitical ramifications.Rose and the Earth Defence Corps raced to master the enigmatic technology, as giant robots suddenly descended on Earth's most populous cities, killing one hundred million people in the process. Though Rose and her team were able to fend off the attack, their victory was short-lived. The mysterious invaders retreated, disappearing from the shattered planet . . . but they took the scientist and her crew with them.Now, after nearly ten years on another world, Rose returns to find a devastating new war - this time between humans. It appears the aliens left behind their titanic death machines so humankind will obliterate itself.Rose is determined to find a solution, whatever it takes. But will she become a pawn in a doomsday game no one can win?

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Here's the thing about being Inside. Ain't no one believes that they are. Ele has never been Outside, but she knows it exists - she just has to prove it. Her whole world is Inside. Trapped with her books and the Others and Him. She has never seen a tree or felt the rain but that's about to change. Ele's getting out. For good.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Upper World
ONE GLIMPSE OF A TERRIFYING FUTURE.ONE CHANCE TO CHANGE EVERYTHING.After suffering a knock to the head, 15-year-old Esso experiences a chilling vision: that night he will witness the violent deaths of everyone he knows. He writes off the out-of-body experience as a strange dream - until a series of frightening coincidences prove that the vision is just hours away from coming true.There is only one person who can help him rewrite the future.The trouble is, she hasn't been born yet . . .

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Marie Lu - when a game called Warcross takes the world by storm, one girl hacks her way into its dangerous depths.For the millions who log in every day, Warcross isn't just a game - it's a way of life. Struggling to make ends meet, teenage hacker Emika Chen works as a bounty hunter, tracking down players who bet on the game illegally.When Emika hacks into the game illegally, she's convinced she'll be arrested, and is shocked when she gets a call from the game's creator, the elusive young billionaire Hideo Tanaka, with an irresistible offer. He needs a spy on the inside of this year's tournament in order to uncover a security problem . . . and he wants Emika for the job.In this sci-fi thriller, #1 New York Times bestselling author Marie Lu conjures an immersive, exhilarating world where choosing who to trust may be the biggest gamble of all.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

In a world where long drinks are in short supply, it's dangerous to listen to your inner voice.Those who do, keep it quiet.But one man listens to the voice in his head telling him to buy a lemonade from the girl sitting on a dusty road.There is a reason why Pilgrim and Lacey must cross paths.They just don't know it yet..
I Am Traitor
At the end of the world, who can you trust? The story of one teen's fight against an extra-terrestrial invasion. For fans of Michael Grant, Suzanne Collins and Robert Muchamore.London has been targeted by extra-terrestrial life and victims are transported to a terrifying other world.Amy Sullivan is an unwilling hero. She runs until she can't run any more. Then, she is taken.To have a chance of saving herself, and her planet, Amy will have to put faith in those she fears the most. But what if it means becoming a traitor to everyone she has ever loved?A modern-day War of the Worlds from one of Iceland's bestselling authors...
Orphans of the Tide
he City was built on a sharp mountain that jutted improbably from the sea, and the sea kept trying to claim it back. That grey morning, once the tide had retreated, a whale was found on a rooftop.When a mysterious boy washes in with the tide, the citizens believe he's the Enemy - the god who drowned the world - come again to cause untold chaos.Only Ellie, a fearless young inventor living in a workshop crammed with curiosities, believes he's innocent.But the Enemy can take possession of any human body and the ruthless Inquisition are determined to destroy it forever.To save the boy, Ellie must prove who he really is - even if that means revealing her own dangerous secret . . .

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Knowing
Samara is one of the Knowing, and the Knowing do not forget. Hidden deep in the comfort and splendor of her underground city, a refuge from the menace of a coming Earth, Samara learns what she should have never known and creates a memory so terrible she cannot live with it. So she flees, to Canaan, the lost city of her ancestors, to Forget.Beckett has flown through the stars to find a dream: Canaan, the most infamous social experiment of Earth's antiquity. Beckett finds Samara in the ruins of the lost city, and uncovers so much more than he ever bargained for -- a challenge to all he's ever believed in or sworn to. When planets collide and memories clash, can Samara and Beckett save two worlds, and remember love in a place that has forgotten it?At once thought-provoking and utterly thrilling, this extraordinary companion novel to Sharon Cameron's #1 NEW YORK TIMES bestselling THE FORGETTING explores the truth and loss that lie within memory, and the bonds that hold us together...

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Favourite Sister
Brett and Kelly Courtney are the shining jewels in a New York-based reality TV show called Goal Diggers. One of the most popular shows on American national television, its fiercely competitive cast of five self-made women are defined by their success, beauty and ruthless drive to reach the top by whatever means necessary.The Courtney sisters rivalry goes skin deep despite the blossoming business they have built together that helps disadvantaged women in Morocco. Harbouring bitter jealousies and dark secrets about their manufactured screen lives they re joined by three other hyper-competitive women who all have their own agendas. And the latest season promises sparks to fly in the quest for even higher ratings.Vicious backstabbing, scathing social media attacks and finely-tuned scripting draw in the viewing public every week, all orchestrated by the show s omnipotent producers. But even they don t know that season four will end in murder.
Fugitive Six
Taylor Cook and the 'Fugitive Six' guard their Legacies against the murderous Foundation. They know trouble is coming.A mole inside the Academy is stealing secrets.They must be found and stopped.Because gifted teens are still disappearing.Between the trials of training and the tensions among Earth's defenders, Taylor and friends know they must work together to bring about the Foundation's fall.But the Foundation has its own plans. And the Fugitive Six are in their sights..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Infinite Sea: The Second Book of the 5th Wave (м) Yancey
How do you rid the Earth of seven billion humans? Rid the humans of their humanity. Surviving the first four waves was nearly impossible. Now Cassie Sullivan finds herself in a new world, a world in which the fundamental trust that binds us together is gone. As the 5th Wave rolls across the landscape, Cassie, Ben, and Ringer are forced to confront the Others ultimate goal: the extermination of the human race. Cassie and her friends haven t seen the depths to which the Others will sink, nor have the Others seen the heights to which humanity will rise, in the ultimate battle between life and death, hope and despair, love and hate. ..................... ..............................

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Brother in the Land
An 'After-the-Bomb' story told by teenage Danny, one of the survivors - one of the unlucky ones. Set in Shipley, an ordinary town in the north of England, this is a powerful portrayal of a world that has broken down. Danny not only has to cope in a world of lawlessness and gang warfare, but he has to protect and look after his little brother, Ben, and a girl called Kim. Is there any hope left for a new world?.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Volks Game
Two men are massacred in an expensive Moscow bar. But the bullets miss their target: Alexei Volkovoy - Volk for short. Hes a deadly, battle-hardened veteran of Russias brutal war in Chechnya, and he serves two masters: Maxim, a psychotic mafia kingpin; and a military man known only as the General. By his side is Valya, an exotic beauty and the most dangerous weapon in Volks arsenal. Together they are commissioned to steal a long-lost masterpiece from St Petersburgs Hermitage Museum. Volk must choose which powerful man he will betray in order to escape with the painting and with his life. Volks Game announces Alexei Volkovoy as the boldest, most unforgettable hero of a new generation.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

All Hallows Eve
"Канун дня всех святых" - последний роман британского писателя, поэта и литературного критика Чарльза Уильямса, впервые опубликованный в 1945 году. Уильямс рассказывает о судьбе Лестер Фернивал и ее подруги Эвелин, которые погибают в авиакатастрофе и застревают в призрачном, сюрреалистическом, сумеречном Лондоне. В то же время другой Лондон попадает под влияние мага Саймона Леклерка, мастера черной магии и некромантии, который готов пожертвовать душой собственной дочери ради абсолютной власти. Лестер должна каким-то образом помешать злонамеренному плану Леклерка, если она хочет найти спасение - ведь злой некромант желает получить полное господство над обоими мирами. Неадаптированное издание на английском языке.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Palmyra Classics

The Firemane Saga. Volume II. Queen of Storms
Dark and powerful forces threaten the world of Garn once more in this second novel in legendary New York Times bestselling author Raymond E. Feists epic fantasy series, the Firemane SagaHatushaly and his young wife Hava are living a good life, working to reopen the burned-out Inn of the Three Stars in the prosperous trading town of Berans Hill.But there is a great deal more to this bucolic scene than meets the eye. Both Hatu and Hava were raised on the secret island of Coaltachin, and though they may appear to be no more than a young couple in love, preparing for the midsummer festival where their friends Declan and Gwen will be wed, they are in fact assassins on a mission, waiting instructions from their masters in the Kingdom of Night.Moreover, Hatu is the last remaining member of the ruling family of Ithrace - the legendary Firemanes. He dyes his flaming red hair, and has studied to control his dangerous magical powers. But however hard Hatu may be hiding from all those who would seek to use or to destroy him, fate has other plans.Horrific events are approaching Berans Hill, bringing death and devastation to the peaceful town as unknown and monstrous forces are unleashed. And nothing will ever be the same again.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Twilight = Сумерки. Уровень В1
Чтобы не мешать личному счастью матери, семнадцатилетняя Белла переезжает к отцу в маленький городок Форкс на севере США. Умная, немного неловкая, не слишком общительная Белла в новой школе неожиданно для себя оказывается в центре внимания. Она знакомится с красивым, но очень странным парнем по имени Эдвард. Он держится особняком, никогда ничего не ест, его кожа бледная и холодная как лёд, а глаза меняют цвет. И когда он чудом спасает Беллу от неминуемой гибели, она догадывается, что Эдвард совсем не тот, за кого себя выдаёт. Но кто же он на самом деле супергерой или злодей? А ещё Белла понимает, что теперь окончательно и бесповоротно влюблена в него.Текст сокращён и адаптирован. Уровень B1.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: MovieBook

The Saxons have returned and their war bands stalk the land. The lords of Britain look only to their own survival, unable or unwilling to unite as they once did under Arthur.And in a monastery hidden in the marshlands of Avalon, a novice monk prepares to take his vows. However, two strangers - the wild-spirited, Saxon-killing Iselle and the ageing warrior Gawain - will pluck him from his sheltered existence and his world will be turned upside down.Together they will go in search of the last druid, to find the cauldron of a god, and to raise an army to hold the darkness at bay.And as they journey, so the novice will cast aside his training and embrace his legacy.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Happiness Machine
If a machine could offer a prescription for happiness but you might not like the results would you take the test?Eat more tangerines. Divorce your wife. Cut off your right index finger. The Apricity machine s recommendations are often surprising, but they re 99.97% guaranteed to make you happier. Pearl works for Apricity meaning happiness is her job but her teenage son Rhett seems more content to be unhappy, and refuses to submit to the test. Is Pearl failing as a mother and in her job and does she even believe in happiness any more?

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The 12th explosive novel in the internationally bestselling Skulduggery Pleasant series, BEDLAM will blow your mind - and change everything...On a desperate journey to recover her sister s lost soul, Valkyrie Cain goes up against the High Sanctuary itself, and there s nothing Skulduggery Pleasant can do to stop her.With Abyssinia s grand plan about to kick off in a night of magic, terror, and bloodshed, it falls to Omen Darkly to save the lives of thousands of innocent people.And as the madness unfolds around him, as hidden enemies step into the light, and as Valkyrie is sucked into a desperate, lawless quest of her own, he has no choice but to become the hero he never really wanted to be - or die in the attempt.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Skulduggery Pleasant м

The War of the Worlds
Герберт Уэллс (1866-1946) знаменит прежде всего своими фантастическими произведениями, основные темы которых (полеты в космосе, атомное оружие, применение лазера, идея невидимости) в современной литературе стали общим местом, а некоторые сменили жанровую принадлежность, обретя реалистичность не только в книгах, но и в обыденной жизни.Роман "Война миров" (1897) изображает вторжение марсиан на Землю: целью своей агрессии они выбрали старую добрую Англию. Техническое, интеллектуальное и военное превосходство инопланетных захватчиков, кажется, не оставляет людям шанса, пусть даже некоторые из них демонстрируют силу духа и отвагу. Не героизм одиночек поможет землянам выжить в бойне, устроенной пришельцами, а простое везение: куда страшнее артиллерии для марсиан окажутся обычные бактерии.

Обложка: Твердый переплёт

Серия: My Favourite Fiction

Light Years
Hotshot pilot Vesper, an ambitious Tridian citizen, dreams of becoming a captain - but when she loses her spot to a brilliant, wisecracking boy from the wrong side of the asteroid belt, it makes her question everything she thought she knew. Growing up on the toxic planet Deva, Cormak will take any chance he can get to escape his dead-end life and join the Academy - even if he has to steal someone's identity to do it. Arran was always considered an outsider on icy Chetire, always dreaming of something more than a life working in the mines. Now an incoming cadet, Arran is looking for a place to belong - he just never thought that place would be in the arms of a Tridian boy. And Orelia is hiding a dark secret - she's infiltrated the Academy to complete a mission, one that threatens the security of everyone there. But if anyone finds out who she really is, it'll be her life on the line.These cadets will have to put their differences aside and become a team to defend their world from a cunning enemy - but the danger might be lurking closer to home than they think .

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Traitors Game (the Traitors Game, Book 1): Volume 1
Hearts and loyalties collide in this electrifying New York Times bestseller from critically acclaimed author Jennifer A. Nielsen -- in paperback alongside Book Two!Jennifer A. Nielsen's New York Times bestseller The Traitor's Game, which Entertainment Weekly called the next big YA fantasy, is perfect for fans of the Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard and the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. Kestra Dallisor has spent three years in exile in the Lava Fields, but that won't stop her from being drawn back into her father's palace politics. He's second-in-command to the cruel king, Lord Endrick, which makes Kestra a valuable bargaining chip. A group of rebels knows this -- and they snatch Kestra from her carriage as she reluctantly travels home.The kidnappers want her to retrieve the lost Olden Blade, the only object that can destroy the king, but Kestra is not the obedient captive they expected. One of the rebels, Simon, has his hands full as Kestra tries to foil their plot, by any means necessary. As motives shift and secrets emerge, both have to decide what -- and who -- it is they're fighting for.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

A Trylle novelWendy Everly can barely remember what it was like to feel like a normal girl. She'd wished for her life to be different but everything is so much more complicated than she'd expected. And she certainly hadn't dreamt she'd be getting married at eighteen to a man she didn't love - all for the sake of duty.As the big day approaches, Wendy can't stop thinking about two different men - and neither of them are her husband-to-be. Finn, quiet, strong and determined to do what's right, and Loki, dark and seductive - a sworn enemy who once saved her life . . .With all-out war just days away, Wendy needs to act quickly if she is to save her friends and family. But while her loyalties and duties are to her people, deeper passions are leading her elsewhere.And as her worlds collide Wendy must sacrifice everything she loves to save them. But will it be enough?

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Defender of the Realm. King's Army
The thrilling conclusion to the trilogy! After the Defender's losing battle against the Black Dragon, the United Kingdom finds itself under the cruel control of "Lord Protector" Lock, the undead Viking invaders and the monstrous berserkers unleashed by the Raven Banner. King Alfie must raise an army and take back his country - or is that exactly what Lock's evil master wants him to do?.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The second volume in Raymond E. Feists highly acclaimed epic fantasy Riftwar SagaWith the Kingdom of the Isles at peace, Prince Arutha can at last look forward to marrying the Princess Anita in the city of Krondor.But the capital in the west harbours many shadows. When Jimmy the Hand, a young thief in the Guild of Mockers, upsets an assassination attempt on Arutha, a sinister plot is uncovered.As the dead rise and assassins stalk the darkness, Arutha must rally the Kingdom forces swiftly if he is to save his beautiful princess felled by a poisoned arrow on her wedding day, and prevent a madman from destroying Midkemia.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Song Rising (м) Shannon
The amazing third book in the bestselling Bone Season series - a ground-breaking, dystopian fantasy of extraordinary imagination.Following a bloody battle against foes on every side, Paige Mahoney has risen to the dangerous position of Underqueen, ruling over London's criminal population.But, having turned her back on Jaxon Hall and with vengeful enemies still at large, the task of stabilising the fractured underworld has never seemed so challenging.Little does Paige know that her reign may be cut short by the introduction of a deadly technology that spells doom for the clairvoyant community and the world as they know it.
Blood Sugar
At the end of Yellow Street, in a ruined junkyard of a house, an angry outcast hatches a scheme to take revenge for all the wrongs he has suffered. With the help of three alienated neighborhood kids, he plans to hide razor blades, poison, drugs, and broken glass in Halloween candy and use the deadly treats to maim or kill dozens of innocent children. But as the clock ticks closer to sundown, will one of his helpers an innocent himself, in his own streetwise way carry out or defeat the plan? (less)

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

A dreary castle, blood-thirsty vampires, open graves at midnight, and other gothic touches fill this chilling tale about a young Englishman's confrontation with the evil Count Dracula. A horror romance as deathless as any vampire, the bloodcurdling tale still continues to hold readers spellbound a century later.
My calamity jane
Hold on to your hats: The authors who brought you the New York Times bestseller My Plain Jane, which Booklist praised as "delightfully deadpan" (starred review) and Publishers Weekly called "a clever, romantic farce" (starred review), are back with another irreverent historical adventure.Welcome to 1876 America, a place bursting with gunslingers, outlaws, and garou--better known as werewolves.And where there are garou, therere hunters: the one and only Calamity Jane, to be precise, along with her fellow stars of Wild Bills Traveling Show, Annie Oakley and Frank "the Pistol Prince" Butler.After a garou hunt goes south and Jane finds a suspicious-like bite on her arm, she turns tail for Deadwood, where theres talk of a garou cure. But rumors can be deceiving--meaning the gang better hightail it after her before theyre a day late and a Jane short.In this perfect next read for fans of A Gentlemans Guide to Vice and Virtue, bestselling authors Cynthia Hand, Jodi Meadows, and Brodi Ashton bring their signature spark to the side-splittin, whopper-filled (but actually kind of factual?) tale of Calamity Jane.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Darien Twelve Families
The city of Darien lies at the heart of a dying empire.Twelve families spoil for a throne soon to be made vacant - by murder or civil war. Into this fevered, hungry city come six strangers:An orphan and an old swordsman.A hunter and a pitiless killer.A young thief and a cynical chancer.As the sun sinks the city will know no slumber. For long dormant passions have awoken. Fortunes will be won and lost. Lives will be staked and claimed.And a story long waiting to be told will catch fire in the telling . . ..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Body Lies
When a young writer accepts a job at a university in the remote countryside, it s meant to be a fresh start. But when one of her students starts sending in chapters from his novel that blur the lines between fiction and reality, the professor recognizes herself as the main character in his book - and he has written her a horrific fate.Will she be able to stop life imitating art before it s too late?At once a breathless battle-of-wits and a disarming exploration of sexual politics, The Body Lies is an essential book for our times.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Colour Out of Space
The master of weird fiction, H. P. Lovecraft combines cosmic fantasy with creeping horror in these three tales of malevolent alien forces, body-switching and travel across the space-time continuum.Evil, in Lovecraft, is universal, pervasive Michael ChabonHis prescience and novelty seem more and more remarkable ... shows a deeply modern horror at the universe Guardian

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Puzzler s War
In a world transformed by technological disaster, the last survivor of the Guild of Historians and his wisecracking mercenary companion once again find themselves searching for a missing child with unfathomable abilities.Battling through a brutal future and returning to the dangerous City of Towers, they will need brains, heavy weapons, and a whole lot of luck to survive.But they are also haunted - and hunted - by shadows of the past. The story of a scientist who survived the end of the world holds deadly secrets. And a ruthless assassin from another era is on their trail.Stunningly creative and breakneck-paced, book two of The Tarakan Chronicles is a science fiction adventure like no other.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Doctor Who: Borrowed Time
Andrew Brown never has enough time. No time to call his sister, no time to prepare for that important presentation at the bank where he works... the train's late, the lift jams, the all-important meeting's started by the time he arrives. Disaster. If only he'd had just a little more time. Time is the business of Mr Symington and Mr Blenkinsop. They'll lend Andrew Brown some time - at a very reasonable rate of interest. If he was in trouble before he borrowed time, things have just got a lot worse! Detecting a problem, the Doctor, Amy, and Rory go undercover at the bank. The Doctor's a respected expert, and Amy's his trusted advisor. Rory has a job in the post room. But they have to move fast to stop Symington and Blenkinsop before they cash in their investments.................
The End of the World Survivors Club
In THE END OF THE WORLD RUNNING CLUB Edgar Hill ran 550 miles after an apocalypse to try and find his family.He had it easy.This is his wife s story.Beth Hill has survived the apocalypse with a baby and toddler in tow. And what s more she s done it alone - without her husband s help. He s never been any help. But when disaster strikes and someone steals her kids, she knows what she has to do.The new world might be very different: no government, no law, no infrastructure and a whole lot more ocean than there used to be. But one thing hasn t changed - the lengths a mother will go to save her family

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

A Sky Beyond the Storm
The long-imprisoned jinn are on the attack, wreaking bloody havoc in villages and cities alike. But for the Nightbringer, vengeance on his human foes is just the beginning.At his side, Commandant Keris Veturia declares herself Empress, and calls for the heads of any and all who defy her rule. At the top of the list? The Blood Shrike and her remaining family.Laia of Serra, now allied with the Blood Shrike, struggles to recover from the loss of the two people most important to her. Determined to stop the approaching apocalypse, she throws herself into the destruction of the Nightbringer. In the process, she awakens an ancient power that could lead her to victory - or to an unimaginable doom.And deep in the Waiting Place, the Soul Catcher seeks only to forget the life - and love - he left behind. Yet doing so means ignoring the trail of murder left by the Nightbringer and his jinn. To uphold his oath and protect the human world from the supernatural, the Soul Catcher must look beyond the borders of his own land. He must take on a mission that could save - or destroy - all that he knows.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

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