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Заболевания желудка. Современный взгляд на лечение и профилактику
Заболевания желудка. Современный взгляд на лечение и профилактику

Автор: Н. Т. Чехова

«Все сознают, что нормальная и полезная еда есть еда с аппетитом, всякая другая еда, еда по приказу, по расчету признается уже в большей или меньшей степени злом», – писал академик И. П. Павлов. Перед вами необычная книга. Главная ее особенность состоит в том, что желудок, его заболевания, а также их профилактика и лечение рассматриваются в «контексте» всего организма, в тесной связи с образом жизни и мыслями человека. Автор обращает внимание читателей на множество «мелочей», которым мы обычно не придаем никакого значения, не замечаем их влияния на состояние желудочно-кишечного тракта и здоровье в целом. Книга – не сухое повествование о болезнях, а увлекательное путешествие в мир под названием «человеческий организм». Для широкого круга читателей.

Серия: Советует доктор: тактика и стратегия здоровья

Цена: 99 руб.
Год: 2014
ISBN: 978-5-9573-0379-4


Заболевания кишечника. Современный взгляд на лечение и профилактику
Заболевания кишечника. Современный взгляд на лечение и профилактику

Автор: Н. Т. Чехова

«Мудрец будет скорее избегать болезней, чем выбирать средства против них», – говорил английский писатель Томас Мор. Наверное, можно предотвратить любые недуги, кроме… расстройств пищеварения, которые случаются у каждого человека. Иногда тошнота, рвота, понос или запор, боль в животе являются симптомами кишечных заболеваний, в том числе и очень тяжелых. В этой книге рассказывается о том, чем «болеет» наш кишечник, с какими заболеваниями можно справиться достаточно легко, а в каких случаях нужно немедленно вызывать «скорую помощь». Как предотвратить развитие кишечных недугов, как их лечат в стационаре и с помощью простых домашних средств, что полезно и что вредно для нашего кишечника – здесь вы найдете ответы на все эти вопросы, а также еще множество неординарных советов по оздоровлению всего организма. Для широкого круга читателей.

Серия: Советует доктор: тактика и стратегия здоровья

Цена: 99 руб.
Год: 2014
ISBN: 978-5-9573-0413-5


Методы создания автоматизированных средств обучения программированию
Методы создания автоматизированных средств обучения программированию

Автор: О. В. Ратанова

В статье рассматриваются вопросы автоматизированного обучения программированию. Программирование в современном мире является одной из самых быстро развивающихся и перспективных отраслей. По данным кадровых агентств сейчас наблюдается нехватка программистов узкой специализации, и она будет только расти. В настоящее время к квалификации программистов работодатели предъявляют повышенные требования. Поэтому обучение программированию на курсах или повышение квалификации является особенно актуальным. При этом возрастает роль именно автоматизированного обучения, которое позволит сделать обучение более доступным. В статье анализируются принципы построения и типичные элементы существующих обучающих курсов, а также методы повышения эффективности именно автоматизированного обучения, которое можно проводить онлайн. Актуальными вопросами при таком обучении является создание условий, при которых обучаемый получал необходимые практические навыки – навыки написания и отладки рабочего кода на языке программирования в отсутствие или при минимальном присутствии преподавателя. Важным моментом при очном обучении программированию является проверка кода преподавателем, поиск ошибок и выявление неэффективного кода. При этом обучаемому дается обратная связь. При автоматизированном обучении задачи должны быть построены таким образом, чтобы можно было автоматизировано выполнить проверку кода. В статье предложены изменения и дополнения, которые повысят эффективность существующих автоматизированных курсов по обучению программированию. Проведен анализ существующих систем верификации программного кода и выявлены те методы верификации, которые применимы при обучении. Автоматическая верификация программного кода может вывести обучение на новый, более высокий уровень.

Серия: Прикладная информатика. Научные статьи

Цена: 168 руб.
Год: 2021


Обольстить недотрогу
Обольстить недотрогу

Автор: Ким Лоренс

Замкнутый образ жизни итальянского миллионера Динело Рафаэля нарушает случайная встреча с англичанкой Тэсс Джонс. Динело обрек себя на добровольное одиночество после трагической гибели родителей, в которой он винит себя. Динело не верит в возможность личного счастья. Да и красавица Тэсс не склонна поощрять его. Ее гордая натура противится мрачному обаянию миллионера. Однако роковая страсть захлестывает обоих и превращает их взаимоотношения в затянувшийся поединок. Сумеет ли Динело укротить строптивую Тэсс, или ему придется отказаться от нее?

Исполнители: Авточтец

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 2016


Atlas of Endoscopic Ultrasonography
Atlas of Endoscopic Ultrasonography

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 18726.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781119523093


Atlas of Endoscopic Ultrasonography
Atlas of Endoscopic Ultrasonography

Автор: Группа авторов

The Atlas of Endoscopic Ultrasonography provides readers with a large collection of excellent images obtained from both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. The Atlas includes a DVD which will be an invaluable addition to the library of trainee and practising gastroenterologists with video clips and searchable database of images. Together the book and DVD offer a first class collection of images to give a highly integrated introduction to endoscopic ultrasonography. The Atlas is an ideal companion to Dr Gress et al’s Endoscopic Ultrasonography, Second Edition.

Цена: 15459.6 руб.
ISBN: 9781444346275


Autoimmune Liver Disease
Autoimmune Liver Disease

Автор: Группа авторов

A practical guide to autoimmune liver diseases through pathogenesis, diagnosis, and management In Autoimmune Liver Disease Management and Clinical Practice , practitioners will learn about the current state of autoimmune liver disease and how to focus on their diagnosis and treatment. The four-part book begins with a thorough investigation of current immunological thinking as it relates to the autoimmunity of the liver. It also covers the four major hepatic autoimmune liver diseases in both adults and children, their management and the role of liver transplantation, and learned approaches to patient management and empowerment. Expert authors in the field have come together to provide a thorough examination of autoimmune liver disease to help support clinicians assisting patients. The text provides an in-depth look at topics including: ● The four major hepatic autoimmune liver diseases, their diagnosis, and potential disease management ● The use (and misuse) of autoantibodies in diagnosis and treatment ● The role and timing of liver transplantation and the impact of recurrent autoimmune liver disease as well as de novo autoimmune hepatitis ● Optimal approaches to managing patients and keeping care personalised With breadth, depth and current-day relevance, Autoimmune Liver Disease sheds light on recent developments in management of liver disease for practitioners, nurses, and health care professionals.

Цена: 16051.47 руб.
ISBN: 9781119532620


Clinical Dilemmas in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Clinical Dilemmas in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Автор: Roger Williams

Clinical Dilemmas in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease offers hepatologists practical, up-to-date and expert guidance on the most topical dilemmas, difficulties and areas of controversy/difficulty surrounding this ever-increasing area of liver disease they face in daily practice. Roger Williams and Simon Taylor-Robinson, two of Europe’s leading hepatologists, have recruited leading figures from across the world to assist them, resulting in a truly international approach. Each chapter covers a specific area of difficulty, containing clear learning points and providing evidence-based expert guidance on the latest hot topics in clinical management such as: Is NAFLD different in absence of Metabolic Syndrome? Are the pros outweighed by the cons of obtaining a liver biopsy? Is progression to cirrhosis more likely in children with NAFLD? What are the dangers as well as the true benefits of bariatric surgery? How is it best to use antifibrotic agents in clinical practice? Clinical Dilemmas in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease provides the answers to the questions and challenges that clinicians face every day in this area. It is essential reading for hepatologists of all levels and researchers in hepatology, as well as all those involved in the care of patients with NAFLD, including gastroenterologists, pathologists and specialist hepatology nurses.

Цена: 6960.37 руб.
ISBN: 9781118924976


Clinical Dilemmas in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Clinical Dilemmas in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Автор: Группа авторов

The second edition of Clinical Dilemmas in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: New Challenges, is a practical, up-to-date handbook providing expert guidance on specific clinical dilemmas and areas of difficulty that the gastroenterologist regularly faces in day-to-day practice. In this new edition, 75% of the “dilemmas” are brand new dilemmas facing the IBD specialist concerning emerging treatment therapies, such as the use of cannabinoids and Viagra for Crohn’s disease. The remaining 25% of the dilemmas are fully updated from the previous edition, incorporating the latest clinical thinking. Each of the 57 evidence-based chapters contains clear learning points, addresses different topics, and provides sound guidance on subjects ranging from optimizing current management through to special management problems and novel treatments. This book is suitable for all medical professionals involved in the care of patients with IBD: established and trainee gastroenterologists, colorectal surgeons, pathologists, radiologists, specialist nurses, pharmacists, dieticians and counselors.

Цена: 8369.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781444342543


Cognitive Engineering for Next Generation Computing
Cognitive Engineering for Next Generation Computing

Автор: Группа авторов

The cognitive approach to the IoT provides connectivity to everyone and everything since IoT connected devices are known to increase rapidly. When the IoT is integrated with cognitive technology, performance is improved, and smart intelligence is obtained. Discussed in this book are different types of datasets with structured content based on cognitive systems. The IoT gathers the information from the real time datasets through the internet, where the IoT network connects with multiple devices. This book mainly concentrates on providing the best solutions to existing real-time issues in the cognitive domain. Healthcare-based, cloud-based and smart transportation-based applications in the cognitive domain are addressed. The data integrity and security aspects of the cognitive computing main are also thoroughly discussed along with validated results.

Цена: 21934.64 руб.
ISBN: 9781119711292


Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal Cancer

Автор: Группа авторов

Colorectal Cancer: Diagnosis and Clinical Management provides colorectal surgeons, gastroenterologists and oncologists with an authoritative, practical guide to best practice in the diagnosis and clinical management of colorectal cancer. Covering all forms of treatment including surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, it examines the various new and emerging therapies, new strategies for screening and prevention, as well as the latest guidance on the most challenging and controversial aspects of managing colorectal cancer. The authors present important information on: Controversies in adjuvant chemotherapy Long versus short course radiotherapy Minimally invasive surgery and robotics Radical colonic resection Each chapter contains key points, tips and tricks and clinical case studies to aid rapid browsing and knowledge of the basic principles, while self-assessment questions allow readers to test their clinical knowledge. With leading international surgeons, gastroenterologists and oncologists combining to offer their considerable wealth of expertise and knowledge, Colorectal Cancer is a well-balanced, indispensable resource for all those involved in colorectal cancer management.

Цена: 11138.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781118337912


Colorectal Surgery
Colorectal Surgery

Автор: Группа авторов

Using a case-based approach, Colorectal Surgery: Clinical Care and Management provides practical, clinical and expert guidance to illustrate the best care and clinical management of patients requiring colorectal surgery for colorectal disease. Real-life cases illustrate the entire syllabus of GI/colorectal surgery, being specially selected to highlight topical or controversial aspects of colorectal care. Cases have a consistent approach throughout and as well as outlining the actual management of each individual case, also offer an honest appraisal of the chosen management route, its successes and areas that could have been managed differently. Pedagogic features such as learning and decision points boxes aid rapid understanding/learning, enabling the reader to improve their patient management. In full colour and containing over 100 outstanding clinical photos and slides to support the cases, each section also covers recent developments/ landmark papers/ scoring systems and a thorough discussion of clinical management based on the major society guidelines from NICE, ASCRS and ECCO. Reliable, well-written and perfect for consultation in the clinical setting, Colorectal Surgery: Modern Clinical Care and Management is the perfect tool for all members of the multi-disciplinary team managing patients suffering from colorectal disease, specifically GI surgeons, gastroenterologists, oncologists and general surgeons.

Цена: 12512.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781118674604


Counseling and Psychotherapy
Counseling and Psychotherapy

Автор: Группа авторов

This student-friendly and well designed introductory text provides a thorough overview of 14 widely used theories. Experts examine each theory from the perspective of its historical background, major constructs, goals, cross-cultural considerations, and limitations. Traditional and brief interventions integrate theory with specific counseling strategies, giving students further insight into the counseling process and guidance in developing their personal counseling style. A consistent case study across chapters reinforces the differences between theories and illustrates assessment of client concerns and treatment planning. Introductory chapters explore core dimensions and brief approaches to the helping relationship, and how to best deliver counseling and advocacy services to diverse client groups. A complimentary test manual and PowerPoints for instructors’ use are available by request on university letterhead. *Requests for digital versions from the ACA can be found on wiley.com. *To request print copies, please visit the ACA website.

Цена: 7362.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781119025580


Environmental Hydraulics. Numerical Methods
Environmental Hydraulics. Numerical Methods

Автор: Jean-Michel Tanguy

This series of five volumes proposes an integrated description of physical processes modeling used by scientific disciplines from meteorology to coastal morphodynamics. Volume 1 describes the physical processes and identifies the main measurement devices used to measure the main parameters that are indispensable to implement all these simulation tools. Volume 2 presents the different theories in an integrated approach: mathematical models as well as conceptual models, used by all disciplines to represent these processes. Volume 3 identifies the main numerical methods used in all these scientific fields to translate mathematical models into numerical tools. Volume 4 is composed of a series of case studies, dedicated to practical applications of these tools in engineering problems. To complete this presentation, volume 5 identifies and describes the modeling software in each discipline.

Цена: 24537.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781118588307



Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 18342 руб.
ISBN: 9781119601067


Esophageal Cancer and Barrett s Esophagus
Esophageal Cancer and Barrett's Esophagus

Автор: Группа авторов

Esophageal Cancer and Barrett’s Esophagus, 3E, focuses on these two common and key conditions that affect the esophagus, providing expert guidance to their pathogenesis, cause, prevention, diagnosis and clinical management. Top international names in the field examine each of the many issues involved, using the very latest evidence-based research, and clear, didactic advice allows the reader to understand the best methods of diagnosis and clinical management of each condition – whether early or late stage. Well-illustrated and fully revised to include the latest in ACG/ASG/UEGW guidelines, it is the perfect consultation tool for gastroenterologists and oncologists managing patients with cancer of the esophagus. It is also ideal for teaching residents and fellows optimum patient management, and for identifying areas requiring future research.

Цена: 10440.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781118655191


Essential Human Development
Essential Human Development

Автор: Samuel Webster

As our understanding of the human body broadens, so does the need for a comprehensive text that encompasses all aspects of human development. Essential Human Development is a great course companion that focuses on the human life cycle, ideal for the undergraduate student new to these fields, or for qualified practitioners looking for a reference guide. Featuring key information points and self-test assessments in each chapter, the book is organised in an accessible manner, beginning with fertilisation and embryology, then moving on to obstetric medicine, neonatal care and child health, with the final section exploring gynaecological medicine. Ensuring that information is placed in context to aid understanding, Essential Human Development is the perfect support for the modern medical school curriculum, as well as a vital reminder of the core information needed whilst on a women or child health clinical placement.

Цена: 8062.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781118528600


Evidence-based Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Evidence-based Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 34559.18 руб.
ISBN: 9781119211396


Fundamentals of Optical Fiber Sensors
Fundamentals of Optical Fiber Sensors

Автор: Zujie Fang

This book describes the latest development in optical fiber devices, and their applications to sensor technology. Optical fiber sensors, an important application of the optical fiber, have experienced fast development, and attracted wide attentions in basic science as well as in practical applications. Sensing is often likened to human sense organs. Optical fiber can not only transport information acquired by sensors at high speed and large volume, but also can play the roles of sensing element itself. Compared with electric and other types of sensors, fiber sensor technology has unique merits. It has advantages over conventional bulky optic sensors, such as combination of sensing and signal transportation, smaller size, and possibility of building distributed systems. Fiber sensor technology has been used in various areas of industry, transportation, communication, security and defense, as well as daily life. Its importance has been growing with the advancement of the technology and the expansion of the scope of its application, a growth this book fully describes.

Цена: 12855.38 руб.
ISBN: 9781118381755


Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Gastrointestinal Bleeding

Автор: Группа авторов

There have been many advances in the management of this condition since the first edition of Gastrointestinal Bleeding. This new edition, thoroughly revised and restructured, includes the latest updates on all areas of the field of GI Bleeding, systematically covering all the areas of the GI tract, from upper GI to lower GI, through to small bowel bleeding. It fully covers the different types of bleeding that can occur, from peptic ulcer through to variceal bleeding and looks at new developments and pioneering techniques in the field, including endoscopy and balloon-enteroscopy. A methodology section describes the latest design of clinical trials in GI bleeding and this edition now highlights the new guidelines on UGIB (Upper gastrointestinal bleeding). This new edition of Gastrointestinal Bleeding is an invaluable purchase for all gastroenterologists, both in training and fully qualified.

Цена: 13080.29 руб.
ISBN: 9781444398861


Gastrointestinal Emergencies
Gastrointestinal Emergencies

Автор: Группа авторов

Gastrointestinal Emergencies 3E provides practical, up-to-date guidance for gastroenterologists, endoscopists, surgeons, emergency and acute physicians, medical students and trainees managing patients presenting with GI complications and/or emergencies. Combining a symptom section, a specific conditions section and a section that examines complications (and solutions) of GI procedures, focus throughout is on clear, specific how-to guidance, for use before a procedure or immediately after emergency stabilization. An evidence-based approach to presentation, diagnosis and investigation is utilized throughout. New to this third edition are several brand new chapters covering various complications of procedures and specific conditions not previously featured, as well as a thorough look at the many diagnostic and therapeutic advances in recent years. In addition, every chapter from the current edition has undergone wholesale revision to ensure it is updated with the very latest in management guidelines and clinical practice. Once again, full range of emergencies encountered in daily clinical practice will be examined, such as acute pancreatitis, esophageal perforation, capsule endoscopy complications, acute appendicitis, and the difficulties after gastrointestinal procedures. International guidelines from the world’s key gastroenterology societies will be included in relevant chapters. Gastrointestinal Emergencies 3E is the definitive reference guide for the management of gastrointestinal emergencies and endoscopic complications, and the perfect accompaniment for the modern-day gastroenterologist, surgeon, emergency and acute physicians. Every Emergency Department, GI/endoscopy unit, medical/surgical admission unit should keep a copy close at hand for quick reference.

Цена: 9742.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781118638408


Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in the Cancer Patient
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in the Cancer Patient

Автор: Группа авторов

Are you involved in the diagnosis and management of patients with gastrointestinal cancer Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in the Cancer Patient provides you with a full color, highly clinical, multi-media tool focused on the role diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy plays in the management of patients with cancer. With chapters authored by the world’s leading endoscopy and oncology experts and edited by a highly experienced editor team, you’ll find a level of clinical excellence that is unsurpassed in other books on this topic. Covering GI cancer from both the perspective of the gastroenterologist and the oncologist, it contains approximately 400 quality color images and 21 high-definition videos showing endoscopy being performed by the experts. Conveniently split into sections for each part of the GI tract, including the esophagus, stomach, upper GI, lower GI, pancreas and liver/biliary system, each section follows a consistent structure of: Diagnosis and Staging of premalignant and malignant conditions Endoscopic management of premalignant and early malignant diseases Palliation of advanced tumors Oncologist’s perspective Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in the Cancer Patient is a must-have purchase and perfect consultation and learning tool for all gastroenterologists, endoscopists, GI surgeons and oncologists involved in the diagnosis and management of patients with gastrointestinal cancer.

Цена: 19069.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781118555743


Gastrointestinal Pathology
Gastrointestinal Pathology

Автор: Группа авторов

An illustrated guide to best practices when performing  and assessing biopsies for GI conditions of all kinds   Accurate diagnosis of GI conditions necessarily entails both the careful taking of biopsies and the informed analysis of tissue material. With that being so, gastroenterologists and GI pathologists alike must have a solid understanding of the techniques, handling requirements, and diagnostic characteristics involved if they are to collaborate effectively.  Gastrointestinal Pathology  has been designed to provide a clinically focussed and richly illustrated guide to real-world scenarios faced by practicing GI specialists, offering step-by-step instruction and professional advice on the correct diagnosis of all major GI conditions. This essential new book includes:  Full-color illustrations throughout Complete details of biopsy samples required to diagnose specific conditions Reviews of differential diagnoses Clinical management clues based on pathologic findings Featuring information to improve the practice of all gastroenterologists and GI pathologists,  Gastrointestinal Pathology  is a practical and every-day resource for the precise diagnosis of a wide range of GI conditions.

Цена: 17389.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119073031


Gastrointestinal Pathology
Gastrointestinal Pathology

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 17389.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119073024


Handbook of Gastrointestinal Cancer
Handbook of Gastrointestinal Cancer

Автор: Группа авторов

Do you manage patients with gastrointestinal cancer? Do you need a rapid reference handbook to guide you through your diagnosis and management options? If so, then Handbook of Gastrointestinal Cancer is the book for you, providing clear, practical guidance to the diagnosis and clinical management of all forms of GI cancer, in a highly accessible format. Perfect for GI/Oncology trainees and junior gastroenterologists/oncologists and designed for point-of-care consultation, each chapter is structured in a uniform way and contains a variety of handy text features to help the reader such as case histories, key practice points, key weblinks and potential pitfalls The authors emphasize the best clinical assessment and management methods of patients and dedicate an entire chapter to each cancer, from esophageal to lower GI, and from biliary to pancreatic cancer. This attractive new book features: Comprehensive yet quick and easy display of key points Case studies to illustrate cardinal lessons or dilemmas A fully integrated GI/oncologic approach An outstanding and international editor and author team of great experience Illustrations of key clinical or investigative features Handbook of Gastrointestinal Cancer answers all your clinical needs and is a must-have tool on the ward for all trainee and junior gastroenterologists and oncologists. «Handbook of GI Cancer … does an excellent job of indicating which clinical recommendations are solidly evidence-based, and highlighting those that would benefit from further research.» —Monica M. Bertagnolli, MD, Chief, Division of Surgical Oncology, Dana Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Center, Boston, USA «Handbook of Gastrointestinal Cancer is a comprehensive text that should be on the bookshelf of every physician and surgeon who deals with GI malignancies. The editors, who are internationally renowned, have assembled an all-star cast of contributing authors from around the world. The inclusion of key points and case studies, and the use of an evidence-based approach, make this a stand-out reference.» —Mark K. Ferguson, MD,Professor, Department of Surgery and The Cancer Research Center, The University of Chicago Medicine & Biological Sciences, Chicago, USA

Цена: 7800.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781118423370


Hepatology at a Glance
Hepatology at a Glance

Автор: Deepak Joshi

Hepatology at a Glance is an accessible, illustrated introduction to this increasingly important specialty. This brand new title helps the reader to develop a solid understanding of liver disease, and to recognise, diagnose and treat all types of routinely encountered liver and biliary disorders. It covers key areas such as the development, structure and function of the liver, transplantation, surgery and nutrition. Common cases of liver disorders and scenario, and the management of rarer diseases and disorders in special patient groups such as the pregnant are included. Hepatology at a Glance: • Is a unique and concise resource on hepatology created for junior medical staff • Maintains a practical emphasis, with advice on history, examination and clinical testing • Includes clinical scenarios, with self-assessment questions and full explanations to answers • Follows the curriculum set by and with the support of the British Society of Gastroenterology • Includes a companion website at www.ataglanceseries.com/hepatology featuring 30 MCQs Providing guidance on all vital aspects of the specialty, Hepatology at a Glance is a succinct and accessible summative resource to enable a thorough understanding of the field.

Цена: 4143.08 руб.
ISBN: 9781118759387


Hydraulic Fracturing Operations
Hydraulic Fracturing Operations

Автор: Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff

Hydraulic fracturing, commonly referred to as “fracking,” is a technique used by the oil and gas industry to mine hydrocarbons trapped deep beneath the Earth’s surface. The principles underlying the technology are not new. Fracking was first applied at the commercial level in the United States as early as 1947, and over the decades it has been applied in various countries including Canada, the UK, and Russia. The author worked with engineering teams as early as the mid-1970s in evaluating ways to improve oil recovery from this practice. By and large fracking was not an economically competitive process and had limited applications until the early 2000s. Several factors altered the importance of this technology, among them being significant technological innovations in drilling practices with impressive high tech tools for exploration, well construction and integrity, and recovery along with discoveries of massive natural gas reserves in the United States and other parts of the world. These factors have catapulted the application of the technology to what is best described as the gold rush of the 21st century, with exploration and natural gas plays proceeding at a pace that seemingly is unrivaled by any historical industrial endeavor. But this level of activity has invoked widespread criticism from concerned citizens and environmental groups in almost every nation across the Globe. This outstanding new volume offers the industry a handbook of environmental management practices that can mitigate risks to the environment and, through best practices and current technologies, to conform to the current standards and regulations that are in place to provide the world with the energy it needs while avoiding environmental damage. For the new hire, veteran engineer, and student alike, this is a one-of-a-kind volume, a must-have for anyone working in hydraulic fracturing.

Цена: 27048.38 руб.
ISBN: 9781119100003


Improving Import Food Safety
Improving Import Food Safety

Автор: Группа авторов

Food safety has been a global concern for many years. While global sourcing of foods and ingredients provides great opportunity for variety and diversity of cultural products, there are significant risks. Programs that regulate food safety and quality in countries around the world vary in their scope and effectiveness, with many being underfunded. Rapidly developing countries may lack the expertise, laboratory resources for testing, and established inspection programs to adequately promote the safety of foods. Rather, these countries may be more focused on providing enough food for their citizens. Lack of documentation or traceability in the exporting country can further exacerbate the situation. Of course, safety problems in food imported from more developed countries also occur, and the source of food borne disease outbreaks are found regularly within the United States. Improving Import Food Safety gathers together vital information on the food safety programs of national governments, the food industry, and the testing industry. Chapters have been contributed by authors from the United States, Latin America, Europe, and Asia. Readers will learn about a variety of regulatory approaches to food safety at the federal and state levels in the United States, as well as in selected countries and within the food industry itself. They will also gain insights into the nature and source of safety problems, in addition to approaches to food safety around the world. The book is divided into three sections: Highlighting Key Issues: authors illustrate the millions of permutations for the origin of ingredients, discussing the difficulty if policing imports, providing a unique perspective on the economic situation in China and insight into development of support for small farm producers in Mexico. Legal and Regulatory Issues/Structures in the USA and Abroad: describes the legal and regulatory system in the European Union, the United States, and China, plus a chapter addressing global approaches to fraud. Potential Strategies to Improve Import Safety: presents strategies to deal with what are ultimately global issues, but on multiple levels. Perspectives are provided by authors from Industry, and industry trade association, academia, and a recently semi-retired, global ambassador or food safety. Readers will find this book noteworthy because of the diverse topics and perspectives offered on the challenges of keeping food safe in a global economy. Authors come from a variety of backgrounds, and each has provided a unique perspective on this critical topic. The volume is aimed at importers and exporters of food and ingredients; food microbiologists, food safety and QC/QA personnel; regulatory and legal personnel in food manufacturing companies; food policy makers and regulatory officials and facility and graduate students in food science.

Цена: 23153.88 руб.
ISBN: 9781118464267


Information Evaluation
Information Evaluation

Автор: Philippe Capet

During the reception of a piece of information, we are never passive. Depending on its origin and content, from our personal beliefs and convictions, we bestow upon this piece of information, spontaneously or after reflection, a certain amount of confidence. Too much confidence shows a degree of naivety, whereas an absolute lack of it condemns us as being paranoid. These two attitudes are symmetrically detrimental, not only to the proper perception of this information but also to its use. Beyond these two extremes, each person generally adopts an intermediate position when faced with the reception of information, depending on its provenance and credibility. We still need to understand and explain how these judgements are conceived, in what context and to what end. Spanning the approaches offered by philosophy, military intelligence, algorithmics and information science, this book presents the concepts of information and the confidence placed in it, the methods that militaries, the first to be aware of the need, have or should have adopted, tools to help them, and the prospects that they have opened up. Beyond the military context, the book reveals ways to evaluate information for the good of other fields such as economic intelligence, and, more globally, the informational monitoring by governments and businesses. Contents 1. Information: Philosophical Analysis and Strategic Applications, Mouhamadou El Hady Ba and Philippe Capet. 2. Epistemic Trust, Gloria Origgi. 3. The Fundamentals of Intelligence, Philippe Lemercier. 4. Information Evaluation in the Military Domain: Doctrines, Practices and Shortcomings, Philippe Capet and Adrien Revault d’Allonnes. 5. Multidimensional Approach to Reliability Evaluation of Information Sources, Fr?d?ric Pichon, Christophe Labreuche, Bertrand Duqueroie and Thomas Delavallade. 6. Uncertainty of an Event and its Markers in Natural Language Processing, Mouhamadou El Hady Ba, St?phanie Brizard, Tanneguy Dulong and B?n?dicte Goujon. 7. Quantitative Information Evaluation: Modeling and Experimental Evaluation, Marie-Jeanne Lesot, Fr?d?ric Pichon and Thomas Delavallade. 8. When Reported Information Is Second Hand, Laurence Cholvy. 9. An Architecture for the Evolution of Trust: Definition and Impact of the Necessary Dimensions of Opinion Making, Adrien Revault d’Allonnes. About the Authors Philippe Capet is a project manager and research engineer at Ektimo, working mainly on information management and control in military contexts. Thomas Delavallade is an advanced studies engineer at Thales Communications & Security, working on social media mining in the context of crisis management, cybersecurity and the fight against cybercrime.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781118898994


Innovation Engines
Innovation Engines

Автор: Группа авторов

In an uncertain economy where business risk is significant, the company tends to rely more on its environment than to invest, for example, in all steps of technological creation; This can be explained by the fact that investments in the acquisition (ownership) of production resources are less expensive than those implied in the formation of these resources; which also explains the attractiveness (in an open economy) of regions with abundant scientific and technical resources. To understand and analyze the innovation process in order to better design and launch new goods, services and technologies, one has to consider the creative dimension of the individual, the business and the organization in general. In new approaches to innovation, the entrepreneur and the company are analyzed through their skills, and their function of resource generation; Innovation thus becomes endogenous, gradual or radical, integrated in a complex process with many feedbacks and interactions. The innovative organization (small or large) is presented in this book as a dynamic system composed of specific and diverse skills (including those of the contractor, engineers or managers). By acquiring, combining and mobilizing these skills, the innovative agent (entrepreneur or company) can create technological resources and develop relations with its environment. Hence the importance of management in design, implementation, protection of intellectual property as well as of the development of new goods, services and technology, commercial and organizational models.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119428572


Interior Design for Autism from Birth to Early Childhood
Interior Design for Autism from Birth to Early Childhood

Автор: A. J. Paron-Wildes

Interior Design for Austism from Birth to Early Childhood gives designers who are creating spaces for individuals with Autism, the exact information they need to create optimal spaces that can have a positive impact on special learning and sensory needs. This book also shows how to implement specific design strategies that can be employed in their own projects. Projects covered relate specifically to the age ranges from birth through early childhood, including schools, homes, and clinical therapy settings. The main neurofunctions of Autism are covered along with specific design techniques that can be used to address each one. Information on toxins and material selection is also included.

Цена: 1574.37 руб.
ISBN: 9781118680261


Introduction to Maintenance Engineering
Introduction to Maintenance Engineering

Автор: D. N. Prabhakar Murthy

This introductory textbook links theory with practice using real illustrative cases involving products, plants and infrastructures and exposes the student to the evolutionary trends in maintenance. Provides an interdisciplinary approach which links, engineering, science, technology, mathematical modelling, data collection and analysis, economics and management Blends theory with practice illustrated through examples relating to products, plants and infrastructures Focuses on concepts, tools and techniques Identifies the special management requirements of various engineered objects (products, plants, and infrastructures)

Цена: 9582.35 руб.
ISBN: 9781118926598


Liver Transplantation
Liver Transplantation

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 20064.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781119634027


Mathematics for Dyslexics and Dyscalculics
Mathematics for Dyslexics and Dyscalculics

Автор: Steve Chinn

A seminal handbook in the field for more than 20 years, this new and updated edition of Mathematics for Dyslexicsand Dyscalculics contains the latest research and best practices for helping learners with numerical and mathematical difficulties. Provides a complete overview of theory and research in the fields of dyslexia and dyscalculia, along with detailed yet pragmatic methods to apply in the classroom Contains enhanced coverage of place value and the role of the decimal point, why fractions can challenge a developed logic for arithmetic, and the complexity of time along with new material on addressing anxiety, fear, motivation, and resilience in the classroom; and links to new resources including standardized tests and recommended reading lists Written by two mathematics teachers with 50 years of teaching experience between them, much of it in specialist settings for students with specific learning difficulties Offers effective teaching strategies for learners of all ages in a structured but accessible format

Цена: 5202.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119159971


Microaggressions in Everyday Life
Microaggressions in Everyday Life

Автор: Derald Wing Sue

Цена: 6072.57 руб.
ISBN: 9781119513803


Morson and Dawson s Gastrointestinal Pathology
Morson and Dawson's Gastrointestinal Pathology

Автор: Группа авторов

Morson and Dawson’s Gastrointestinal Pathology 5th Edition Edited by Neil A. Shepherd, DM, FRCPath, Gloucestershire Cellular Pathology Laboratory, Cheltenham, UK; Bryan F. Warren, MB, ChB, FRCP (London), FRCPath, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK; Geraint T. Williams, OBE, BSc, MD, MRCR, FRCP (London), FRCPath, FMedSci, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK; Joel K. Greenson, MD, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI, USA; Gregory Y. Lauwers, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA; and Marco R. Novelli, MB, ChB, PhD, FRCPath, University College Hospital, London, UK Emphasizing the important role the gastrointestinal pathologist now plays in patient management, Morson and Dawson’s Gastrointestinal Pathology, 5th Edition, is a comprehensive resource for both training and practice. This revision of a “gold standard” textbook reflects current practice, where the abundance of surgical specimens and the revolution in endoscopy has made virtually the entire gastrointestinal tract accessible to biopsy. Generations of practitioners valued Morson and Dawson’s candid guidance, highly readable text, and abundant, high-quality illustrations. This edition preserves those popular features and, to add an international dimension, now includes authors from North America, the European continent, Asia, and Australia. Authors write on their areas of expertise, with chapters organized into seven major parts: Oesophagus Stomach Small Intestine Appendix Large Intestine The Anal Region Peritoneum Each part opens with a chapter on normal anatomy, dissection, and relevant histology. The following chapters describe the morphology, pathogenesis, and aetiology of specific disorders and incorporate developments in molecular pathology and immunohistochemistry. A concluding chapter in each part summarizes miscellaneous conditions of that organ. More than 700 colour images throughout the text illustrate the discussion. An associated website contains all the figures for easy downloading into presentations. With outstanding contributions from the world’s leading gastrointestinal pathologists and a wealth of new information, Morson and Dawson’s Gastrointestinal Pathology, 5th Edition, will serve a new generation of gastrointestinal pathologists, gastroenterologists, and pathologists as the definitive reference for the field.

Цена: 25024.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781118399651


Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES)
Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES)

Автор: Группа авторов

Are you interested in using NOTES to treat your patients? Do you need a multimedia tool to guide you through all aspects of clinical management? Just as laparoscopic surgery revolutionized surgical practice in the 1980’s and 90’s, offering genuine competition to traditional open surgery, Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) presents a genuinely different alternative for surgeons and patients alike as we move forward in the 21st century. Advantages over laparoscopic surgery include lower anesthesia requirements, faster recovery and shorter hospital stays, avoidance of transabdominal wound infections, less immunosuppression, better postoperative pulmonary and diaphragmatic function and of course, the potential for «scarless» abdominal surgery. Combining high-level text with a superb companion website, Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES): Textbook and Video-Atlas provides you with a hands-on, in-depth and practical multimedia tool on this exciting breakthrough, to consult either on the ward or in surgery. Highlights include: Full coverage of the fundamentals of NOTES, its current clinical applications and techniques, and future perspectives Over 50 outstanding videos illustrating NOTES being performed by the experts Full-color throughout and superbly illustrated with over 250 figures Edited by global leaders and pioneers in the field, who have recruited a world-class contributor team As well being a valuable text for gastroenterologists, GI surgeons and general surgeons, Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES): Textbook and Video-Atlas will also appeal to urologists, urologic surgeons, gynecologists, gynecologic surgeons, thoracic and ENT surgeons.

Цена: 23509 руб.
ISBN: 9781118307946


Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Автор: Группа авторов

Do you have patients referred to you suffering from NAFLD? Are you looking for an expert guide to the latest in clinical management? If so, this is the book for you, providing an expert and comprehensive analysis of NAFLD: what it is, why it happens, who is likely to suffer from it, and how to decide on the best management options for your patients. This book focuses clearly on providing first-rate clinical guidance as to the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of patients in the clinical setting, based wherever possible on the latest evidence and scientific understanding of disease mechanisms. With each chapter fully revised and updated with the very latest in AASLD, EASL and Asia-Pacific guidelines, this second edition provides: Four brand new chapters, including “NAFLD and cardiovascular risk factors” and “Non-invasive methods to determine severity of NAFLD/ NASH” A clear overview on the causative mechanisms of NAFLD Self-assessment via key points and multiple-choice questions throughout The very latest in clinical drug trials Analysis of NAFLD in relation to obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol and liver cancer A consideration of NAFLD importance in Asia (particularly including Japan and China) and South America, as well as Europe and North America NAFLD is a serious condition that is increasing in prevalence globally from year to year. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Practical Guide, is essential reading for all hepatologists and health professionals managing patients who have this condition.

Цена: 14323.21 руб.
ISBN: 9781118556214



Автор: Группа авторов

Pancreatitis: medical and surgical management provides gastroenterologists and GI surgeons, both fully qualified and in training, with a focused, evidence-based approach to the most exciting developments in the diagnosis and clinical management of pancreatitis. Focusing mainly on the rapidly changing and innovative medical and surgical strategies to manage the disease, new surgical procedures such as endoscopic biliary intervention and minimally invasive necrosectomy to exciting new medical therapies like Antiprotease, Lexipafant, probiotics and enzyme treatment are all discussed. Full colour throughout, with over 250 colour illustrations and with reference to the latest clinical guidelines from the AGA, ACG and UEGW at all times, it is an essential consultation tool for all those managing patients with this increasingly common condition.

Цена: 13920.74 руб.
ISBN: 9781118924921


Personal Finance in Your 20s & 30s For Dummies
Personal Finance in Your 20s & 30s For Dummies

Автор: Eric Tyson

Цена: 1943.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119805441


Physics of Thin-Film Photovoltaics
Physics of Thin-Film Photovoltaics

Автор: Victor G. Karpov

Цена: 22775.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119651154


Practical Approach to Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
Practical Approach to Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

Автор: Deirdre A. Kelly

Practical, handy and succinct, this full colour pocketbook provides clear-cut clinical guidance to the main symptoms that infants and children commonly present with in both primary and secondary care. Clearly divided into specific sections covering the GI tract, liver and nutrition, Professor Kelly and her team discuss how best to investigate and manage specific clinical problems such as vomiting, abdominal pain, acute diarrhoea, constipation and jaundice using a highly clinical problem-orientated approach. They cover the management of important clinical problems such as chronic liver disease, ascites, malnutrition, obesity, coeliac disease and inflammatory bowel disease, and provide advice on nutritional problems in premature infants and children including weaning and food aversion. Key points, potential pitfalls, and management algorithms allow for rapid-reference, and link with the latest evidence, guidelines and protocols from ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN providing coverage of the major professional society recommendations for clinical practice. Brought to you by the experts, Practical Approach to Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition is the perfect accompaniment for trainees in gastroenterology, hepatology and pediatrics, as well as nutritionists, GI nurses and GPs.

Цена: 7528.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781118778661


Practical Colonoscopy
Practical Colonoscopy

Автор: Jerome D. Waye

Practical Colonoscopy Jerome D. Waye, MD, Director of Endoscopic Education, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY, USA James Aisenberg, MD, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY, USA Peter H. Rubin, MD, Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY, USA Are you looking for a rapid-reference, step-by-step guide to teach you all that you need to know in order to perform high-quality colonoscopy? Then Practical Colonoscopy is the perfect resource for you. Drawing upon their collective century of experience performing and teaching colonoscopy, Drs. Waye, Aisenberg and Rubin share the “pearls” and principles that they find most useful in every day practice. The team is led by Dr. Jerry Waye, one of the world’s leading practitioners and teachers of endoscopy. Up-to-date, practical, clinically-focused, succinct and packed full of outstanding illustrations and videos, this multi-media tool guides you through the core aspects of best colonoscopy practice. Key features include: Lucid,step-by-step explanations of the techniques and principles that will help you to achieve outstanding results A companion website that contains 39 videos illustrating important techniques, findings, and problems Text-boxes that highlight and organize the pearls and pitfalls of colonoscopy practice Line diagrams that illustrate important strategies and maneuvers High-resolution still photographs that depict important findings and techniques GI trainees will find this the perfect introductory guide to colonoscopy, and more experienced specialists will value it as a refresher tool that is replete with hundreds of new pearls provided by world experts. Practical Colonoscopy is a must-have tool for today’s colonoscopist.

Цена: 8872.1 руб.
ISBN: 9781118553428


Practical Pediatric Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Practical Pediatric Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 14672.41 руб.
ISBN: 9781119423416


Practical Procedures in the Management of Tooth Wear
Practical Procedures in the Management of Tooth Wear

Автор: Shamir B. Mehta

New to the Practical Procedures in… series, Practical Procedures in the Management of Tooth Wear demonstrates a wide range of up to date clinical techniques in the practical management of tooth wear. Presented in an accessible and user-friendly format, the book summarises the key points of each procedure, complete with clinical photographs. Chapters outline the principles and procedures for each technique, offer clinical tips and advice, and include full references. Topics include patient assessment and diagnosis, treatment planning for localised and generalised tooth wear, the partially dentate patient, tooth wear monitoring, management, and maintenance. Created by an internationally-recognised team with both clinical and academic expertise, this valuable resource: Presents comprehensive, evidence-based coverage of the management of tooth wear Examines the epidemiology and etiology of tooth wear Covers practical aspects such as record taking, aesthetic evaluation, prevention, clinical occlusion and active monitoring Includes access to high quality instructional videos to further supplement the text. Practical Procedures in the Management of Tooth Wear is a unique source of information for general dental practitioners, senior undergraduate dental students, and postgraduates preparing for higher qualifications and training.

Цена: 13607.05 руб.
ISBN: 9781119389842


Practical Psychodermatology
Practical Psychodermatology

Автор: Группа авторов

Skin disease can be more than skin deep Our skin is one of the first things people notice about us. Blemishes, rashes, dry, flaky skin – all these can breed insecurity, even suicidality, even though the basic skin condition is relatively benign. Skin disease can lead to psychiatric disturbance. But symptoms of skin disease can also indicate psychological disturbance. Scratching, scarring, bleeding, rashes. These skin disturbances can be the result of psychiatric disease. How do you help a dermatological patient with a psychological reaction? How do you differentiate psychological causes from true skin disease? These are challenges that ask dermatologists, psychiatrists, psychologists and other health care specialists to collaborate. Practical Psychodermatology provides a simple, comprehensive, practical and up-to-date guide for the management of patients with psychocutaneous disease. Edited by dermatologists and psychiatrists to ensure it as relevant to both specialties it covers: History and examination Assessment and risk management Psychiatric aspects of dermatological disease Dermatological aspects of psychiatric disease Management and treatment The international and multi-specialty approach of Practical Psychodermatology provides a unique toolkit for dermatologists, psychiatrists, psychologists and other health care specialists needing to care for patients whose suffering is more than skin deep.

Цена: 15382.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781118560679


Das A und O und das Aha
"Das A und O" und "das Aha"

Автор: Marianne Oswald

Am sechsten Tag schuf Gott den Menschen. Dann kam die Schlange, die zu Eva sagte: «Gott wei?, sobald ihr von diesem Baum esst, gehen euch die Augen auf.» «Die Augen aufgehen», umgangssprachlich f?r ein «Aha-Erlebnis», das allererste in der Geschichte der Menschheit! Was der Mensch zum Leben braucht, war ihm von jeher mitgegeben: seine Wunderwaffe, das Ethos. Allerh?chste Zeit, diese Wunderwaffe und den biologisch verankerten Sinn f?r Fairness zu nutzen! Seine technisch-wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse sch?pfte er bis zu seiner Selbstzerst?rung aus, seine menschlich-sozialwissenschaftlichen blieben nahezu ungen?tzt. An die Vernunft des «vernunftbegabten» Menschen zu appellieren w?re m?glich, aber bei dem existierenden «homo ludens», dem ausschlie?lich zum Zweck des Gewinns spielenden Menschen …?

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783991070580


Schiff s Diseases of the Liver
Schiff's Diseases of the Liver

Автор: Группа авторов

The most important and reliable resource for treating diseases of the liver For more than 55 years, «Schiff» has been acclaimed as the most outstanding liver book in the world. This new 12th edition brings the field completely up to date and includes a companion website that features a wide-variety of accessory materials. The text is evidence-based to offer hepatologists and gastroenterologists treating patients with liver disease a comprehensive and essential resource. The text highlights clinical practice and covers anatomy, pathology, testing, imaging, and the effects of liver disease on other organs. The book is written in clear and accessible terms and key features include: Treatment guidelines and management algorithms for every disease Full-color attractive design throughout the text Informative section overviews for each section Concise key concepts box in every chapter A full liver transplant section This 12th edition is thoroughly revised with the latest clinical information. The new edition offers: Information on acute and chronic liver failure and infections in cirrhosis Over 100 MCQs Downloads for Powerpoint™ making the content ideal for presentations Schiff's Diseases of the Liver is designed to be a first-stop reference for dealing with today’s demanding clinical situations.

Цена: 30416.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781119251255


Science and Technology of Separation Membranes
Science and Technology of Separation Membranes

Автор: Группа авторов

Offers a comprehensive overview of membrane science and technology from a single source Written by a renowned author with more than 40 years’ experience in membrane science and technology, and polymer science Covers all major current applications of membrane technology in two definitive volumes Includes academic analyses, applications and practical problems for each existing membrane technology Includes novel applications such as membrane reactors, hybrid systems and optical resolution as well as membrane fuel cells

Цена: 32008.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781118932575


Security, Privacy, and Digital Forensics in the Cloud
Security, Privacy, and Digital Forensics in the Cloud

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 14050.95 руб.
ISBN: 9781119053408


Sitaraman and Friedman s Essentials of Gastroenterology
Sitaraman and Friedman's Essentials of Gastroenterology

Автор: Группа авторов

This revised and updated second edition of the popular and comprehensive guide to the study of gastroenterology The revised second edition of Essentials of Gastroenterology provides a highly practical and concise guide to gastroenterology. The text covers every major disorder likely to be encountered during both GI training and in clinical practice. It also offers a handbook for preparing for Board examinations (e.g., USMLE and Internal Medicine Board examinations) as well as a handy clinical consultation tool. Fully updated to reflect the latest scientific information and practice guidelines, each section of the book covers a specific area of the gastroenterology tract and follows a standard outline: general information, normal physiology, etiology and pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, prognosis, and treatment. The text provides easy-to-assimilate information on each disorder and includes the key facts, concise, bulleted paragraphs, and a structure that lends itself to accessibility and point-of-care use in a busy clinical setting. In addition, Internal Medicine Board-style multiple choice questions allow users to self-assess their knowledge, a photo gallery provides a great visual element, and clinical cases throughout allow readers to identify with real-life clinical scenarios. Essentials of Gastroenterology is the hands-on guide that: • Covers the whole of gastroenterology in one highly practical volume • Presents updated pedagogic features to help achieve rapid clinical understanding, such as case studies, practice points, key weblinks and potential pitfalls boxes • Includes more than 100 Internal Medicine Board-style multiple choice questions ideal for self-assessment • Contains comparison of major society (BSG, ASG, ACG, UEGF, etc.) guidelines for all main GI conditions Designed for us by gastroenterologists and GI trainees, Essentials of Gastroenterology is therevised and improved edition of the popular manual that is filled with up-to-date information on all the GI disorders. Trainees will learn the essentials of their specialty, as well as providing the seasoned gastroenterologist with a useful refresher tool.

Цена: 10766.08 руб.
ISBN: 9781119235194


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