Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

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Категория: Книги на иностранных языках - На английском языке - Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер (кол-во: 2964)
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The Prestige = Престиж
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The Prestige = Престиж
Действие романа происходит в Англии во второй половине XIX века. В центре повествования - соперничество двух успешных иллюзионистов. Профессиональная ревность вынуждает мастеров поступиться моралью, а одержимость сценическим искусством подводит их к гибельной черте Роман Престиж был написан известным английским прозаиком Кристофером Пристом в 1995 году и удостоился Всемирной премии фэнтези и британской литературной награды - Мемориальной премии Джеймса Тейта Блэка. В 2006 году Кристофер Нолан снял одноимённый фильм, и эта блестящая экранизация вызвала неподдельный интерес зрителей к захватывающему интеллектуальному детективу и фантастической драме Приста..Текст сокращён и адаптирован. Уровень Upper-Intermediate..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Abridged Bestseller
Год: 2018
Производитель: Антология
Артикул: 2689828
ISBN: 9785907097148
Автор: Прист Кристофер
Страницы: 256
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Prestige = Престиж
213 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
Murder on the Orient Express (Убийство в восточном экспрессе), на английском языке
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Murder on the Orient Express (Убийство в восточном экспрессе), на английском языке
Вниманию читателей предлагается полный, неадаптированный текст известного детективного романа А. Кристи "Убийство в Восточном экспрессе" (1933). Издание рассчитано на лиц, владеющих основами английского языка и совершенствующих свои навыки в нем.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Классики в оригинале
Год: 2004
Производитель: Юпитер-Интер
Артикул: 2014887
ISBN: 5954200432
Автор: Кристи Агата
Страницы: 244
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Murder on the Orient Express (Убийство в восточном экспрессе), на английском языке
244 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
Ten Little Niggers. Книга для чтения на английском языке. Уровень В1
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Ten Little Niggers. Книга для чтения на английском языке. Уровень В1
Некто приглашает десять гостей в особняк, расположенный на уединённом острове. Эти люди незнакомы друг с другом, у них нет ничего общего: разные профессии, социальный статус и жизненный опыт. Впрочем, главному режиссёру последующих событий известно, что у каждого из них в биографии есть страницы, о которых они предпочли бы забыть. Однако прошлое настигает их в образе невидимого убийцы, вершащего свой суд над преступниками, которые сумели избежать правосудия. Гости особняка один за другим погибают, повторяя судьбу героев известной считалочки про десять негритят И никого не стало. Текст сокращён и адаптирован. Уровень B1.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Abridged & Adapted
Год: 2023
Производитель: Антология
Артикул: 3019683
ISBN: 9785604981177
Автор: Кристи Агата
Страницы: 192
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Ten Little Niggers. Книга для чтения на английском языке. Уровень В1
247 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
The Godfather
The Godfather
Детство и юность Марио Пьюзо прошли в самом неблагополучном районе Нью-Йорка, на легендарной Адской Кухне, которая с ХIХ века ковала кадры интернационального преступного мира Америки. Исследованию этого феномена он посвятил свое литературное творчество. Всемирное признание пришло к Пьюзо после выхода эпической гангстерской саги "Крестный отец" (1969) - истории семьи сицилийского эмигранта Вито Корлеоне, в которой как в зеркале отразилась новейшая история Америки. Новаторство писателя заключалось в том, что его книга впервые поставила знак равенства между понятиями "Америка", "семья" и "мафия". Роман 69 недель держался в списке национальных бестселлеров, был переведен на многие языки и успешно экранизирован Ф. Ф. Копполой (6 "Оскаров", включая "лучший фильм года"). Книга рекордов Гиннеса отметила "Крестного отца" как самое читаемое произведение американской литературы.

Серия: Английский язык - книги для чтения
Год: 2022
Производитель: Антология
Артикул: 75046
ISBN: 978-5-94962-056-4, 978-5-9908085-3-9
Автор: Puzo Mario
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Godfather
268 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Читай город
Книга для чтения на английском языке."Крестный отец" - классический роман о жизни одного из могущественных преступных синдикатов Америки - мафиозном клане дона Корлеоне. Написанная с потрясающей достоверностью, книга позволяет читателю без риска для жизни заглянуть в святая святых мафии.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: The Collection
Год: 2021
Производитель: Антология
Артикул: 2014015
ISBN: 9785990808539
Автор: Puzo Mario
Страницы: 384
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

299 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
The Rider of Lost Creek
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The Rider of Lost Creek
Lance Kilkenny has a debt to pay, and he isn t about to let the friend who saved his life go down in a range war. But when Kilkenny tries to stop the fighting, he finds there s more at stake than land or wire. Whoever is stirring up trouble has big ideas for the Live Oak country and an army of hired guns to back them up. Nita Riordan, the beautiful and fiery owner of the Apple Canyon Saloon, warns Lance that the mysterious man orchestrating the conflict wants him dead. Lance realizes that if he doesn t watch his step, he ll pay the debt he owes with his own blood............

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2016
Производитель: Bantam Books
Артикул: 2730227
ISBN: 9780553257717
Автор: L'Amour Louis
Страницы: 198
Гендер: Мужчины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Rider of Lost Creek
312 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans
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The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans
Серия книг Зарубежная классика читай в оригинале это бессмертные произведения великих мастеров пера, написанные ими на их родном языке и наречии. Книги из этой серии помогут читателю углубленно изучать иностранные языки, обогатят его внутренний мир и по-новому откроют произведения известных классиков

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Зарубежная классика - читай в оргинале
Год: 2014
Производитель: Книга по Требованию
Артикул: 315040
ISBN: 9785519022552
Автор: Дойл Артур Конан
Страницы: 52
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans
330 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
The Adventure of the Dying Detective, and the Adventure of the Red Circle
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The Adventure of the Dying Detective, and the Adventure of the Red Circle
Серия книг Зарубежная классика читай в оригинале это бессмертные произведения великих мастеров пера, написанные ими на их родном языке и наречии. Книги из этой серии помогут читателю углубленно изучать иностранные языки, обогатят его внутренний мир и по-новому откроют произведения известных классиков

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Зарубежная классика - читай в оргинале
Год: 2014
Производитель: Книга по Требованию
Артикул: 315042
ISBN: 9785519022576
Автор: Дойл Артур Конан
Страницы: 48
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Adventure of the Dying Detective, and the Adventure of the Red Circle
330 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
The Sign of the Four
Читай город
The Sign of the Four
Серия книг Зарубежная классика читай в оригинале это бессмертные произведения великих мастеров пера, написанные ими на их родном языке и наречии. Книги из этой серии помогут читателю углубленно изучать иностранные языки, обогатят его внутренний мир и по-новому откроют произведения известных классиков. Неадаптированное издание на английском языке..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Зарубежная классика - читай в оргинале
Год: 2014
Производитель: Книга по Требованию
Артикул: 2550423
ISBN: 9785519022781
Автор: Дойл Артур Конан
Страницы: 120
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Sign of the Four
333 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
Красная коробка (The Red Box)
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Красная коробка (The Red Box)
Действие детектива Красная коробка (1937) разворачивается вокруг гибели девушки из модельного агентства.. За расследование этого дела берется Ниро Вульф и его помощник Арчи Гудвин.... . .
Год: 2011
Производитель: Антология
Артикул: 2280670
ISBN: 9785949621899
Автор: Стаут Рекс
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Красная коробка (The Red Box)
363 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
Американский детектив. Полночь
Американский детектив. Полночь
Детективу Кэрроллу предстоит нелегкая задача - раскрыть убийство незнакомца, чье тело таинственным образом оказалось найденным в салоне ночного такси...Криминальный роман признанного мастера остросюжетного жанра американца Роя Коэна (1891-1959) адаптирован в настоящем издании по методу Ильи Франка: снабжен дословным переводом на русский язык и необходимым лексико-грамматическим комментарием (без упрощения текста оригинала).Уникальность метода заключается в том, что запоминание слов и выражений происходит за счет их повторяемости, без заучивания и необходимости использовать словарь. Кроме того, читатель привыкает к логике английского языка, начинает его "чувствовать".Пособие способствует эффективному освоению языка, может служить дополнением к учебной программе.Для широкого круга лиц, изучающих английский язык и интересующихся культурой англоязычных стран.Пособие подготовила Ольга Ламонова.

Серия: Метод обучающего чтения Ильи Франка
Год: 2022
Производитель: ВКН
Артикул: 849733
ISBN: 978-5-7873-1928-6
Автор: Коэн Рой
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Американский детектив. Полночь
366 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
The Mystery of Marie Roget
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The Mystery of Marie Roget
Stories. Эдгар Алан По. Тайна Мари Роже. Рассказы - неадаптированный текст на английском языке.Снабжен комментариями и словарем.

Серия: Чтение в оригинале
Год: 2016
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 2508108
ISBN: 9785992510980
Автор: По Эдгар Аллан
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Mystery of Marie Roget
375 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
Фаворит: Книга для чтения на английском языке
Читай город
Фаворит: Книга для чтения на английском языке
Предлагаем вниманию читателей первый и считающийся лучшим роман признанного мастера детективного жанра Дика Френсиса Фаворит ..Книга адресована студентам языковых вузов и всем любителям англоязычных детективов...

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Detective story
Год: 2011
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 2282420
ISBN: 9785992506631
Автор: Френсис Дик
Страницы: 384
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Фаворит: Книга для чтения на английском языке
375 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
The Creeping Man Level 3 (м) (Illustrated Readers) Doyle
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The Creeping Man Level 3 (м) (Illustrated Readers) Doyle
Why would a dog suddenly attack its master? Why would a respected Professor disappear for two weeks without telling anyone where he went? And why, upon his return, would he begin to act in a strange and scary way, creeping around the house and garden on all fours? Can brilliant detective Sherlock Holmes and his colleague Dr Watson help the Professor and solve the mystery of the Creeping Man?.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Illustrated Readers
Год: 2006
Производитель: Express Publishing
Артикул: 2528759
ISBN: 9781845582241
Автор: Дойл Артур Конан
Страницы: 40
Гендер: Мужчины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Creeping Man Level 3 (м) (Illustrated Readers) Doyle
379 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
The ABC Murders
Читай город
The ABC Murders
Королева классического детектива Агата Кристи предлагает читателям сложную, но интересную загадку - убийства по железнодорожному справочнику, которые берется расследовать блестящий сыщик Эркюль Пуаро.Следить за развитием событий читателю помогут подробные комментарии и словарь, данный в конце книги.На английском языке.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2023
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 2975967
ISBN: 9785992516487
Автор: Christie Agatha
Страницы: 352
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The ABC Murders
386 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
Возвращение Шерлока Холмса: Книга для чтения на английком языке
Читай город
Возвращение Шерлока Холмса: Книга для чтения на английком языке
Возвращение Шерлока Холмса. Книга для чтения на английском языке.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Detective story
Год: 2015
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 2246166
ISBN: 9785992505177
Автор: Дойл Артур Конан
Страницы: 224
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Возвращение Шерлока Холмса: Книга для чтения на английком языке
390 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
Whose Body?
Читай город
Whose Body?
Дороти Ли Сэйерс английская писательница, наиболее известная благодаря детективным романам, филолог, драматург и переводчик. Сэйерс вместе с Агатой Кристи участвовала в основании британского Детективного клуба. Чьё тело? первый детективный роман автора, в котором появляется главный герой ее одиннадцати детективов и множества рассказов, аристократ и сыщик-любитель, лорд Питер Уимзи. История начинается с того, что сын викария находит в своей ванной комнате труп неизвестного мужчины. В тот же день при загадочных обстоятельствах исчезает известный банкир Рубен Леви. Полиция Скотленд-Ярда почти не сомневается, что покойник в ванной комнате и есть Леви. Но детектив Уимзи уверен: кому-то выгодно, чтобы банкира считали мертвым. Но кому и зачем это нужно? И что случилось в действительности с Рубеном Леви?В книге представлен полный неадаптированный текст произведения на языке оригинала.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Чтение в оригинале
Год: 2020
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 2827203
ISBN: 9785992514933
Автор: Сэйерс Дороти Ли
Страницы: 224
Гендер: Мужчины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Whose Body?
404 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
Born of Defiance
Читай город
Born of Defiance
Born an Outcast, Talyn Batur has spent the whole of his life fighting against the prejudice of his people. An Andarion without a father is not something anyone wants to be.But when his companions brother draws him into a plot against the Andarion crown, he finds himself torn between the loyalty to their planetary government that his mother has beaten into him and his own beliefs of justice and right.Now, he must decide for himself to remain a pawn of their government or to defy everything and everyone hes ever known to stand up to tyranny. Its a gamble that will either save his life or end it. And when old enemies align with new ones, its more than just his own life at risk. And more than just his homeworld that will end should he fail, in Born of Defiance, the next League: Nemesis Rising novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Sherrilyn Kenyon.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2015
Артикул: 2639358
ISBN: 9781250073068
Страницы: 454
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Born of Defiance
416 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
Born of Legend
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Born of Legend
It s official Take a Psycho to Work Day. Why else would I be here? Hunted. Hated. Betrayed. Dagger Ixur is on the run for his life. As one of the most recognizable members of his royal house, he has a bounty on his head that guarantees him no quarter from any friend or even family. But surrender isn t in him. He will fight to the bitter end. A resolve that is sorely tested when he narrowly escapes a trap that leaves him severely wounded. With what he believes is his dying breath, he saves a boy born to an extinct race from a group out to enslave the kid for his legendary abilities.Ushara Altaan has spent her entire life hating those born to nobility. After all, it was a royal house that drove her entire species into virtual extinction. As a rare Andarion Fyreblood, she is sworn to end the existence of any royal she finds. But when Dagger saves her son s life, she is torn between her people and a debt that can never be repaid.Yet worse than Dagger s family that s still out to end hers, are the League assassins after him who will stop at nothing to claim the lives of her Tavali family. The only hope she has to save them all is to put their future and her faith into the hands of the very enemy whose grandmother personally extinguished Ushara s legendary lineage. But in Born of Legend, how can she ever trust Dagger when he is a disinherited outlaw whose very name is synonymous with betrayal?

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2017
Артикул: 2639360
ISBN: 9781250082787
Страницы: 836
Гендер: Мальчики
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Born of Legend
416 руб.
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Бурный финиш: Книга для чтения на английском языке
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Бурный финиш: Книга для чтения на английском языке
Бурный финиш. Книга для чтения на английском языке.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Modern Prose
Год: 2010
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 2246140
ISBN: 9785992505146
Автор: Френсис Дик
Страницы: 320
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Бурный финиш: Книга для чтения на английском языке
419 руб.
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Ursula, Gareth and Alice have never met before.Ursula thinks she killed the love of her life.Gareth s been receiving strange postcards.And Alice is being stalked.None of them are used to relying on others - but when the three strangers lives unexpectedly collide, there s only one thing for it: they have to stick together. Otherwise, one of them will die.Three strangers, two secrets, one terrifying evening.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Harper Collins Publishers
Артикул: 2826274
ISBN: 9780008221058
Автор: Taylor C.L
Страницы: 334
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

423 руб.
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The Baby Group
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The Baby Group
Her life was perfect. Until the video.Scarlett s golden life suddenly unravels when someone sends a shocking video of her to everyone she knows. The only people who claim they haven t seen it are the friends in her new mothers group: Cora, Emma and Asha.Scarlett is forced to delve into her past to discover who is out to get her. But as her circle of trust gathers around her, she has to ask - are her friends as innocent as they seem?A gripping read about motherhood, secrets and lies, perfect for fans of Heidi Perks and B.A. Paris.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Harper Collins Publishers
Артикул: 2826292
ISBN: 9780008335120
Страницы: 341
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Baby Group
423 руб.
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Ребенок Розмари (книга для чтения на английском языке)
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Ребенок Розмари (книга для чтения на английском языке)
Роман Ребенок Розмари классика хоррора входит во все списки лучших триллеров. В этой истории нет привидений и монстров, но она по-настоящему пугает. Здесь ужас не в сверхъестественном, а в обыденном, что происходит прямо здесь и сейчас. И настоящим злом оказываются внешне приятные люди. Добро пожаловать в Бремфорд, замечательный многоквартирный дом на окраине Центрального парка в НьюЙорке. Здесь светлые просторные квартиры, милейшие соседи... и происходят очень странные вещи. Каждая книга Левина шедевр построения сюжета. В романе саспенса Левин все равно что швейцарский хронометр, по сравнению с ним мы все пятидолларовые часы, какие можно купить в магазинах, где продают вещи со скидкой , это слова Стивена Кинга.Текст печатается с незначительными сокращениями и снабжен комментариями и словарем.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2023
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 2995516
ISBN: 9785992516777
Автор: Левин Айра
Страницы: 320
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Ребенок Розмари (книга для чтения на английском языке)
424 руб.
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The Forgotten Room
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The Forgotten Room
A long-lost experiment of unknown intent... A hidden room in a vast seaside estate... An investigator marked for danger... On a sprawling estate on the coast of Rhode Island, at the nation s oldest and most prestigious think tank, an unfathomable tragedy takes place. No one knows what to make of the disturbing evidence left behind. Then reports begin to surface of increasingly bizarre behavior among the organization s distinguished scientists. Called upon to investigate these strange happenings, history professor and analyst of inexplicable phenomena Jeremy Logan comes across an ingeniously concealed room in a long-dormant wing of the mansion. What he discovers within may provide answers - and, in the process, unleash a new wave of catastrophe.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: New York Times Bestseller м
Год: 2015
Производитель: Anchor books
Артикул: 2533481
ISBN: 9781101972298
Автор: Чайлд Линкольн
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Forgotten Room
425 руб.
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Murder on the Orient Express = Убийство в Восточном экспрессе
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Murder on the Orient Express = Убийство в Восточном экспрессе
Убийство в Восточном экспрессе (1934) считается наиболее загадочным и виртуозным произведением Агаты Кристи. Действие романа разворачивается в трансъевропейском экспрессе, следующем из Стамбула в Кале. Попав в сильный снегопад, машинист вынужден остановить поезд в чистом поле. Таким образом все оказываются в снежном плену, между тем как в одном из купе обнаруживают тело убитого пассажира. За расследование этого убийства берется Эркюль Пуаро.

Обложка: Твердый переплёт

Серия: My Favourite Fiction
Год: 2018
Производитель: Антология
Артикул: 2232232
ISBN: 9785990921290
Автор: Кристи Агата
Страницы: 288
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Murder on the Orient Express = Убийство в Восточном экспрессе
426 руб.
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A lotus for miss Quon
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A lotus for miss Quon
Джеймс Хедли Чейз, настоящее имя Рене Брабазон Реймонд (1906-1985) - автор всемирно известных детективных романов.."Лотос для мисс Квон" (1961) - психологический детектив, сюжет которого разворачивается в условиях напряженной политической обстановки, где любовь преображает, а заранее спланированное преступление влечет за собой непредсказуемые последствия..В книге представлен неадаптированный текст на языке оригинала..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Чтение в оригинале
Год: 2017
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 2577495
ISBN: 9785992511642
Автор: Чейз Джеймс Хедли
Страницы: 256
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

A lotus for miss Quon
430 руб.
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Лучшие рассказы о Шерлоке Холмсе. (The Best of Sherlock Holmes)
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Лучшие рассказы о Шерлоке Холмсе. (The Best of Sherlock Holmes)
Вниманию читателей предлагается полный, неадаптированный текст десяти лучших рассказов Артура Конан Дойла о Шерлоке Холмсе. Издание рассчитано на лиц, владеющих основами английского языка и совершенствующих свои навыки в нём

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2014
Производитель: Икар
Артикул: 2466459
ISBN: 9785797403975
Автор: Дойл Артур Конан
Страницы: 316
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Лучшие рассказы о Шерлоке Холмсе. (The Best of Sherlock Holmes)
440 руб.
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Golden Prey
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Golden Prey
Thanks to some very influential people whose lives he saved, Lucas is no longer working for the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, but for the U.S. Marshals Service, and with unusual scope. He gets to pick his own cases, whatever they are, wherever they lead him.And where they've led him this time is into real trouble. A Biloxi, Mississippi, drug-cartel counting house gets robbed, and suitcases full of cash disappear, leaving behind five bodies, including that of a six-year-old girl. Davenport takes the case, which quickly spirals out of control, as cartel assassins, including a torturer known as the "Queen of home-improvement tools" compete with Davenport to find the Dixie Hicks shooters who knocked over the counting house. Things get ugly real fast, and neither the cartel killers nor the holdup men give a damn about whose lives Davenport might have saved; to them, he's just another large target..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Артикул: 2666527
ISBN: 9781101988848
Автор: Сэнфорд Джон
Страницы: 375
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Golden Prey
445 руб.
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The Goodbye Man
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The Goodbye Man
In this twisty thriller from the New York Times bestselling master of suspense, reward-seeker Colter Shaw infiltrates a sinister cult after learning that the only way to get somebody out . . . is to go in.In the wilderness of Washington State, expert tracker Colter Shaw has located two young men accused of a terrible hate crime. But when his pursuit takes a shocking and tragic turn, Shaw becomes desperate to discover what went so horribly wrong and if he is to blame.Shaws search for answers leads him to a shadowy organization that bills itself as a grief support group. But is it truly it a community that consoles the bereaved? Or a dangerous cult with a growing body count?Undercover, Shaw joins the mysterious group, risking everything despite the fact that no reward is on offer. He soon finds that some people will stop at nothing to keep their secrets hidden . . . and to make sure that he or those close to him say "goodbye" forever.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2021
Производитель: Не установлено
Артикул: 2872392
ISBN: 9780593332634
Автор: Дивер Джеффри
Страницы: 513
Гендер: Мужчины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Goodbye Man
445 руб.
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Beyond Reasonable Doubt
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Beyond Reasonable Doubt
Elliot Rook is the epitome of a highly successful, old Etonian QC. Or so everyone believes. In fact, he is an ex-petty criminal with a past that he has spent decades keeping secret. Until now.An unidentified young woman of Middle Eastern origin has been found murdered on the outskirts of Rooks home town. Billy Barber - a violent football hooligan and white-supremacist - is accused of her murder. Barber insists that Rook must defend him. If Rook refuses, Barber will expose him, bringing crashing to the ground the life and career that Rook has spent his life building.The truth is there for the finding. But at what cost?

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Raven books
Артикул: 2825898
ISBN: 9781526606150
Страницы: 341
Гендер: Женщины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Beyond Reasonable Doubt
452 руб.
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The Hanged Man (м) Kernick
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The Hanged Man (м) Kernick
A house deep in the countryside where the remains of seven unidentified women have just been discovered. A cop ready to risk everything in the hunt for their killers. A man who has seen the murders and is now on the run in fear of his life. So begins the race to track down this witness before the killers do. For Ray Mason and PI Tina Boyd, the road ahead is a dangerous one, with bodies and betrayal at every turn..
Год: 2018
Производитель: ВБС Логистик
Артикул: 2675656
ISBN: 9781784752279
Автор: Kernick Simon
Гендер: Мужчины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Hanged Man (м) Kernick
452 руб.
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Line of Fire
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Line of Fire
Nick Stone is back in London but if he thought he was home for a break, he s very, very wrong. Backed into a corner by a man he knows he cannot trust, ex-deniable operator Nick Stone strikes a devil s bargain. In exchange for his own safety a life for a life Stone is charged with locating someone who doesn t want to be found, currently hiding out in the one of the remotest corners of the UK. And for the first time in a long time, he s not operating alone. But Stone and his team don t find just anyone. They find a world-class hacker, so good that her work might threaten the stability of the western world as we know it. These are dangerous waters and Stone is quickly in over his head. Before he finally knows which way to turn, the choice is ripped out of his hands. Most people might think of home as safety but Nick Stone isn t most people. For him and his team, it s just another place to get caught in the line of fire

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Corgi Books
Артикул: 2705221
ISBN: 9780552175340
Автор: McNab Andy
Страницы: 402
Гендер: Мужчины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Line of Fire
458 руб.
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The Havana Game
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The Havana Game
With the U.S. seemingly linked to a terrorist bombing in a Baltic nation and a Russian troop buildup just over the border, the covert Gray Outfit sends Thomas Laker to untangle the mess. But after a second attack leaves him out in the cold, Laker s on his own.Five thousand miles away in Miami, Laker s partner and NSA codebreaker Ava North is investigating the murder of a fellow agent. When tracks lead to a Cuban-American billionaire in bed with the Jersey Mob, Ava s superiors want her to lay off. Not a chance. Though oceans apart, Laker and Ava discover their separate missions are tied to one explosive plot. The only way out is to breach all protocol and play by their own rules............
Год: 2019
Артикул: 2730222
ISBN: 9780786040957
Автор: Lutz John
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Havana Game
458 руб.
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The Midnight Line (м) Child
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The Midnight Line (м) Child
Jack Reacher is having a bad day. It would be a dumb idea to make it worse. Reacher sees a West Point class ring in a pawn shop window. It s tiny. It's a woman cadet s graduation present to herself. Why would she give it up? Reacher was a West Pointer too, and he knows what she went through to get it. All he wants is to find the woman. He ll have to go through bikers, cops, crooks, and low-life muscle. If she s ok, he ll walk away. If she s not he ll stop at nothing. Best advice: stay out of his way..
Год: 2018
Производитель: ВБС Логистик
Артикул: 2675659
ISBN: 9780857503954
Автор: Чайлд Ли
Гендер: Женщины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Midnight Line (м) Child
458 руб.
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КАРО Christie Десять негритят (новое оформление)
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КАРО Christie Десять негритят (новое оформление)
Десять негретят: Книга для чтения на английском языке.

Серия: Original reading English
Год: 2017
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 2246160
ISBN: 9785898159306
Автор: Кристи Агата
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

КАРО Christie Десять негритят (новое оформление)
459 руб.
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Spenser Confidential (Movie Tie-In)
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Spenser Confidential (Movie Tie-In)
Old friends. Small favors. Bitter rivals. Stirred together, it all makes for one explosive cocktail in this New York Times bestselling thriller that has Spenser feeling the heat... Henry Cimoli and Spenser have been friends for years, yet the old boxing trainer has never asked the private eye for a favor. Until now. A developer is trying to buy up Henrys condo on Revere Beach--with a push from local thugs. Soon Spenser and his apprentice, Zebulon Sixkill, are on the trail of a mysterious woman, a megalomaniacal Las Vegas kingpin, and a shady plan to turn a chunk of land north of Boston into a sprawling casino. As alliances shift and twisted dreams surface, the Boston political machine looks to end Spensers investigation one way or another--and once and for all.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Не установлено
Артикул: 2872600
ISBN: 9780593190661
Страницы: 339
Гендер: Женщины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Spenser Confidential (Movie Tie-In)
463 руб.
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Читай город
A gripping serial killer thriller with a twist - from No. 1 bestseller Stuart MacBrideThis time the serial killer picked the wrong family They call him Sawbones: a serial killer touring America kidnapping young women.The FBI's investigating - but getting nowhere.The latest victim is Laura Jones. Sixteen years old. Pretty. Blonde. And the daughter of one of New York's most notorious gangsters. Laura's Dad doesn't care about the law. What he wants is revenge. And he knows just the guys to get it.This time, Sawbones picked on the wrong family

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2022
Производитель: Harper Collins UK
Артикул: 2973760
ISBN: 9780008381929
Автор: Макбрайд Стюарт
Страницы: 104
Гендер: Женщины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

464 руб.
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Star of the North
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Star of the North
North Korea and the USA are on the brink of war. A young American woman disappears without trace from a South Korean island. The CIA recruits her twin sister to uncover the truth. Now, she must go undercover in the world s most deadly state. Only by infiltrating the dark heart of the terrifying regime will she be able to save her sister and herself .Star of the North is the most explosive thriller of the year - you won't be able to put it down.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2019
Производитель: Vintage Books
Артикул: 2733974
ISBN: 9781784708184
Автор: John D.B
Страницы: 440
Гендер: Женщины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Star of the North
470 руб.
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Life of Crime
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Life of Crime
Jason Rampling is a chancer, and he ll do anything to give his family a better future whatever the cost.Melissa didn t know what she d let herself in for when she married Jason, but as the stakes get higher, she gets stronger.In a game where loyalty is everything, Jason will risk everything for one last roll of the dice. Is a life of crime worth the price?.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Harper Collins Publishers
Артикул: 2682570
ISBN: 9780008144760
Автор: Chambers Kimberley
Страницы: 563
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Life of Crime
473 руб.
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Final Option
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Final Option
When a routine mission is compromised, Captain Juan Cabrillo learns of a sinister plot. Off the Brazilian coast is another one-legged captain, with a ship just like the Oregon: same weaponry, same technology, same ability to evade capture.And when this wolf in sheep s clothing begins sinking innocent vessels, the truth becomes clear: Someone is out to frame Cabrillo and his crew.Not only is this impersonator as cunning as Cabrillo - his ship is also every bit as dangerous. Who is this nemesis from Cabrillo s past and just what do they want?To find answers will require terrible sacrifices from Cabrillo, his crew and even the Oregon itself

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Penguin Books
Артикул: 2826530
ISBN: 9781405941013
Автор: Касслер Клайв
Страницы: 435
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Final Option
475 руб.
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Beneath the Skin (м) England
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Beneath the Skin (м) England
Three women. Three secrets.Antonia is beautiful and happily married. Her life is perfect. So why does she hurt herself when nobody s watching?Sophie is witty, smart and married to the best-looking man in town. She likes a drink, but who doesn t?Olivia is pretending to be a happy wife and mother. But her secret could tear her family apart.Their lies start small, they always do. But if they don t watch out, the consequences will be deadly............

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2017
Производитель: ВБС Логистик
Артикул: 2623862
ISBN: 9780008237523
Автор: Ингленд Кэролайн
Страницы: 362
Гендер: Женщины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Beneath the Skin (м) England
476 руб.
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Her Name Was Rose
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Her Name Was Rose
Her name was Rose. You watched her die. And her death has created a vacancy.When Emily lets a stranger step out in front of her, she never imagines that split second will change her life. But after Emily watches a car plough into the young mother killing her instantly she finds herself unable to move on.And then she makes a decision she can never take back.Because Rose had everything Emily had ever dreamed of. A beautiful, loving family, a great job and a stunning home. And now Rose s husband misses his wife, and their son needs a mother. Why couldn t Emily fill that space?But as Emily is about to discover, no one s life is perfect and not everything is as it seems........................

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Harper Collins Publishers
Артикул: 2682648
ISBN: 9780008275051
Автор: Allan Claire
Страницы: 338
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Her Name Was Rose
476 руб.
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Part of the Family
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Part of the Family
On the surface, Anna Witherall has the perfect life. Married to her university boyfriend David, she has an enviable job, beautiful home, and gorgeous three-year-old twin daughters, Stella and Rose. Their competent and capable nanny, Maria, is practically part of the family.But beneath the veneer of success and happiness, Anna is hiding a dark secret, one that threatens to unravel everything she has worked so hard to create. Only one thing is certain: to protect her children, she must betray them.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: The Borough Press
Артикул: 2826257
ISBN: 9780008327026
Страницы: 435
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Part of the Family
476 руб.
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The Colour of Bee Larkham s Murder
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The Colour of Bee Larkham s Murder
There are three things you need to know about Jasper.1. He sees the world completely differently/2. He can t recognise faces not even his own.3. He is the only witness to the murder of his neighbour, Bee Larkham.But uncovering the truth about that night will change his world forever.An extraordinary and compelling debut which will make you see the world in a way you ve never seen it before.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Harper Collins Publishers
Артикул: 2724760
ISBN: 9780008256395
Автор: Harris Sarah J
Страницы: 437
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Colour of Bee Larkham s Murder
487 руб.
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Red Earth (м) Park
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Red Earth (м) Park
On the run, with everything to lose .On the outskirts of Durban, Suzanne Fessey fights back during a vicious carjacking. She kills one thief but the other, wounded, escapes with her baby strapped into the back seat.Called in to pursue the missing vehicle are helicopter pilot Nia Carras from the air, and nearby wildlife researcher Mike Dunn from the ground.But South Africa's police have even bigger problems: a suicide bomber has killed the visiting American ambassador, and chaos has descended on KwaZulu-Natal.As Mike and Nia track the missing baby through wild-game reserves from Zululand to Zimbabwe, they come to realize that the war on terror has well and truly arrived.
Год: 2018
Производитель: ВБС Логистик
Артикул: 2599479
ISBN: 9781509815449
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Red Earth (м) Park
496 руб.
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Человек, который был Четвергом Книга для чтения на английском языке
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Человек, который был Четвергом Книга для чтения на английском языке
Сюрреалистический роман Гилберта Кита Честертона Человек, который был Четвергом" это и психологический триллер, и детективная история. В центре сюжета семь анархистов из Лондона начала XX века, называющих себя по именам дней недели. Габриэль Сайм, поэт и детектив Скотланд-Ярда, проникает на тайное собрание анархистов и становится Четвергом . Однако вскоре он узнает, что не он один работает под прикрытием, и начинается кошмар...

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Detective story
Год: 2024
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 3017317
ISBN: 9785992517064
Автор: Честертон Гилберт Кит
Страницы: 272
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Человек, который был Четвергом Книга для чтения на английском языке
496 руб.
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East of Hounslow
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East of Hounslow
Meet Jay.Small-time dealer.Accidental jihadist.The one man who can save us all?Javid call him Jay is a dope dealer living in West London. He goes to mosque on Friday, and he s just bought his pride and joy a BMW. He lives with his mum, and life seems sweet.But his world is about to turn upside-down. Because MI5 have been watching him, and they think he s just the man they need for a delicate mission.One thing s for sure: now he s a long way East of Hounslow, Jay s life will never be the same again.With the edgy humour of Four Lions and the pulse-racing tension of Nomad, East of Hounslow is the first in a series of thrillers starring Jay Qasim..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Harper Collins Publishers
Артикул: 2682647
ISBN: 9780008262099
Автор: Rahman Khurrum
Страницы: 350
Гендер: Мужчины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

East of Hounslow
498 руб.
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The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard = Подвиги бригадира Жерара: рассказы на англ.яз
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The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard = Подвиги бригадира Жерара: рассказы на англ.яз
Этьен Жерар - герой Французской армии, ветеран наполеоновских войны и тщеславный автор героических баек о своих подвигах. Эта коллекция сатирических рассказов, созданная автором романов о Шерлоке Холмсе сэром Артуром Конан Дойлем, была впервые опубликована в 1 890х годах. Хитроумный и ловкий кавалерист Жерар отправится из Франции во все страны Европы, где ступала нога Наполеона, дойдет до России и примет участие в самых захватывающих интригах, без которого история великого французского императора могла быть совершенно другой..Читайте зарубежную литературу в оригинале!.

Обложка: Твердый переплёт

Год: 2017
Производитель: Книга по Требованию
Артикул: 2626867
ISBN: 9785521055548
Автор: Дойл Артур Конан
Страницы: 184
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard = Подвиги бригадира Жерара: рассказы на англ.яз
498 руб.
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The Templar Heresy
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The Templar Heresy
An extraordinary discovery.When his old friend, Angela, invites him out to her archaeological dig in the Iraqi desert, Chris Bronson is expecting a relaxing few days and an overdue catch-up. But when they arrive at the site they find her colleagues slaughtered and a recent discovery defaced. An ancient mystery.Their only clue is an incomplete inscription, which holds the key to uncovering the truth behind a centuries-old secret. With unknown assassins hot on their heels, Chris and Angela are forced into a desperate hunt across the globe for the final piece of the puzzle. And if they don t find it first, the consequences could be fatal . . .The race of their lives.....................................

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2017
Производитель: Bantam Books
Артикул: 2581232
ISBN: 9780857502308
Автор: Becker James
Страницы: 416
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Templar Heresy
498 руб.
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Рассказы об отце Брауне. Книга для чтения на английском языке
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Рассказы об отце Брауне. Книга для чтения на английском языке
Мир рассказов Гилберта Кита Честертона об отце Брауне это воплощение Англии начала XX века. Места преступлений поджидают главного героя в загородных домах, сельских приходских церквях и садах, а также на туманных лондонских улицах и мрачных вокзалах. Отец Браун добродушный священник, но он обладает удивительной проницательностью в отношении человеческой натуры, а за его спокойным сочувствием скрывается детективный ум, не уступающий Шерлоку Холмсу.Отец Браун использует свой опыт, чтобы вжиться в образ злоумышленника, разгадать каждую загадку и поймать преступника.Рассказы об отце Брауне, написанные в начале 1900-х годов британским критиком, новеллистом и философом Гилбертом Китом Честертоном, до сих пор остаются одними из лучших в жанре детектива.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Чтение в оригинале
Год: 2024
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 3017314
ISBN: 9785992517057
Страницы: 320
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Рассказы об отце Брауне. Книга для чтения на английском языке
500 руб.
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Her Sisters Lie
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Her Sister's Lie
"Two sisters. A terrible secret. The ultimate revenge. Hannah and her sister Nina were once close. But theyve not been in touch for years when Hannah learns of her sisters death. Sullen, rude and uncooperative, Hannah tries to be understanding - after all, hes a grieving boy."

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2019
Производитель: Macmillan
Артикул: 2747153
ISBN: 9781509834723
Автор: Хауэллс Дебби
Страницы: 304
Гендер: Мальчики
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Her Sister's Lie
501 руб.
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The 15:17 to Paris
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The 15:17 to Paris
An ISIS terrorist planned to kill more than 500 people. He would have succeeded except for three American friends who refused to give in to fear.On August 21, 2015, Ayoub El-Khazzani boarded train #9364 in Brussels, bound for Paris. There could be no doubt about his mission: he had an AK-47, a pistol, a box cutter, and enough ammunition to obliterate every passenger on board. Slipping into the bathroom in secret, he armed his weapons. Another major ISIS attack was about to begin.Khazzani wasn t expecting Anthony Sadler, Alek Skarlatos, and Spencer Stone. Stone was a martial arts enthusiast and airman first class in the US Air Force, Skarlatos was a member of the Oregon National Guard, and all three were fearless. But their decision-to charge the gunman, then overpower him even as he turned first his gun, then his knife, on Stone-depended on a lifetime of loyalty, support, and faith.Their friendship was forged as they came of age together in California: going to church, playing paintball, teaching each other to swear, and sticking together when they got in trouble at school. Years later, that friendship would give all of them the courage to stand in the path of one of the world s deadliest terrorist organizations.The 15:17 to Paris is an amazing true story of friendship and bravery, of near tragedy averted by three young men who found the heroic unity and strength inside themselves at the moment when they, and 500 other innocent travelers, needed it most.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Harper Collins Publishers
Артикул: 2639714
ISBN: 9780008292294
Страницы: 324
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The 15:17 to Paris
501 руб.
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The Last Brother
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The Last Brother
United by blood.1930s New York City. Three brothers grow up poor on the Lower East Side, until the death of their father forces them to find work to support their family. Each brother takes a different path.Divided by ambition.Twelve-year-old Morris Rabishevsky apprentices himself to a garment manufacturer with the aim of running the business. Sol, six years older, heads to accounting school but is forced to drop out. Scarred by a family tragedy, Harry falls under the spell of the charismatic Louis Buchalter, who in a few short years becomes the most ruthless mobster in town.Torn apart by conflict.Morris convinces Sol to go into business with him, but Harry can t be lured away from the glamour, power and money of the mob. As their business grows, Buchalter sets his sights on the unions that control the garment maker s factories, setting up a fatal showdown that could bring them together or shatter their family forever..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: The International no.1 bestseller м
Год: 2019
Производитель: Macmillan
Артикул: 2747148
ISBN: 9781509878390
Автор: Гросс Эндрю
Страницы: 371
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Last Brother
501 руб.
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A Shot in the Dark
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A Shot in the Dark
Brighton, 1957. Inspector Steine rather enjoys his life as a policeman by the sea. No criminals, no crime, no stress.So it's really rather annoying when an ambitious - not to mention irritating - new constable shows up to work and starts investigating a series of burglaries. And it's even more annoying when, after Constable Twitten is despatched to the theatre for the night, he sits next to a vicious theatre critic who is promptly shot dead part way through the opening night of a new play.It seems Brighton may be in need of a police force after all.
Год: 2019
Производитель: Raven books
Артикул: 2760527
ISBN: 9781408890486
Автор: Truss Lynne
Страницы: 318
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

A Shot in the Dark
508 руб.
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Breaking Cover
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Breaking Cover
Recovering from a gruelling terrorist investigation, Liz Carlyle has been posted to MI5's counter-espionage desk. Her bosses hope the change of scene will give her some breathing space, but they haven't counted on Putin's increased aggression towards the West. Soon Liz is on the hunt for a Russian spy who threatens to plunge Britain back into the fraught days of the Cold War.Meanwhile, MI6 has hired Jasminder Kapoor, a controversial young civil rights lawyer, to explain issues of privacy and security to the public. But in this world of shadowy motives and secret identities, Jasminder must be extra-careful about whom she can trust ..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2017
Производитель: Bloomsbury
Артикул: 2612662
ISBN: 9781408859735
Автор: Римингтон Стелла
Страницы: 362
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Breaking Cover
508 руб.
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Смерть в облаках: книга для чтения на английском языке
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Смерть в облаках: книга для чтения на английском языке
Одну из пассажирок рейса Париж Кройдон незадолго до посадки обнаруживают мертвой. Что случилось с пожилой дамой? Под подозрение попадают все пассажиры, включая Эркюля Пуаро. Разумеется, прославленный сыщик с блеском раскроет преступление и выведет убийцу на чистую воду.Полный неадаптированный текст романа снабжен комментариями и словарем.
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 3034755
ISBN: 9785992517149
Автор: Кристи Агата
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Смерть в облаках: книга для чтения на английском языке
511 руб.
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The Wolves of Winter
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The Wolves of Winter
Lynn McBride has learned much since society collapsed in the face of nuclear war and the relentless spread of disease. As memories of her old life haunt her, she has been forced to forge ahead in the snow-covered Canadian Yukon, learning how to hunt and trap to survive.But her fragile existence is about to be shattered. Shadows of the world before have found her tiny community most prominently in the enigmatic figure of Jax, who sets in motion a chain of events that will force Lynn to fulfill a destiny she never imagined.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: HQ
Артикул: 2724755
ISBN: 9780008210175
Автор: Джонсон Тирал
Страницы: 312
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Wolves of Winter
517 руб.
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The Recovery of Rose Gold
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The Recovery of Rose Gold
Rose Gold Watts believed she was sick for eighteen years.Turned out her mother was a really good liar.After five years in prison, Patty Watts is finally free. All she wants is to put old grievances behind her, reconcile with the daughter who testified against her - and care for her new infant grandson.When Rose Gold agrees to have Patty move in, it seems their relationship is truly on the mend. And she has waited such a long time for her mother to come home.But has Patty truly forgotten their past?And is Rose Gold really able to forgive?A gripping and electrifying tale that will make you question your allegiances until the very end . . .

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2021
Производитель: Не установлено
Артикул: 2873295
ISBN: 9781405943536
Автор: Вробель Cтефани
Страницы: 401
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Recovery of Rose Gold
519 руб.
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The Girl in Green
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The Girl in Green
There she is, in a line of refugees in Kurdistan, just before the mortar lands. The girl they failed to save twenty-two years ago.Thomas Benton and Arwood Hobbes watch the video again. It can't be her, can it? But as soon as they ask the question, the journalist and the ex-soldier both know they have to make the journey back to Iraq's shattered landscape and broken heart - they have to know..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2016
Производитель: Faber & Faber
Артикул: 2617516
ISBN: 9780571313976
Автор: Миллер Дерек Б
Страницы: 373
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Girl in Green
520 руб.
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Three Minutes
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Three Minutes
INFILTRATOROne-time Swedish government agent Piet Hoffmann is on the run from the life prison sentence he escaped: living under a false identity with his family in Cali, Colombia.INFORMANTWhen Hoffmann is offered employment by a Colombian drug mafia, and is simultaneously approached by the US DEA to infiltrate the same cartel, he says yes to both.IN TOO DEEPHowever, when America settles on an enemy for their next War on Terror, Colombia, the US government and the cartel are faced with the same problem. Piet Hoffmann.Hoffmann is marked. Yet help will come from unlikely quarters: DCI Ewert Grens - the enemy who Hoffmann once tricked - will now become the only ally he can trust.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Артикул: 2639711
ISBN: 9781784295318
Страницы: 489
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Three Minutes
522 руб.
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Окончательный диагноз: Книга для чтения на английском языке
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Окончательный диагноз: Книга для чтения на английском языке
Окончательный диагноз: Книга для чтения на английском языке.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Modern Prose
Год: 2018
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 2246136
ISBN: 9785992504590
Автор: Хейли Артур
Страницы: 384
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Окончательный диагноз: Книга для чтения на английском языке
523 руб.
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Bad Apple
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Bad Apple
Seven-year-old Hanna has never spoken a word.She is a sweet but silent angel in the eyes of her adoring father, but with Mummy, things are different. Suzette loves her daughter but difficulties with babysitters and teachers over the years have put a strain on their relationship and her sanity.Then Hanna speaks for the first time, to Suzette alone, and what she says is chilling.Suzette wants to write it off as a scary joke, but she s becoming increasingly frightened by Hanna's little games. Could she be in danger from her own child? And when it's her word against her daughter's, can she make her husband believe her?Bad Apple is a blazing debut novel about a perfect-looking family where sweetness can be deceptive.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2019
Производитель: Corgi Books
Артикул: 2747213
ISBN: 9780552175012
Страницы: 423
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Bad Apple
524 руб.
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Читай город
For Stella Harvey the news is doubly shocking. The body has been uncovered in the garden of her childhood home - the home her family fled without explanation twenty-five years ago.Desperate to unearth the truth, Stella returns to the isolated island. But the community she left isn't as welcoming as she remembers - and people will go to any length to protect their secrets.One thing rings true You can't bury the truth forever.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Arrow Books
Артикул: 2812292
ISBN: 9781787460782
Страницы: 419
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

524 руб.
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Criss Cross
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Criss Cross
Sensationally plotted, it leaps off the page and grabs you by the throat DAILY MAILNo one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades. The Alex Cross series proves it. LEE CHILD, international bestselling author of the Jack Reacher series__________________________________Could a ghost from his past take everything away from Alex Cross?Mere hours after witnessing the execution of a killer he helped put behind bars, Alex Cross is called to the scene of a copycat murder. A note signed M rests on the corpse: You messed up big time, Dr. Cross.Was an innocent man just put to death? As the executed convicts family launch a vicious campaign against Cross, his abilities as a detective are called into question.The enigmatic M lures Cross out of Washington, DC to the sites of multiple homicides, all marked with distressingly familiar details that conjure up decades-old cases and Cross family secrets.Details that make it clear M is after a prize so dear that - were the killer to attain it - Crosss life would be destroyed.__________________________________Alex Cross is a legend. HARLAN COBENReaders say its one of the best Alex Cross books yet:I have to say that this is one of my favourite Alex Cross books in a long time!I read this book in one sitting and highly recommend it. Ive read every single Alex Cross book and this one didnt disappoint. It has a great mix of new cases linked to old cases for Cross.Romped through the latest Alex Cross book! Great read that I just couldnt put down.An intriguing storyline involving the Cross family and enemies from his past. A must read for Patterson fans.As always with James Patterson, he had me from the first page, and kept the pace up to the last.Roll on the next instalment.I absolutely loved this book and once I started reading I just couldnt put it down. Its a fast-paced read, no time to take a break or breathe out as the situations and mysteries are on a roll and unstoppable.A great addition to the Cross series by the most known author in the world for mystery thrillersJames Patterson is back at the top of his game with this one.Im a massive fan of the Alex Cross series so I jumped at the chance to review the latest installment, and Im so pleased it didnt disappoint. Its action-packed right from the start and had me gripped straight away. This book is fast paced with lots of twists and turns. My first James Patterson but not my last, really enjoyed and so will you.I have long been a fan of the author and his long running Alex Cross series and this book does not disappoint .I think this one constitutes a must read for fans of Patterson and Dr Cross.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Arrow Books
Артикул: 2826707
ISBN: 9781787461864
Страницы: 387
Гендер: Мужчины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Criss Cross
524 руб.
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Prison is a dangerous place for a former cop - as Harriet Blue is learning on a daily basis.So, following a fight for her life and a prison-wide lockdown, the last person she wants to see is Deputy Police Commissioner Joe Woods. The man who put her inside.But Woods is not there to gloat. His daughter Tonya and her two-year-old child have gone missing.He's ready to offer Harriet a deal: find his family to buy her freedom...

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Arrow Books
Артикул: 2812290
ISBN: 9781787462175
Страницы: 370
Гендер: Мужчины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

524 руб.
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I Am Missing
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I Am Missing
When a young man wakes up bruised and beaten, with no memory of who he is or where he came from, the press immediately dub him 'The Lost Man'. Naming himself Richard Kite, he spends the next ten months desperately trying to find out who he is. But despite media appeals and the efforts of the police, no one knows him.Richard's last hope may be private investigator David Raker - a seasoned locator of missing people. But Raker has more questions than answers.Who is Richard Kite?Why does no one know him?And what links him to the body of a woman found beside a London railway line two years ago?.......
Год: 2019
Производитель: ВБС Логистик
Артикул: 2617454
ISBN: 9781405917841
Гендер: Женщины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

I Am Missing
524 руб.
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In Bloom
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In Bloom
Rhiannon Lewis has successfully fooled the world and framed her cheating fiance Craig for the depraved and bloody killing spree she committed. She should be ecstatic that she s free.Except for one small problem. She s pregnant with her ex lover s child. The ex-lover she only recently chopped up and buried in her in-laws garden. And as much as Rhiannon wants to continue making her way through her kill lists, a small voice inside is trying to make her stop.But can a killer s urges ever really be curbed......................

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Harper Collins Publishers
Артикул: 2682577
ISBN: 9780008216726
Автор: Skuse CJ
Страницы: 420
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

In Bloom
524 руб.
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A strange sensation runs through me, a feeling that I don't know this person in front of me, even though he matters more to me than anyone ever has, than anyone ever will.You go into your son's bedroom. It's the usual mess. You tidy up some dirty plates, pick up some clothes, open the wardrobe to put them away.That's when you find it.And you realize a horrifying truth...Your own son might be dangerous.Keep You Close is the chilling, relentless new thriller from the bestselling author of Need to Know.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Corgi Books
Артикул: 2812342
ISBN: 9780552174800
Страницы: 392
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

524 руб.
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One More Lie
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One More Lie
How do you live with yourself as an adult when you were convicted of murder as a child?And when you can t remember the crime HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU RE GUILTY?Charlotte wants a fresh start. She wants to forget her past, forget her crime - and, most of all, forget that one terrible moment.It s the reason she s been given a new name, a new life. The reason she spent years in prison.But even on the outside, with an ankle monitor and court-mandated therapy, she can t escape the devastating memory of the night that turned her and her only friend into national hate figures.But now her friend has found her.And despite the lies she tells to survive, she soon finds herself being dragged deeper and deeper into a past she cannot confront.Even if it s going to cost Charlotte her life

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Arrow Books
Артикул: 2811920
ISBN: 9781787460829
Автор: Ллойд Эми
Страницы: 389
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

One More Lie
524 руб.
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Our Little Cruelties
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Our Little Cruelties
Three brothers are at the funeral. One lies in the coffin.Will, Brian and Luke grow up competing for their mother's unequal love. As men, the competition continues - for status, money, fame, women ...They each betray each other, over and over, until one of them is dead.But which brother killed him?

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Penguin Books
Артикул: 2847080
ISBN: 9780241979747
Страницы: 376
Гендер: Женщины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Our Little Cruelties
524 руб.
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MURDERFormer SAS soldier David Shelley has plans for a safer and more stable existence, settling down to civilian life in London. But the shocking death of a young woman Shelley once helped protect puts those plans on hold.BETRAYALThe police rule the death a suicide but the grieving parents can t accept their beloved Emma would take her own life. They need to find out what really happened, and they turn to their former bodyguard, Shelley, for help.REVENGEWhen they discover that Emma had fallen into a dark and seedy world of drugs and online pornography, the father s need for retribution will take them into a war from which there may be no escape.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Arrow Books
Артикул: 2811919
ISBN: 9781787461352
Автор: Паттерсон Джеймс
Страницы: 355
Гендер: Женщины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

524 руб.
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Smileys People
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Smileys People
A Soviet defector has been assassinated on English soil, and George Smiley is called back to the Circus to clear up - and cover up - the mess. But what he discovers sends him delving into the past, on a trail through Hamburg and Paris to Cold War Berlin - and a final showdown with his elusive nemesis, Karla.The concluding part of le Carre's celebrated Karla Trilogy, Smiley's People sees the last confrontation between the indefatigable spymaster and his great enemy, as their rivalry comes to a shattering end.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Penguin Books
Артикул: 2812256
ISBN: 9780241330913
Автор: Ле Карре Джон
Страницы: 426
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Smileys People
524 руб.
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The Inn
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The Inn
Its seclusion suits former Boston police detective Bill Robinson, novice owner and innkeeper. As long as the dozen residents pay their rent, Robinson doesn't ask any questions.Yet all too soon Robinson discovers that leaving the city is no escape from dangers he left behind. A new crew of deadly criminals move into the small town, bringing drugs and violence to the front door of the inn.Robinson feels the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. His sense of duty compels him to fight off the threat to his town. But he can't do it alone. Before time runs out, the residents of the inn will face a choice.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Arrow Books
Артикул: 2812291
ISBN: 9781787462441
Страницы: 363
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Inn
524 руб.
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The Nanny
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The Nanny
Jocelyn loves her nanny more than her own mother - until the night that the nanny disappears. Jo is seven years old when it happens and never gets over the loss.Now, thirty years later, Jo is returning to her family home with her daughter in tow - just as human remains are pulled out of the house's lake.Then there's a knock on the door. And a woman claiming to be her nanny stands outside.Is she who she says she is?Can she be trusted?And what really happened on that fateful night all those years ago?

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Arrow Books
Артикул: 2812289
ISBN: 9781787462328
Страницы: 425
Гендер: Женщины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Nanny
524 руб.
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FBI analyst Emmy Dockery's unique ability to uncover the patterns that others miss has brought her an impressive string of arrests. But a new case - unfolding across the country - has left her looking for something which may not exist.The victims all appear to have died by accident, and seemingly have nothing in common. But this many deaths can't be a coincidence. Can they?Emmy's instincts tell her this is the work of a terrifyingly intelligent serial killer - and she's determined to prove it. When her obsession with the crimes raises flags within the FBI, she's in danger of becoming a suspect herself.But someone else is watching Dockery. Studying, learning, waiting. Until it's the perfect time to strike.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Arrow Books
Артикул: 2812287
ISBN: 9781787461789
Автор: Паттерсон Джеймс
Страницы: 468
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

524 руб.
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When You See Me
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When You See Me
A body is found in the hills - but the truth still lies buried...In a small town in the Deep South, Flora Dane is part of a task force committed to hunting down every last trace of notorious serial kidnapper Jacob Ness. As his last victim, imprisoned by Ness in a small box for over a year, she knew him better than most. Even after his death, his evil still lingers.But this is the kind of town that doesnt take kindly to strangers asking questions.The kind of town where dark secrets lurk just beneath the surface.The kind of town she might not leave alive.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Arrow Books
Артикул: 2826677
ISBN: 9781787464360
Автор: Gardner Lisa
Страницы: 385
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

When You See Me
524 руб.
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Who Did You Tell?
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Who Did You Tell?
Its been 192 days, seven hours and fifteen minutes since her last drink. Now Astrid is trying to turn her life around.Having reluctantly moved back in with her mother, in a quiet seaside town away from the temptations and painful memories of her life before, Astrid is focusing on her recovery. Shes going to meetings. Confessing her misdeeds. Making amends to those shes wronged.But someone knows exactly what Astrid is running from. And they wont stop until she learns that some mistakes cant be corrected.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Corgi Books
Артикул: 2826679
ISBN: 9780552175517
Автор: Кара Лесли
Страницы: 406
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Who Did You Tell?
524 руб.
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Beneath the Surface
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Beneath the Surface
veryone is talking about Grace's family.But for all the wrong reasons . . .Grace wanted to give her daughters the childhood she never had. And with teenage golden girl Lilly she's never had to worry.But when Lilly mysteriously collapses at school, Grace's carefully ordered world crashes down. It turns out Lilly isn't the perfect daughter after all and Grace becomes obsessed with uncovering the truth.Which is when she takes her eyes off her youngest daughter, Mia and learns that the closer the family, the darker the secrets . . .

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Penguin Books
Артикул: 2812233
ISBN: 9781405935975
Страницы: 381
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Beneath the Surface
529 руб.
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House of Spies
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House of Spies
Four months after the deadliest attack on the American homeland since 9/11, terrorists leave a trail of carnage through London s West End. The attack is a brilliant feat of planning and secrecy, except for a single thread.The thread leads legendary spy, art restorer, and assassin Gabriel Allon and his team to the south of France and the doorstep of Jean-Luc Martel and Olivia Watson. A beautiful former fashion model, Olivia pretends not to know that the true source of Martel s enormous wealth is drugs. And Martel, likewise, turns a blind eye to the fact he is doing business with a man whose objective is the very destruction of the West. Together, under Gabriel s skilled hand, they will become an unlikely pair of heroes in the global war on terrorism....................

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Harper Collins Publishers
Артикул: 2682567
ISBN: 9780008104764
Автор: Silva Daniel
Страницы: 526
Гендер: Мужчины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

House of Spies
529 руб.
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The Last Act of Hattie Hoffman
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The Last Act of Hattie Hoffman
Eighteen-year-old Hattie Hoffman is a talented actress, loved by everyone in her Minnesotan hometown. When she's found stabbed to death on the opening night of her school play, the tragedy rips through the fabric of the community.Sheriff Del Goodman, a close friend of Hattie's dad, vows to find her killer, but the investigation yields more secrets than answers: it turns out Hattie played as many parts offstage as on. Told from three perspectives, Del's, Hattie's high school English teacher and Hattie herself, The Last Act of Hattie Hoffman tells the story of the Hattie behind the masks, and what happened in that final year of her life. Wonderfully evocative of its Midwestern setting and with a cast of unforgettable characters, this is a book about manipulation of relationships and identity; about the line between innocence and culpability; about the hope love offers and the tragedies that occur when it spins out of control...

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2017
Производитель: Quercus
Артикул: 2620097
ISBN: 9781784295950
Автор: Мехия Минди
Страницы: 342
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Last Act of Hattie Hoffman
529 руб.
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The Temptation of Forgiveness
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The Temptation of Forgiveness
When important information is leaked from inside the Venetian Questura, Commissario Guido Brunetti is entrusted with the task of uncovering which of his colleagues is responsible. But before Brunetti can begin his investigation, he is surprised by the appearance in his office of a friend of his wife s, who is fearful that her son is using drugs. A few weeks later, Tullio Gasparini, the woman s husband, is found unconscious with a serious head injury at the foot of a bridge, and Brunetti is drawn to pursue a possible connection to the boy s behaviour. But the truth is not straightforward. Following various contradictory leads, Brunetti navigates his way through a world of mysterious informants, underground deals and secret longstanding scam networks, all the while growing ever more impressed by the intuition of his fellow Commissario, Claudia Griffoni, and by the endless resourcefulness of Signorina Elettra, Vice-Questore Patta s secretary and gate-keeper. With Gasparini s condition showing no signs of improvement, and his investigations leading nowhere, Brunetti is steadied by the embrace of his own family and by his passion for the classics. He turns to Sophocles s Antigone in an attempt to understand the true purpose of justice, and, in its light, he is forced to consider the terrible consequences to which the actions of a tender heart can lead.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Arrow Books
Артикул: 2705220
ISBN: 9781787461109
Автор: Leon Donna
Страницы: 300
Гендер: Мальчики
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Temptation of Forgiveness
530 руб.
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Читай город
DI David Vogel is first on the scene when Melanie Cooke's bruised and strangled body is discovered in Bristol's red-light district. The evidence points to Melanie's father being the killer, but Vogel's on edge. The quick arrest is too easy, too straightforward.When two new murders are reported, Vogel's team broaden the search: new evidence suggests that there are three different, disturbed criminals. Any one of them could have killed Melanie, but which one did? Vogel's team inch towards the answer, never suspecting that the killer is watching them too, waiting for his moment to strike.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Black Thorn
Артикул: 2783171
ISBN: 9781786894939
Автор: Bonner Hilary
Страницы: 357
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

531 руб.
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When the body of social worker Kera Jacobsen shows up on Chief Medical Examiner Laurie Montgomery s autopsy table, it appears at first that she was the victim of a tragic drug overdose. But for Laurie and her new pathology resident, the brilliant but outspoken Dr. Aria Nichols, further investigation reveals an alarming discovery. The young woman was ten weeks pregnant when she died, but nobody seems to know who the father was - or whether he holds the key to Kera s final moments alive.While Laurie faces a personal crisis with the support of her husband, forensic pathologist Jack Stapleton, the impulsive Aria investigates a controversial new technique to progress the case: using DNA databases to track down those who don t want to be found. Working with experts at a genealogy website based in New York, she plans to trace the foetus s DNA in the hopes of identifying the mystery father.After Kera s closest friend is found murdered days later, the need for answers becomes critical. Because someone out there clearly doesn t want Kera s secrets to come to light and if Aria gets any closer to the truth, she and Laurie face becoming targets for a ruthless killer.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Pan Books
Артикул: 2826415
ISBN: 9781529019131
Автор: Cook Robin
Страницы: 387
Гендер: Женщины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

531 руб.
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No Mercy
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No Mercy
Police officer Ellery Hathaway is on involuntary leave from her job because she shot a murderer in cold blood and refuses to apologize for it. Forced into group therapy for victims of violent crime, Ellery immediately finds higher priorities than "getting in touch with her feelings."For one, she suspects a fellow group member may have helped to convict the wrong man for a deadly arson incident years ago. For another, Ellery finds herself in the desperate clutches of a woman who survived a brutal rape. He is still out there, this man with the spider-like ability to climb through bedroom windows, and his victim beseeches Ellery for help in capturing her attacker.Ellery seeks advice from her friend, FBI profiler Reed Markham, who liberated her from a killer's closet when she was a child. Reed remains drawn to this unpredictable woman, the one he rescued but couldn't quite save. The trouble is, Reed is up for a potential big promotion, and his boss has just one condition for the new job?stay away from Ellery. Ellery ignores all the warnings. Instead, she starts digging around in everyone's past but her own?a move that, at best, could put her out of work permanently, and at worst, could put her in the city morgue....

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2019
Производитель: ВБС Логистик
Артикул: 2730206
ISBN: 9781789090567
Страницы: 414
Гендер: Женщины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

No Mercy
531 руб.
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The Runaway
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The Runaway
When forensic psychologist Becca Ortiz fosters teenage runaway Ash, she knows she will love and protect her as if she were her own daughter.Ash may have turned her back on her old life but there is still one person she can't bear to lose. Now he is about to drag her back into a dark world where no one is safe.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Arrow Books
Артикул: 2811927
ISBN: 9781787460744
Автор: Овертон Холли
Страницы: 424
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Runaway
531 руб.
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The Rain
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The Rain
An apocalyptic thriller, The Rain by Virginia Bergin is a coming of age story of survival in a scary, weather-beaten world. One minute sixteen-year-old Ruby Morris is having her first proper snog with Caspar McCloud in a hot tub, and the next she s being bundled inside the house, dripping wet, cold and in her underwear. Not cool. As she and Caspar shiver in the kitchen, it starts to rain. They turn on the radio to hear panicked voices It s in the rain . . . it s in the rain . . . 'That was two weeks ago, and now Ruby is totally alone. People weren t prepared for the rain, got caught out in it, didn t realize that you couldn t drink water from the taps either. Even a drop of rain would infect your blood, and eat you from the inside out. Ruby knows she has to get to London to find her dad, but she just doesn t know where to start . After rescuing all the neighbourhood dogs, Ruby sets off on a journey that will take her the length of the country surviving in the only way she knows how..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2014
Артикул: 2675017
ISBN: 9781447266068
Страницы: 386
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Rain
532 руб.
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The Searcher
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The Searcher
Isaac Hammer is under arrest. The police have proof that his company, a private London intelligence agency, has broken a dozen laws - tapping phones, hacking emails, bribing police - and now he must face the consequences. But this wasn't Hammer's work, or his style. This was all Ben Webster, and now Webster is missing.Released from custody, Hammer heads to Webster's house to persuade his old colleague to give himself up. But Webster isn't there; he's in Tbilisi, and his wife hasn't heard from him in days. Hammer has no choice but to break bail to bring back the wanted man.In Georgia, every step he takes is watched by policemen, spies and gangsters. Someone out there, Hammer soon realizes, is ready to kill him and everyone dear to him to stop him stumbling towards the truth..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2017
Производитель: Pan Books
Артикул: 2596331
ISBN: 9781447233602
Автор: Джонс Крис Морган
Страницы: 455
Гендер: Мужчины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Searcher
532 руб.
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Cajun Justice
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Cajun Justice
From the world s bestselling thriller writer comes an international thriller going from the Bayou in Louisiana to Tokyo, Japan as justice is served.Cain Lemaire, a Secret Service agent from New Orleans, has the job he s always wanted - until a single night results in a scandal that gets him fired.Needing a new direction, Cain follows his sister to Japan and takes a job in Tokyo as head of security for the CEO of a top company. But what he thought was a simple security assignment unravels a tangled web of corruption, greed and extortion.Without the wealth of resources he had with the Secret Service, Cain will have to rely on his instincts and training as he races to find justice the way only a former agent can.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Arrow Books
Артикул: 2826703
ISBN: 9781787465404
Автор: Паттерсон Джеймс
Страницы: 411
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Cajun Justice
534 руб.
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The Hound of the Baskervilles. Level S
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The Hound of the Baskervilles. Level S
Sir Charles Baskerville is dead. Did the hound of the Baskervilles kill him? Can Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson stop the hound from killing again? Penguin Readers is a series of popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction written for learners of English as a foreign language. Beautifully illustrated and carefully adapted, the series introduces language learners around the world to the bestselling authors and most compelling content from Penguin Random House.The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework and include language activities that help readers to develop key skills. The Hound of the Baskervilles, a Starter level Reader, is A1 in the CEFR framework. Starter level is ideal for readers who are learning English for the first time.Short sentences contain a maximum of two clauses, using the present simple and continuous tenses, possessives, regular and irregular verbs, and simple adjectives. Illustrations support the text throughout, and many titles at this level are graphic novels.Адаптированная книга для чтения на английском языке. Для подростков от 12 лет и взрослых. Соответствует уровню Pre-A1.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Penguin Readers
Год: 2019
Производитель: Penguin Books
Артикул: 2783307
ISBN: 9780241375303
Автор: Дойл Артур Конан
Страницы: 61
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Hound of the Baskervilles. Level S
541 руб.
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Приключения Шерлока Холмса : Книга для чтения на английском языке
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Приключения Шерлока Холмса : Книга для чтения на английском языке
Приключения Шерлока Холмса: Книга для чтения на английском языке.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Detective story
Год: 2018
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 2246167
ISBN: 9785992502527
Автор: Дойл Артур Конан
Страницы: 480
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Приключения Шерлока Холмса : Книга для чтения на английском языке
543 руб.
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Убийство Роджера Экройда: книга для чтения на английском языке
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Убийство Роджера Экройда: книга для чтения на английском языке
В провинциальном английском городке Кингс Эббот, куда прославленный частный детектив Эркюль Пуаро удалился на покой и собирался заняться выращиванием кабачков, произошло убийство. Подозреваются несколько человек, имеющие и возможности, и причины для совершения преступления. "Пенсионер" Пуаро, как всегда, с блеском расследовал дело.Полный неадаптированный текст романа снабжен комментариями и словарем.

Серия: Detective story
Год: 2024
Производитель: КАРО
Артикул: 3034756
ISBN: 9785992517132
Автор: Кристи Агата
Страницы: 352
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Убийство Роджера Экройда: книга для чтения на английском языке
543 руб.
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If Tomorrow Comes = Если наступит завтра
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If Tomorrow Comes = Если наступит завтра
Трейси работает в банке. Она красива, умна, вполне благополучна, но её жизнь ломается в один миг. Цепь трагических событий приводит к тому, что Трейси приговаривают к большому тюремному сроку. Освободившись, девушка открывает в себе талант мошенницы: участвует в различных аферах, похищает бриллианты и даже благодаря хитроумному замыслу выигрывает шахматную партию у двух выдающихся гроссмейстеров, практически ничего не зная об этой игре.Текст сокращён и адаптирован. Уровень Intermediate.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Abridger Bestseller
Год: 2024
Производитель: Антология
Артикул: 3036530
ISBN: 9785605111412
Автор: Шелдон Сидни
Страницы: 352
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

If Tomorrow Comes = Если наступит завтра
545 руб.
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Miss Treadway & the Field of Stars
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Miss Treadway & the Field of Stars
Soho. 1965, When an American actress disappears from the Galaxy Theatre, her young dresser, Anna Treadway is determined to find out what happened to her.Anna's search will lead her through a London she barely knew existed: a city of reggae clubs and back street doctors, of dangerous prejudice and unexpected allies. She is aided by a disparate group of emigres, each carrying secrets of their own.But before she can discover the truth about Iolanthe, Anna will need to open herself to her past, her present and the possibility of love..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2017
Производитель: 4th Estate
Артикул: 2612670
ISBN: 9780008170608
Автор: Эммерсон Миранда
Страницы: 290
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Miss Treadway & the Field of Stars
547 руб.
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Goodbye California
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Goodbye California
Reissue of the classic tale of terrorism, where a criminal fanatic is hell-bent on blasting San Francisco into the ocean, from the acclaimed master of action and suspense.'Earthquake country, ' said the Professor. 'San Francisco is geologically and seismologically a city that waits to die. Los Angeles is ringed by earthquake centres - seven massive quakes so far. We have no idea where the next, the monster, will hit...'...until a criminal fanatic kidnaps a nuclear scientist and builds his own atomic bombs. If exploded on California's fault lines they could trigger off the mightiest earthquake of them all - killing half its population and dumping the entire city of San Francisco into the sea.Goodbye California...

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Harper Collins Publishers
Артикул: 2847380
ISBN: 9780008337476
Автор: MacLean Alistair
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Goodbye California
548 руб.
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Tales of Long Ago. Short story collections
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Tales of Long Ago. Short story collections
Серия книг Зарубежная классика читай в оригинале это бессмертные произведения великих мастеров пера, написанные ими на их родном языке и наречии. Книги из этой серии помогут читателю углубленно изучать иностранные языки, обогатят его внутренний мир и по-новому откроют произведения известных классиков

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Зарубежная классика - читай в оргинале
Год: 2014
Производитель: Книга по Требованию
Артикул: 314759
ISBN: 9785519024211
Автор: Дойл Артур Конан
Страницы: 120
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Tales of Long Ago. Short story collections
550 руб.
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Tales of Pirates and Blue Water. Short story collections
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Tales of Pirates and Blue Water. Short story collections
Серия книг Зарубежная классика читай в оригинале это бессмертные произведения великих мастеров пера, написанные ими на их родном языке и наречии. Книги из этой серии помогут читателю углубленно изучать иностранные языки, обогатят его внутренний мир и по-новому откроют произведения известных классиков

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Зарубежная классика - читай в оргинале
Год: 2014
Производитель: Книга по Требованию
Артикул: 314758
ISBN: 9785519024204
Автор: Дойл Артур Конан
Страницы: 196
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Tales of Pirates and Blue Water. Short story collections
550 руб.
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Gathering Dark
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Gathering Dark
Blair Harbour s life as Hollywood s top paediatric surgeon was perfect, until the night she was jailed for a murder she says she didn t commit.With ten years of freedom lost, her medical licence cancelled and her son being raised by foster parents, she s ready to start again from scratch.But when a former cellmate begs for help finding her missing daughter, Blair must risk it all to save a young life. Her only allies are a thief, a ganglord and the cop who put her away.To do the right thing, Blair must mix with all the wrong people.Will it put her new-found freedom on the line?

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Arrow Books
Артикул: 2826537
ISBN: 9781787462069
Автор: Fox Candice
Страницы: 408
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

Gathering Dark
552 руб.
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The Heatwave
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The Heatwave
Elodie was beautiful. Elodie was smart. Elodie was troubled. Elodie is dead.In Provence, under a sweltering sun, Sylvie returns to the crumbling family home of La Reverie with her youngest daughter Emma.Yet every corner of the house is haunted by the memories of Elodie, her first child - memories she has tried to forget, but whose long-ago death the villagers certainly haven t.As temperatures rise, and forest fires rage through the French countryside, memories of Elodie spread further through Sylvie s mind Because there s something Sylvie s been hiding about what happened to Elodie all those summers ago.And it could change everything.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2020
Производитель: Penguin Books
Артикул: 2826627
ISBN: 9781405922623
Страницы: 376
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

The Heatwave
552 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
Читай город
Noah Livingston knows he is destined to survive. The sixty-four members of his class are trapped in a place where morals have no meaning and zero rules apply. Min Wilder knows that survival alone isn't enough. In a violent world where brute force passes for leadership, Min's instincts rebel against allowing others to decide who lives and who dies. She's ready to fight for what she believes in. And against whoever might stand in her way. From Brendan Reichs, co-author of the Virals series with Kathy Reichs, comes Genesis the nail-biting sequel to Nemesis - a fast-paced, high concept thriller perfect for fans of The 100 and The Maze Runner..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2018
Производитель: Macmillan
Артикул: 2675244
ISBN: 9781509869992
Страницы: 499
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

559 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
My Little Eye
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My Little Eye
Can a group of true crime addicts take on the police to catch a serial killer? A young woman is found dead in her bedroom surrounded by rose petals - the latest victim of 'The Lover'. Struggling under the weight of an internal investigation, DI Dominic Bell is no closer to discovering the identity of the killer and time is running out. As the murders escalate, Clementine Starke joins an online true crime group determined to take justice in to their own hands - to catch the killer before the police. Hiding a dark secret, she takes greater risks to find new evidence and infiltrate the group. As Starke and Bell get closer to cracking the case neither of them realise they're being watched. The killer is closer to them than they think, and he has his next victim - Clementine - firmly in his sights.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Год: 2017
Артикул: 2675644
ISBN: 9781409171973
Страницы: 346
Гендер: Женщины
Категория: Детектив. Остросюжетный роман. Триллер

My Little Eye
559 руб.
Магазин: Читай город
The Prestige = Престиж
Действие романа происходит в Англии во второй половине XIX века. В центре повествования - соперничество двух успешных иллюзионистов. Профессиональная ревность вынуждает мастеров поступиться моралью, а одержимость сценическим искусством подводит их к гибельной черте Роман Престиж был написан известным английским прозаиком Кристофером Пристом в 1995 году и удостоился Всемирной премии фэнтези и британской литературной награды - Мемориальной премии Джеймса Тейта Блэка. В 2006 году Кристофер Нолан снял одноимённый фильм, и эта блестящая экранизация вызвала неподдельный интерес зрителей к захватывающему интеллектуальному детективу и фантастической драме Приста..Текст сокращён и адаптирован. Уровень Upper-Intermediate..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Abridged Bestseller

Murder on the Orient Express (Убийство в восточном экспрессе), на английском языке
Вниманию читателей предлагается полный, неадаптированный текст известного детективного романа А. Кристи "Убийство в Восточном экспрессе" (1933). Издание рассчитано на лиц, владеющих основами английского языка и совершенствующих свои навыки в нем.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Классики в оригинале

Ten Little Niggers. Книга для чтения на английском языке. Уровень В1
Некто приглашает десять гостей в особняк, расположенный на уединённом острове. Эти люди незнакомы друг с другом, у них нет ничего общего: разные профессии, социальный статус и жизненный опыт. Впрочем, главному режиссёру последующих событий известно, что у каждого из них в биографии есть страницы, о которых они предпочли бы забыть. Однако прошлое настигает их в образе невидимого убийцы, вершащего свой суд над преступниками, которые сумели избежать правосудия. Гости особняка один за другим погибают, повторяя судьбу героев известной считалочки про десять негритят И никого не стало. Текст сокращён и адаптирован. Уровень B1.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Abridged & Adapted

The Godfather
Детство и юность Марио Пьюзо прошли в самом неблагополучном районе Нью-Йорка, на легендарной Адской Кухне, которая с ХIХ века ковала кадры интернационального преступного мира Америки. Исследованию этого феномена он посвятил свое литературное творчество. Всемирное признание пришло к Пьюзо после выхода эпической гангстерской саги "Крестный отец" (1969) - истории семьи сицилийского эмигранта Вито Корлеоне, в которой как в зеркале отразилась новейшая история Америки. Новаторство писателя заключалось в том, что его книга впервые поставила знак равенства между понятиями "Америка", "семья" и "мафия". Роман 69 недель держался в списке национальных бестселлеров, был переведен на многие языки и успешно экранизирован Ф. Ф. Копполой (6 "Оскаров", включая "лучший фильм года"). Книга рекордов Гиннеса отметила "Крестного отца" как самое читаемое произведение американской литературы.

Серия: Английский язык - книги для чтения

Книга для чтения на английском языке."Крестный отец" - классический роман о жизни одного из могущественных преступных синдикатов Америки - мафиозном клане дона Корлеоне. Написанная с потрясающей достоверностью, книга позволяет читателю без риска для жизни заглянуть в святая святых мафии.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: The Collection

The Rider of Lost Creek
Lance Kilkenny has a debt to pay, and he isn t about to let the friend who saved his life go down in a range war. But when Kilkenny tries to stop the fighting, he finds there s more at stake than land or wire. Whoever is stirring up trouble has big ideas for the Live Oak country and an army of hired guns to back them up. Nita Riordan, the beautiful and fiery owner of the Apple Canyon Saloon, warns Lance that the mysterious man orchestrating the conflict wants him dead. Lance realizes that if he doesn t watch his step, he ll pay the debt he owes with his own blood............

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans
Серия книг Зарубежная классика читай в оригинале это бессмертные произведения великих мастеров пера, написанные ими на их родном языке и наречии. Книги из этой серии помогут читателю углубленно изучать иностранные языки, обогатят его внутренний мир и по-новому откроют произведения известных классиков

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Зарубежная классика - читай в оргинале

The Adventure of the Dying Detective, and the Adventure of the Red Circle
Серия книг Зарубежная классика читай в оригинале это бессмертные произведения великих мастеров пера, написанные ими на их родном языке и наречии. Книги из этой серии помогут читателю углубленно изучать иностранные языки, обогатят его внутренний мир и по-новому откроют произведения известных классиков

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Зарубежная классика - читай в оргинале

The Sign of the Four
Серия книг Зарубежная классика читай в оригинале это бессмертные произведения великих мастеров пера, написанные ими на их родном языке и наречии. Книги из этой серии помогут читателю углубленно изучать иностранные языки, обогатят его внутренний мир и по-новому откроют произведения известных классиков. Неадаптированное издание на английском языке..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Зарубежная классика - читай в оргинале

Красная коробка (The Red Box)
Действие детектива Красная коробка (1937) разворачивается вокруг гибели девушки из модельного агентства.. За расследование этого дела берется Ниро Вульф и его помощник Арчи Гудвин.... . .
Американский детектив. Полночь
Детективу Кэрроллу предстоит нелегкая задача - раскрыть убийство незнакомца, чье тело таинственным образом оказалось найденным в салоне ночного такси...Криминальный роман признанного мастера остросюжетного жанра американца Роя Коэна (1891-1959) адаптирован в настоящем издании по методу Ильи Франка: снабжен дословным переводом на русский язык и необходимым лексико-грамматическим комментарием (без упрощения текста оригинала).Уникальность метода заключается в том, что запоминание слов и выражений происходит за счет их повторяемости, без заучивания и необходимости использовать словарь. Кроме того, читатель привыкает к логике английского языка, начинает его "чувствовать".Пособие способствует эффективному освоению языка, может служить дополнением к учебной программе.Для широкого круга лиц, изучающих английский язык и интересующихся культурой англоязычных стран.Пособие подготовила Ольга Ламонова.

Серия: Метод обучающего чтения Ильи Франка

The Mystery of Marie Roget
Stories. Эдгар Алан По. Тайна Мари Роже. Рассказы - неадаптированный текст на английском языке.Снабжен комментариями и словарем.

Серия: Чтение в оригинале

Фаворит: Книга для чтения на английском языке
Предлагаем вниманию читателей первый и считающийся лучшим роман признанного мастера детективного жанра Дика Френсиса Фаворит ..Книга адресована студентам языковых вузов и всем любителям англоязычных детективов...

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Detective story

The Creeping Man Level 3 (м) (Illustrated Readers) Doyle
Why would a dog suddenly attack its master? Why would a respected Professor disappear for two weeks without telling anyone where he went? And why, upon his return, would he begin to act in a strange and scary way, creeping around the house and garden on all fours? Can brilliant detective Sherlock Holmes and his colleague Dr Watson help the Professor and solve the mystery of the Creeping Man?.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Illustrated Readers

The ABC Murders
Королева классического детектива Агата Кристи предлагает читателям сложную, но интересную загадку - убийства по железнодорожному справочнику, которые берется расследовать блестящий сыщик Эркюль Пуаро.Следить за развитием событий читателю помогут подробные комментарии и словарь, данный в конце книги.На английском языке.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Возвращение Шерлока Холмса: Книга для чтения на английком языке
Возвращение Шерлока Холмса. Книга для чтения на английском языке.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Detective story

Whose Body?
Дороти Ли Сэйерс английская писательница, наиболее известная благодаря детективным романам, филолог, драматург и переводчик. Сэйерс вместе с Агатой Кристи участвовала в основании британского Детективного клуба. Чьё тело? первый детективный роман автора, в котором появляется главный герой ее одиннадцати детективов и множества рассказов, аристократ и сыщик-любитель, лорд Питер Уимзи. История начинается с того, что сын викария находит в своей ванной комнате труп неизвестного мужчины. В тот же день при загадочных обстоятельствах исчезает известный банкир Рубен Леви. Полиция Скотленд-Ярда почти не сомневается, что покойник в ванной комнате и есть Леви. Но детектив Уимзи уверен: кому-то выгодно, чтобы банкира считали мертвым. Но кому и зачем это нужно? И что случилось в действительности с Рубеном Леви?В книге представлен полный неадаптированный текст произведения на языке оригинала.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Чтение в оригинале

Born of Defiance
Born an Outcast, Talyn Batur has spent the whole of his life fighting against the prejudice of his people. An Andarion without a father is not something anyone wants to be.But when his companions brother draws him into a plot against the Andarion crown, he finds himself torn between the loyalty to their planetary government that his mother has beaten into him and his own beliefs of justice and right.Now, he must decide for himself to remain a pawn of their government or to defy everything and everyone hes ever known to stand up to tyranny. Its a gamble that will either save his life or end it. And when old enemies align with new ones, its more than just his own life at risk. And more than just his homeworld that will end should he fail, in Born of Defiance, the next League: Nemesis Rising novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Sherrilyn Kenyon.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Born of Legend
It s official Take a Psycho to Work Day. Why else would I be here? Hunted. Hated. Betrayed. Dagger Ixur is on the run for his life. As one of the most recognizable members of his royal house, he has a bounty on his head that guarantees him no quarter from any friend or even family. But surrender isn t in him. He will fight to the bitter end. A resolve that is sorely tested when he narrowly escapes a trap that leaves him severely wounded. With what he believes is his dying breath, he saves a boy born to an extinct race from a group out to enslave the kid for his legendary abilities.Ushara Altaan has spent her entire life hating those born to nobility. After all, it was a royal house that drove her entire species into virtual extinction. As a rare Andarion Fyreblood, she is sworn to end the existence of any royal she finds. But when Dagger saves her son s life, she is torn between her people and a debt that can never be repaid.Yet worse than Dagger s family that s still out to end hers, are the League assassins after him who will stop at nothing to claim the lives of her Tavali family. The only hope she has to save them all is to put their future and her faith into the hands of the very enemy whose grandmother personally extinguished Ushara s legendary lineage. But in Born of Legend, how can she ever trust Dagger when he is a disinherited outlaw whose very name is synonymous with betrayal?

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Бурный финиш: Книга для чтения на английском языке
Бурный финиш. Книга для чтения на английском языке.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Modern Prose

Ursula, Gareth and Alice have never met before.Ursula thinks she killed the love of her life.Gareth s been receiving strange postcards.And Alice is being stalked.None of them are used to relying on others - but when the three strangers lives unexpectedly collide, there s only one thing for it: they have to stick together. Otherwise, one of them will die.Three strangers, two secrets, one terrifying evening.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Baby Group
Her life was perfect. Until the video.Scarlett s golden life suddenly unravels when someone sends a shocking video of her to everyone she knows. The only people who claim they haven t seen it are the friends in her new mothers group: Cora, Emma and Asha.Scarlett is forced to delve into her past to discover who is out to get her. But as her circle of trust gathers around her, she has to ask - are her friends as innocent as they seem?A gripping read about motherhood, secrets and lies, perfect for fans of Heidi Perks and B.A. Paris.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Ребенок Розмари (книга для чтения на английском языке)
Роман Ребенок Розмари классика хоррора входит во все списки лучших триллеров. В этой истории нет привидений и монстров, но она по-настоящему пугает. Здесь ужас не в сверхъестественном, а в обыденном, что происходит прямо здесь и сейчас. И настоящим злом оказываются внешне приятные люди. Добро пожаловать в Бремфорд, замечательный многоквартирный дом на окраине Центрального парка в НьюЙорке. Здесь светлые просторные квартиры, милейшие соседи... и происходят очень странные вещи. Каждая книга Левина шедевр построения сюжета. В романе саспенса Левин все равно что швейцарский хронометр, по сравнению с ним мы все пятидолларовые часы, какие можно купить в магазинах, где продают вещи со скидкой , это слова Стивена Кинга.Текст печатается с незначительными сокращениями и снабжен комментариями и словарем.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Forgotten Room
A long-lost experiment of unknown intent... A hidden room in a vast seaside estate... An investigator marked for danger... On a sprawling estate on the coast of Rhode Island, at the nation s oldest and most prestigious think tank, an unfathomable tragedy takes place. No one knows what to make of the disturbing evidence left behind. Then reports begin to surface of increasingly bizarre behavior among the organization s distinguished scientists. Called upon to investigate these strange happenings, history professor and analyst of inexplicable phenomena Jeremy Logan comes across an ingeniously concealed room in a long-dormant wing of the mansion. What he discovers within may provide answers - and, in the process, unleash a new wave of catastrophe.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: New York Times Bestseller м

Murder on the Orient Express = Убийство в Восточном экспрессе
Убийство в Восточном экспрессе (1934) считается наиболее загадочным и виртуозным произведением Агаты Кристи. Действие романа разворачивается в трансъевропейском экспрессе, следующем из Стамбула в Кале. Попав в сильный снегопад, машинист вынужден остановить поезд в чистом поле. Таким образом все оказываются в снежном плену, между тем как в одном из купе обнаруживают тело убитого пассажира. За расследование этого убийства берется Эркюль Пуаро.

Обложка: Твердый переплёт

Серия: My Favourite Fiction

A lotus for miss Quon
Джеймс Хедли Чейз, настоящее имя Рене Брабазон Реймонд (1906-1985) - автор всемирно известных детективных романов.."Лотос для мисс Квон" (1961) - психологический детектив, сюжет которого разворачивается в условиях напряженной политической обстановки, где любовь преображает, а заранее спланированное преступление влечет за собой непредсказуемые последствия..В книге представлен неадаптированный текст на языке оригинала..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Чтение в оригинале

Лучшие рассказы о Шерлоке Холмсе. (The Best of Sherlock Holmes)
Вниманию читателей предлагается полный, неадаптированный текст десяти лучших рассказов Артура Конан Дойла о Шерлоке Холмсе. Издание рассчитано на лиц, владеющих основами английского языка и совершенствующих свои навыки в нём

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Golden Prey
Thanks to some very influential people whose lives he saved, Lucas is no longer working for the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, but for the U.S. Marshals Service, and with unusual scope. He gets to pick his own cases, whatever they are, wherever they lead him.And where they've led him this time is into real trouble. A Biloxi, Mississippi, drug-cartel counting house gets robbed, and suitcases full of cash disappear, leaving behind five bodies, including that of a six-year-old girl. Davenport takes the case, which quickly spirals out of control, as cartel assassins, including a torturer known as the "Queen of home-improvement tools" compete with Davenport to find the Dixie Hicks shooters who knocked over the counting house. Things get ugly real fast, and neither the cartel killers nor the holdup men give a damn about whose lives Davenport might have saved; to them, he's just another large target..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Goodbye Man
In this twisty thriller from the New York Times bestselling master of suspense, reward-seeker Colter Shaw infiltrates a sinister cult after learning that the only way to get somebody out . . . is to go in.In the wilderness of Washington State, expert tracker Colter Shaw has located two young men accused of a terrible hate crime. But when his pursuit takes a shocking and tragic turn, Shaw becomes desperate to discover what went so horribly wrong and if he is to blame.Shaws search for answers leads him to a shadowy organization that bills itself as a grief support group. But is it truly it a community that consoles the bereaved? Or a dangerous cult with a growing body count?Undercover, Shaw joins the mysterious group, risking everything despite the fact that no reward is on offer. He soon finds that some people will stop at nothing to keep their secrets hidden . . . and to make sure that he or those close to him say "goodbye" forever.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Beyond Reasonable Doubt
Elliot Rook is the epitome of a highly successful, old Etonian QC. Or so everyone believes. In fact, he is an ex-petty criminal with a past that he has spent decades keeping secret. Until now.An unidentified young woman of Middle Eastern origin has been found murdered on the outskirts of Rooks home town. Billy Barber - a violent football hooligan and white-supremacist - is accused of her murder. Barber insists that Rook must defend him. If Rook refuses, Barber will expose him, bringing crashing to the ground the life and career that Rook has spent his life building.The truth is there for the finding. But at what cost?

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Hanged Man (м) Kernick
A house deep in the countryside where the remains of seven unidentified women have just been discovered. A cop ready to risk everything in the hunt for their killers. A man who has seen the murders and is now on the run in fear of his life. So begins the race to track down this witness before the killers do. For Ray Mason and PI Tina Boyd, the road ahead is a dangerous one, with bodies and betrayal at every turn..
Line of Fire
Nick Stone is back in London but if he thought he was home for a break, he s very, very wrong. Backed into a corner by a man he knows he cannot trust, ex-deniable operator Nick Stone strikes a devil s bargain. In exchange for his own safety a life for a life Stone is charged with locating someone who doesn t want to be found, currently hiding out in the one of the remotest corners of the UK. And for the first time in a long time, he s not operating alone. But Stone and his team don t find just anyone. They find a world-class hacker, so good that her work might threaten the stability of the western world as we know it. These are dangerous waters and Stone is quickly in over his head. Before he finally knows which way to turn, the choice is ripped out of his hands. Most people might think of home as safety but Nick Stone isn t most people. For him and his team, it s just another place to get caught in the line of fire

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Havana Game
With the U.S. seemingly linked to a terrorist bombing in a Baltic nation and a Russian troop buildup just over the border, the covert Gray Outfit sends Thomas Laker to untangle the mess. But after a second attack leaves him out in the cold, Laker s on his own.Five thousand miles away in Miami, Laker s partner and NSA codebreaker Ava North is investigating the murder of a fellow agent. When tracks lead to a Cuban-American billionaire in bed with the Jersey Mob, Ava s superiors want her to lay off. Not a chance. Though oceans apart, Laker and Ava discover their separate missions are tied to one explosive plot. The only way out is to breach all protocol and play by their own rules............
The Midnight Line (м) Child
Jack Reacher is having a bad day. It would be a dumb idea to make it worse. Reacher sees a West Point class ring in a pawn shop window. It s tiny. It's a woman cadet s graduation present to herself. Why would she give it up? Reacher was a West Pointer too, and he knows what she went through to get it. All he wants is to find the woman. He ll have to go through bikers, cops, crooks, and low-life muscle. If she s ok, he ll walk away. If she s not he ll stop at nothing. Best advice: stay out of his way..
КАРО Christie Десять негритят (новое оформление)
Десять негретят: Книга для чтения на английском языке.

Серия: Original reading English

Spenser Confidential (Movie Tie-In)
Old friends. Small favors. Bitter rivals. Stirred together, it all makes for one explosive cocktail in this New York Times bestselling thriller that has Spenser feeling the heat... Henry Cimoli and Spenser have been friends for years, yet the old boxing trainer has never asked the private eye for a favor. Until now. A developer is trying to buy up Henrys condo on Revere Beach--with a push from local thugs. Soon Spenser and his apprentice, Zebulon Sixkill, are on the trail of a mysterious woman, a megalomaniacal Las Vegas kingpin, and a shady plan to turn a chunk of land north of Boston into a sprawling casino. As alliances shift and twisted dreams surface, the Boston political machine looks to end Spensers investigation one way or another--and once and for all.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

A gripping serial killer thriller with a twist - from No. 1 bestseller Stuart MacBrideThis time the serial killer picked the wrong family They call him Sawbones: a serial killer touring America kidnapping young women.The FBI's investigating - but getting nowhere.The latest victim is Laura Jones. Sixteen years old. Pretty. Blonde. And the daughter of one of New York's most notorious gangsters. Laura's Dad doesn't care about the law. What he wants is revenge. And he knows just the guys to get it.This time, Sawbones picked on the wrong family

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Star of the North
North Korea and the USA are on the brink of war. A young American woman disappears without trace from a South Korean island. The CIA recruits her twin sister to uncover the truth. Now, she must go undercover in the world s most deadly state. Only by infiltrating the dark heart of the terrifying regime will she be able to save her sister and herself .Star of the North is the most explosive thriller of the year - you won't be able to put it down.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Life of Crime
Jason Rampling is a chancer, and he ll do anything to give his family a better future whatever the cost.Melissa didn t know what she d let herself in for when she married Jason, but as the stakes get higher, she gets stronger.In a game where loyalty is everything, Jason will risk everything for one last roll of the dice. Is a life of crime worth the price?.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Final Option
When a routine mission is compromised, Captain Juan Cabrillo learns of a sinister plot. Off the Brazilian coast is another one-legged captain, with a ship just like the Oregon: same weaponry, same technology, same ability to evade capture.And when this wolf in sheep s clothing begins sinking innocent vessels, the truth becomes clear: Someone is out to frame Cabrillo and his crew.Not only is this impersonator as cunning as Cabrillo - his ship is also every bit as dangerous. Who is this nemesis from Cabrillo s past and just what do they want?To find answers will require terrible sacrifices from Cabrillo, his crew and even the Oregon itself

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Beneath the Skin (м) England
Three women. Three secrets.Antonia is beautiful and happily married. Her life is perfect. So why does she hurt herself when nobody s watching?Sophie is witty, smart and married to the best-looking man in town. She likes a drink, but who doesn t?Olivia is pretending to be a happy wife and mother. But her secret could tear her family apart.Their lies start small, they always do. But if they don t watch out, the consequences will be deadly............

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Her Name Was Rose
Her name was Rose. You watched her die. And her death has created a vacancy.When Emily lets a stranger step out in front of her, she never imagines that split second will change her life. But after Emily watches a car plough into the young mother killing her instantly she finds herself unable to move on.And then she makes a decision she can never take back.Because Rose had everything Emily had ever dreamed of. A beautiful, loving family, a great job and a stunning home. And now Rose s husband misses his wife, and their son needs a mother. Why couldn t Emily fill that space?But as Emily is about to discover, no one s life is perfect and not everything is as it seems........................

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Part of the Family
On the surface, Anna Witherall has the perfect life. Married to her university boyfriend David, she has an enviable job, beautiful home, and gorgeous three-year-old twin daughters, Stella and Rose. Their competent and capable nanny, Maria, is practically part of the family.But beneath the veneer of success and happiness, Anna is hiding a dark secret, one that threatens to unravel everything she has worked so hard to create. Only one thing is certain: to protect her children, she must betray them.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Colour of Bee Larkham s Murder
There are three things you need to know about Jasper.1. He sees the world completely differently/2. He can t recognise faces not even his own.3. He is the only witness to the murder of his neighbour, Bee Larkham.But uncovering the truth about that night will change his world forever.An extraordinary and compelling debut which will make you see the world in a way you ve never seen it before.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Red Earth (м) Park
On the run, with everything to lose .On the outskirts of Durban, Suzanne Fessey fights back during a vicious carjacking. She kills one thief but the other, wounded, escapes with her baby strapped into the back seat.Called in to pursue the missing vehicle are helicopter pilot Nia Carras from the air, and nearby wildlife researcher Mike Dunn from the ground.But South Africa's police have even bigger problems: a suicide bomber has killed the visiting American ambassador, and chaos has descended on KwaZulu-Natal.As Mike and Nia track the missing baby through wild-game reserves from Zululand to Zimbabwe, they come to realize that the war on terror has well and truly arrived.
Человек, который был Четвергом Книга для чтения на английском языке
Сюрреалистический роман Гилберта Кита Честертона Человек, который был Четвергом" это и психологический триллер, и детективная история. В центре сюжета семь анархистов из Лондона начала XX века, называющих себя по именам дней недели. Габриэль Сайм, поэт и детектив Скотланд-Ярда, проникает на тайное собрание анархистов и становится Четвергом . Однако вскоре он узнает, что не он один работает под прикрытием, и начинается кошмар...

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Detective story

East of Hounslow
Meet Jay.Small-time dealer.Accidental jihadist.The one man who can save us all?Javid call him Jay is a dope dealer living in West London. He goes to mosque on Friday, and he s just bought his pride and joy a BMW. He lives with his mum, and life seems sweet.But his world is about to turn upside-down. Because MI5 have been watching him, and they think he s just the man they need for a delicate mission.One thing s for sure: now he s a long way East of Hounslow, Jay s life will never be the same again.With the edgy humour of Four Lions and the pulse-racing tension of Nomad, East of Hounslow is the first in a series of thrillers starring Jay Qasim..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard = Подвиги бригадира Жерара: рассказы на англ.яз
Этьен Жерар - герой Французской армии, ветеран наполеоновских войны и тщеславный автор героических баек о своих подвигах. Эта коллекция сатирических рассказов, созданная автором романов о Шерлоке Холмсе сэром Артуром Конан Дойлем, была впервые опубликована в 1 890х годах. Хитроумный и ловкий кавалерист Жерар отправится из Франции во все страны Европы, где ступала нога Наполеона, дойдет до России и примет участие в самых захватывающих интригах, без которого история великого французского императора могла быть совершенно другой..Читайте зарубежную литературу в оригинале!.

Обложка: Твердый переплёт

The Templar Heresy
An extraordinary discovery.When his old friend, Angela, invites him out to her archaeological dig in the Iraqi desert, Chris Bronson is expecting a relaxing few days and an overdue catch-up. But when they arrive at the site they find her colleagues slaughtered and a recent discovery defaced. An ancient mystery.Their only clue is an incomplete inscription, which holds the key to uncovering the truth behind a centuries-old secret. With unknown assassins hot on their heels, Chris and Angela are forced into a desperate hunt across the globe for the final piece of the puzzle. And if they don t find it first, the consequences could be fatal . . .The race of their lives.....................................

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Рассказы об отце Брауне. Книга для чтения на английском языке
Мир рассказов Гилберта Кита Честертона об отце Брауне это воплощение Англии начала XX века. Места преступлений поджидают главного героя в загородных домах, сельских приходских церквях и садах, а также на туманных лондонских улицах и мрачных вокзалах. Отец Браун добродушный священник, но он обладает удивительной проницательностью в отношении человеческой натуры, а за его спокойным сочувствием скрывается детективный ум, не уступающий Шерлоку Холмсу.Отец Браун использует свой опыт, чтобы вжиться в образ злоумышленника, разгадать каждую загадку и поймать преступника.Рассказы об отце Брауне, написанные в начале 1900-х годов британским критиком, новеллистом и философом Гилбертом Китом Честертоном, до сих пор остаются одними из лучших в жанре детектива.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Чтение в оригинале

Her Sister's Lie
"Two sisters. A terrible secret. The ultimate revenge. Hannah and her sister Nina were once close. But theyve not been in touch for years when Hannah learns of her sisters death. Sullen, rude and uncooperative, Hannah tries to be understanding - after all, hes a grieving boy."

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The 15:17 to Paris
An ISIS terrorist planned to kill more than 500 people. He would have succeeded except for three American friends who refused to give in to fear.On August 21, 2015, Ayoub El-Khazzani boarded train #9364 in Brussels, bound for Paris. There could be no doubt about his mission: he had an AK-47, a pistol, a box cutter, and enough ammunition to obliterate every passenger on board. Slipping into the bathroom in secret, he armed his weapons. Another major ISIS attack was about to begin.Khazzani wasn t expecting Anthony Sadler, Alek Skarlatos, and Spencer Stone. Stone was a martial arts enthusiast and airman first class in the US Air Force, Skarlatos was a member of the Oregon National Guard, and all three were fearless. But their decision-to charge the gunman, then overpower him even as he turned first his gun, then his knife, on Stone-depended on a lifetime of loyalty, support, and faith.Their friendship was forged as they came of age together in California: going to church, playing paintball, teaching each other to swear, and sticking together when they got in trouble at school. Years later, that friendship would give all of them the courage to stand in the path of one of the world s deadliest terrorist organizations.The 15:17 to Paris is an amazing true story of friendship and bravery, of near tragedy averted by three young men who found the heroic unity and strength inside themselves at the moment when they, and 500 other innocent travelers, needed it most.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Last Brother
United by blood.1930s New York City. Three brothers grow up poor on the Lower East Side, until the death of their father forces them to find work to support their family. Each brother takes a different path.Divided by ambition.Twelve-year-old Morris Rabishevsky apprentices himself to a garment manufacturer with the aim of running the business. Sol, six years older, heads to accounting school but is forced to drop out. Scarred by a family tragedy, Harry falls under the spell of the charismatic Louis Buchalter, who in a few short years becomes the most ruthless mobster in town.Torn apart by conflict.Morris convinces Sol to go into business with him, but Harry can t be lured away from the glamour, power and money of the mob. As their business grows, Buchalter sets his sights on the unions that control the garment maker s factories, setting up a fatal showdown that could bring them together or shatter their family forever..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: The International no.1 bestseller м

A Shot in the Dark
Brighton, 1957. Inspector Steine rather enjoys his life as a policeman by the sea. No criminals, no crime, no stress.So it's really rather annoying when an ambitious - not to mention irritating - new constable shows up to work and starts investigating a series of burglaries. And it's even more annoying when, after Constable Twitten is despatched to the theatre for the night, he sits next to a vicious theatre critic who is promptly shot dead part way through the opening night of a new play.It seems Brighton may be in need of a police force after all.
Breaking Cover
Recovering from a gruelling terrorist investigation, Liz Carlyle has been posted to MI5's counter-espionage desk. Her bosses hope the change of scene will give her some breathing space, but they haven't counted on Putin's increased aggression towards the West. Soon Liz is on the hunt for a Russian spy who threatens to plunge Britain back into the fraught days of the Cold War.Meanwhile, MI6 has hired Jasminder Kapoor, a controversial young civil rights lawyer, to explain issues of privacy and security to the public. But in this world of shadowy motives and secret identities, Jasminder must be extra-careful about whom she can trust ..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Смерть в облаках: книга для чтения на английском языке
Одну из пассажирок рейса Париж Кройдон незадолго до посадки обнаруживают мертвой. Что случилось с пожилой дамой? Под подозрение попадают все пассажиры, включая Эркюля Пуаро. Разумеется, прославленный сыщик с блеском раскроет преступление и выведет убийцу на чистую воду.Полный неадаптированный текст романа снабжен комментариями и словарем.
The Wolves of Winter
Lynn McBride has learned much since society collapsed in the face of nuclear war and the relentless spread of disease. As memories of her old life haunt her, she has been forced to forge ahead in the snow-covered Canadian Yukon, learning how to hunt and trap to survive.But her fragile existence is about to be shattered. Shadows of the world before have found her tiny community most prominently in the enigmatic figure of Jax, who sets in motion a chain of events that will force Lynn to fulfill a destiny she never imagined.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Recovery of Rose Gold
Rose Gold Watts believed she was sick for eighteen years.Turned out her mother was a really good liar.After five years in prison, Patty Watts is finally free. All she wants is to put old grievances behind her, reconcile with the daughter who testified against her - and care for her new infant grandson.When Rose Gold agrees to have Patty move in, it seems their relationship is truly on the mend. And she has waited such a long time for her mother to come home.But has Patty truly forgotten their past?And is Rose Gold really able to forgive?A gripping and electrifying tale that will make you question your allegiances until the very end . . .

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Girl in Green
There she is, in a line of refugees in Kurdistan, just before the mortar lands. The girl they failed to save twenty-two years ago.Thomas Benton and Arwood Hobbes watch the video again. It can't be her, can it? But as soon as they ask the question, the journalist and the ex-soldier both know they have to make the journey back to Iraq's shattered landscape and broken heart - they have to know..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Three Minutes
INFILTRATOROne-time Swedish government agent Piet Hoffmann is on the run from the life prison sentence he escaped: living under a false identity with his family in Cali, Colombia.INFORMANTWhen Hoffmann is offered employment by a Colombian drug mafia, and is simultaneously approached by the US DEA to infiltrate the same cartel, he says yes to both.IN TOO DEEPHowever, when America settles on an enemy for their next War on Terror, Colombia, the US government and the cartel are faced with the same problem. Piet Hoffmann.Hoffmann is marked. Yet help will come from unlikely quarters: DCI Ewert Grens - the enemy who Hoffmann once tricked - will now become the only ally he can trust.

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Окончательный диагноз: Книга для чтения на английском языке
Окончательный диагноз: Книга для чтения на английском языке.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Modern Prose

Bad Apple
Seven-year-old Hanna has never spoken a word.She is a sweet but silent angel in the eyes of her adoring father, but with Mummy, things are different. Suzette loves her daughter but difficulties with babysitters and teachers over the years have put a strain on their relationship and her sanity.Then Hanna speaks for the first time, to Suzette alone, and what she says is chilling.Suzette wants to write it off as a scary joke, but she s becoming increasingly frightened by Hanna's little games. Could she be in danger from her own child? And when it's her word against her daughter's, can she make her husband believe her?Bad Apple is a blazing debut novel about a perfect-looking family where sweetness can be deceptive.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

For Stella Harvey the news is doubly shocking. The body has been uncovered in the garden of her childhood home - the home her family fled without explanation twenty-five years ago.Desperate to unearth the truth, Stella returns to the isolated island. But the community she left isn't as welcoming as she remembers - and people will go to any length to protect their secrets.One thing rings true You can't bury the truth forever.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Criss Cross
Sensationally plotted, it leaps off the page and grabs you by the throat DAILY MAILNo one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades. The Alex Cross series proves it. LEE CHILD, international bestselling author of the Jack Reacher series__________________________________Could a ghost from his past take everything away from Alex Cross?Mere hours after witnessing the execution of a killer he helped put behind bars, Alex Cross is called to the scene of a copycat murder. A note signed M rests on the corpse: You messed up big time, Dr. Cross.Was an innocent man just put to death? As the executed convicts family launch a vicious campaign against Cross, his abilities as a detective are called into question.The enigmatic M lures Cross out of Washington, DC to the sites of multiple homicides, all marked with distressingly familiar details that conjure up decades-old cases and Cross family secrets.Details that make it clear M is after a prize so dear that - were the killer to attain it - Crosss life would be destroyed.__________________________________Alex Cross is a legend. HARLAN COBENReaders say its one of the best Alex Cross books yet:I have to say that this is one of my favourite Alex Cross books in a long time!I read this book in one sitting and highly recommend it. Ive read every single Alex Cross book and this one didnt disappoint. It has a great mix of new cases linked to old cases for Cross.Romped through the latest Alex Cross book! Great read that I just couldnt put down.An intriguing storyline involving the Cross family and enemies from his past. A must read for Patterson fans.As always with James Patterson, he had me from the first page, and kept the pace up to the last.Roll on the next instalment.I absolutely loved this book and once I started reading I just couldnt put it down. Its a fast-paced read, no time to take a break or breathe out as the situations and mysteries are on a roll and unstoppable.A great addition to the Cross series by the most known author in the world for mystery thrillersJames Patterson is back at the top of his game with this one.Im a massive fan of the Alex Cross series so I jumped at the chance to review the latest installment, and Im so pleased it didnt disappoint. Its action-packed right from the start and had me gripped straight away. This book is fast paced with lots of twists and turns. My first James Patterson but not my last, really enjoyed and so will you.I have long been a fan of the author and his long running Alex Cross series and this book does not disappoint .I think this one constitutes a must read for fans of Patterson and Dr Cross.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Prison is a dangerous place for a former cop - as Harriet Blue is learning on a daily basis.So, following a fight for her life and a prison-wide lockdown, the last person she wants to see is Deputy Police Commissioner Joe Woods. The man who put her inside.But Woods is not there to gloat. His daughter Tonya and her two-year-old child have gone missing.He's ready to offer Harriet a deal: find his family to buy her freedom...

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

I Am Missing
When a young man wakes up bruised and beaten, with no memory of who he is or where he came from, the press immediately dub him 'The Lost Man'. Naming himself Richard Kite, he spends the next ten months desperately trying to find out who he is. But despite media appeals and the efforts of the police, no one knows him.Richard's last hope may be private investigator David Raker - a seasoned locator of missing people. But Raker has more questions than answers.Who is Richard Kite?Why does no one know him?And what links him to the body of a woman found beside a London railway line two years ago?.......
In Bloom
Rhiannon Lewis has successfully fooled the world and framed her cheating fiance Craig for the depraved and bloody killing spree she committed. She should be ecstatic that she s free.Except for one small problem. She s pregnant with her ex lover s child. The ex-lover she only recently chopped up and buried in her in-laws garden. And as much as Rhiannon wants to continue making her way through her kill lists, a small voice inside is trying to make her stop.But can a killer s urges ever really be curbed......................

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

A strange sensation runs through me, a feeling that I don't know this person in front of me, even though he matters more to me than anyone ever has, than anyone ever will.You go into your son's bedroom. It's the usual mess. You tidy up some dirty plates, pick up some clothes, open the wardrobe to put them away.That's when you find it.And you realize a horrifying truth...Your own son might be dangerous.Keep You Close is the chilling, relentless new thriller from the bestselling author of Need to Know.

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One More Lie
How do you live with yourself as an adult when you were convicted of murder as a child?And when you can t remember the crime HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU RE GUILTY?Charlotte wants a fresh start. She wants to forget her past, forget her crime - and, most of all, forget that one terrible moment.It s the reason she s been given a new name, a new life. The reason she spent years in prison.But even on the outside, with an ankle monitor and court-mandated therapy, she can t escape the devastating memory of the night that turned her and her only friend into national hate figures.But now her friend has found her.And despite the lies she tells to survive, she soon finds herself being dragged deeper and deeper into a past she cannot confront.Even if it s going to cost Charlotte her life

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Our Little Cruelties
Three brothers are at the funeral. One lies in the coffin.Will, Brian and Luke grow up competing for their mother's unequal love. As men, the competition continues - for status, money, fame, women ...They each betray each other, over and over, until one of them is dead.But which brother killed him?

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

MURDERFormer SAS soldier David Shelley has plans for a safer and more stable existence, settling down to civilian life in London. But the shocking death of a young woman Shelley once helped protect puts those plans on hold.BETRAYALThe police rule the death a suicide but the grieving parents can t accept their beloved Emma would take her own life. They need to find out what really happened, and they turn to their former bodyguard, Shelley, for help.REVENGEWhen they discover that Emma had fallen into a dark and seedy world of drugs and online pornography, the father s need for retribution will take them into a war from which there may be no escape.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Smileys People
A Soviet defector has been assassinated on English soil, and George Smiley is called back to the Circus to clear up - and cover up - the mess. But what he discovers sends him delving into the past, on a trail through Hamburg and Paris to Cold War Berlin - and a final showdown with his elusive nemesis, Karla.The concluding part of le Carre's celebrated Karla Trilogy, Smiley's People sees the last confrontation between the indefatigable spymaster and his great enemy, as their rivalry comes to a shattering end.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Inn
Its seclusion suits former Boston police detective Bill Robinson, novice owner and innkeeper. As long as the dozen residents pay their rent, Robinson doesn't ask any questions.Yet all too soon Robinson discovers that leaving the city is no escape from dangers he left behind. A new crew of deadly criminals move into the small town, bringing drugs and violence to the front door of the inn.Robinson feels the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. His sense of duty compels him to fight off the threat to his town. But he can't do it alone. Before time runs out, the residents of the inn will face a choice.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Nanny
Jocelyn loves her nanny more than her own mother - until the night that the nanny disappears. Jo is seven years old when it happens and never gets over the loss.Now, thirty years later, Jo is returning to her family home with her daughter in tow - just as human remains are pulled out of the house's lake.Then there's a knock on the door. And a woman claiming to be her nanny stands outside.Is she who she says she is?Can she be trusted?And what really happened on that fateful night all those years ago?

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

FBI analyst Emmy Dockery's unique ability to uncover the patterns that others miss has brought her an impressive string of arrests. But a new case - unfolding across the country - has left her looking for something which may not exist.The victims all appear to have died by accident, and seemingly have nothing in common. But this many deaths can't be a coincidence. Can they?Emmy's instincts tell her this is the work of a terrifyingly intelligent serial killer - and she's determined to prove it. When her obsession with the crimes raises flags within the FBI, she's in danger of becoming a suspect herself.But someone else is watching Dockery. Studying, learning, waiting. Until it's the perfect time to strike.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

When You See Me
A body is found in the hills - but the truth still lies buried...In a small town in the Deep South, Flora Dane is part of a task force committed to hunting down every last trace of notorious serial kidnapper Jacob Ness. As his last victim, imprisoned by Ness in a small box for over a year, she knew him better than most. Even after his death, his evil still lingers.But this is the kind of town that doesnt take kindly to strangers asking questions.The kind of town where dark secrets lurk just beneath the surface.The kind of town she might not leave alive.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Who Did You Tell?
Its been 192 days, seven hours and fifteen minutes since her last drink. Now Astrid is trying to turn her life around.Having reluctantly moved back in with her mother, in a quiet seaside town away from the temptations and painful memories of her life before, Astrid is focusing on her recovery. Shes going to meetings. Confessing her misdeeds. Making amends to those shes wronged.But someone knows exactly what Astrid is running from. And they wont stop until she learns that some mistakes cant be corrected.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Beneath the Surface
veryone is talking about Grace's family.But for all the wrong reasons . . .Grace wanted to give her daughters the childhood she never had. And with teenage golden girl Lilly she's never had to worry.But when Lilly mysteriously collapses at school, Grace's carefully ordered world crashes down. It turns out Lilly isn't the perfect daughter after all and Grace becomes obsessed with uncovering the truth.Which is when she takes her eyes off her youngest daughter, Mia and learns that the closer the family, the darker the secrets . . .

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

House of Spies
Four months after the deadliest attack on the American homeland since 9/11, terrorists leave a trail of carnage through London s West End. The attack is a brilliant feat of planning and secrecy, except for a single thread.The thread leads legendary spy, art restorer, and assassin Gabriel Allon and his team to the south of France and the doorstep of Jean-Luc Martel and Olivia Watson. A beautiful former fashion model, Olivia pretends not to know that the true source of Martel s enormous wealth is drugs. And Martel, likewise, turns a blind eye to the fact he is doing business with a man whose objective is the very destruction of the West. Together, under Gabriel s skilled hand, they will become an unlikely pair of heroes in the global war on terrorism....................

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Last Act of Hattie Hoffman
Eighteen-year-old Hattie Hoffman is a talented actress, loved by everyone in her Minnesotan hometown. When she's found stabbed to death on the opening night of her school play, the tragedy rips through the fabric of the community.Sheriff Del Goodman, a close friend of Hattie's dad, vows to find her killer, but the investigation yields more secrets than answers: it turns out Hattie played as many parts offstage as on. Told from three perspectives, Del's, Hattie's high school English teacher and Hattie herself, The Last Act of Hattie Hoffman tells the story of the Hattie behind the masks, and what happened in that final year of her life. Wonderfully evocative of its Midwestern setting and with a cast of unforgettable characters, this is a book about manipulation of relationships and identity; about the line between innocence and culpability; about the hope love offers and the tragedies that occur when it spins out of control...

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Temptation of Forgiveness
When important information is leaked from inside the Venetian Questura, Commissario Guido Brunetti is entrusted with the task of uncovering which of his colleagues is responsible. But before Brunetti can begin his investigation, he is surprised by the appearance in his office of a friend of his wife s, who is fearful that her son is using drugs. A few weeks later, Tullio Gasparini, the woman s husband, is found unconscious with a serious head injury at the foot of a bridge, and Brunetti is drawn to pursue a possible connection to the boy s behaviour. But the truth is not straightforward. Following various contradictory leads, Brunetti navigates his way through a world of mysterious informants, underground deals and secret longstanding scam networks, all the while growing ever more impressed by the intuition of his fellow Commissario, Claudia Griffoni, and by the endless resourcefulness of Signorina Elettra, Vice-Questore Patta s secretary and gate-keeper. With Gasparini s condition showing no signs of improvement, and his investigations leading nowhere, Brunetti is steadied by the embrace of his own family and by his passion for the classics. He turns to Sophocles s Antigone in an attempt to understand the true purpose of justice, and, in its light, he is forced to consider the terrible consequences to which the actions of a tender heart can lead.

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DI David Vogel is first on the scene when Melanie Cooke's bruised and strangled body is discovered in Bristol's red-light district. The evidence points to Melanie's father being the killer, but Vogel's on edge. The quick arrest is too easy, too straightforward.When two new murders are reported, Vogel's team broaden the search: new evidence suggests that there are three different, disturbed criminals. Any one of them could have killed Melanie, but which one did? Vogel's team inch towards the answer, never suspecting that the killer is watching them too, waiting for his moment to strike.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

When the body of social worker Kera Jacobsen shows up on Chief Medical Examiner Laurie Montgomery s autopsy table, it appears at first that she was the victim of a tragic drug overdose. But for Laurie and her new pathology resident, the brilliant but outspoken Dr. Aria Nichols, further investigation reveals an alarming discovery. The young woman was ten weeks pregnant when she died, but nobody seems to know who the father was - or whether he holds the key to Kera s final moments alive.While Laurie faces a personal crisis with the support of her husband, forensic pathologist Jack Stapleton, the impulsive Aria investigates a controversial new technique to progress the case: using DNA databases to track down those who don t want to be found. Working with experts at a genealogy website based in New York, she plans to trace the foetus s DNA in the hopes of identifying the mystery father.After Kera s closest friend is found murdered days later, the need for answers becomes critical. Because someone out there clearly doesn t want Kera s secrets to come to light and if Aria gets any closer to the truth, she and Laurie face becoming targets for a ruthless killer.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

No Mercy
Police officer Ellery Hathaway is on involuntary leave from her job because she shot a murderer in cold blood and refuses to apologize for it. Forced into group therapy for victims of violent crime, Ellery immediately finds higher priorities than "getting in touch with her feelings."For one, she suspects a fellow group member may have helped to convict the wrong man for a deadly arson incident years ago. For another, Ellery finds herself in the desperate clutches of a woman who survived a brutal rape. He is still out there, this man with the spider-like ability to climb through bedroom windows, and his victim beseeches Ellery for help in capturing her attacker.Ellery seeks advice from her friend, FBI profiler Reed Markham, who liberated her from a killer's closet when she was a child. Reed remains drawn to this unpredictable woman, the one he rescued but couldn't quite save. The trouble is, Reed is up for a potential big promotion, and his boss has just one condition for the new job?stay away from Ellery. Ellery ignores all the warnings. Instead, she starts digging around in everyone's past but her own?a move that, at best, could put her out of work permanently, and at worst, could put her in the city morgue....

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Runaway
When forensic psychologist Becca Ortiz fosters teenage runaway Ash, she knows she will love and protect her as if she were her own daughter.Ash may have turned her back on her old life but there is still one person she can't bear to lose. Now he is about to drag her back into a dark world where no one is safe.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Rain
An apocalyptic thriller, The Rain by Virginia Bergin is a coming of age story of survival in a scary, weather-beaten world. One minute sixteen-year-old Ruby Morris is having her first proper snog with Caspar McCloud in a hot tub, and the next she s being bundled inside the house, dripping wet, cold and in her underwear. Not cool. As she and Caspar shiver in the kitchen, it starts to rain. They turn on the radio to hear panicked voices It s in the rain . . . it s in the rain . . . 'That was two weeks ago, and now Ruby is totally alone. People weren t prepared for the rain, got caught out in it, didn t realize that you couldn t drink water from the taps either. Even a drop of rain would infect your blood, and eat you from the inside out. Ruby knows she has to get to London to find her dad, but she just doesn t know where to start . After rescuing all the neighbourhood dogs, Ruby sets off on a journey that will take her the length of the country surviving in the only way she knows how..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Searcher
Isaac Hammer is under arrest. The police have proof that his company, a private London intelligence agency, has broken a dozen laws - tapping phones, hacking emails, bribing police - and now he must face the consequences. But this wasn't Hammer's work, or his style. This was all Ben Webster, and now Webster is missing.Released from custody, Hammer heads to Webster's house to persuade his old colleague to give himself up. But Webster isn't there; he's in Tbilisi, and his wife hasn't heard from him in days. Hammer has no choice but to break bail to bring back the wanted man.In Georgia, every step he takes is watched by policemen, spies and gangsters. Someone out there, Hammer soon realizes, is ready to kill him and everyone dear to him to stop him stumbling towards the truth..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Cajun Justice
From the world s bestselling thriller writer comes an international thriller going from the Bayou in Louisiana to Tokyo, Japan as justice is served.Cain Lemaire, a Secret Service agent from New Orleans, has the job he s always wanted - until a single night results in a scandal that gets him fired.Needing a new direction, Cain follows his sister to Japan and takes a job in Tokyo as head of security for the CEO of a top company. But what he thought was a simple security assignment unravels a tangled web of corruption, greed and extortion.Without the wealth of resources he had with the Secret Service, Cain will have to rely on his instincts and training as he races to find justice the way only a former agent can.

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The Hound of the Baskervilles. Level S
Sir Charles Baskerville is dead. Did the hound of the Baskervilles kill him? Can Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson stop the hound from killing again? Penguin Readers is a series of popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction written for learners of English as a foreign language. Beautifully illustrated and carefully adapted, the series introduces language learners around the world to the bestselling authors and most compelling content from Penguin Random House.The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework and include language activities that help readers to develop key skills. The Hound of the Baskervilles, a Starter level Reader, is A1 in the CEFR framework. Starter level is ideal for readers who are learning English for the first time.Short sentences contain a maximum of two clauses, using the present simple and continuous tenses, possessives, regular and irregular verbs, and simple adjectives. Illustrations support the text throughout, and many titles at this level are graphic novels.Адаптированная книга для чтения на английском языке. Для подростков от 12 лет и взрослых. Соответствует уровню Pre-A1.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Penguin Readers

Приключения Шерлока Холмса : Книга для чтения на английском языке
Приключения Шерлока Холмса: Книга для чтения на английском языке.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Detective story

Убийство Роджера Экройда: книга для чтения на английском языке
В провинциальном английском городке Кингс Эббот, куда прославленный частный детектив Эркюль Пуаро удалился на покой и собирался заняться выращиванием кабачков, произошло убийство. Подозреваются несколько человек, имеющие и возможности, и причины для совершения преступления. "Пенсионер" Пуаро, как всегда, с блеском расследовал дело.Полный неадаптированный текст романа снабжен комментариями и словарем.

Серия: Detective story

If Tomorrow Comes = Если наступит завтра
Трейси работает в банке. Она красива, умна, вполне благополучна, но её жизнь ломается в один миг. Цепь трагических событий приводит к тому, что Трейси приговаривают к большому тюремному сроку. Освободившись, девушка открывает в себе талант мошенницы: участвует в различных аферах, похищает бриллианты и даже благодаря хитроумному замыслу выигрывает шахматную партию у двух выдающихся гроссмейстеров, практически ничего не зная об этой игре.Текст сокращён и адаптирован. Уровень Intermediate.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Abridger Bestseller

Miss Treadway & the Field of Stars
Soho. 1965, When an American actress disappears from the Galaxy Theatre, her young dresser, Anna Treadway is determined to find out what happened to her.Anna's search will lead her through a London she barely knew existed: a city of reggae clubs and back street doctors, of dangerous prejudice and unexpected allies. She is aided by a disparate group of emigres, each carrying secrets of their own.But before she can discover the truth about Iolanthe, Anna will need to open herself to her past, her present and the possibility of love..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Goodbye California
Reissue of the classic tale of terrorism, where a criminal fanatic is hell-bent on blasting San Francisco into the ocean, from the acclaimed master of action and suspense.'Earthquake country, ' said the Professor. 'San Francisco is geologically and seismologically a city that waits to die. Los Angeles is ringed by earthquake centres - seven massive quakes so far. We have no idea where the next, the monster, will hit...'...until a criminal fanatic kidnaps a nuclear scientist and builds his own atomic bombs. If exploded on California's fault lines they could trigger off the mightiest earthquake of them all - killing half its population and dumping the entire city of San Francisco into the sea.Goodbye California...

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Tales of Long Ago. Short story collections
Серия книг Зарубежная классика читай в оригинале это бессмертные произведения великих мастеров пера, написанные ими на их родном языке и наречии. Книги из этой серии помогут читателю углубленно изучать иностранные языки, обогатят его внутренний мир и по-новому откроют произведения известных классиков

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Зарубежная классика - читай в оргинале

Tales of Pirates and Blue Water. Short story collections
Серия книг Зарубежная классика читай в оригинале это бессмертные произведения великих мастеров пера, написанные ими на их родном языке и наречии. Книги из этой серии помогут читателю углубленно изучать иностранные языки, обогатят его внутренний мир и по-новому откроют произведения известных классиков

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Серия: Зарубежная классика - читай в оргинале

Gathering Dark
Blair Harbour s life as Hollywood s top paediatric surgeon was perfect, until the night she was jailed for a murder she says she didn t commit.With ten years of freedom lost, her medical licence cancelled and her son being raised by foster parents, she s ready to start again from scratch.But when a former cellmate begs for help finding her missing daughter, Blair must risk it all to save a young life. Her only allies are a thief, a ganglord and the cop who put her away.To do the right thing, Blair must mix with all the wrong people.Will it put her new-found freedom on the line?

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

The Heatwave
Elodie was beautiful. Elodie was smart. Elodie was troubled. Elodie is dead.In Provence, under a sweltering sun, Sylvie returns to the crumbling family home of La Reverie with her youngest daughter Emma.Yet every corner of the house is haunted by the memories of Elodie, her first child - memories she has tried to forget, but whose long-ago death the villagers certainly haven t.As temperatures rise, and forest fires rage through the French countryside, memories of Elodie spread further through Sylvie s mind Because there s something Sylvie s been hiding about what happened to Elodie all those summers ago.And it could change everything.

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

Noah Livingston knows he is destined to survive. The sixty-four members of his class are trapped in a place where morals have no meaning and zero rules apply. Min Wilder knows that survival alone isn't enough. In a violent world where brute force passes for leadership, Min's instincts rebel against allowing others to decide who lives and who dies. She's ready to fight for what she believes in. And against whoever might stand in her way. From Brendan Reichs, co-author of the Virals series with Kathy Reichs, comes Genesis the nail-biting sequel to Nemesis - a fast-paced, high concept thriller perfect for fans of The 100 and The Maze Runner..

Обложка: Мягкий переплёт

My Little Eye
Can a group of true crime addicts take on the police to catch a serial killer? A young woman is found dead in her bedroom surrounded by rose petals - the latest victim of 'The Lover'. Struggling under the weight of an internal investigation, DI Dominic Bell is no closer to discovering the identity of the killer and time is running out. As the murders escalate, Clementine Starke joins an online true crime group determined to take justice in to their own hands - to catch the killer before the police. Hiding a dark secret, she takes greater risks to find new evidence and infiltrate the group. As Starke and Bell get closer to cracking the case neither of them realise they're being watched. The killer is closer to them than they think, and he has his next victim - Clementine - firmly in his sights.

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