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725 учебных матовых задач
725 учебных матовых задач

Автор: Николай Калиниченко

Обучение тактике шахматиста следует начинать с решения элементарных матовых задач. Успешное выполнение заданий способствует появлению уверенности в своих силах, позволяет ощутить гармонические связи между фигурами и знакомит с типичными матовыми «картинами». Книга известного шахматного литератора и гроссмейстера Николая Калиниченко представляет собой сборник тщательно отобранных матовых задач на мат в 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ходов и матование в эндшпиле. Работа с книгой не только доставит вам истинное наслаждение от шахматной красоты, но и быстро поможет существенно усилить вашу игру и добиться высоких турнирных результатов. Книга будет интересна шахматистам самой разной квалификации.

Цена: 249 руб.
Год: 2020
ISBN: 978-5-907234-05-5


Заболевания поджелудочной железы. Современный взгляд на лечение и профилактику
Заболевания поджелудочной железы. Современный взгляд на лечение и профилактику

Автор: Е. Р. Анфимова

Весит 80 грамм, имеет голову, тело и хвост, располагается на 5–10 см выше пупка, по форме напоминает букву S. Это наша поджелудочная железа. В этой книге вы прочтете о том, какие бывают заболевания поджелудочной железы, какие факторы подготавливают болезнь, почему порой мы сами «программируем» себя на недуг. Вы также сможете узнать о том, как защитить детей от подобных заболеваний. Касаясь современных методов лечения, авторы рассказывают как о традиционных способах, так и об альтернативных. Среди последних ваше внимание привлекут эффективная дыхательная гимнастика, Су-Джок терапия, массаж «Счастье ног» и др. …Однажды для Михаила, героя этой книги, обильное застолье после праздника 8 марта закончилось больницей. Острый панкреатит. Что было дальше? Начинайте читать! Для широкого круга читателей.

Серия: Советует доктор: тактика и стратегия здоровья

Цена: 99 руб.
Год: 2014
ISBN: 978-5-9573-0398-5


Загадочная щитовидка: что скрывает эта железа
Загадочная щитовидка: что скрывает эта железа

Автор: Диляра Лебедева

Благополучие человека напрямую связано с физическим здоровьем. У каждого из нас есть маленький, но очень важный орган, назначение которого – охранять человеческий организм от многих болезней. Это щитовидная железа. Хотите узнать, что она любит? Что нужно, чтобы она работала как часы и никогда не болела? Эта аудиокнига укажет вам верное направление в решении проблем с щитовидной железой и профилактике ее заболеваний, поможет выбрать того самого врача, который проведет вас по тернистому пути оздоровления с использованием самых современных принципов интегративной медицины. © Диляра Лебедева, 2021 © & ℗ ООО «Издательство АСТ», «Аудиокнига», 2021

Серия: #Доказательно о медицине

Исполнители: Виктория Фёдорова

Цена: 449 руб.
Год: 2021


Ненормальность. Как повысить качество жизни, изменив уровень нормы
Ненормальность. Как повысить качество жизни, изменив уровень нормы

Автор: Юлия Митрохина

Как это ни парадоксально звучит, но деньги приходят тогда, когда они соответствуют вашему образу жизни. Юлия Митрохина, психолог и тренер по личностному росту, знает это не понаслышке. Она сама прошла путь от бедности к богатству и провела по нему тысячи своих учеников. В этой книге Юлия объясняет, как изменить свою жизнь, привлекая в нее достаток и излучая уверенность, что следующий день будет лучше предыдущего.

Серия: Бестселлеры саморазвития

Исполнители: Юлия Митрохина

Цена: 379 руб.
Год: 2022
ISBN: 978-5-04-168599-7


Природные бустеры тестостерона
Природные бустеры тестостерона

Автор: И. А. Тюзиков

Цена: 500 руб.
Год: 2023
ISBN: 978-5-98811-731-5


Сахарный диабет
Сахарный диабет

Автор: О. Ю. Демичева

Эта книга содержит таблицы, графики и иллюстрации в виде ПДФ-файла, который вы можете скачать на странице аудиокниги на сайте после её покупки. Эта книга выросла из лекций автора в школах диабета и вопросов, которые задают сами пациенты. Можно ли вылечиться от диабета? А обойтись без инсулина? Из нее вы узнаете, какие из обнадеживающих мифов, окутывающих эту непростую болезнь, – порождение Интернета и непроверенной информации, а какие – новейшие перспективы, открывающиеся диабетикам. Честная, не примитизированная информация о причинах и следствиях диабета даст вам реальную возможность продлить жизнь, если у вас есть диабет, и избежать диабета, если есть риск им заболеть. Вы получите не только нужные знания, но и поддержку под лозунгом «Всем миром – против диабета».

Серия: Академия доктора Родионова

Исполнители: Мария Ермакова

Цена: 279 руб.
Год: 2016


Сахарный диабет
Сахарный диабет

Автор: О. Ю. Демичева

Эта книга выросла из лекций автора в школах диабета и вопросов, которые задают сами пациенты. Можно ли вылечиться от диабета? А обойтись без инсулина? Из нее вы узнаете, какие из обнадеживающих мифов, окутывающих эту непростую болезнь, – порождение Интернета и непроверенной информации, а какие – новейшие перспективы, открывающиеся диабетикам. Честная, не примитизированная информация о причинах и следствиях диабета даст вам реальную возможность продлить жизнь, если у вас есть диабет, и избежать диабета, если есть риск им заболеть. Вы получите не только нужные знания, но и поддержку под лозунгом «Всем миром – против диабета».

Серия: Академия доктора Родионова

Цена: 139 руб.
Год: 2016
ISBN: 978-5-699-87444-6


Тиреоидит Хашимото. Как понять глубинную причину заболевания и остановить разрушение щитовидной железы
Тиреоидит Хашимото. Как понять глубинную причину заболевания и остановить разрушение щитовидной железы

Автор: Изабелла Венц

Тиреоидит Хашимото – одно из самых частых среди аутоиммунных заболеваний и одно из наиболее редко диагностируемых на начальных этапах. Все дело в том, что признаки Хашимото неспецифичны. Пациент хуже спит, набирает лишний вес, чувствует себя усталым и разбитым. Иногда у него начинают выпадать волосы и возникают проблемы с пищеварением. И только спустя годы, а иногда и десяток лет, ему наконец ставят диагноз – тиреоидит Хашимото. Аутоиммунное заболевание, которое считается неизлечимым. Щитовидная железа медленно, но верно уничтожается собственным организмом. А вместе с нею уходят красота, сила, эмоциональная стабильность, сексуальность… Доктор Изабелла Венц разработала и внедрила в практику программу, признающую болезнь Хашимото многофакторным заболеванием. Она разработала программу питания и изменения образа жизни, которая помогает восстановить три столпа, на которых держится здоровье щитовидной железы. Миллионы людей по всему миру поддержали Венц, которая не только сама излечилась от Хашимото, но и помогла другим сделать то же самое. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.

Серия: Иммунитет: игра против своих. Глобальные мировые открытия об аутоиммунных заболеваниях

Цена: 549 руб.
Год: 2015
ISBN: 978-5-04-166721-4


A Practical Manual of Diabetes in Pregnancy
A Practical Manual of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Автор: Группа авторов

The revised and updated second edition of a multidisciplinary, evidence-based clinical guide for the care of pregnant women with diabetes The second edition of A Practical Manual of Diabetes in Pregnancy offers a wealth of new evidence, new material, new technologies, and the most current approaches to care. With contributions from a team of international experts, the manual is highly accessible and comprehensive in scope. It covers topics ranging from preconception to postnatal care, details the risks associated with diabetic pregnancy, and the long-term implications for the mother and baby. The text also explores recent controversies and examines thorny political pressures. The manual’s treatment recommendations are based on the latest research to ensure pregnant women with diabetes receive the best possible care. The text takes a multi-disciplinary approach that reflects best practice in the treatment of diabetes in pregnancy. The revised second edition includes: New chapters on the very latest topics of interest Contributions from an international team of noted experts Practical, state-of-the-art text that has been fully revised with the latest in clinical guidance Easy-to-read, accessible format in two-color text design Illustrative case histories, practice points, and summary boxes, future directions, as well as pitfalls and what to avoid boxes Multiple choice questions with answers in each chapter Comprehensive and practical, the text is ideal for use in clinical settings for reference by all members of the multi-disciplinary team who care for pregnant women with diabetes. The manual is also designed for learning and review purposes by trainees in endocrinology, diabetes, and obstetrics.

Цена: 17631.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781119043775


Analyzing and Modeling Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Infectious Diseases
Analyzing and Modeling Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Infectious Diseases

Автор: Группа авторов

Features modern research and methodology on the spread of infectious diseases and showcases a broad range of multi-disciplinary and state-of-the-art techniques on geo-simulation, geo-visualization, remote sensing, metapopulation modeling, cloud computing, and pattern analysis Given the ongoing risk of infectious diseases worldwide, it is crucial to develop appropriate analysis methods, models, and tools to assess and predict the spread of disease and evaluate the risk. Analyzing and Modeling Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Infectious Diseases features mathematical and spatial modeling approaches that integrate applications from various fields such as geo-computation and simulation, spatial analytics, mathematics, statistics, epidemiology, and health policy. In addition, the book captures the latest advances in the use of geographic information system (GIS), global positioning system (GPS), and other location-based technologies in the spatial and temporal study of infectious diseases. Highlighting the current practices and methodology via various infectious disease studies, Analyzing and Modeling Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Infectious Diseases features: Approaches to better use infectious disease data collected from various sources for analysis and modeling purposes Examples of disease spreading dynamics, including West Nile virus, bird flu, Lyme disease, pandemic influenza (H1N1), and schistosomiasis Modern techniques such as Smartphone use in spatio-temporal usage data, cloud computing-enabled cluster detection, and communicable disease geo-simulation based on human mobility An overview of different mathematical, statistical, spatial modeling, and geo-simulation techniques Analyzing and Modeling Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Infectious Diseases is an excellent resource for researchers and scientists who use, manage, or analyze infectious disease data, need to learn various traditional and advanced analytical methods and modeling techniques, and become aware of different issues and challenges related to infectious disease modeling and simulation. The book is also a useful textbook and/or supplement for upper-undergraduate and graduate-level courses in bioinformatics, biostatistics, public health and policy, and epidemiology.

Цена: 14725.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118630037


Biofilms in the Dairy Industry
Biofilms in the Dairy Industry

Автор: Группа авторов

In recent years, the formation and impacts of biofilms on dairy manufacturing have been studied extensively, from the effects of microbial enzymes produced during transportation of raw milk to the mechanisms of biofilm formation by thermophilic spore-forming bacteria. The dairy industry now has a better understanding of biofilms and of approaches that may be adopted to reduce the impacts that biofilms have on manufacturing efficiencies and the quality of dairy products. Biofilms in the Dairy Industry provides a comprehensive overview of biofilm-related issues facing the dairy sector. The book is a cornerstone for a better understanding of the current science and of ways to reduce the occurrence of biofilms associated with dairy manufacturing. The introductory section covers the definition and basic concepts of biofilm formation and development, and provides an overview of problems caused by the occurrence of biofilms along the dairy manufacturing chain. The second section of the book focuses on specific biofilm-related issues, including the quality of raw milk influenced by biofilms, biofilm formation by thermoduric streptococci and thermophilic spore-forming bacteria in dairy manufacturing plants, the presence of pathogens in biofilms, and biofilms associated with dairy waste effluent. The final section of the book looks at the application of modelling approaches to control biofilms. Potential solutions for reducing contamination throughout the dairy manufacturing chain are also presented. Essential to professionals in the global dairy sector, Biofilms in the Dairy Industry will be of great interest to anyone in the food and beverage, academic and government sectors. This text is specifically targeted at dairy professionals who aim to improve the quality and consistency of dairy products and improve the efficiency of dairy product manufacture through optimizing the use of dairy manufacturing plant and reducing operating costs.

Цена: 18099.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781118876244


Brook s Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology
Brook's Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 33020.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781119152699


Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes at a Glance
Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes at a Glance

Автор: Aled Rees

Recognising a need to promote and enhance teaching of clinical endocrinology and diabetes in UK medical schools, the Society for Endocrinology, in collaboration with Diabetes UK and the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists, created a national curriculum that sets out the minimum recommended standards for undergraduate medical education. Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes at a Glance corresponds to the curriculum and covers all important areas of diabetes and endocrinology in a clinically relevant and concise manner, with complementary figures to ensure principles are explained clearly. It highlights key practical skills for undergraduates in line with the GMC recommendations that medical graduates should be well prepared for their Foundation posts. There is also emphasis on the importance of multidisciplinary teams in the management of endocrine diseases and diabetes. These include sections on structured education programmes, psychosocial aspects, and patient self-management and monitoring. Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes at a Glance will serve as a valuable resource for medical students and junior doctors treating patients with these conditions.

Цена: 4498.2 руб.
ISBN: 9781119128724


Clinical Obesity in Adults and Children
Clinical Obesity in Adults and Children

Автор: Группа авторов

>Clinical Obesity in Adults and Children A comprehensive and incisive exploration of obesity in society and the clinical setting In the newly revised Fourth Edition of Clinical Obesity in Adults and Children, a team of expert medical practitioners deliver a comprehensive exploration of the increasingly widespread disease of obesity. The book discusses topics such as the causes of obesity, the disease-model of obesity, the management of adult and childhood obesity, and policy approaches to obesity. Designed to enable readers to better understand the full complexity of obesity – both within society and in the clinical setting – the book discusses a disease that is the leading cause of ill health around the world. The editors have included contributions from leading international experts in their respective fields that address every major aspect of this often misunderstood disease. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of: Introductions to the history and scale of the obesity problem across the world and its epidemiology and social determinants Comprehensive explorations of those affected by obesity, including fetal and infant origins, genetic causes, bias and stigma encountered by those affected by obesity, and the psychobiology of obesity Practical discussions of obesity as a disease, including its co-morbidities of dyslipidemia, fertility, cardiovascular consequences, and obstructive sleep apnea In-depth examinations of the management of obesity in adults and children, including contemporary approaches to clinical and dietary management, and behavioral treatments Perfect for doctors and allied health professionals who regularly work with patients suffering from obesity, Clinical ;Obesity in Adults and Children will also earn a place in the libraries of health researchers and scholars studying obesity and nutrition, dieticians, nutritionists, and anyone else with a professional interest in an increasingly prevalent health problem.

Цена: 24077.2 руб.
ISBN: 9781119695325


Clinical Obesity in Adults and Children
Clinical Obesity in Adults and Children

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 24077.2 руб.
ISBN: 9781119695301


Designing Healthy Communities
Designing Healthy Communities

Автор: Richard J. Jackson

Designing Healthy Communities, the companion book to the acclaimed public television documentary, highlights how we design the built environment and its potential for addressing and preventing many of the nation's devastating childhood and adult health concerns. Dr. Richard Jackson looks at the root causes of our malaise and highlights healthy community designs achieved by planners, designers, and community leaders working together. Ultimately, Dr. Jackson encourages all of us to make the kinds of positive changes highlighted in this book. 2012 Nautilus Silver Award Winning Title in category of “Social Change” «In this book Dr. Jackson inhabits the frontier between public health and urban planning, offering us hopeful examples of innovative transformation, and ends with a prescription for individual action. This book is a must read for anyone who cares about how we shape the communities and the world that shapes us.» —Will Rogers, president and CEO, The Trust for Public Land «While debates continue over how to design cities to promote public health, this book highlights the profound health challenges that face urban residents and the ways in which certain aspects of the built environment are implicated in their etiology. Jackson then offers up a set of compelling cases showing how local activists are working to fight obesity, limit pollution exposure, reduce auto-dependence, rebuild economies, and promote community and sustainability. Every city planner and urban designer should read these cases and use them to inform their everyday practice.» —Jennifer Wolch, dean, College of Environmental Design, William W. Wurster Professor, City and Regional Planning, UC Berkeley «Dr. Jackson has written a thoughtful text that illustrates how and why building healthy communities is the right prescription for America.» —Georges C. Benjamin, MD, executive director, American Public Health Association Publisher Companion Web site: www.josseybass.com/go/jackson Additional media and content: http://dhc.mediapolicycenter.org/

Цена: 6273.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781118129821


Essential Endocrinology and Diabetes
Essential Endocrinology and Diabetes

Автор: Richard I. G. Holt

Essential Endocrinology and Diabetes  provides the accurate and up-to-date knowledge required for treating all areas of endocrinology and diabetes, covering the latest research, clinical guidelines, investigational methods, and therapies. This classic text explains the vital aspects of endocrine physiology in a succinct and easy-to-use format, with full-colour illustrations, clinical images, and case studies to assist readers in applying theory to practice.  The text covers the principles of endocrinology, clinical endocrinology, and clinical diabetes and obesity, and has been revised throughout to present the most recent developments in the field. The seventh edition includes new and updated material on the latest molecular techniques, approaches to clinical investigation and diagnostics, next generation sequencing technology, and positron emission tomography (PET). The treatment of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes has been updated with clinical algorithms and reflects significant advances such as incretin-based therapies, SGLT2 inhibitors, the development of better insulins, and technologies that support self-management.  Provides students and practitioners with comprehensive and authoritative information on all major aspects of endocrine physiology Covers diagnosis, management, and complications of clinical disorders such as endocrine neoplasia, and type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes Explains the core principle of feedback regulation, which is vital for the correct interpretation of many clinical tests Features case histories, learning objectives, ‘recap’ links to chapter content, cross-referencing guides, key information boxes, and chapter summaries  Essential Endocrinology and Diabetes ,  Seventh Edition  is the ideal textbook for medical and biomedical students, junior doctors, and clinicians looking to refresh their knowledge of endocrine science.

Цена: 5989.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781118764121


Forensic Odontology
Forensic Odontology

Автор: Группа авторов

Forensic odontology refers to the science and practice of dentistry which may be applied to help solve litigation in both criminal and civil cases. It is a specialist branch of dentistry that assists the legal system in the handling, analysis and interpretation of dental evidence. Forensic Odontology: Principles and Practice pulls together the very latest research findings and advice on best practice and essential skills, including aspects of forensic science that provide a well-rounded educational experience for the reader. Chapters provide coverage of anatomy and morphology, mortuary techniques, physical anthropology, applied forensic sciences, child and elder abuse, and facial approximation. The text introduces the various topics and discusses underpinning philosophies without being an exhaustive historical treatise. Appropriate case studies are used to highlight issues, and references to current research are provided to stimulate further reading and research. Written by experienced practitioners in the field, this informative introductory text is invaluable to graduate and undergraduate students, as well as experienced dentists, wishing to gain experience or pursue a career in forensic odontology. This text will be a welcome addition to the forensic odontological libraries of all practicing forensic odontologists.

Цена: 15737.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781118864388


Handbook of Diabetes
Handbook of Diabetes

Автор: Rudy Bilous

The   Handbook of Diabetes  provides concise and efficient coverage of the diagnosis, epidemiology, and management of diabetes and its complications. Containing hundreds of attractive colour diagrams, illustrations, and clinical photographs, this popular quick-reference guide focuses on the management and measurement of diabetes mellitus with highly visual references.  Now in its fifth edition, this market-leading book aligns with the most recent guidelines from the American Diabetes Association (ADA), the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), Diabetes UK, and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), presenting authoritative clinical coverage of diabetes in an accessible format with rich pedagogical features.  Five new chapters provide detailed coverage of liver disease, diabetes education, bariatric surgery, diabetes and cancer, and the use of incretin-based therapies and SGLT2 Inhibitors in the management of Type II diabetes Updated and expanded topics include the relation between hypoglycaemia and dementia, anxiety and depression, the NICE Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF), and the impacts of diabetes to self-care, mental health, and decision-making Provides a wealth of pedagogical features such as vignettes and case histories, important learning points, summaries of key clinical trials, and links to further readings  Handbook of Diabetes,  remains the essential practical companion for all health professionals involved in managing patients with diabetes, and an up-to-date reference for diabetes and endocrinology researchers, scientists, and academics.

Цена: 8025.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781118975978


Handbook of Diabetes
Handbook of Diabetes

Автор: Rudy Bilous

Цена: 8025.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781118975992


Handbook of Urology
Handbook of Urology

Автор: Группа авторов

Are you a urologist, trainee, or medical student managing patients with conditions like BPH, urinary stones or priapism? Do you require a rapid-reference guide to clinical management? If so, this full colour, practical handbook is the ideal resource, providing rapid-access information on the clinical management of all major urologic disorders and problems likely to be encountered daily. With a strong emphasis on user-friendliness and point-of-care accessibility, sections are divided according to the major areas of urology, with each chapter containing the following features: • case histories • multiple choice questions • key points box • key weblinks box • common errors in diagnosis/treatment boxes An experienced contributor team outlines the skills required to provide appropriate assessment and management of patients; in particular identifying the correct diagnostic and management options for each disorder, and how to perform basic urological procedures safely and effectively. Information corresponds to relevant American Urological Association (AUA) and European Association of Urology (EAU) guidelines for clinical management. Perfect for quick browsing prior to performing a consultation, preparing for ward rounds, or when brushing up for the Boards, Handbook of Urology is the ideal quick-stop manual for urologists of all levels involved in day to day management of patients.

Цена: 7528.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781118713747


How the Endocrine System Works
How the Endocrine System Works

Автор: J. Matthew Neal

How the Endocrine System Works is not another standard introduction to endocrinology, but an innovative and fun way to learn about the importance of the key glands in the human body and the hormones they control. It is explained in 9 easy-to-understand lectures, with additional material on the treatment and management of endocrine disorders. How the Endocrine System Works: • Is designed for those in need of a concise introduction to this fascinating area of medicine • Has been rigorously updated to reflect today’s endocrinology teaching • Includes more focus on the treatment and management of endocrine disorders • Features more on evidence-based medicine, obesity, epidemiology, and biostatistics • Includes summaries of key research which affects diagnostic criteria • Includes brand new case-based review questions at the end of each chapter • Features full-color diagrams throughout How the Endocrine System Works is the perfect introduction for all medical students, as well as for students of bioscience, and other healthcare disciplines.

Цена: 4498.2 руб.
ISBN: 9781118931479


Human Metabolism
Human Metabolism

Автор: Keith N. Frayn

The updated bestselling guide to human metabolism and metabolic regulation The revised and comprehensively updated new edition of Human Metabolism (formerly Metabolic Regulation – A Human Perspective ) offers a current and integrated review of metabolism and metabolic regulation. The authors explain difficult concepts in clear and concise terms in order to provide an accessible and essential guide to the topic. This comprehensive text covers a wide range of topics such as energy balance, body weight regulation, exercise, and how the body copes with extreme situations, and illustrates how metabolic regulation allows the human body to adapt to many different conditions. This fourth edition has been revised with a new full colour text design and helpful illustrations that illuminate the regulatory mechanisms by which all cells control the metabolic processes necessary for life. The text includes chapter summaries and additional explanatory text that help to clarify the information presented. In addition, the newly revised edition includes more content on metabolic pathways and metabolic diseases. This important resource: Is a valuable tool for scientists, practitioners and students across a broad range of health sciences including medicine, biochemistry, nutrition, dietetics, sports science and nursing Includes a full colour text filled with illustrations and additional diagrams to aid understanding Offers a companion website with additional learning and teaching resources. Written for students of medicine, biochemistry, nutrition, dietetics, sports science and nursing, Human Metabolism has been revised and updated to provide a comprehensive review of metabolism and metabolic regulation.

Цена: 6013.38 руб.
ISBN: 9781119331469


Human Metabolism
Human Metabolism

Автор: Keith N. Frayn

Цена: 6747.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119331445


In-situ Characterization of Heterogeneous Catalysts
In-situ Characterization of Heterogeneous Catalysts

Автор: Группа авторов

Helps researchers develop new catalysts for sustainable fuel and chemical production Reviewing the latest developments in the field, this book explores the in-situ characterization of heterogeneous catalysts, enabling readers to take full advantage of the sophisticated techniques used to study heterogeneous catalysts and reaction mechanisms. In using these techniques, readers can learn to improve the selectivity and the performance of catalysts and how to prepare catalysts as efficiently as possible, with minimum waste. In-situ Characterization of Heterogeneous Catalysts features contributions from leading experts in the field of catalysis. It begins with an introduction to the fundamentals and then covers: Characterization of electronic and structural properties of catalysts using X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy Techniques for structural characterization based on X-ray diffraction, neutron scattering, and pair distribution function analysis Microscopy and morphological studies Techniques for studying the interaction of adsorbates with catalyst surfaces, including infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, EPR, and moderate pressure XPS Integration of techniques that provide information on the structural properties of catalysts with techniques that facilitate the study of surface reactions Throughout the book, detailed examples illustrate how techniques for studying catalysts and reaction mechanisms can be applied to solve a broad range of problems in heterogeneous catalysis. Detailed figures help readers better understand how and why the techniques discussed in the book work. At the end of each chapter, an extensive set of references leads to the primary literature in the field. By explaining step by step modern techniques for the in-situ characterization of heterogeneous catalysts, this book enables chemical scientists and engineers to better understand catalyst behavior and design new catalysts for green, sustainable fuel and chemical production.

Цена: 16856.41 руб.
ISBN: 9781118355909


Investment Banking and Investment Opportunities in China
Investment Banking and Investment Opportunities in China

Автор: K. Thomas Liaw

Цена: 12748.84 руб.
ISBN: 9780470173831


Iron Metabolism
Iron Metabolism

Автор: Robert Crichton

Iron is indispensable for the growth, development and well-being of almost all living organisms. Biological systems from bacteria, fungi and plants to humans have evolved systems for the uptake, utilisation, storage and homeostasis of iron. Its importance for microbial growth makes its uptake systems a natural target for pathogenic microorganisms and parasites. Uniquely, humans suffer from both iron deficiency and iron overload, while the capacity of iron to generate highly reactive free radicals, causing oxidative stress, is associated with a wide range of human pathologies, including many neurodegenerative diseases. Whereas some essential metal ions like copper and zinc are closely linked with iron metabolism, toxic metals like aluminium and cadmium can interfere with iron metabolism. Finally, iron metabolism and homeostasis are key targets for the development of new drugs for human health. The 4th edition of Iron Metabolism is written in a lively style by one of the leaders in the field, presented in colour and covers the latest discoveries in this exciting area. It will be essential reading for researchers and students in biochemistry, molecular biology, microbiology, cell biology, nutrition and medical sciences. Other interested groups include biological inorganic chemists with an interest in iron metabolism, health professionals with an interest in diseases of iron metabolism, or of diseases in which iron uptake systems are involved (eg. microbial and fungal infections, cancer, neurodegenerative disorders), and researchers in the pharmaceutical industry interested in developing novel drugs targeting iron metabolism/homeostasis.

Цена: 21064.59 руб.
ISBN: 9781118925621


Lecture Notes: Endocrinology and Diabetes
Lecture Notes: Endocrinology and Diabetes

Автор: Karim Meeran

This brand new title in the Lecture Notes series covers a core element of the medical school curriculum. It presents the basic science needed to understand mechanisms of disease and describes the clinical presentations of the disorders associated with different glands, concluding with the relevant investigations and management. Focusing on conditions commonly encountered on the wards and in exams, with key points to aid revision and recall, this new title is perfect as a course companion and is the ideal revision tool for medical students, specialist nurses, and doctors working on endocrinology rotations. Lecture Notes: Endocrinology and Diabetes is also essential for endocrinology trainees approaching the new Knowledge Based Assessment (KBA).

Цена: 4854.92 руб.
ISBN: 9781118703052


Neuroendocrinology of Stress
Neuroendocrinology of Stress

Автор: Группа авторов

Exposure to chronic stress has cumulative adverse effects on physical and mental health, considered to be the consequence of chronic exposure to high levels of stress hormones. Consequently, there is extensive research in progress to investigate and better understand how the brain organises neuroendocrine stress responses and how interventions may be able to moderate these responses to improve mental and physical health. Neuroendocrinology of Stress highlights current knowledge of the organisation and physiology of these stress response systems, how the impact of dysregulation of these systems is being investigated, and considers the ways in which contributions to both psychiatric and physical diseases resulting from chronic stress effects can be critically addressed in basic research Written by a team of internationally renowned researchers, each chapter presents a succinct summary of the very latest developments in the field Both print and enhanced e-book versions are available Illustrated in full colour throughout This is the second volume in a new Series «Masterclass in Neuroendocrinology», a co- publication between Wiley and the INF (International Neuroendocrine Federation) that aims to illustrate highest standards and encourage the use of the latest technologies in basic and clinical research and hopes to provide inspiration for further exploration into the exciting field of neuroendocrinology. Series Editors: John A. Russell, University of Edinburgh, UK and William E. Armstrong, The University of Tennessee, USA

Цена: 10440.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781118921708


New Mechanisms in Glucose Control
New Mechanisms in Glucose Control

Автор: Anthony H. Barnett

New Mechanisms in Glucose Control presents a clear overview of the new drugs and treatment therapies that have been developed in recent years to help improve glycaemic management for the diabetic patient, namely the incretin mimetics (GLP-1 agonists) and DPP-4 inhibitors. It also considers other drug classes currently in development and undergoing clinical trials including the SGLT2 inhibitors and other pipeline products. In addition to pharma cotherapeutic agents, the role of bariatric as a management tool for diabetes is covered as well as consideration of the organisation of diabetes care with a community focus. This indispensable pocketbook details the newer treatments and offers a comparison with more traditional agents including sulphonyureas, glitazones and insulin. The pros and cons of traditional therapies are discussed as well as the epidemiology and pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes, helping to give the reader a better understanding of the disease area and its management. New Mechanisms in Glucose Control is essential reading for health professionals working in primary or secondary care and involved in treating diabetic patients.

Цена: 3054.04 руб.
ISBN: 9781118682180


Nutrition at a Glance
Nutrition at a Glance

Автор: Группа авторов

Nutrition at a Glance introduces key nutrition facts, such as the role of key nutrients in maintaining health, and addresses the concepts of nutrient metabolism, nutritional intake and what makes an adequate diet. It covers food safety, allergy and intolerance, GM foods, diet-related diseases and nutrigenomics. Nutrition at a Glance: • Is superbly illustrated, with full colour illustrations throughout • Includes nutrition ‘hot topics’ such as gene-nutrient interactions and dietary supplements • Has strong international appeal, with different dietary requirements provided for many countries • Is a reference text suitable for post-docs and junior scientists, including those working in public health and dietetics • Includes a companion website at www.ataglanceseries.com/nutrition featuring interactive multiple choice questions, abbreviations, a glossary, references and further reading, and Appendix B 1: Global dietary guidelines and Dietary Reference Intakes

Цена: 4143.08 руб.
ISBN: 9781118660997


Pituitary Disorders
Pituitary Disorders

Автор: Группа авторов

Do you want to be up to date on the latest concepts of diagnosis and treatment of patients suffering from disorders of the pituitary gland? Are you looking for an expert guide to the best clinical management? If so, this is the book for you, providing a full analysis of pituitary disorder management from acromegaly to Addison's Disease; from Cushing's Disease to hypopituitarism; from hormone disorders to hormone replacement. Well-illustrated throughout, and with contributions from leading specialists in pituitary disease, inside you'll find comprehensive and expert coverage, including: Diagnosing pituitary disease Management options for each disorder Complications that can occur Psychological and psychosocial effects of pituitary disease What outcomes you and your patients can expect over the long term Current research and clinical trials related to pituitary disease Pituitary Disorders: Diagnosis and Management is the perfect clinical tool for physicians and health care providers from many related disciplines, and an essential companion for the best quality management of pituitary patients.

Цена: 12512.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781118559390


Politics of Disinformation
Politics of Disinformation

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 5054.55 руб.
ISBN: 9781119743323


Politics of Disinformation
Politics of Disinformation

Автор: Группа авторов

POLITICS OF DISINFORMATION Discover a comprehensive exploration of the underlying theories of disinformation, and their impact, from leading voices in the field Politics of Disinformation delivers a thorough discussion of the overwhelming problem of modern fake news in the political arena. The book reviews fundamental theoretical concepts of disinformation and analyzes the impact of new techniques of misinformation and the dissemination of false information in the public space. A group of distinguished authors provide case studies throughout the text to illustrate the effect of disinformation all around the world; including, but not limited to Europe, the Middle East, and South America. The chapters include examination of topics such as the rise of populism, the increasing political influence of social networks, the use of fact checking to combat fake news and echo chambers, and comparative analyses of how disinformation affects conservatives and liberals. A final case study examines all of these factors as they relate to the recent Spanish election of 2019 and how they affected the results. This book also includes: A thorough introduction to the politics of disinformation and the relationship between disinformation and populism An exploration of the democratic implications of networked persona construction and the likely reaction to disinformation by future journalists Discussions of the third person effect and fake news in Spain, as well as perceptions, views, and definitions of fake news among Israeli conservatives and liberals A treatment of disinformation in campaigns in France, Brazil, and Spain Perfect for use as a reference book for students and scholars of political communication and political science, Politics of Disinformation will also earn a place in the libraries of practicing journalists and students of journalism and media studies, as well as those studying or working in communications.

Цена: 5054.55 руб.
ISBN: 9781119743316


Practical Diabetes Care
Practical Diabetes Care

Автор: David Levy

Concise, affordable and extremely practical, Practical Diabetes Care, 4th edition offers a wholly clinical approach to diabetes and its treatment. Covering all the practical aspects of all major aspects of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, it also includes the very latest in clinical research and trial results. Structured in a problem-orientated way, the book focuses on the areas of maximum anxiety for health-professionals treating patients with diabetes, e.g. hyperglycaemic emergencies, and multiple complications. Easy to navigate, clear and convenient for when on the wards and in clinic, this is the perfect guide to the practical aspects of caring for patients with diabetes.

Цена: 7806.74 руб.
ISBN: 9781119052234


Practical Endocrinology and Diabetes in Children
Practical Endocrinology and Diabetes in Children

Автор: Malcolm D. C. Donaldson

Цена: 12541.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781119386193


Principles of Turbulence Control
Principles of Turbulence Control

Автор: Baochun Fan

This book introduces the mathematical techniques for turbulence control in a form suitable for inclusion in an engineering degree program at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels whilst also making it useful to researchers and industrial users of the concepts. It uses a mix of theory, computation and experimental results to present and illustrate the methodologies. It is based on the three part structure, wall turbulence, open loop control and feedback control with emphasis on optimal control methodologies. The book also includes an introduction of basic principles and fundamentals followed by a chapter on the structure of wall turbulence with emphasis on coherent structures. Elsewhere there is focus on control methods of wall turbulence by manipulating the boundaries though their motion and by applying control forces throughout the flow volume. The last two chapters will describe the linear and non-linear optimal controls. This integrated approach will help not only researchers interested in the topic but also graduate or advanced undergraduate students in their course work.

Цена: 15388.57 руб.
ISBN: 9781118718032


Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer

Автор: Группа авторов

Do you manage patients with prostate cancer? Could you use an expert guide examining all possible management options? Prostate Cancer: diagnosis and clinical management providesurologists and oncologists of all levels with up-to-date, evidence-based guidance to the diagnosis, treatment and clinical management of a disease which accounts for a quarter of all cancers affecting men. Designed to be as practical and accessible as possible, leading experts discuss key issues in prostate cancer management and examine how to deliver best practice in the clinical care of their patients. Topics covered include: What must be considered when counseling newly-diagnosed cancer patients Radical surgery options for prostate cancer Novel therapies for localized prostate cancer How should metastatic prostate cancer be diagnostic and managed What are the best methods of administering end of life care for the patient Brought to you by a highly experienced editor team, and containing key points, management algorithms, practice tips and the latest AUA and EAU clinical guidelines, this is the ideal consultation tool for doctors both on the wards and in the office.

Цена: 9339.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118347386


Regeln mit SIMATIC
Regeln mit SIMATIC

Автор: Jurgen Muller

Praxisnah beschreibt dieses Buch die Regelungstechnik als Teilbereich der Steuerungs- und Automatisierungstechnik anhand des Steuerungssystems SIMATIC S7 bzw. des Prozessleitsystems SIMATIC PCS 7 im Rahmen von Totally Integrated Automation (TIA). Theoretisches Wissen und praktische Erfahrungen aus der Regelungstechnik werden dabei so verknupft, dass sie schnell und einfach in durchgangige Automatisierungslosungen (TIA) eingebunden werden konnen. Dies gilt sowohl fur Regelungen in fertigungstechnischen Anwendungen mit SIMATIC S7 als auch fur Regelungen in verfahrenstechnischen Anlagen mit SIMATIC PCS 7. Das Buch beschreibt die aktuellen Regelprodukte und Feldgerate des SIMATIC-Spektrums einschlie?lich S7-200 und LOGO!. Neue PCS 7-Funktionen wie Advanced Process Control (APC) unterstutzen mit ma?geschneiderten Applikationen eine Optimierung der Prozessfuhrung. Das Buch richtet sich an Mitarbeiter in der Planung und Projektierung, im Vertrieb und bei der Realisierung oder Inbetriebnahme von Regelungen in der Fertigungstechnik und im Industrieanlagenbau. Dabei ist es gleicherma?en fur Ingenieure, Projekteure und Verfahrenstechniker geeignet. Die Beispiele sind an existierende industrielle Applikationen angelehnt und bieten dem Leser wertvolle Anregungen und Hilfestellungen fur die Projektierung und Inbetriebnahme seiner eigenen regelungstechnischen Anwendung.

Цена: 5019.04 руб.
ISBN: 9783895786884


Space Antenna Handbook
Space Antenna Handbook

Автор: Steven Shichang Gao

This book addresses a broad range of topics on antennas for space applications. First, it introduces the fundamental methodologies of space antenna design, modelling and analysis as well as the state-of-the-art and anticipated future technological developments. Each of the topics discussed are specialized and contextualized to the space sector. Furthermore, case studies are also provided to demonstrate the design and implementation of antennas in actual applications. Second, the authors present a detailed review of antenna designs for some popular applications such as satellite communications, space-borne synthetic aperture radar (SAR), Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) receivers, science instruments, radio astronomy, small satellites, and deep-space applications. Finally it presents the reader with a comprehensive path from space antenna development basics to specific individual applications. Key Features: Presents a detailed review of antenna designs for applications such as satellite communications, space-borne SAR, GNSS receivers, science instruments, small satellites, radio astronomy, deep-space applications Addresses the space antenna development from different angles, including electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical design strategies required for space qualification Includes numerous case studies to demonstrate how to design and implement antennas in practical scenarios Offers both an introduction for students in the field and an in-depth reference for antenna engineers who develop space antennas This book serves as an excellent reference for researchers, professionals and graduate students in the fields of antennas and propagation, electromagnetics, RF/microwave/millimetrewave systems, satellite communications, radars, satellite remote sensing, satellite navigation and spacecraft system engineering, It also aids engineers technical managers and professionals working on antenna and RF designs. Marketing and business people in satellites, wireless, and electronics area who want to acquire a basic understanding of the technology will also find this book of interest.

Цена: 19069.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781119945130


Textbook of Diabetes
Textbook of Diabetes

Автор: Группа авторов

Now in its fifth edition, the Textbook of Diabetes has established itself as the modern, well-illustrated, international guide to diabetes. Sensibly organized and easy to navigate, with exceptional illustrations, the Textbook hosts an unrivalled blend of clinical and scientific content. Highly-experienced editors from across the globe assemble an outstanding set of international contributors who provide insight on new developments in diabetes care and information on the latest treatment modalities used around the world. The fifth edition features an array of brand new chapters, on topics including: Ischaemic Heart Disease Glucagon in Islet Regulation Microbiome and Diabetes Diabetes and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Diabetes and Cancer End of Life Care in Diabetes as well as a new section on Psychosocial aspects of diabetes. In addition, all existing chapters are fully revised with the very latest developments, including the most recent guidelines from the ADA, EASD, DUK and NICE. Includes free access to the Wiley Digital Edition providing search across the book, the full reference list with web links, illustrations and photographs, and post-publication updates Via the companion website, readers can access a host of additional online materials such as: 200 interactive MCQ's to allow readers to self-assess their clinical knowledge every figure from the book, available to download into presentations fully searchable chapter pdfs Once again, Textbook of Diabetes provides endocrinologists and diabetologists with a fresh, comprehensive and multi-media clinical resource to consult time and time again.

Цена: 30534.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781118924877


The Hands-on Guide to Diabetes Care in Hospital
The Hands-on Guide to Diabetes Care in Hospital

Автор: David Levy

Highly Commended at the British Medical Association Book Awards 2016 3 am call: «Mrs X has a blood sugar of 23. Come and deal with it.» «I think my insulin pen is called something like Solostar.» The respiratory doctors started high dose prednisolone, and the patient’s glucose is 18. What is the blood glucose target for this patient admitted with an acute coronary syndrome? Do you struggle with common diabetes problems in hospital practice? The Hands-on Guide to Diabetes Care in Hospital is an ideal companion for ward practitioners, providing answers to these and many other practical diabetes problems, helping you to deliver safe and effective care to patients. Using the best current UK and international guidance, The Hands-on Guide to Diabetes Care in Hospital presents succinct guidance on acute diabetes problems, blood glucose management, acute medical and surgical problems commonly complicated by diabetes and insulin and non-insulin agents, as well as preparing for discharge to the community. With top tips, key points, questions to ask, treatment and follow-up advice in each chapter, this is an essential resource for all medical trainees and students who treat diabetic patients. Ward-based nurses, diabetes specialist nurses and pharmacists will also find a lot that is relevant to their practice.

Цена: 3054.04 руб.
ISBN: 9781118973486

