
Электронные книги

Категория: - знания и навыки - учебная и научная литература - медицина / здравоохранение

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Сортировка: Наименование, Цена, Автор, Год

Рекламные предложения от интернет-магазина "Litres.ru"

Два в одном. Король мертвецов
Два в одном. Король мертвецов

Автор: Владимир Сухинин

Мир куда попал по оплошности ангела хранителя землянин Артем. Был одновременно прекрасен и смертельно опасен. Попав в круговерть закулисной борьбы за власть, он стал магом, изгоем, дезертиром и бароном по неволе. Он уже не управлял своей жизнью, а подчинился, судьбе и плыл по ее бушующим волнам, старясь удержаться на плаву. Заброшенный в дикие земли, где жили племена дикарей, принялся за осуществление планов возрожденного хранителя демиурга. Он должен объединить разрозненные племена народа озер, отбить атаку горцев и победить в схватке с воинством церкви Дракона. Но путь его невероятно сложен, полон разных опасностей и требует от Артема не только напряжения всех его сил, но и проявления мудрости, терпения и милосердия…

Серия: Два в одном

Исполнители: Виталий Сулимов

Цена: 359 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-535-22691-0


Дресс-код. Голая правда о моде
Дресс-код. Голая правда о моде

Автор: Мари Гринде Арнтцен

Человеку свойственно себя украшать, и порой в стремлении выделиться он может зайти слишком далеко. Для мира моды характерны не только изысканные туалеты, но и перепроизводство, масштабные экологические проблемы и слепое поклонение брендам. Мода превозносит узкий круг людей, создающих тренды и влияющих на умы миллионов. Мода заставляет потреблять, не задумываясь о последствиях. Мари Арнтцен рассказывает о пятой по величине мировой индустрии «и об одной из величайших и, возможно, самых бессмысленных проблем нашего времени. О том, что такое на самом деле мода. Почему бренды наделяют людей властью. И почему красота так важна в нашей жизни». © Эвербук

Исполнители: Людмила Шаулина

Цена: 399 руб.
Год: 2013
ISBN: 9789180433310


Клетка-предатель. Откуда взялся рак и почему его так трудно вылечить
Клетка-предатель. Откуда взялся рак и почему его так трудно вылечить

Автор: Афина Актипис

Избавиться любой ценой или превратить в союзника? Афина Актипис, эволюционный биолог и биолог-онколог, предлагает новый взгляд на рак и его лечение. В своей книге она рассказывает, когда и вследствие чего появились онкологические заболевания, почему рак всегда сопровождал многоклеточные формы жизни и развивался параллельно с ними, как он ведет себя в организме и можно ли его контролировать. Если все еще не получилось одержать победу над раком – может, пришло время переосмыслить отношение к нему, понять его логику и использовать эти знания для лечения? Эволюционный подход, рассматриваемый Афиной Актипис, учитывает непредсказуемую природу рака и направлен на поиск методов для долгосрочного сдерживания болезни, что может стать прорывом. В формате PDF A4 сохранён издательский дизайн.

Серия: Рак победим

Цена: 419 руб.
Год: 2020
ISBN: 978-5-04-159945-4


Лечебная деятельность. Пособие для подготовки к экзамену. Учебно-методическое пособие для СПО
Лечебная деятельность. Пособие для подготовки к экзамену. Учебно-методическое пособие для СПО

Автор: Т. М. Лавлинская

Целью данного учебно-методического пособия является помощь обучающемуся в самостоятельной подготовке и сдаче экзамена квалификационного по ПМ 02 «Лечебная деятельность». Для этого в пособии даны общие положения об экзамене, собственно рекомендации по подготовке и сдаче экзамена квалификационного, описана процедура проведения экзамена, критерии оценивания, имеется сборник ситуационных задач и тестовых заданий для аттестации обучающихся по ПМ 02 «Лечебная деятельность» с эталонами ответов, прилагается образец экзаменационного билета. Пособие предназначено для студентов направления 31.02.01 «Лечебное дело», а также преподавателей соответствующих дисциплин.

Цена: 514 руб.
Год: 2023
ISBN: 978-5-507-46912-3


Мастер больших продаж
Мастер больших продаж

Автор: Дмитрий Сендеров

За 20 лет Дмитрий Сендеров построил STRONG – одну из крупнейших рекламных империй в России, работал с Microsoft, Procter & Gamble, Mary Kay, Huawei, UnionPay, Lacalut, Bridgestone, Tikkurila, «Останкино», «Папа Может», «Роснефть» и другими брендами. В отличие от большинства книг, которые пишут бизнес-теоретики, эта основана на опыте. Автор откровенно рассказывает о том, как заключать большие сделки и вести переговоры с первыми лицами компаний. Вы узнаете, где искать крупных клиентов и как вести с ними дела, как побеждать конкурентов и выигрывать сложные тендеры. Цитата «…есть определенный потолок сделок, где-то 20–30 млн руб., который менеджеры никак не могут преодолеть....Когда речь идет о больших продажах, начинают действовать совершенно другие законы, правила, взаимоотношения, другая энергетика… Большие продажи – дело штучное, сложное, его невозможно поставить на поток, тем более не имея серьезного опыта. …Эта аудиокнига – результат моего 20-летнего опыта, и цель ее – поделиться с вами знаниями, дать максимум полезной информации, которая поможет вам добиться успеха в сложных сделках, найти новые пути и методы работы, раскрыть свои уникальные возможности в больших продажах». – Д.Сендеров Об авторе Дмитрий Сендеров – один из ведущих практиков российской рекламы. Член Американской академии рекламы. Учредитель трех компаний в сфере массмедиа и рекламы. Руководитель коммуникационной группы STRONG (входит в топ-10 крупнейших рекламных холдингов России), креативных агентств ART UNION и NEWIDEAS. Автор более 300 реализованных рекламных стратегий. Среди его клиентов – крупнейшие российские и международные бренды.

Исполнители: Дмитрий Сендеров

Цена: 549 руб.
Год: 2019
ISBN: 9785961432107


Мятежная клетка. Рак, эволюция и новая наука о жизни
Мятежная клетка. Рак, эволюция и новая наука о жизни

Автор: Кэт Арни

Рак встречается почти у всех видов животных и поражает людей с тех пор, как наш вид начал ходить по земле. В книге «Мятежная клетка» Кэт Арни раскрывает секреты нашего самого грозного врага среди болезней. Прежде всего она показывает, что он не столько внешний захватчик, сколько своеобразный «двой ной агент»: рак накрепко вплетен в фундаментальные процессы самой жизни. Новые научные данные свидетельствуют, что этот недуг – результат тех же эволюционных изменений, которые позволили человечеству процветать. Эволюция научила нас, как можно перехитрить окружающую среду; но она же помогает делать это и раку – причем в его случае, увы, «окружающей средой» оказываемся мы сами. Объясняя, почему наши представления о раке по большей части ошибочны, Арни, генетик и заслуженный популяризатор науки, с неповторимым остроумием и предельной логичностью знакомит читателей с последними исследованиями клеток-«мошенниц», восстающих против жестко организованного биологического «сообщества», каким является тело, и устремляющихся прямиком в анархию.

Цена: 499 руб.
Год: 2020
ISBN: 9785001397069


Нестрашная книга о раке. Книга-ориентир для тех, кто ищет информацию и поддержку
Нестрашная книга о раке. Книга-ориентир для тех, кто ищет информацию и поддержку

Автор: Полина Шило

Эта книга содержит дополнительный материал в виде ПДФ-файла, который вы можете скачать на странице аудиокниги на сайте после её покупки. Эта книга – для самой широкой аудитории людей, которые хотят узнать об онкологии больше. Практикующий онколог-химиотерапевт Полина Шило мягко снимает многочисленные страхи, связанные с онкологическими заболеваниями, и подсказывает, что делать и как найти надежду. В книге вы найдете: • актуальную и научно подтвержденную информацию о симптомах онкологических заболеваний, их диагностики и лечении; • профессиональные медицинские рекомендации, что можно и нельзя делать пациентам с онкологическим диагнозом; • истории из жизни и медицинской практики; • распространенные вопросы и ответы на них.

Серия: Доктор Полина Шило. Нестрашно об онкологии

Исполнители: Ксения Малыгина

Цена: 359 руб.
Год: 2022
ISBN: 978-5-04-193486-6


Нестрашная книга о раке. Книга-ориентир для тех, кто ищет информацию и поддержку
Нестрашная книга о раке. Книга-ориентир для тех, кто ищет информацию и поддержку

Автор: Полина Шило

Эта книга – для самой широкой аудитории людей, которые хотят узнать об онкологии больше. Практикующий врач-онколог Полина Шило мягко снимает многочисленные страхи, связанные с онкологическими заболеваниями, и делает эту пугающую область медицины более понятной. Внутри вы найдете актуальную и научно подтвержденную информацию о симптомах онкологических заболеваний и способах их диагностики и лечения; истории из жизни и медицинской практики; распространенные вопросы и ответы на них. Внимание! Информация, содержащаяся в книге, не может служить заменой консультации врача. Перед совершением любых рекомендуемых действий необходимо проконсультироваться со специалистом. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.

Серия: Доктор Полина Шило. Нестрашно об онкологии

Цена: 299 руб.
Год: 2022
ISBN: 978-5-04-184694-7


Основы диагностики и лечения рака щитовидной железы. Информация для пациентов
Основы диагностики и лечения рака щитовидной железы. Информация для пациентов

Автор: Анатолий Филиппович Романчишен

Брошюра содержит важную информацию о раке щитовидной железы; в ней дан обзор основных сведений об этом виде рака, включая диагностику и типичные варианты лечения. Издание предназначено людям, страдающим раком щитовидной железы, а также всем интересующимся основами диагностики и лечения этого заболевания – для образовательных целей и для общей ориентации в проблеме.

Цена: 96 руб.
Год: 2017
ISBN: 978-5-299-00888-3


Пять литров красного. Что необходимо знать о крови, ее болезнях и лечении
Пять литров красного. Что необходимо знать о крови, ее болезнях и лечении

Автор: Михаил Фоминых

Гематолог-онколог Михаил Фоминых доступным языком рассказывает об анатомии и физиологии крови и кроветворных органов, наиболее часто встречающихся синдромах и заболеваниях системы крови, методах диагностики и лечения, о современной теории канцерогенеза, причинах развития онкологических заболеваний, развенчивает распространенные мифы о крови и ее болезнях. Эта книга содержит важные сведения, которые помогут вам более осознанно и уверенно общаться с врачами, однако ее цель – не только рассказать о возможностях диагностики и лечения гематологических заболеваний, но и расширить наши познания о крови – жизненно важной и необыкновенно интересной жидкой ткани организма.

Цена: 449 руб.
Год: 2022
ISBN: 9785961476736


Это у тебя в крови. Как изучить свой организм по анализу крови, если ты не врач
Это у тебя в крови. Как изучить свой организм по анализу крови, если ты не врач

Автор: Паулина Ихнатович

Все мы знаем, насколько важны для правильной диагностики анализы крови. Однако, когда видим результаты, часто не понимаем, что они означают. Благодаря этой книге вы научитесь трактовать результаты анализов и делать конкретные выводы, узнаете, на что обращать внимание, как снизить риск развития заболеваний и выработать полезные привычки для поддержания здоровья всех систем организма. Эта книга содержит дополнительный материал в виде ПДФ-файла, который вы можете скачать на странице аудиокниги на сайте после её покупки.

Серия: Об аутоиммунных понятно и полезно: современный взгляд

Исполнители: Марина Тропина

Цена: 349 руб.
Год: 2019
ISBN: 978-5-04-163704-0


ABC of Cancer Care
ABC of Cancer Care

Автор: Группа авторов

ABC of Cancer Care is a practical primary care guide to help health professionals better inform their patients, manage and recognize the common complications of cancers and their treatment, and understand the rationale and implications of decisions made in secondary and tertiary care. It provides coverage of the diagnosis, management, treatment and on-going surveillance of common cancers within the multidisciplinary context of primary care. Individual chapters assess the different treatment options, including surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and examine their possible side effects. The contribution of clinical trials and new advances in cancer treatment including biological and targeted therapies, robotic surgery and advanced radiotherapy techniques are all described. Other aspects of cancer care, from nursing support and nutrition to psychological care and survivorship, are also covered. Edited by a specialist and general practitioner team, with multidisciplinary contributors, ABC of Cancer Care is ideal for general practitioners, practice nurses, cancer care nurses, medical students, and all healthcare professionals treating and supporting cancer patients. This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from iTunes, Google Play or the MedHand Store.

Цена: 3148.74 руб.
ISBN: 9781118526903


ABC of Lung Cancer
ABC of Lung Cancer

Автор: Группа авторов

Lung Cancer is the most common cause of cancer death and cancer symptoms. The ABC of Lung Cancer is a much needed reference for those treating and caring for patients with lung cancer such as primary care doctors, specialist cancer nurses, junior doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, radiographers and other health care professionals. This new title in the ABC series covers the epidemiology and diagnosis of lung cancer, focusing particularly on primary care issues such as what symptoms require urgent investigation, and when to refer to a specialist. This is a practical guide for all those involved in the care of the lung cancer patient, as well as patients and their families and carers.

Цена: 4190.43 руб.
ISBN: 9781444312416



Автор: Rainer Merkl

Jetzt in dritter Auflage komplett uberarbeitet und im Bereich des maschinellen Lernens stark erweitert. Ein perfekte Einfuhrung fur alle Studenten der Lebenswissenschaften oder Informatik, die einen Einblick in die gangigen Methoden der Bioinformatik benotigen.

Цена: 8025.73 руб.
ISBN: 9783527685868


Bird Strike in Aviation
Bird Strike in Aviation

Автор: Ahmed F. El-Sayed

Цена: 17631.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781119529828


BSL3 and BSL4 Agents
BSL3 and BSL4 Agents

Автор: Группа авторов

In one handy book, this reference gathers all the necessary information on 14 of the most commonly used dangerous groups of pathogens in biosafety level 3 and 4 laboratories. All the chapters are uniformly structured, with a brief overview of the microbiology, pathology, epidemiology and detection methods for each group. In addition, a whole chapter is devoted to the special biosafety requirements, disinfection, decontamination protocols, accident literature and accident procedures, as well as treatment options for all the organisms. This chapter is clearly marked and easy to find when opening the book. Essential literature for the increasing number of BSL3 or BSL4 labs worldwide and for medical facilities intervening in the case of an incident.

Цена: 14050.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783527645107


Cancer Cell Signalling
Cancer Cell Signalling

Автор: Группа авторов

A focused, accessible introduction to this key aspect of cancer biology. It covers the individual cell signalling pathways that are known to be involved in cancer development, and, most important, includes the cross- interactions between the pathways together with the current therapeutic approaches. This is a ‘must-have’ for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students studying and researching within the field of cancer biology.

Цена: 13920.74 руб.
ISBN: 9781118527832


Cancer Cytogenetics
Cancer Cytogenetics

Автор: Группа авторов

The first three editions of this acclaimed book presented a much-needed conceptual synthesis of this rapidly moving field. Now, Cancer Cytogenetics, Fourth Edition, offers a comprehensive, expanded, and up-to-date review of recent dramatic advances in this area, incorporating a vast amount of new data from the latest basic and clinical investigations. New contributors reflecting broader international authorship and even greater expertise Greater emphasis throughout on the clinical importance and application of information about cytogenetic and molecular aberrations Includes a complete coverage of chromosome aberrations in cancer based on an assessment of the 60,000 neoplasms cytogenetically investigated to date Now produced in full color for enhanced clarity Covers how molecular genetic data (PCR-based and sequencing information) are collated with the cytogenetic data where pertinent Discusses how molecular cytogenetic data (based on studies using FISH, CGH, SNP, etc) are fused with karyotyping data to enable an as comprehensive understanding of cancer cytogenetics as is currently possible

Цена: 17886.25 руб.
ISBN: 9781118795514


Clinical Problems in Oncology
Clinical Problems in Oncology

Автор: Daniel Lee O'C

Clinical Problems in Oncology: A Practical Guide to Management is an easy-to-use, compact reference with essential, practical information on managing oncological emergencies, as well as the side effects and complications of cancer and its treatment. Because patient responses can vary widely, depending on the type of treatment prescribed, this resource offers medical professionals the specific information they need to improve the evaluation and treatment of cancer patients at the point of care. The compact format includes a wide range of clinical information, from the dose of drugs that would typically be used, through guidance on the practical procedures that are frequently used to treat oncology patients. Some of the book’s highlights include: • Toxicity grading and management, including at-a-glance summaries of the most common toxicities associated with chemotherapy • Prescribing guidelines, including how to write up electrolyte replacement properly • Information on specialised oncology procedures (such as SIR spheres), and how to manage complications • Types of vascular access lines and how to check their position, access them and troubleshoot problems With an expert team of writers who have contributed materials in their areas of expertise, Clinical Problems in Oncology is an ideal reference for oncologists in training, oncologists in non-training positions, oncology registrars and general practitioners.

Цена: 8735.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781118673867


Concise Handbook of Fluorocarbon Gases
Concise Handbook of Fluorocarbon Gases

Автор: Sina Ebnesajjad

Цена: 19732.89 руб.
ISBN: 9781119323211


Developmental Psychopathology, Risk, Resilience, and Intervention
Developmental Psychopathology, Risk, Resilience, and Intervention

Автор: Группа авторов

Examine the latest research merging nature and nurture in pathological development Developmental Psychopathology is a four-volume compendium of the most complete and current research on every aspect of the field. Volume Four: Genes and Environment focuses on the interplay between nature and nurture throughout the life stages, and the ways in which a child's environment can influence his or her physical and mental health as an adult. The discussion explores relationships with family, friends, and the community; environmental factors like poverty, violence, and social support; the development of coping mechanisms, and more, including the impact of these factors on physical brain development. This new third edition has been fully updated to incorporate the latest advances, and to better reflect the increasingly multilevel and interdisciplinary nature of the field and the growing importance of translational research. The relevance of classification in a developmental context is also addressed, including DSM-5 criteria and definitions. Advances in developmental psychopathology are occurring increasingly quickly as expanding theoretical and empirical work brings about dramatic gains in the multiple domains of child and adult development. This book brings you up to date on the latest developments surrounding genetics and environmental influence, including their intersection in experience-dependent brain development. Understand the impact of childhood adversity on adulthood health Gauge the effects of violence, poverty, interparental conflict, and more Learn how peer, family, and community relationships drive development Examine developments in prevention science and future research priorities Developmental psychopathology is necessarily interdisciplinary, as development arises from a dynamic interplay between psychological, genetic, social, cognitive, emotional, and cultural factors. Developmental Psychopathology Volume Four: Genes and Environment brings this diverse research together to give you a cohesive picture of the state of knowledge in the field.

Цена: 26314.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781119125532


Drug Delivery in Oncology
Drug Delivery in Oncology

Автор: Группа авторов

In this first authoritative overview on modern cancer chemotherapy 121 international specialists have contributed their experience and recent data for what is likely to become the gold standard in the field. The authors summarize knowledge gained over the past decade, from basic concepts to successful applications in the clinic, covering active and passive targeting strategies as well as tissue-specific approaches. All current and future targeted delivery systems are discussed, from ligand-based to antibody-based polymer-based systems, right up to micro- and nanoparticulate systems. A special section covers the delivery of nucleic acid therapeutics, such as siRNA, miRNA and antisense nucleotides. In each case, a description of the basic technique is followed by a discussion of the latest preclinical and clinical developments in the field. By virtue of its clear and didactic structure, rich illustrative material and summary chapters, this handbook and ready reference enables the efficient transfer of knowledge between different disciplines, from basic research to the clinician and vice versa. It is equally well suited for professionals, researchers and students in medical oncology and cancer biology, and is also excellent for teaching medical students the foundations of 21st century cancer chemotherapy.

Цена: 54842.51 руб.
ISBN: 9783527647767


Enterprise AI For Dummies
Enterprise AI For Dummies

Автор: Zachary Jarvinen

Master the application of artificial intelligence in your enterprise with the book series trusted by millions   In  Enterprise AI For Dummies , author Zachary Jarvinen simplifies and explains to readers the complicated world of artificial intelligence for business. Using practical examples, concrete applications, and straightforward prose, the author breaks down the fundamental and advanced topics that form the core of business AI.  Written for executives, managers, employees, consultants, and students with an interest in the business applications of artificial intelligence,  Enterprise AI For Dummies  demystifies the sometimes confusing topic of artificial intelligence. No longer will you lag behind your colleagues and friends when discussing the benefits of AI and business.  The book includes discussions of AI applications, including :  · Streamlining business operations  · Improving decision making  · Increasing automation  · Maximizing revenue  The  For Dummies  series makes topics understandable, and as such, this book is written in an easily understood style that’s perfect for anyone who seeks an introduction to a usually unforgiving topic.

Цена: 2959.34 руб.
ISBN: 9781119696391


Evidence-Based Pediatric Oncology
Evidence-Based Pediatric Oncology

Автор: Группа авторов

The new and updated edition of the renowned reference for pediatric oncologists This groundbreaking text on the management of childhood cancers covers most tumor types occurring in children and young adults and provides reviews of randomized trials with commentaries on the optimum treatments for childhood cancer. Updated with evidence from the latest published reviews—and even more clinically focused than previous editions— Evidence-Based Pediatric Oncology, Third Edition places an emphasis on application of the trial findings. With increased coverage of the area of supportive care for pediatric cancer patients, each chapter opens with an expert commentary on the key clinical issues followed by a summary of trial findings. Evidence-Based Pediatric Oncology, Third Edition: • Presents evidence for the best treatment of children and adolescents with cancer • Includes commentaries from the world’s leading experts for every topic discussed • Is internationally relevant thanks to contributions from the UK, US, Canada and Australia • Places greater emphasis on supportive care and features a new extended section on antibiotic and antifungal treatments Based on information gathered from randomized trials performed after the release of the Second Edition, readers will find Evidence-Based Pediatric Oncology to be an important resource for all those treating young people with cancer.

Цена: 13920.74 руб.
ISBN: 9781118625323


Extremes and Recurrence in Dynamical Systems
Extremes and Recurrence in Dynamical Systems

Автор: Valerio Lucarini

Written by a team of international experts, Extremes and Recurrence in Dynamical Systems presents a unique point of view on the mathematical theory of extremes and on its applications in the natural and social sciences. Featuring an interdisciplinary approach to new concepts in pure and applied mathematical research, the book skillfully combines the areas of statistical mechanics, probability theory, measure theory, dynamical systems, statistical inference, geophysics, and software application. Emphasizing the statistical mechanical point of view, the book introduces robust theoretical embedding for the application of extreme value theory in dynamical systems. Extremes and Recurrence in Dynamical Systems also features: • A careful examination of how a dynamical system can serve as a generator of stochastic processes • Discussions on the applications of statistical inference in the theoretical and heuristic use of extremes • Several examples of analysis of extremes in a physical and geophysical context • A final summary of the main results presented along with a guide to future research projects • An appendix with software in Matlab® programming language to help readers to develop further understanding of the presented concepts Extremes and Recurrence in Dynamical Systems is ideal for academics and practitioners in pure and applied mathematics, probability theory, statistics, chaos, theoretical and applied dynamical systems, statistical mechanics, geophysical fluid dynamics, geosciences and complexity science. VALERIO LUCARINI, PhD, is Professor of Theoretical Meteorology at the University of Hamburg, Germany and Professor of Statistical Mechanics at the University of Reading, UK. DAVIDE FARANDA, PhD, is Researcher at the Laboratoire des science du climat et de l’environnement, IPSL, CEA Saclay, Universit? Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. ANA CRISTINA GOMES MONTEIRO MOREIRA DE FREITAS, PhD, is Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Porto, Portugal. JORGE MIGUEL MILHAZES DE FREITAS, PhD, is Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Porto, Portugal. MARK HOLLAND, PhD, is Senior Lecturer in Applied Mathematics in the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences at the University of Exeter, UK. TOBIAS KUNA, PhD, is Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Reading, UK. MATTHEW NICOL, PhD, is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Houston, USA. MIKE TODD, PhD, is Lecturer in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland. SANDRO VAIENTI, PhD, is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Toulon and Researcher at the Centre de Physique Th?orique, France.

Цена: 11588.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781118632291


Fogoros Electrophysiologic Testing
Fogoros' Electrophysiologic Testing

Автор: Richard N. Fogoros, MD

The classic guide to applying, performing and interpreting EP tests, updated for the latest trends and developments in the field For more than thirty years, Electrophysiologic Testing has been a trusted introduction to the field of electrophysiology for anyone needing to quickly acquaint themselves with basic concepts and procedures of EP testing, especially medical students, residents, nurses and technicians. At the same time, it also has served as a ready reference for medical practitioners wanting to brush up on aspects of electrophysiology, or to fine-tune their mastery of the field. Updates and additions featured in the Sixth Edition of this classic guide include extensive new material on the ablation of cardiac arrhythmias, including new chapters on the ablation of atrial fibrillation, typical and atypical atrial flutters and ventricular arrhythmias. The ultimate guide to applying, performing and interpreting EP tests to optimise the treatment of patients with cardiac arrhythmias, Electrophysiologic Testing, Sixth Edition: Clarifies the role of electrophysiology in the evaluation of cardia arrhythmias Provides clear summaries of complex topics Features a uniquely user-friendly style that makes information easy to digest and recall Offers clear, step-by-step guidance on performing EP tests and interpreting their results Reviews the latest developments in therapeutic electrophysiology As with all previous editions, this updated and revised Sixth Edition was written with the goal of demystifying electrophysiology, and making it readily accessible to virtually anyone with a professional need. To that end, Drs. Fogoros and Mandrola have once again turned in a masterful performance.

Цена: 8516.98 руб.
ISBN: 9781119235781


Global Epidemiology of Cancer
Global Epidemiology of Cancer

Автор: Jahangir Moini

Цена: 12713.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781119817178


Industrial Security
Industrial Security

Автор: David L. Russell

A comprehensive and practical guide to security organization and planning in industrial plants Features Basic definitions related to plant security Features Countermeasures and response methods Features Facilities and equipment, and security organization Topics covered are applicable to multiple types of industrial plants Illustrates practical techniques for assessing and evaluating financial and corporate risks

Цена: 9469.89 руб.
ISBN: 9781119028406


Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer

Автор: Группа авторов

The best and most concise single source for state-of-the-art diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer –newly revised, updated, and expanded. Lung cancer has long been the number-one cause of death from cancer every year and the third most frequently diagnosed after breast and prostate cancers. In 2010, about 15% of all cancer diagnoses and 30% of all cancer deaths were due to lung cancer. Needless to say, there is a great need for more rapid advancements in diagnosis and treatment of this devastating disease. Here is the comprehensively revised, updated, and expanded edition of the well-established, evidence-based reference book that deals with the most recent advances in lung cancer prevention, screening, diagnosis, research, and treatment for the clinician. Edited and authored by leading authorities in the field, this Fourth Edition of the highly regarded Lung Cancer is better than ever –featuring nine new chapters along with seven re-formatted ones that are nearly brand new in content and approach. It covers Smoking Prevention and Cessation; Molecular Profiling; Somatic Genome Alterations in Human Lung Cancers; Management of Multi-Focal Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma (BAC); Primary Tracheal Tumors; Predictive Tumor Biomarkers for EGFR Inhibitors; Non-Small Cell and Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma; and more. This Fourth Edition of Lung Cancer: Provides the very latest research in the identification of biomarkers to predict a high risk for developing lung cancer – vital for implementing screening, diagnosis, and prevention strategies Presents the newest lung cancer staging system, as well as updated and cutting-edge surgical and radiation therapy techniques that make local tumor control more effective and less invasive while sparing normal tissues Discusses combined modality therapy and new chemotherapeutic agents which are yielding higher response rates and improved survival when used in the adjuvant setting or concurrent with highly sophisticated radiation or proton treatment Offers novel and emergent approaches to preventative, diagnostic, and therapeutic modalities with an emphasis on the best evidence available from the latest studies and clinical trials With almost half of the revised and updated content being brand new, Lung Cancer, Fourth Edition, is an important and vital resource for all medical professionals and students involved in the care and treatment of those struck with this catastrophic illness.

Цена: 19579 руб.
ISBN: 9781118468760


Medicine and Surgery of Camelids
Medicine and Surgery of Camelids

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 26314.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781119583264


Name Of The Rose
Name Of The Rose

Автор: Умберто Эко

Set in Italy in the Middle Ages, this is not only a narrative of a murder investigation in a monastery in 1327, but also a chronicle of the 14th century religious wars, a history of monastic orders, and a compendium of heretical movements.

Исполнители: Sean Barrett

Цена: 1245.38 руб.
ISBN: 9781407085166


Pediatric Psycho-oncology
Pediatric Psycho-oncology

Автор: Группа авторов

Like the ground-breaking first edition, Pediatric Psycho-oncology, Second edition puts the child at the centre of medical and psychological care. It broadens the focus beyond treatment and cure to consider the quality of life of the child and their family. Written by an international group of pediatric oncologists and psychologists/psycho-oncologists brought together by an expert editorial team, it focuses on the real-life practical aspects of children undergoing treatment for cancer. This edition has been restructured and opens with a major section on Active treatment, which includes chapters addressing quality of life, pain, psychosocial aspects of treatment and interventions, art therapy and different fantasy-based techniques, palliative care, communication and education, as well as a new chapter on psychopharmacology. Shorter sections then discuss survivorship and care of the dying child, including a new chapter on bereavement. The final section comprises new chapters on ethical considerations and on addressing the emotional needs of children whose parents have cancer, as well as a case study on international collaboration. An appendix provides a comprehensive overview of tools for evaluation and assessment in pediatric psychooncology. This book is a highly practical resource that will be invaluable for all health care professionals looking after children and adolescents with cancer.

Цена: 9197.62 руб.
ISBN: 9781119941040


Practical Radiotherapy
Practical Radiotherapy

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 8167.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781119512721


Radiation Oncology in Palliative Cancer Care
Radiation Oncology in Palliative Cancer Care

Автор: Группа авторов

“This textbook, Radiation Oncology in Palliative Cancer Care, represents the full evolution of radiation therapy, and of oncology in general. ( … ) [It] is an acknowledgment that palliative radiotherapy is now a sub-specialty of radiation oncology. This formally makes palliative radiotherapy a priority within patient care, academic research, quality assurance, and medical education.” – From the Foreword by Nora Janjan, MD, MPSA, MBA, National Center for Policy Analysis, Dallas, TX, USA Palliative Medicine is the professional medical practice of prevention and relief of suffering and the support of the best possible quality of life for patients and their families, regardless of the stage of the disease or the need for other therapies. The most common cause for palliative care referral is terminal cancer, and a large proportion of those referrals include patients who will need palliative radiotherapy during the course of their disease. Still, there are barriers to coordinated care between radiation oncologists and palliative care physicians that differ from one country to another. Until now, one overarching limitation to appropriate concurrent care between the specialties across all countries has been the lack of a comprehensive yet concise reference resource that educates each of the specialties about the potential synergistic effects of their cooperation. This book fills that void. Radiation Oncology in Palliative Cancer Care: Is the first book-length treatment of this important topic available on the market Is authored by world-renowned experts in radiation oncology and palliative medicine Uses a multidisciplinary approach to content and patient treatment Features decision trees for palliative radiotherapy based upon factors such as patient performance status and prognosis Pays careful attention to current best practices and controversies in the delivery of end-of-life cancer care This book is an important resource for practicing radiation oncologists and radiation oncologists in training, as well as hospice and palliative medicine physicians and nurses, medical oncologists, and geriatricians.

Цена: 16820.89 руб.
ISBN: 9781118607169


Targeted Therapy in Translational Cancer Research
Targeted Therapy in Translational Cancer Research

Автор: Группа авторов

Targeted Therapy in Translational Cancer Research for the Translational Oncology series provides a comprehensive overview of recent developments in our understanding of tumor biology, elucidates the roles of targets and pathways involved in carcinogenesis, and describes current state-of-the-art anticancer therapy, as well as the most promising areas of translational research and targeted therapy. Introduces cutting-edge ‘bench to bedside and back’ breakthroughs which have transformed the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of cancer Covers basic principles of targeted therapy, including immunotherapy and the roles of cancer stem cells, the microenvironment, angiogenesis, epigenetics, microRNAs, and functional imaging in precision medicine Summarises major advances in therapeutic management of hematologic malignancies and solid tumors using conventional therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, or novel treatment modalities

Цена: 15791.04 руб.
ISBN: 9781118468685


Textbook of Uncommon Cancer
Textbook of Uncommon Cancer

Автор: Группа авторов

The fifth edition of the only comprehensive text dealing exclusively with rare or infrequently encountered malignancies in adults and children is an essential resource for any clinical oncologist. Encompasses all the information needed to diagnose and manage uncommon cancers, an area where advice and guidance is typically scarce Fully revised with new material and an evidence-based, teach-by-example approach Provides insight on real-world decision making in the clinical setting Edited and authored by a highly experienced and senior team of medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, and other specialists, giving a balanced and complete overview Extensively illustrated in full color throughout, including heat maps to show gene expression

Цена: 40329.9 руб.
ISBN: 9781119196211


The Access Manual
The Access Manual

Автор: Ann Sawyer

This manual covers the design, improvement, maintenance and management of accessible environments. It shows you how to provide and run buildings, services, and employment facilities to enable independent and convenient use by everyone. The Access Manual was first published in November 2003 and has been used by architects and facilities managers needing to meet the requirements of new legislation in 2004. It was well received by design, management, access, and health professionals. This is a fast-moving area and there are now several additional pieces of legislation and guidance central to inclusive design and making buildings accessible to all. This 3rd edition follows the same structure and approach and updates three main areas: The Equality Act 2010 Building Regulations: Approved Documents to Parts M (2013) and K (2013) British Standards: amendment and updating of BS8300 The authors have also updated the material on access auditing, providing additional examples and sample access audit reports and access statements. With its comprehensive information on standards, legislation and good practice, The Access Manual: designing, auditing and managing inclusive built environments, 3rd edition ensures you can: be fully aware of the issues involved in accessibility and inclusive design understand your legal obligations and the guidance available commission access audits create and manage an access improvement programme maintain accessibility in buildings and working practices understand access issues in the design of new buildings

Цена: 6960.37 руб.
ISBN: 9781118896204


The Communist Manifesto
The Communist Manifesto

Автор: Карл Генрих Маркс

Цена: 1114.69 руб.
ISBN: 9780857088789


The Wiley Handbook of Group Processes in Children and Adolescents
The Wiley Handbook of Group Processes in Children and Adolescents

Автор: Группа авторов

A definitive reference on intra- and inter-group processes across a range of age and cultural contexts Children from infancy develop attachments to significant others in their immediate social environment, and over time become aware of other groups (e.g. gender, ethnicity, age, classroom, sports) that they do or do not belong to and why. Recent research shows that children’s attitudes, beliefs and behaviours are significantly influenced by these memberships and that the influence increases through childhood. This Handbook delivers the first comprehensive, international reference on this critical topic.

Цена: 16690.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118773130


The World s Construction Mechanism
The World's Construction Mechanism

Автор: Jacques Barnouin

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119706786


This Is Philosophy
This Is Philosophy

Автор: Steven D. Hales

Цена: 2949.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781119635543



Автор: Группа авторов

Die TNM-Klassifikation ist das weltweit am meisten verwendete System fur die Beschreibung der Ausbreitung einer Tumorerkrankung. Die 7. Auflage dokumentiert die aktualisierten Standards und wird in Zusammenarbeit mit der International Union Against Cancer (UICC) herausgegeben. Dieses handliche Taschenbuch enthalt wichtige neue Organ-spezifische Klassifikationen, u.a. bei den Tumoren der Leber, Gallengange, Pankreas, Knochen, Haut und Augen.

Цена: 3681.42 руб.
ISBN: 9783527669486


TNM Atlas
TNM Atlas

Автор: Группа авторов

Der vollst?ndige und ma?gebende Atlas zur TNM Klassifi kation – jetzt vollkommen neu illustriert mit durchgehend vierfarbigen Abbildungen Mit seinem Bezug zu „Tumor“, „Lymphknoten (Node)“ und „Metastasen“ ist das TNM System das am weitesten verwendete Werkzeug, die Ausbreitung einer Krebserkrankung zu klassifizieren und in Stadien einzuteilen. Herausgegeben in Zusammenarbeit mit der UICC (Union for International Cancer Control) stellt der TNM Atlas, Sechste Aufl age, die illustrierte Version von TNM Klassifikation, Siebente Aufl age, dar. Dieses Werk unterst?tzt mit erstklassigen anatomischen Darstellungen bei der praktischen Anwendung des TNM Klassifi kationssystems. T- und N-Kategorien werden mit klaren und einfach zu verstehenden Abbildungen illustriert. Es erm?glicht allen an Tumorklassifi kation, Stadieneinteilung und Krebsbehandlung Beteiligten ein besseres, an den Standards orientiertes Verst?ndnis und eine einheitlichere Dokumentation der anatomischen Ausbreitung von Tumoren. Der TNM Atlas, Sechste Auflage: • Inhaltlich vollkommen ?berarbeitet, basierend auf der TMN Klassifikation. • Mit ?ber 500 farbigen, vollkommen neuen Abbildungen, die die anatomischen Besonderheiten jeder Tumorerkrankung akkurat und detailgetreu darstellen. • Die ideale Erg?nzung zu TNM Klassifi kation und TNM Supplement in der t?glichen, klinischen Praxis. • Unverzichtbares Werk nicht nur f?r die Diagnose, sondern auch f?r Ausbildung und Aufkl?rungsgespr?che mit Patienten. Die in Genf ans?ssige UICC ist eine der am weitesten anerkannten Krebsorganisationen weltweit, deren zentrale Aufgabe die Tumorklassifi kation und Krebsbek?mpfung sind. Ihr TNM Atlas ist ein wertvolles Nachschlagewerk f?r ?rzte, Chirurgen, Radioonkologen, Pathologen, Mitarbeiter in Krebsregistern, und onkologisches Pfl egepersonal sowie f?r Krebsforschungsinstitute und entsprechende staatliche Einrichtungen und nichtstaatliche Organisationen.

Цена: 9363.35 руб.
ISBN: 9783527674794


TNM Klassifikation maligner Tumoren
TNM Klassifikation maligner Tumoren

Автор: Christian Wittekind

Learn to embrace the 3 C's of psychological hardiness to overcome stress and increase personal growth Life is full of questions. How you answer these questions can determine which path your life takes. Think about how many questions you are faced with every day. It can be overwhelming. From the mundane to the profound, questions help you navigate everything from your daily routine to your career choices and relationships. Sometimes, asking the right question is just as important as the answer: What do you want out of life? Is it financial success? A loving family? Career achievement? Maybe you are coping with a serious illness. Whatever your goal may be, you have undoubtedly encountered barriers that slow your progress. One of the biggest of these barriers is stress. Scientific research has found that your ability to resist the damaging effects of stress—your hardiness —can reduce stress-related illness and strengthen your ability to thrive under pressure. Hardiness, written by respected clinical and research psychologists, will help develop your psychological hardiness which, in turn, enables you to enjoy more of life’s rewards. Mastering the 3 C’s of hardiness—commitment, control, and challenge—is essential to increasing hardiness and responding effectively to stressful situations. This invaluable guide provides exercises and activities, based on 30 years of research, specifically designed to increase your hardiness in all areas of your personal and professional life. This book will help you: Understand how hardiness is assessed to evaluate and improve your response to stress Unlock your new potential made possible by a better understanding of hardiness Examine real-life examples and case studies of psychological hardiness Increase your engagement in the surrounding world Capitalize on opportunities for your personal growth Hardiness: Making Stress Work for You to Achieve Your Life Goals can help you move toward becoming healthier, more self-actualized, and increasingly satisfied with your life and future.

Цена: 4012.87 руб.
ISBN: 9783527827350


TNM Supplement
TNM Supplement

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 5676.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781119263944

