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Автор: Алексей Ломакин

Каждый предприниматель в начале своего пути полон идей и энергии эти идеи реализовать, но, к сожалению, так не длится вечно – однажды предприниматель оглядывается вокруг себя и понимает, что застрял. Прежняя модель поведения уже не работает, а как можно по-новому – неизвестно. Дело в том, что каждый человек живет в рамках своих паттернов мышления и поведения, не позволяющих ему выйти на новый уровень. В книге подробно разбираются основные ошибки предпринимателя и анализируются сферы, влияющие на достижение успеха. После прочтения книги у читателя сформируется представление, какие действия нужно предпринять, чтобы выйти из стагнации и шагнуть на ступень выше.

Исполнители: Алексей Ломакин

Цена: 490 руб.
Год: 2023



Автор: Дмитрий Мамин-Сибиряк

«Летнее яркое солнце врывалось в открытое окно, освещая мастерскую со всем ее убожеством, за исключением одного темного угла, где работал Прошка. Солнце точно его забыло, как иногда матери оставляют маленьких детей без всякого призора. Прошка, только вытянув шею, мог видеть из-за широкой деревянной рамы своего колеса всего один уголок окна, в котором точно были нарисованы зеленые грядки огорода, за ними – блестящая полоска реки, а в ней – вечно купающаяся городская детвора…»

Исполнители: Иван Златоустов

Цена: 89 руб.
Год: 1885


Медосмотры водителей 2023. Электронный путевой лист
Медосмотры водителей 2023. Электронный путевой лист

Автор: Петр Кузнецов

Электронные путевые листы введены с 1 марта 2023 г., а с 2024 г. становятся обязательными. Формируется цифровой профиль водителя. Транспортные компании «прозрачны» для регуляторов. Закон от 29 декабря 2022 г. № 629-ФЗ легализовал дистанционные предрейсовые медосмотры, мониторинг показателей здоровья водителя в течение дня. Медику, водителю, транспортнику, IT-инженеру помогаем работать правильно, быстро, экономично, избежать штрафов по итогам цифровых проверок регуляторов (ГИБДД, Ространснадзора, Росздравнадзора, Роспотребнадзора, ФНС, Рострудинспекции, Социального фонда России и др.).

Цена: 160 руб.
Год: 2023
ISBN: 978-5-4461-2075-8


Нормативное обеспечение в сфере информационных технологий и систем. Учебное пособие для вузов
Нормативное обеспечение в сфере информационных технологий и систем. Учебное пособие для вузов

Автор: Т. Ф. Череватова

Серия: Высшее образование (Лань)

Цена: 741 руб.
Год: 2023
ISBN: 978-5-507-47262-8


Правила по охране труда при работе на высоте по состоянию на 2024 год
Правила по охране труда при работе на высоте по состоянию на 2024 год

Автор: Коллектив авторов

Настоящее издание содержит текст Приказа Минтруда России от 16.11.2020 № 782н «Об утверждении правил по охране труда при работе на высоте» с изменениями и дополнениями на 2024 год. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.

Серия: Законы и кодексы (Эксмо)

Цена: 99 руб.
Год: 2024
ISBN: 978-5-04-179853-6


Растительный покров вулканических плато Центральной Камчатки (Ключевская группа вулканов)
Растительный покров вулканических плато Центральной Камчатки (Ключевская группа вулканов)

Автор: Коллектив авторов

На основании материалов многолетних полевых исследований получены новые данные о растительности Ключевской группы вулканов (Центральная Камчатка). Впервые на обширном фактическом материале детально изучена растительность вулканических плато Толбачинский дол и Ушковский дол. Выявлено фитоценотическое разнообразие растительного покрова, проведен анализ флористического состава и структуры растительных сообществ, изучены особенности их экологической приуроченности и вулканогенной динамики. Разработана эколого-фитоценотическая классификация вулканогенной растительности и классификация несомкнутых растительных группировок. Проанализированы закономерности зональной дифференциации и высотной поясности растительного покрова и их вулканогенной трансформации. Представлены результаты крупномасштабного картографирования растительности вулканических плато и картометрического анализа геоботанических карт. Материалы монографии представляют новую информацию для познания закономерностей динамики растительного покрова Камчатки под влиянием современного и голоценового вулканизма, а также для реконструкции четвертичной истории растительного покрова Северо-Восточной Азии. Книга представляет большой интерес для ботаников, геоботаников, географов, вулканологов, почвоведов, экологов, специалистов по охране природы, научных сотрудников, аспирантов и студентов.

Цена: 399 руб.
Год: 2014
ISBN: 978-5-87317-943-5


ABC of Headache
ABC of Headache

Автор: Frith Alison

In its different presentations, headache is one of the most common symptoms seen by family practitioners. The difficulty is in diagnosing the cause of the headache so that the appropriate treatment is provided, or if referral to a specialist is the recommended course of action. The ABC of Headache helps with this dilemma and guides the healthcare professional to look for the possible causes of presenting symptoms. Based on real case histories, each chapter guides the reader from symptoms through to diagnosis and management. This new ABC is a highly illustrated, informative, and practical source of knowledge. With links to further information and resources, it is a valuable text for healthcare professionals at all levels of practice and training.

Цена: 5296.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781444312461


ABC of Stroke
ABC of Stroke

Автор: Walker Marion F

Stroke is the most common cause of adult disability and is of increasing importance within ageing populations. This brand new title in the ABC series covers the entire patient journey, from prevention through to long-term support. It includes primary prevention and management of risk factors for stroke and secondary prevention including pharmaceutical, lifestyle and surgical intervention. The general principles of stroke rehabilitation are also addressed as well as mobility, communication and psychological problems, as is stroke in younger people. It also covers long-term support for stroke survivors and their carers. This is an invaluable and practical guide to all aspects of stroke for both health care professionals and lay audiences. It is of particular relevance to general practitioners, junior doctors, nurses and therapists working with stroke patients and their carers, and to people with stroke and their families. This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from Google Play or the MedHand Store.

Цена: 4302.59 руб.
ISBN: 9781444397789


ABC of Urology
ABC of Urology

Автор: Dawson Chris

The ABC of Urology provides a comprehensive review of current practice in urology and is a structured and practical guide to the diagnosis, treatment and management of the most common urological conditions. This new third edition has been fully revised and expanded with additional chapters and improved coverage of renal and testis cancer, management of haematuria, laparoscopy, trauma and new urological advances. Prostate, bladder, renal and penile cancers are also covered in detail and new techniques and procedures for safer and effective treatment options are featured. The ABC of Urology is the ideal reference for general practitioners and general practitioner trainees, junior doctors and practice nurses, medical students and all primary health care professionals working to provide the best possible care for patients with urological conditions.

Цена: 4523.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781118274507


After the Car
After the Car

Автор: Urry John

It is difficult to imagine a world without the car, and yet that is exactly what Dennis and Urry set out to do in this provocative new book. They argue that the days of the car are numbered: powerful forces around the world are undermining the car system and will usher in a new transport system sometime in the next few decades. Specifically, the book examines how several major processes are shaping the future of how we travel, including: Global warming and its many global consequences Peaking of oil supplies Increased digitisation of many aspects of economic and social life Massive global population increases The authors look at changes in technology, policy, economy and society, and make a convincing argument for a future where, by necessity, the present car system will be re-designed and re-engineered. Yet the book also suggests that there are some hugely bleak dilemmas facing the twenty first century. The authors lay out what they consider to be possible 'post-car' future scenarios. These they describe as 'local sustainability', 'regional warlordism' and 'digital networks of control'. After The Car will be of great interest to planners, policy makers, social scientists, futurologists, those working in industry, as well as general readers. Some have described the 20th Century as the century of the car. Now that century has come to a close – and things are about to change.

Цена: 7174.67 руб.
ISBN: 9780745675275


Better Consciousness. Schopenhauer s Philosophy of Value
Better Consciousness. Schopenhauer's Philosophy of Value

Автор: Janaway Christopher

Better Consciousness: Schopenhauer's Philosophy of Value reassesses Schopenhauer's aesthetics and ethics and their contemporary relevance. Features a collection of new essays from leading Schopenhauer scholars Explores a relatively neglected area of Schopenhauer's philosophy Offers a new perspective on a great thinker who crystallized the pessimism of the nineteenth century and has many points of contact with twenty-first century thought

Цена: 4633.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781444322873



Автор: Vandamme Erick J

This book gives a broad overview of the key topics in this field of study, approaching them from a technical and economic angle giving the reader a comprehensive insight into biofuels as a whole. Dealing specifically with liquid and gaseous biofuels that can be produced from renewable resources this text also gives a summary of the past, present and future production technologies and applications of biofuels. This book is particularly relevant as it highlights the extensive debate of the on-going global needs to find alternative fuels, making it not only a necessary text for working professionals and researchers in the field, but for anyone with an interest in sustaining the earth.

Цена: 15354.57 руб.
ISBN: 9780470754092


Bioinformatics and Molecular Evolution
Bioinformatics and Molecular Evolution

Автор: Higgs Paul G

In the current era of complete genome sequencing, Bioinformatics and Molecular Evolution provides an up-to-date and comprehensive introduction to bioinformatics in the context of evolutionary biology. This accessible text: provides a thorough examination of sequence analysis, biological databases, pattern recognition, and applications to genomics, microarrays, and proteomics emphasizes the theoretical and statistical methods used in bioinformatics programs in a way that is accessible to biological science students places bioinformatics in the context of evolutionary biology, including population genetics, molecular evolution, molecular phylogenetics, and their applications features end-of-chapter problems and self-tests to help students synthesize the materials and apply their understanding is accompanied by a dedicated website – www.blackwellpublishing.com/higgs – containing downloadable sequences, links to web resources, answers to self-test questions, and all artwork in downloadable format (artwork also available to instructors on CD-ROM). This important textbook will equip readers with a thorough understanding of the quantitative methods used in the analysis of molecular evolution, and will be essential reading for advanced undergraduates, graduates, and researchers in molecular biology, genetics, genomics, computational biology, and bioinformatics courses.

Цена: 14023.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781444311181


Biosensors Nanotechnology
Biosensors Nanotechnology

Автор: Tiwari Ashutosh

This book provides detailed reviews of a range of nanostructures used in the construction of biosensors as well as the applications of these biosensor nanotechnologies in the biological, chemical, and environmental monitoring fields Biological sensing is a fundamental tool for understanding living systems, but also finds practical application in medicine, drug discovery, process control, food safety, environmental monitoring, defense, and personal security. Moreover, a deeper understanding of the bio/electronic interface leads us towards new horizons in areas such as bionics, power generation, and computing. Advances in telecommunications, expert systems, and distributed diagnostics prompt us to question the current ways we deliver healthcare, while robust industrial sensors enable new paradigms in R&D and production. Despite these advances, there is a glaring absence of suitably robust and convenient sensors for body chemistries. This book examines some of the emerging technologies that are fueling scientific discovery and underpinning new products to enhance the length and quality of our lives. The 14 chapters written by leading experts cover such topics as: ZnO and graphene microelectrode applications in biosensing Assembly of polymers/metal nanoparticles Gold nanoparticle-based electrochemical biosensors Impedimetric DNA sensing employing nanomaterials Graphene and carbon nanotube-based biosensors Computational nanochemistry study of the BFPF green fluorescent protein chromophore Biosynthesis of metal nanoparticles Bioconjugated-nanoporous gold films in electrochemical biosensors The combination of molecular imprinting and nanotechnology Principles and properties of multiferroics and ceramics

Цена: 22197.85 руб.
ISBN: 9781118773932


Bipolar Psychopharmacotherapy. Caring for the Patient
Bipolar Psychopharmacotherapy. Caring for the Patient

Автор: Akiskal Hagop S

If a colleague were to ask me, What would you recommend I read if I want to become a real expert on bipolarity?" I would respond Bipolar Psychopharmacotherapy: Caring for the Patient." Journal of Bipolar Disorders And the second edition is even better! Bipolar Psychopharmacotherapy covers both pharmacotherapy and the supportive role of psychotherapy, psychoeducation and social approaches to provide a broad integrative philosophy of care for bipolar patients. Extensive coverage is given to special management issues such as the pharmacological care of women with bipolar disorder, children and the elderly, as well as bipolar depression and suicide prevention. The mood swings that characterize bipolar disorder can now be better stabilized in most patients than in the past, but the illness must be carefully managed throughout a person's life. Pharmacotherapy is central to the acute treatment and long-term management and as there are several classes of drugs which are often prescribed concurrently, treatment issues are complex. This essential reference work features critical reviews of the existing literature, plus information on new treatments that have been reported at peer reviewed scientific meetings, often written by the pioneering experts on a particular treatment. The second-generation antipsychotics are now covered in separate chapters to provide in-depth coverage of these agents. There are also new chapters on the pharmacological treatments of mixed states and rapid cycling and novel therapeutic vistas.

Цена: 16785.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780470975107


Cancer and its Management
Cancer and its Management

Автор: Tobias Jeffrey S

Now in its seventh edition, this highly-regarded book is designed as an introductory and reference text on the principles of diagnosis, staging, and treatment of tumors. As for the last 6 editions of the book, the aim and scope of the new edition are once again to provide a thorough yet reasonably brief account of the whole field of oncology, focusing on the latest principles of cancer management. The book is already well established, having been first published in 1986 and in continuous print since then. The authors are rightfully proud of their strong legacy of providing carefully revised new editions of this standard and well-received cancer text for audiences in the UK and abroad. Oncology is a very rapidly changing speciality, with many new treatments and even treatment modalities coming on stream with bewildering speed. Besides a thorough general updating of the text, figures, and tables, the new seventh edition adds a new chapter on Molecular Targeted Therapy, making the book 30 chapters in total. This accessible and practical resource is invaluable to trainees and specialists alike in oncology, palliative care and general medicine, as well as specialist nurses, general practitioners, medical students, and professions allied to medicine.

Цена: 12592.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781118468708


Clinical Electrophysiology. A Handbook for Neurologists
Clinical Electrophysiology. A Handbook for Neurologists

Автор: Kaplan Peter W

Bridging the clinical electrophysiological investigation with the neurological consultation Acutely ill patients present with symptoms that don’t immediately yield a diagnosis. Electrophysiological testing can support diagnosis but only if the appropriate tests are ordered. They must be properly interpreted in conjunction with the actual symptoms. Clinical Electrophysiology presents a wide range of symptoms with specific electrophysiological results. The handbook shows how the complete picture leads to better diagnostic, prognostic or therapeutic conclusions. The book is organized by the presenting neurological problem in a clinical setting. For each case the authors provide a possible electrophysiological result. This is interpreted and tied to the patient’s symptoms to yield a clinical solution. The handbook avoids theoretical discussion to provide a direct practical guide that: Begins with the patient’s symptoms Uses a range of electrophysiological modalities Shows different test results for similar symptoms Relates clinical observation to electrophysiological testing A final casebook section presents readers with rarer clinical challenges for self-testing. Providing practical, to-the-point guidance on electrophysiological investigations, Clinical Electrophysiology will guide all neurologists attending acutely ill patients.

Цена: 9494.43 руб.
ISBN: 9781444322996


Demystifying Technical Training. Partnership, Strategy, and Execution
Demystifying Technical Training. Partnership, Strategy, and Execution

Автор: Davis Bettina M

Praise for Demystifying Technical Training «Demystifying Technical Training is a must-read for CLOs, managers of training, instructors, and instructional designers. All who read it will gain critical insights into how to lower the cost and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of learning.» —Wm. Douglas Harward, CEO and founder of Training Industry, Inc. «Individuals interested in and accountable for deriving significant value from technical training investments will gain great benefit from reading this book and applying its wisdom.» —Karen Kocher, CLO at Cigna Healthcare «Demystifying Technical Training is an essential, complete guide for any learning organization. The overviews and concepts are clearly stated, while the case studies and sidebars provide practical examples you can apply in your situation.» —Jean Barbazette, president of The Training Clinic and author of Managing the Training Function for Bottom-Line Results «Considering the cost of acquiring and developing talent, why wouldn't all CEO/COOs insist on investing in people to improve results and reduce risk? This book demystifies the process of developing technical experts to increase the return on investment in human capital. Bravo!» —Martin J. Menard, former group CIO at Intel Corporation «Technical training is a key to sustaining competitiveness in the new economy. Learn how to leverage and optimize its value in your organization through this wonderfully insightful and practical resource.» —Dr. Arthur L. Jue, director of global organization and talent development at Oracle and co-author of Social Media at Work: How Networking Tools Propel Organizational Performance «Don't be misled by the title—this book—while focusing on the often segmented world of domain specific job skills—provides guidance valid for the full spectrum of workforce learning from soft-skills to 'technical' skills.» —Ruth Clark, principal and president of Clark Training & Consulting and author of e-Learning and the Science of Instruction

Цена: 5523.23 руб.
ISBN: 9780470634523


Dermatopathology. Diagnosis by First Impression
Dermatopathology. Diagnosis by First Impression

Автор: Ko Christine J

The atlas that helps you differentiate visually similar diseases Written from a trainee's perspective, the second edition of Dermatopathology: Diagnosis by First Impression uses more than 800 high resolution color images to introduce a simple and effective way to defuse the confusion caused by dermatopathology slides. Focused on commonly tested entities, and using low- to high-power views, this atlas emphasizes the key differences between visually similar diseases by using appearance as the starting point for diagnosis. The Second Edition provides: 800 high resolution photographs 'Key Differences' to train the eye on distinctive diagnostic features Disease-based as well as alphabetical indexes 30 new disease entities Dermatopathology: Diagnosis by First Impression, Second Edition, introduces a simple and effective way for you to approach dermatopathology.

Цена: 13471.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781444340211


Design Thinking for Interiors. Inquiry, Experience, Impact
Design Thinking for Interiors. Inquiry, Experience, Impact

Автор: Dohr Joy H

Take a holistic approach to contemporary interior design. The interior design process is changing. In order to create truly engaging work, designers are developing a deeper and broader understanding of how design theory, research, and existing practice can help them make better decisions. This inquiry provides answers on how design is experienced, and its impact over time. At the same time, the profession is becoming increasingly collaborative. Designers today work closely with other professionals—such as architects, landscape designers, product designers, anthropologists, and business consultants—in new ways, engaging an expanding network of experts in the design process more than ever before. Written by renowned scholars Joy Dohr and Margaret Portillo, the book brings interior design theory and research to life utilizing a narrative inquiry approach that offers highly accessible coverage of the interior design world as it exists today. By looking at real-life stories that demonstrate what makes a memorable design, coupled with photographs and drawings to further illustrate these concepts, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in keeping abreast of interior design in the twenty-first century.

Цена: 8284.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781118030516


Flight Formation Control
Flight Formation Control

Автор: Lozano Rogelio

In the last decade the development and control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has attracted a lot of interest. Both researchers and companies have a growing interest in improving this type of vehicle given their many civilian and military applications. This book presents the state of the art in the area of UAV Flight Formation. The coordination and robust consensus approaches are presented in detail as well as formation flight control strategies which are validated in experimental platforms. It aims at helping students and academics alike to better understand what coordination and flight formation control can make possible. Several novel methods are presented: – controllability and observability of multi-agent systems; – robust consensus; – flight formation control; – stability of formations over noisy networks; which generate solutions of guaranteed performance for UAV Flight Formation. Contents 1. Introduction, J.A. Guerrero. 2. Theoretical Preliminaries, J.A. Guerrero. 3. Multiagent Coordination Strategies, J.A. Guerrero, R. Lozano, M.W. Spong, N. Chopra. 4. Robust Control Design for Multiagent Systems with Parametric Uncertainty, J.A. Guerrero, G. Romero. 5. On Adaptive and Robust Controlled Synchronization of Networked Robotic Systems on Strongly Connected Graphs, Y.-C. Liu, N. Chopra. 6. Modeling and Control of Mini UAV, G. Flores Colunga, J.A. Guerrero, J. Escare?o, R. Lozano. 7. Flight Formation Control Strategies for Mini UAVs, J.A. Guerrero. 8. Formation Based on Potential Functions, L. Garc?a, A. Dzul. 9. Quadrotor Vision-Based Control, J.E. Gomez-Balderas, J.A. Guerrero, S. SALAZAR, R. Lozano, P. Castillo. 10. Toward Vision-Based Coordination of Quadrotor Platoons, L.R. Garc?a Carrillo, J.A. Guerrero, R. Lozano. 11. Optimal Guidance for Rotorcraft Platoon Formation Flying in Wind Fields, J.A. Guerrero, Y. Bestaoui, R. Lozano. 12. Impact of Wireless Medium Access Protocol on the Quadrotor Formation Control, J.A. Guerrero, Y. Challal, P. Castillo. 13. MAC Protocol for Wireless Communications, A. Mendez, M. Panduro, O. Elizarraras, D. Covarrubias. 14. Optimization of a Scannable Pattern for Bidimensional Antenna Arrays to Provide Maximum Performance, A. Reyna, M.A. Panduro, A. Mendez.

Цена: 18226.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781118563250


Food Processing Handbook
Food Processing Handbook

Автор: Grandison Alistair S

The second edition of the Food Processing Handbook presents a comprehensive review of technologies, procedures and innovations in food processing, stressing topics vital to the food industry today and pinpointing the trends in future research and development. Focusing on the technology involved, this handbook describes the principles and the equipment used as well as the changes – physical, chemical, microbiological and organoleptic – that occur during food preservation. In so doing, the text covers in detail such techniques as post-harvest handling, thermal processing, evaporation and dehydration, freezing, irradiation, high-pressure processing, emerging technologies and packaging. Separation and conversion operations widely used in the food industry are also covered as are the processes of baking, extrusion and frying. In addition, it addresses current concerns about the safety of processed foods (including HACCP systems, traceability and hygienic design of plant) and control of food processes, as well as the impact of processing on the environment, water and waste treatment, lean manufacturing and the roles of nanotechnology and fermentation in food processing. This two-volume set is a must-have for scientists and engineers involved in food manufacture, research and development in both industry and academia, as well as students of food-related topics at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. From Reviews on the First Edition: «This work should become a standard text for students of food technology, and is worthy of a place on the bookshelf of anybody involved in the production of foods.» Journal of Dairy Technology, August 2008 «This work will serve well as an excellent course resource or reference as it has well-written explanations for those new to the field and detailed equations for those needing greater depth.» CHOICE, September 2006

Цена: 40540.49 руб.
ISBN: 9783527634385


Fundamentals of Psychiatry
Fundamentals of Psychiatry

Автор: Mohr Wanda K

Allan Tasman, Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Louisville School of Medicine, has teamed up with Wanda Mohr, Professor, Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, to produce a user-friendly textbook for Psychiatry Residents. Drawing on material from the acclaimed Psychiatry 3e, this book features high quality material, selected on a need-to-know basis, with an emphasis on uniformity, evenness, and accessibility, all within a multi-disciplinary framework. Highly suitable for course development and as augmented reading assignments Accessible to readers from junior to senior Residents; a good primer on which to focus initially, with pointers to further reading Informed by an integrative perspective and a multi-disciplinary approach Features sound clinical advice throughout, illustrated with case vignettes The sort of book a trainee can dip into easily to access clear knowledge, when one needs relevant information quickly

Цена: 10935.07 руб.
ISBN: 9780470975183


Genomics. Essential Methods
Genomics. Essential Methods

Автор: Elaswarapu Ramnath

Genomics research has made significant advances in recent years. In this book, a team of internationally-renowned researchers share the most up-to-date information in a field that has in recent years switched emphasis from gene identification to functional genomics and the characterization of genes and gene products. This volume approaches this complex subject with a broad perspective to supply the reader with a vital overview of genomics and its derivative fields, with a focus on pivotal issues such as data analysis. Expansive and current, this book is a comprehensive research guide that describes both the key new techniques and more established methods. Every chapter discusses the merits and limitations of the various approaches and then provides selected tried-and-tested protocols, as well as a plethora of good practical advice for immediate use at the bench. Key features: Provides a broad introduction to current practices and techniques for lab-based research in genomics Explains clearly and precisely how to carry out selected techniques in addition to background information on the various approaches Chapters are written by a leading international authorities in the field and cover both well-known and new, tried and tested, methods for working in genomics Includes troubleshooting guide and reviews of alternative techniques An essential laboratory manual for students and researchers at all levels

Цена: 13471.15 руб.
ISBN: 9780470711620


Handbook of Psychotherapy in Cancer Care
Handbook of Psychotherapy in Cancer Care

Автор: Watson Maggie

This new book by international experts in psycho-oncology has arisen from the teaching academies offered by the International Psycho-oncology Society. It distills the wisdom and experience from the training manuals dedicated to individual psychological therapies and combines them into an accessible handbook for clinicians in cancer care today. The editors have brought together leading researchers and therapists, who provide accounts of the prominent models of psychotherapy currently being used in cancer care, the key themes they address and the essential techniques needed to apply each approach successfully. Helpful clinical illustrations are woven throughout the book to make overt the strategies found in each model. Provides practical guidance about how to deliver a range of individual, group, couple and family interventions that have proven utility in cancer care. Describes comprehensively each model of psychotherapy as taught by experts delivering the International Psycho-Oncology Society’s Educational Academy on cancer care for patients and their families. Features practical suggestions on therapy delivery from the world’s leading proponents of each therapy. Serves as a valuable tool to assist teaching and to facilitate research into psychological interventions in oncology, palliative care and bereavement. Functions as a readily accessible resource for clinicians struggling to support someone effectively, through its provision of insight into the common challenges and traps that arise when providing patients with emotional support. This practical handbook will help not only psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers but also physicians, surgeons, general practitioners and nurses interested in better understanding and supporting the patients and families they care for.

Цена: 6953.74 руб.
ISBN: 9780470975169


Handbook of Retinal Screening in Diabetes. Diagnosis and Management
Handbook of Retinal Screening in Diabetes. Diagnosis and Management

Автор: Batey Deborah

Beginning with chapters summarizing the basics of diabetic retinopathy, this updated volume outlines the need for screening, how to screen safely and correctly, and the normal condition of the retina without diabetic retinopathy, all using excellent line and halftone illustrations. The core focus then moves on to examining each different form of retinopathy, all supported by outstanding color retinal photographs illustrating the appearance of the retina at various stages of retinopathy, plus an analysis on the best treatment for each stage. The book ends with chapters providing self-assessment questions of the type that screeners will encounter when gaining their now mandatory retinal screening qualifications, as well as a background information chapter offering advice on related UK, European, and US organizations. A website contains all the full-color retinopathy images from the book, with the option to download these into presentations.

Цена: 10378.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781119968542


Health Care Operations and Supply Chain Management. Operations, Planning, and Control
Health Care Operations and Supply Chain Management. Operations, Planning, and Control

Автор: Kros John F

Health Care Operations and Supply Chain Management This innovative text offers a thorough foundation in operations management, supply chain management,?and the strategic implementation of programs, techniques, and tools for reducing costs and improving quality in health care organizations. The authors incorporate the features and functions of Microsoft Excel where appropriate in their coverage of supply chain strategy, process design and analysis of health care operations, managing health care operations quality, and planning and controlling health care operations. Health Care Operations and Supply Chain Management offers real-world examples to illustrate the most current concepts and techniques such as value stream mapping and Six Sigma. In addition, the authors clearly demonstrate how operations and process improvement relate to contemporary health care trends such as evidence-based medicine and pay-for-performance. Health Care Operations and Supply Chain Management contains: Leading edge concepts and techniques Real-life data and actual examples from health care settings to underscore the main concepts in the text Instruction in the use of Microsoft Excel for health care operations and supply side management The book's numerous screen shots and detailed instructions guide the student through the use of Microsoft Excel's many functions and features.

Цена: 11598.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781118418840


Human Genetics and Genomics
Human Genetics and Genomics

Автор: Korf Bruce R

This fourth edition of the best-selling textbook, Human Genetics and Genomics, clearly explains the key principles needed by medical and health sciences students, from the basis of molecular genetics, to clinical applications used in the treatment of both rare and common conditions. A newly expanded Part 1, Basic Principles of Human Genetics, focuses on introducing the reader to key concepts such as Mendelian principles, DNA replication and gene expression. Part 2, Genetics and Genomics in Medical Practice, uses case scenarios to help you engage with current genetic practice. Now featuring full-color diagrams, Human Genetics and Genomics has been rigorously updated to reflect today’s genetics teaching, and includes updated discussion of genetic risk assessment, “single gene” disorders and therapeutics. Key learning features include: Clinical snapshots to help relate science to practice ‘Hot topics’ boxes that focus on the latest developments in testing, assessment and treatment ‘Ethical issues’ boxes to prompt further thought and discussion on the implications of genetic developments ‘Sources of information’ boxes to assist with the practicalities of clinical research and information provision Self-assessment review questions in each chapter Accompanied by the Wiley E-Text digital edition (included in the price of the book), Human Genetics and Genomics is also fully supported by a suite of online resources at www.korfgenetics.com, including: Factsheets on 100 genetic disorders, ideal for study and exam preparation Interactive Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with feedback on all answers Links to online resources for further study Figures from the book available as PowerPoint slides, ideal for teaching purposes The perfect companion to the genetics component of both problem-based learning and integrated medical courses, Human Genetics and Genomics presents the ideal balance between the bio-molecular basis of genetics and clinical cases, and provides an invaluable overview for anyone wishing to engage with this fast-moving discipline.

Цена: 7506.07 руб.
ISBN: 9781118537671


Key Notes on Plastic Surgery
Key Notes on Plastic Surgery

Автор: Dafydd Hywel

This is the new edition of the concise but comprehensive handbook that should be owned by all surgical trainees specialising in plastic surgery. Taking a pithy systematic approach, Key Notes on Plastic Surgery offers the latest developments within the field in bullet point form and includes key papers for viva voces. It is informed by the current FRCS (Plast) curriculum, making it ideal preparation for the UK exit examination or equivalent international board exam. Key features Fully covers the entire scope of plastic surgery Clearly divided into 10 sections with logical subheadings for easy fact-finding Acts as an adjunct to the established longer texts Brand new chapter on ethics and the law – a compulsory component of the oral examination Illustrations outlining key surgical procedures and relevant anatomy Fully revised to include all the latest clinical guidelines, Key Notes on Plastic Surgery is the perfect rapid reference tool for trainees in plastic surgery and dermatologic surgery who require quick, accurate answers.

Цена: 12040.64 руб.
ISBN: 9781118756867


Muscle Aging, Inclusion-Body Myositis and Myopathies
Muscle Aging, Inclusion-Body Myositis and Myopathies

Автор: Engel W. King

Muscle weakness with ageing is almost inevitable, generally beginning to manifest beyond the age of 40, and is usually unstoppable. It can lead to reduced mobility, increased risk of falling, injury, and even death. But “you’re just getting old” is not a sufficient diagnosis. Specific causes of neuromuscular symptoms may explain progressive muscle weakness, and should be investigated for potential treatment. Muscle Ageing, Inclusion-Body Myositis and Myopathies explores the clinical and pathological expression of muscle weakness in aging persons. Case studies demonstrate how physicians can more accurately diagnose weakening elderly patients and make better management decisions. It also explores sporadic inclusion-body myositis and hereditary inclusion-body myopathies. The former, the most common progressive muscle disease in the over 50s, is frequently under-diagnosed and, with the increasing population of aged individuals, is presenting a greater challenge. This disease of muscle has pathological similarities with the well-known Alzheimer and Parkinson brain diseases. Edited and written by a leading international cast of authors, Muscle Ageing, Inclusion-Body Myositis and Myopathies provides a state-of-the-art guide to ageing-associated neuromuscular disorders. It should be in the hands of all those involved in the care of aging and muscle-weakened patients. Titles of Related Interest Neuromuscular Disorders Tawil and Vennance (eds); ISBN 978-0-470-65456-9 European Handbook of Neurological Management, Vol 1, 2e Gilhus, Barnes, Brainin (eds); ISBN 978-1-4051-8533-2 European Handbook of Neurological Management, Vol 2, 2e Gilhus, Barnes, Brainin (eds); ISBN 978-1-4051-8534-9

Цена: 16674.63 руб.
ISBN: 9781444398281


Neurodegeneration. The Molecular Pathology of Dementia and Movement Disorders
Neurodegeneration. The Molecular Pathology of Dementia and Movement Disorders

Автор: Weller Roy O

Most textbooks on neurodegenerative disorders have used a classification scheme based upon either clinical syndromes or anatomical distribution of the pathology. In contrast, this book looks to the future and uses a classification based upon molecular mechanisms, rather than clinical or anatomical boundaries. Major advances in molecular genetics and the application of biochemical and immunocytochemical techniques to neurodegenerative disorders have generated this new approach. Throughout most of the current volume, diseases are clustered according to the proteins that accumulate within cells (e.g. tau, α-synuclein and TDP-43) and in the extracellular compartments (e.g. β-amyloid and prion proteins) or according to a shared pathogenetic mechanism, such as trinucleotide repeats, that are a feature of specific genetic disorders. Chapters throughout the book conform to a standard lay-out for ease of access by the reader and are written by a panel of International Experts Since the first edition of this book, major advances have been made in the discovery of common molecular mechanisms between many neurodegenerative diseases most notably in the frontotemporal lobar degenerations (FTLD) and motor neuron disease or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. This book will be essential reading for clinicians, neuropathologists and basic neuroscientists who require the firm up-to-date knowledge of mechanisms, diagnostic pathology and genetics of Neurodegenerative diseases that is required for progress in therapy and management.

Цена: 33465.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781444341225


Neuromuscular Disorders
Neuromuscular Disorders

Автор: Venance Shannon

A new addition to the Neurology in Practice series, Neuromuscular Disorders provides a clinical guide to the challenging diagnosis and management of neuromuscular disorders. As a part of the series, various feature boxes are highlighted throughout. «Tips and Tricks» give suggestions on how to improve outcomes through practical technique or patient questioning. In addition, «Caution» warning boxes supply helpful advice on how to avoid problems and 'Science Revisited' boxes offer quick reminders of the basic science principles necessary for understanding the presented concepts.

Цена: 10820 руб.
ISBN: 9781119973300


Quantum Monte-Carlo Programming. For Atoms, Molecules, Clusters, and Solids
Quantum Monte-Carlo Programming. For Atoms, Molecules, Clusters, and Solids

Автор: Schattke Wolfgang

Quantum Monte Carlo is a large class of computer algorithms that simulate quantum systems to solve many body systems in order to investigate the electronic structure of many-body systems. This book presents a numeric approach to determine the electronic structure of atoms, molecules and solids. Because of the simplicity of its theoretical concept, the authors focus on the variational Quantum-Monte-Carlo (VQMC) scheme. The reader is enabled to proceed from simple examples as the hydrogen atom to advanced ones as the Lithium solid. Several intermediate steps cover the Hydrogen molecule, how to deal with a two electron systems, going over to three electrons, and expanding to an arbitrary number of electrons to finally treat the three-dimensional periodic array of Lithium atoms in a crystal. The exmples in the field of VQMC are followed by the subject of diffusion Monte-Calro (DMC) which covers a common example, the harmonic ascillator. The book is unique as it provides both theory and numerical programs. It includes rather practical advices to do what is usually described in a theoretical textbook, and presents in more detail the physical understanding of what the manual of a code usually promises as result. Detailed derivations can be found at the appendix, and the references are chosen with respect to their use for specifying details or getting an deeper understanding . The authors address an introductory readership in condensed matter physics, computational phyiscs, chemistry and materials science. As the text is intended to open the reader's view towards various possibilities of choices of computing schemes connected with the method of QMC, it might also become a welcome literature for researchers who would like to know more about QMC methods. The book is accompanied with a collection of programs, routines, and data. To download the codes, please follow http://www.wiley-vch.de/books/sample/3527408517_codes.tar.gz

Цена: 8616.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783527675746


Radio Resource Allocation and Dynamic Spectrum Access
Radio Resource Allocation and Dynamic Spectrum Access

Автор: Amraoui Asma

We are currently witnessing an increase in telecommunications norms and standards given the recent advances in this field. The increasing number of normalized standards paves the way for an increase in the range of services available for each consumer. Moreover, the majority of available radio frequencies have already been allocated. This explains the emergence of cognitive radio (CR) – the sharing of the spectrum between a primary user and a secondary user. In this book, we will present the state of the art of the different techniques for spectrum access using cooperation and competition to solve the problem of spectrum allocation and ensure better management of radio resources in a radio cognitive context. The different aspects of research explored up until now on the applications of multi-agent systems (MAS) in the field of cognitive radio are analyzed in this book. The first chapter begins with an insight into wireless networks and mobiles, with special focus on the IEEE 802.22 norm, which is a norm dedicated to CR. Chapter 2 goes into detail about CR, which is a technical field at the boundary between telecommunications and Artificial Intelligence (AI). In Chapter 3, the concept of the “agent” from AI is expanded to MAS and associated applications. Finally, Chapter 4 establishes an overview of the use of AI techniques, in particular MAS, for its allocation of radio resources and dynamic access to the spectrum in CR. Contents 1. Wireless and Mobile Networks. 2. Cognitive Radio. 3. Multi-agent Systems. 4. Dynamic Spectrum Access. About the Authors Badr Benmammar has been Associate Professor at UABT (University Abou Bekr Belka?d Tlemcen), Algeria since 2010 and was a research fellow at CNRS LaBRI Laboratory of the University of Bordeaux 1 until 2007. He is currently carrying out research at the Laboratory of Telecommunications of Tlemcen (LTT), UABT, Algeria. His main research activities concern the cognitive radio network, Quality of Service on mobile and wireless networks, end-to-end signaling protocols and agent technology. His work on Quality of Service has led to many publications in journals and conference proceedings. Asma Amraoui is currently a PhD candidate; she is preparing a doctoral thesis on a topic of research that explores the use of artificial intelligence techniques in cognitive radio networks. She is attached to the Laboratory of Telecommunications of Tlemcen (LTT) in Algeria.

Цена: 6186.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781118574836


Rapid Psychiatry
Rapid Psychiatry

Автор: Malik Amit

This pocket guide is a must for all clinical medical students and junior doctors and provides an excellent revision tool in the run-up to exams. It is also perfect for when working on the psychiatric attachment, as it covers many of the conditions encountered on the wards, in clinics, and in general practice. Now thoroughly updated, it includes new sections on Neuropsychiatry, the Psychiatry of Learning Disability, Forensic Psychiatry, and Psychotherapy, as well as common disorders, their assessment and their treatment. Featuring the key points of the Mental Health Act, along with a glossary of terms, Rapid Psychiatry is the ideal refresher, covering just the basic relevant facts.

Цена: 4965.38 руб.
ISBN: 9781118294192


Re-thinking Renaissance Objects. Design, Function and Meaning
Re-thinking Renaissance Objects. Design, Function and Meaning

Автор: O'Malley Michelle

Inspired by research undertaken for the new Medieval & Renaissance Galleries at the Victoria and Albert Museum, Re-thinking Renaissance Objects explores and often challenges some of the key issues and current debates relating to Renaissance art and culture. Puts forward original research, including evidence provided by an in-depth study arising from the Medieval & Renaissance Gallery project Contributions are unusual in their combination of a variety of approaches, but with each paper starting with an examination of the objects themselves New theories emerge from several papers, some of which challenge current thinking

Цена: 3860.74 руб.
ISBN: 9781444396751


Reconnecting the City. The Historic Urban Landscape Approach and the Future of Urban Heritage
Reconnecting the City. The Historic Urban Landscape Approach and the Future of Urban Heritage

Автор: Bandarin Francesco

Historic Urban Landscape is a new approach to urban heritage management, promoted by UNESCO, and currently one of the most debated issues in the international preservation community. However, few conservation practitioners have a clear understanding of what it entails, and more importantly, what it can achieve. Examples drawn from urban heritage sites worldwide – from Timbuktu to Liverpool Richly illustrated with colour photographs Addresses key issues and best practice for urban conservation

Цена: 11372.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781118383971



Автор: Barrett Kevin M

Stroke is a leading cause of disability and death Early and rapid diagnosis of stroke is essential for identifying the optimum treatment strategy. Recurrence can be prevented if the underlying mechanism is understood. The earlier appropriate rehabilitation programmes can be started, the better the chance of a strong recovery. Stroke provides the foundations for practice that will enhance your patient’s chances of recovery. The expert authors provide the evidence-based roadmap you need to provide the best bedside care including: Bedside evaluation of the stroke patient Neurovascular imaging Treatment of acute ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke Diagnosis of stroke mechanism and secondary prevention Post stroke recovery Telemedicine for the acute stroke patient Clinical in approach, practical in execution, Stroke will help you diagnose and manage your patients more effectively.

Цена: 10378.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781118560419


Structural Timber Design to Eurocode 5
Structural Timber Design to Eurocode 5

Автор: Porteous Jack

Structural Timber Design to Eurocode 5 provides practising engineers and specialist contractors with comprehensive, detailed information and in-depth guidance on the design of timber structures based on the common rules and rules for buildings in Eurocode 5 – Part 1-1. It will also be of interest to undergraduate and postgraduate students of civil and structural engineering. It provides a step-by-step approach to the design of all of the commonly used timber elements and connections using solid timber, glued laminated timber or wood based structural products, and incorporates the requirements of the UK National Annex. It covers: strength and stiffness properties of timber and its reconstituted and engineered products key requirements of Eurocode 0, Eurocode 1 and Eurocode 5 – Part 1-1 design of beams and columns of solid timber, glued laminated, composite and thin-webbed sections lateral stability requirements of timber structures design of mechanical connections subjected to lateral and/or axial forces design of moment resisting rigid and semi-rigid connections racking design of multi-storey platform framed walls Featuring numerous detailed worked examples, the second edition has been thoroughly updated and includes information on the consequences of amendments and revisions to EC5 published since the first edition, and the significant additional requirements of BSI non contradictory, complimentary information document (PD 6693-1-1) relating to EC5. The new edition also includes a new section on axial stress conditions in composite sections, covering combined axial and bending stress conditions and reference to the major revisions to the design procedure for glued laminated timber.

Цена: 9499.95 руб.
ISBN: 9781118597286


Synthetic Impulse and Aperture Radar (SIAR). A Novel Multi-Frequency MIMO Radar
Synthetic Impulse and Aperture Radar (SIAR). A Novel Multi-Frequency MIMO Radar

Автор: Chen Baixiao

Analyzes and discusses the operating principle, signal processing method, and experimental results of this advanced radar technology This book systematically discusses the operating principle, signal processing method, target measurement technology, and experimental results of a new kind of radar called synthetic impulse and aperture radar (SIAR). The purpose is to help readers acquire an insight into the concept and principle of the SIAR, to know its operation mode, signal processing method, the difference between the traditional radar and itself, the designing ideals, and the developing method. It includes 10 chapters. Chapter 1 gives an introduction to the basic principle of SIAR and its characteristic of four antis. Chapter 2 introduces the operating principles and system constitution of SIAR. Chapter 3 presents the main waveforms and the corresponding signal processing methods. Chapter 4 is about the long-time integration technique. Chapter 5 shows the high-accuracy measurement and tracking of 4D parameters of target in SIAR. The range-angle coupling and decoupling are introduced in Chapter 6, where a criteria for transmit frequency optimization of array elements is studied to overcome the coupling among range, azimuth and elevation. In Chapter 7, detection and tracking of targets in strong interference background is investigated. Chapter 8 analyzes quantitatively the influence of array error on the tracking accuracy of SIAR. Expansion of impulse and aperture synthesis to HF band and microwave band are introduced respectively in Chapter 9 and Chapter 10. The operating principle of the novel bi-static surface wave radar system, as well as the experimental system and the experimental results are included in Chapter 9. Written by a highly experienced author with extensive knowledge of SIAR (Chen), the book can be used as a reference for engineering technical personnel and scientific research personnel working in the research of SIAR, MIMO radar, digital radar or other new type of radar. It can also be a reference for teachers and students in universities who engage in related professional work. Details the operating principle, signal processing method, target measurement technology, and experimental results of synthetic impulse and aperture radar (SIAR) Expands the technique of impulse and aperture synthesisfrom the VHF band to the HF band and the microwave band Written by a leading author with many years’ research and practical experience in sparse array SIAR, a typical MIMO radar Engineers, researchers and postgraduates working in radar engineering will find this an invaluable resource.

Цена: 18778.98 руб.
ISBN: 9781118609583


Urinary Stones. Medical and Surgical Management
Urinary Stones. Medical and Surgical Management

Автор: Grasso Michael

Acute urinary stones cause one of the most painful sensations the human body can experience, more painful than childbirth, broken bones, gunshot wounds or burns. Master your patient management with this comprehensive guide to a debilitating medical condition. Urinary Stones: Medical and Surgical Management provides urologists, nephrologists and surgeons with a practical, accessible guide to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of urinary stone disease. Divided into 2 parts – covering both medical and surgical management – leading experts discuss the key issues and examine how to deliver best practice in the clinical care of your patients. Topics covered include: Evaluation and management of stones in children Renal colic and medical expulsive therapy Imaging in stone disease: sonography, contrast based fluoroscopy, computed tomography and magnetic resonance urography Multimodality therapy: mixing and matching techniques to improve outcome Complications of stone disease Interpretation of 24 hour urine chemistry Prevention of recurrent calcium, uric acid, struvite and cystine stones The different surgical techniques, including: ureteroscopy, shockwave lithotripsy, ureteroscopic lithotripsy and percutaneous nephrostolithotomy Packed with high-quality figures, key points, and management algorithms, easy to follow, clear clinical guidance is supported by the very latest in management guidelines from the AUA and EAU. Brought to you by the best, this is the perfect consultation tool when on the wards or in the office.

Цена: 13034.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781118405420


Urology at a Glance
Urology at a Glance

Автор: Hashim Hashim

Following the undergraduate curriculum set by the British Association of Urological Surgeons, Urology at a Glance offers practical advice on diagnosis and management of one of the most rapidly developing medical specialties. Building on basic science, the book provides an overview of clinical approaches to assist the medical student or junior doctor on rotation, as well as looking at practical procedures and specific details of the most commonly encountered urological disorders. Vibrantly illustrated and containing common clinical scenarios, Urology at a Glance provides all the information and latest guidelines needed for a medical student or junior doctor to excel in this field.

Цена: 4965.38 руб.
ISBN: 9781118923672


Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at a Glance
Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at a Glance

Автор: Stephenson Matthew

Following the popular and accessible at a Glance format, Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at a Glance demystifies the important concepts of vascular disease and vascular surgery. Featuring in-depth details of common vascular topics, to rarer presentations, this is an ideal guide for those interested in a variety of subjects relating to this rapidly expanding area. This is a must-read for any specialist at all levels who has an on-going commitment to vascular disease management and medical education. Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at a Glance: • Comprehensively covers the key concepts and core practical procedures with superb illustrations • Is a brilliant companion to the emerging curriculum for specialist vascular training • Is an excellent source of information and management guidelines for interdisciplinary specialties • Includes a companion website at www.ataglanceseries.com/vascular featuring a wide range of interactive multiple choice questions This title forms a succinct overview of vascular disease management, giving salient points relevant to general surgery examinations, for those requiring an in-depth yet manageable introduction to vascular diseases, and for those entering this prevalent field as a stand-alone specialty.

Цена: 5191.83 руб.
ISBN: 9781118496107


Viral Oncology. Basic Science and Clinical Applications
Viral Oncology. Basic Science and Clinical Applications

Автор: Jeang Kuan-Teh

A comprehensive look at the latest research findings and clinical applications of oncogenic viruses Written by a panel of academic experts, Viral Oncology is the first self-contained and comprehensive book to present both scientific and clinical information on viruses linked to some of the most important human cancers. Readers can turn to this book for the most in-depth and up-to-date coverage of: HPV-associated cancers; molecular events associated with HPV-induced human cancer; the role of the HPV E6 oncoprotein in malignant progression; virus association with brain tumors; involvement of the polyomavirus JCV in colorectal cancer; possibleassociation of BKV with prostate cancer; oncogenic transformation bypolyomavirus large T antigen; SV40 and human cancer; SV40 and mesothelioma; molecular immunology of hepatitis B–associated viral cancer; hepatitis B vaccine and hepatocellular carcinoma; pathogenesis of acute and chronic hepatitis Cvirus infection; molecular mechanisms of hepatitis C virus-induced cellulartransformation; clinical aspects of HTLV-1 associated cancer; oncogenic potential of the HTLV-1 tax protein; HIV-associated malignancy; HIV-related lymphoma; biology and epidemiology of HHV-8; the role of KSHV in pathogenesis of Kaposi'ssarcoma; molecular pathobiology of EBV infection; and EBV as a pathogen. Several chapters are devoted to the basic science of oncogenic viruses for thestudy of their pathogenesis, drug development, and employment of viral vectorsfor vaccine and gene therapy. The book also includes complementary clinically based chapters describing natural courses and treatments. Additionally, bonusclinical materials are embedded within chapters and an easy-to-use indexcompletes the book. Viral Oncology is an essential resource for clinical and research oncologists in medical facilities and biological research laboratories; clinicians and scientists working in related biomedical areas; medical students working toward a first or higher degree in the life sciences and other biomedical fields; and pharmaceutical scientists and developers.

Цена: 21093.21 руб.
ISBN: 9780470930564


Virtualization technologies and information system security
Virtualization technologies and information system security

Автор: Е. А. Власова

Актуальность исследования продиктована внедрением цифровизации во все сферы жизнедеятельности людей, своевременной защиты информации, и в первую очередь персональных данных граждан. Задачей проведенного исследования послужила необходимость преобразования методов и подходов защиты информации при ее передачи, создании и хранении. Методический арсенал проведенного исследования представлен общенаучными методами познания сути и содержания изучаемого явления, структурирования составляющих его элементов и их системного обобщения, анализа причинно-следственной связи между функционалом визуализации и защитой информационного обеспечения принимаемых управленческих решений. В представленной статье рассмотрены проблемы применения технологии виртуализации для цифровой трансформации бизнеса – защиты конфиденциальной информации. Авторами проанализированы основные технологии виртуализации для цифровой трансформации бизнеса и сделан вывод о необходимости совершенствования нормативно-правовой базы в данной области. Значимость настоящей статьи заключается в том, что применение метода виртуализации позволит повысить уровень безопасности бизнеса с минимальными потерями. Действующий ГОСТ Р 56938–2016 «Защита информации при использовании технологий виртуализации» не в полной мере отражает вопросы защиты информации в условиях ее визуализации, что приводит к необходимости совершенствования нормативно-правовой базы при использовании технологий виртуализации для защиты информации. Особое внимание при этом следует уделить облачным хранилищам, сервисам для совместной работы и общения, программам для удаленного управления проектами, решениям в области кибербезопасности, CRM-системам. Все это особенно актуально сегодня, в период появления виртуальных рабочих мест и перевода работников на дистанционный режим работы.

Серия: Прикладная информатика. Научные статьи

Цена: 168 руб.
Год: 2021


Vital Signs for Nurses. An Introduction to Clinical Observations
Vital Signs for Nurses. An Introduction to Clinical Observations

Автор: Smith Joyce

Accurate clinical observations are the key to good patient care and fundamental to nursing practice. Vital Signs for Nurses will support anyone in care delivery to enhance their skills, reflect upon their own practice and assist in their continuing professional development. This practical introductory text explores how to make assessments of heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, pain and nutrition. It also looks at issues of infection control, record-keeping and legal and ethical considerations. With case studies and examples throughout, this text will be invaluable to all healthcare assistants, student nurses, Trainee Assistant Practitioners and students on foundation degrees.

Цена: 4749.06 руб.
ISBN: 9781444341867


Xenopus Development
Xenopus Development

Автор: Kubiak Jacek Z

Frogs from the genus Xenopus have long been used as model organisms in basic and biomedical research. These frogs have helped unlock key fundamental developmental and cellular processes that have led to important scientific breakthroughs and have had practical application in embryology, cancer research and regenerative medicine. Xenopus Development is a vital resource on the biology and development of these key model organisms, and will be a great tool to researchers using these frogs in various disciplines of biological science. Xenopus Development is divided into four sections, the first three highlight key processes in Xenopus development from embryo to metamophosis. These sections focus on the cellular processes, organogenesis and embryo development. The final section highlights novel techniques and approaches being used in Xenopus research. Providing thorough and detailed coverage, Xenopus Development, will be a timely and welcome volume for those working in cell and molecular biology, genetics, developmental biology and biomedical research. Provides broad overview of the developmental biology of both Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis Explores cellular to systems development in key biomedical model organisms Timely synthesis of the field of Xenopus biology Highlights key biomedical and basic biological findings unlocked by Xenopus

Цена: 17116.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781118492840

