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Рекламные предложения от интернет-магазина "Litres.ru"

Жилые и общественные здания: краткий справочник инженера-конструктора. Том II
Жилые и общественные здания: краткий справочник инженера-конструктора. Том II

Автор: В. И. Колчунов

Приведены данные для расчета и конструирования новых и реконструируемых железобетонных, в том числе панельных и каркасно-панельных, каменных, металлических, деревянных конструкций гражданских зданий, оснований и фундаментов при проектных и запроектных воздействиях. Представлены нагрузки и воздействия для расчета конструкций, статические расчеты наиболее массовых конструкций, в том числе с применением ЭВМ, специальный раздел строительной климатологии, включающий акустику залов, светопрозрачные конструкции, а так же рекомендации по противопожарной защите зданий, расчетам теплотехнических и звукоизолирующих свойств ограждающих конструкций. Для инженерно-технических работников проектных и строительных организаций, а так же может быть полезным для бакалавров, магистров и аспирантов направления подготовки «Строительство».

Цена: 637 руб.
Год: 2011
ISBN: 978-5-4323-0003-4


Конструкции и методики, исключающие формирование пробок и заторов в условиях города
Конструкции и методики, исключающие формирование пробок и заторов в условиях города

Автор: Юрий Михайлович Низовцев

Существующий в настоящее время подход к регулированию транспортных потоков при движении с повышенной плотностью не может решить проблему образования заторов и пробок в крупных городах всего мира. Выявление недостатков этого подхода дало возможность на основе известного способа регулирования транспортных потоков ramp metering разработать новые дорожные конструкции, а также новую методику, позволяющую практически исключить образование на магистралях заторов и пробок и повысить пропускную способность магистралей в 1,5 и более раз.

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 2017


Новейший самоучитель немецкого языка
Новейший самоучитель немецкого языка

Автор: С. А. Матвеев

«Новейший самоучитель немецкого языка» написан популярным автором С. А. Матвеевым, чьи книги пользуются спросом у читателей. Это пособие позволяет выучить немецкий язык на начальном уровне в предельно сжатые сроки и с минимальными затратами времени и усилий. Оригинальная авторская методика, предлагающая быстрое вырабатывание навыков устной и письменной речи, подробный анализ грамматических конструкций, освоение базовой лексики небольшими порциями, весьма эффективна. К тому же стиль автора отличает непринужденность и юмор, благодаря чему даже скучноватые грамматические темы не вызывают отторжения, а напротив, стимулируют интерес к постижению особенностей иностранного языка. Для широкого круга читателей, решивших овладеть немецким языком самостоятельно, легко и быстро.

Серия: Новейшие самоучители

Цена: 179 руб.
Год: 2016
ISBN: 978-5-17-090171-5


Сельскохозяйственные машины. Учебное пособие для СПО
Сельскохозяйственные машины. Учебное пособие для СПО

Автор: В. П. Гуляев

Цена: 852 руб.
Год: 2022
ISBN: 978-5-507-44505-9


Совершенствование привода геологоразведочных буровых установок вращательного действия
Совершенствование привода геологоразведочных буровых установок вращательного действия

Автор: А. М. Соловьев

Приведены результаты экспериментальных исследований частотно регулируемого привода применительно к буровым установкам на твердые полезные ископаемые, разработана математическая модель для определения необходимых параметров привода при его настройке и энергосбережению, предложены методы анализа осциллограмм несинусоидалъного тока в целях повышения энергетической эффективности тиристорного плавно-регулируемого привода.

Цена: 49.9 руб.


A Practical Introduction to Index Numbers
A Practical Introduction to Index Numbers

Автор: Rob O'Neill

This book provides an introduction to index numbers for statisticians, economists and numerate members of the public. It covers the essential basics, mixing theoretical aspects with practical techniques to give a balanced and accessible introduction to the subject. The concepts are illustrated by exploring the construction and use of the Consumer Prices Index which is arguably the most important of all official statistics in the UK. The book also considers current issues and developments in the field including the use of large-scale price transaction data. A Practical Introduction to Index Numbers will be the ideal accompaniment for students taking the index number components of the Royal Statistical Society Ordinary and Higher Certificate exams; it provides suggested routes through the book for students, and sets of exercises with solutions.

Цена: 3480.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781118977804


Architectural Research Methods
Architectural Research Methods

Автор: David Wang

A practical guide to research for architects and designers—now updated and expanded! From searching for the best glass to prevent glare to determining how clients might react to the color choice for restaurant walls, research is a crucial tool that architects must master in order to effectively address the technical, aesthetic, and behavioral issues that arise in their work. This book's unique coverage of research methods is specifically targeted to help professional designers and researchers better conduct and understand research. Part I explores basic research issues and concepts, and includes chapters on relating theory to method and design to research. Part II gives a comprehensive treatment of specific strategies for investigating built forms. In all, the book covers seven types of research, including historical, qualitative, correlational, experimental, simulation, logical argumentation, and case studies and mixed methods. Features new to this edition include: Strategies for investigation, practical examples, and resources for additional information A look at current trends and innovations in research Coverage of design studio–based research that shows how strategies described in the book can be employed in real life A discussion of digital media and online research New and updated examples of research studies A new chapter on the relationship between design and research Architectural Research Methods is an essential reference for architecture students and researchers as well as architects, interior designers, landscape architects, and building product manufacturers.

Цена: 8990.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781118418512


Bemessungshilfsmittel f?r Betonbauteile nach Eurocode 2
Bemessungshilfsmittel f?r Betonbauteile nach Eurocode 2

Автор: Torsten M?ller

The daily work of engineers, for preliminary design and to check plausibility, would be inconceivable without them: design aids for reinforced concrete elements in the form of diagrams and tables. Now newly revised to cover Eurocode 2.

Цена: 2545.03 руб.
ISBN: 9783433602119


Beton Kalender 2017
Beton Kalender 2017

Автор: Группа авторов

Beton unterliegt einem Wandel der Anforderungen und entwickelt selbst Innovationskraft mit Auswirkungen auf Gestaltung bis hin zur Baustellenlogistik. Die Entwicklung von hochfesten, ultrahochfesten und selbstverdichtenden Betonen, die gestiegenen Qualitatsanforderungen und die zu erwartende Knappheit naturlicher Gesteinskornungen setzen neue Anforderungsma?stabe an Entwurfskonzepte. Die Anforderungen an die Dauerhaftigkeit von Beton zielen insbesondere auf eine gute Homogenitat und auf eine relativ hohe Dichte. Dieses Ziel kann nur im Zusammenwirken von Konstruktion, Statik, Herstellung, Transport, Forderung, Verarbeitung und Nachbehandlung erreicht werden. Die Anforderungen an die Wirtschaftlichkeit von Betontragwerken konnen durch Optimierung von Prozessen und Automatisierung in der Baulogistik erfullt werden – der Bauablauf im Jahr 2017 unterscheidet sich erheblich von Baustellen vor 50 oder gar 100 Jahren. Immer hohere erzielbare Festigkeiten ermoglichen schlankere Bauteile. Auch die Gestaltbarkeit von Tragwerken wird vielseitiger, diese erfordert aber gleichzeitig eine leichte Verarbeitbarkeit. Vor diesem Hintergrund enthalt der Beton-Kalender 2017 eine Reihe von Beitragen uber Betonherstellung, aktuelle Produkterweiterungen sowie verschiedene Anwendungen von Spezialbetonen und deren Qualitatssicherung sowie erstmalig uber die bautechnische Anwendung von tragenden Kunststoffbauteilen. Au?erdem wurde der aktuelle Wissensstand uber Spannbeton aufgearbeitet. In bewahrter Weise werden aktuelle europaische und nationale Normen in konsolidierten Kurzfassungen fortgefuhrt. Der Beton-Kalender 2017 ist eine besondere Fundgrube fur Ingenieure in Planungsburos und in der Bauindustrie.

Цена: 8025.73 руб.
ISBN: 9783433606827


Beton-Kalender 2009
Beton-Kalender 2009

Автор: Группа авторов

The main themes of this issue are the structural design of building frames and the current state of standards for mass wall structures around DIN 1045. Also in this year's issue: – structural design in existing buildings, – concrete as a building material.

Цена: 8025.73 руб.
ISBN: 9783433600351


Beton-Kalender 2013
Beton-Kalender 2013

Автор: Группа авторов

The durable and economic design of structures today includes not only the verification of structural stability but also of the serviceability for the planned lifetime including the consideration of time-dependent actions and material properties of a structure.

Цена: 8025.73 руб.
ISBN: 9783433605462


Beton-Kalender 2014
Beton-Kalender 2014

Автор: Группа авторов

Underground construction and foundations are very complex and expensive today, particularly in inner cities. In order to provide a quick overview of the interfaces and the necessary dialogue among qualified engineers in modern design and construction, the entire range of disciplines and specialisations involved are described. The latest types of foundations and construction methods in general building are extensively described. Particular attention is paid to the highly non-linear and complex holistic behavior of the system ground-structure and the interaction between the verification of serviceability of the foundation and the limit state of load-bearing capacity in the structure above. Excavations are required for almost all construction projects, from pipe laying to extensive building projects between existing buildings. The essential calculation methods and construction processes are explained here, updated from EAB 2012.

Цена: 8025.73 руб.
ISBN: 9783433605059


Beton-Kalender 2020
Beton-Kalender 2020

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 17389.09 руб.
ISBN: 9783433609927


Beton-Kalender 2022
Beton-Kalender 2022

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 18726.71 руб.
ISBN: 9783433610855


Bovine Medicine
Bovine Medicine

Автор: Группа авторов

Thoroughly updated to reflect recent changes in the industry, Bovine Medicine, 3rd Edition, offers practicing large animal veterinarians and veterinary students a comprehensive reference to core aspects of contemporary cattle health and husbandry. New edition of a classic text, featuring thoroughly rewritten text, with coverage shifted to the core aspects of everyday cattle practice Includes new focus on both applied skills and application of knowledge, along with many more full-colour illustrations than in previous editions Represents a toolkit of skills that will support the delivery of contemporary cattle practice Presents a seamless integration of information on husbandry, nutrition, and disease Written by a wide range of experts from around the world

Цена: 19052.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781118948521


Community and Public Health Nursing
Community and Public Health Nursing

Автор: Группа авторов

"An extremely popular and valuable resource to students, practitioners and managers in community health care nursing" – Journal of Advanced Nursing The fifth edition of Community and Public Health Nursing is an essential source of information for all those working in primary and community healthcare. Comprehensive and accessible, it draws on the knowledge of a wide range of experts and conveys all the information and skills nurses working in modern primary care settings require. It includes material on policy developments, research perspectives, health visiting, practice and district nursing, team working, advanced nursing practice, non-medical prescribing, inter-professional practice, and user involvement. New edition of the definitive textbook on community healthcare nursing Covers learning disability nursing, caring for patients with mental health conditions, and community children’s nursing and school nursing Written by experts in the field – providing authority and insight Thorough, comprehensive, and up-to-date with the latest policy guidelines Community and Public Health Nursing is an invaluable resource for novice and experienced practitioners, and for all healthcare professionals who work in the primary care and community setting, including practice nurses, nurse practitioners, district nurses, community staff nurses, health visitors, school nurses, walk-in centre nurses and sexual health nurses. This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from iTunes, Google Play or the MedHand Store.

Цена: 4971.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118426906


Competitive games for your everyday handball training
Competitive games for your everyday handball training

Автор: J?rg Madinger

Handball needs quick and correct decisions in each game situation. This can be trained playfully and diversely through handball-specific games. These 60 exercises are divided into seven categories and train the playing skills.
The book deals with the following subjects: – Team ball variants – Team play with different targets – Tag games – Sprint and relay race games – Ball throwing and transportation games – Games from other types of sports – Complex closing game variants
The exercises are illustrated and described in an easy, comprehensible manner. They can be immediately integrated in every training unit. Various difficulty levels, additional notes, and possible variations allow for adjustment to each age group and group size.
This reference book contains 60 individual exercises.

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783956411854


Composite Structures according to Eurocode 4
Composite Structures according to Eurocode 4

Автор: Darko Dujmovic

The use of composite structures in construction is increasing. The optimized combination of the two materials concrete and steel produces particularly cost-efficient structures. This book presents a large number of numerical examples with detailed explanations of the provisions of Eurocode 4. It deals with the most common structural components in building construction: beams, columns and slabs. Furthermore, comprehensive chapters provide insight into the topics of creep and shrinkage, as well as fatigue. This book enables the reader to efficiently perform analyses of composite structures. It is a valuable reference book for professionals as well as an outstanding means for students to become familiar with the Eurocode 4.

Цена: 9363.35 руб.
ISBN: 9783433604915


Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Orthodontics
Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Orthodontics

Автор: Sunil D. Kapila

Since its introduction to dentistry, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) has undergone a rapid evolution and considerable integration into orthodontics. However, despite the increasing popularity of CBCT and progress in applying it to clinical orthodontics, the profession has lacked a cohesive, comprehensive and objective reference that provides clinicians with the background needed to utilize this technology optimally for treating their patients. Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Orthodontics provides timely, impartial, and state-of-the-art information on the indications and protocols for CBCT imaging in orthodontics, clinical insights gained from these images, and innovations driven by these insights. As such, it is the most current and authoritative textbook on CBCT in orthodontics. Additionally, two DVDs include more than 15 hours of video presentations on related subjects from the 39th Annual Moyers Symposium and 38th Annual International Conference on Craniofacial Research. Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Orthodontics is organized to progress sequentially through specific topics so as to build the knowledgebase logically in this important and rapidly evolving field. Part I provides the foundational information on CBCT technology, including radiation exposure and risks, and future evolutions in computed tomography. Part II presents the Principles and Protocols for CBCT Imaging in Orthodontics, focusing on developing evidence-based criteria for CBCT imaging, the medico-legal implications of CBCT to the professional and the protocols and integration of this technology in orthodontic practice. Part III provides critical information on CBCT-based Diagnosis and Treatment Planning that includes how to interpret CBCT scans, identify incidental pathologies and the possible other uses of this technology. Part IV covers practical aspects of CBCT’s Clinical Applications and Treatment Outcomes that encompasses a range of topics, including root morphology and position, treatment of impacted teeth, virtual surgical treatment planning and outcomes, and more.

Цена: 20111.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118646748


Construction Reliability
Construction Reliability

Автор: Группа авторов

This book provides answers to the following problems: how to identify the most probable critical failures; how to describe and use data-concerning materials that are either heterogeneous, time-variant, or space-variant; how to quantify the reliability and lifetime of a system; how to use feedback information to actualize reliability results; and how to optimize an inspection politic or a maintenance strategy. Numerous authors from public research centers and firms propose a synthesis of methods, both new and well-known, and offer numerous examples concerning dams, geotechnical study, and structures from nuclear and civil engineering.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781118600948


Data-Driven Security. Analysis, Visualization and Dashboards
Data-Driven Security. Analysis, Visualization and Dashboards

Автор: Rudis Bob

Uncover hidden patterns of data and respond with countermeasures Security professionals need all the tools at their disposal to increase their visibility in order to prevent security breaches and attacks. This careful guide explores two of the most powerful ? data analysis and visualization. You'll soon understand how to harness and wield data, from collection and storage to management and analysis as well as visualization and presentation. Using a hands-on approach with real-world examples, this book shows you how to gather feedback, measure the effectiveness of your security methods, and make better decisions. Everything in this book will have practical application for information security professionals. Helps IT and security professionals understand and use data, so they can thwart attacks and understand and visualize vulnerabilities in their networks Includes more than a dozen real-world examples and hands-on exercises that demonstrate how to analyze security data and intelligence and translate that information into visualizations that make plain how to prevent attacks Covers topics such as how to acquire and prepare security data, use simple statistical methods to detect malware, predict rogue behavior, correlate security events, and more Written by a team of well-known experts in the field of security and data analysis Lock down your networks, prevent hacks, and thwart malware by improving visibility into the environment, all through the power of data and Security Using Data Analysis, Visualization, and Dashboards.

Цена: 5523.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781118793664


Digital Electronics 2
Digital Electronics 2

Автор: Tertulien Ndjountche

As electronic devices become increasingly prevalent in everyday life, digital circuits are becoming even more complex and smaller in size. This book presents the basic principles of digital electronics in an accessible manner, allowing the reader to grasp the principles of combinational and sequential logic and the underlying techniques for the analysis and design of digital circuits. Providing a hands-on approach, this work introduces techniques and methods for establishing logic equations and designing and analyzing digital circuits. Each chapter is supplemented with practical examples and well-designed exercises with worked solutions. This second of three volumes focuses on sequential and arithmetic logic circuits. It covers various aspects related to the following topics: latch and flip-flop; binary counters; shift registers; arithmetic and logic circuits; digital integrated circuit technology; semiconductor memory; programmable logic circuits. Along with the two accompanying volumes, this book is an indispensable tool for students at a bachelors or masters level seeking to improve their understanding of digital electronics, and is detailed enough to serve as a reference for electronic, automation and computer engineers.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119329763


Digitaler Differentialschutz
Digitaler Differentialschutz

Автор: Gerhard Ziegler

Der Differentialschutz ist ein schneller, selektiver Schutz, der in vielen Varianten bei elektrischen Maschinen, Transformatoren, Sammelschienen und Leitungen eingesetzt wird. Dieses Buch vermittelt die allgemeinen Grundlagen des Differentialschutzes in analoger und digitaler Technik. Dem Verhalten und der Dimensionierung von Stromwandlern sowie der modernen, digitalen Kommunikation fur den Leitungsschutz sind besondere Kapitel gewidmet. Ausfuhrlich werden die verschiedenen Varianten des Differentialschutzes beschrieben und deren praktische Anwendungen anhand konkreter Beispiele erlautert. Erganzt wird dies mit Empfehlungen fur Inbetriebnahme, Tests und Wartung. Das gesamte Design und Management von modernem Differentialschutz wird anhand der aktuellen Siemens SIPROTEC Schutzrelais erklart. Gleicherma?en Lehrbuch wie Standardwerk, behandelt das Buch alle Themen, die bei Planung, Projektierung und Anwendung des Differentialschutzes zu beachten sind. Es wendet sich an Studenten und Ingenieure, die sich in den Differentialschutz einarbeiten wollen, aber auch an praxiserfahrene Anwender, die den Einstieg in die digitale Technik suchen. Au?erdem dient es als Nachschlagewerk zur Losung spezieller Anwendungsfragen. Diese Auflage bietet alle Inhalte auf neuestem Stand der Schutztechnik.

Цена: 6025.22 руб.
ISBN: 9783895789007


Durability Design of Concrete Structures
Durability Design of Concrete Structures

Автор: Kefei Li

Comprehensive coverage of durability of concrete at both material and structural levels, with design related issues Links two active fields in materials science and structural engineering: the durability processes of concrete materials and design methods of concrete structures Facilitates communication between the two communities, helping to implement life-cycle concepts into future design methods of concrete structures Presents state-of-the-art information on the deterioration mechanism and performance evolution of structural concrete under environmental actions and the design methods for durability of concrete structures Provides efficient support and practical tools for life-cycle oriented structural design which has been widely recognized as a new generation of design philosophy for engineering structures The author has long experience working with the topic and the materials presented have been part of the author's current teaching course of Durability and Assessment of Engineering Structures for graduate students at Tsinghua University The design methods and approaches for durability of concrete structures are developed from newly finished high level research projects and have been employed as recommended provisions in design code including Chinese Code and Eurocode 2

Цена: 14050.95 руб.
ISBN: 9781118910115


Lager im Bauwesen
Lager im Bauwesen

Автор: Tobias Block

Bearing types and their scope of application are explained in detail and all problems connected with bearings are discussed. The revised new edition takes into account German and European standards. A handbook for design, detailing and construction.

Цена: 15388.57 руб.
ISBN: 9783433603215


Microbial Toxins in Dairy Products
Microbial Toxins in Dairy Products

Автор: Группа авторов

Food-borne diseases, including those via dairy products, have been recognised as major threats to human health. The causes associated with dairy food-borne disease are the use of raw milk in the manufacture of dairy products, faulty processing conditions during the heat treatment of milk, post-processing contamination, failure in due diligence and an unhygienic water supply. Dairy food-borne diseases affecting human health are associated with certain strains of bacteria belonging to the genera of Clostridium, Bacillus, Escherichia, Staphylococcus and Listeria, which are capable of producing toxins, plus moulds that can produce mycotoxins such as aflatoxins, sterigmatocytin and ochratoxin. Microbial Toxins in Dairy Products reviews the latest scientific knowledge and developments for detecting and studying the presence of these toxins in dairy products, updating the analytical techniques required to examine bacterial and mould toxins and the potential for contamination of milk as it passes along the food chain, i.e. from 'farm-to-fork'. This comprehensive and accessible collection of techniques will help dairy processors, food scientists, technologists, researchers and students to further minimise the incidences of dairy food-borne illnesses in humans.

Цена: 18099.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781118823651


Microsoft 365 Business for Admins For Dummies
Microsoft 365 Business for Admins For Dummies

Автор: Jennifer Reed

Цена: 2367.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781119539179



Автор: Dieter W?hrle

Kompakt, interdiziplin?r, praxisorientiert – so pr?sentiert sich dieses facettenreiche Lehrbuch der Photochemie. Das gut strukturierte und sehr verstandlich geschriebene Werk macht den Leser mit allen bedeutenden photochemischen Prozessen vertraut.

Цена: 11375.71 руб.
ISBN: 9783527661077


Population Genetics
Population Genetics

Автор: Matthew B. Hamilton

Цена: 10215.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781118436929


Python for Cybersecurity
Python for Cybersecurity

Автор: Howard E. Poston, III

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119850700


Steel Connection Analysis
Steel Connection Analysis

Автор: Paolo Rugarli

First book to discuss the analysis of structural steel connections by Finite Element Analysis—which provides fast, efficient, and flexible checking of these vital structural components The analysis of steel structures is complex—much more so than the analysis of similar concrete structures. There are no universally accepted rules for the analysis of connections in steel structures or the analysis of the stresses transferred from one connection to another. This book presents a general approach to steel connection analysis and check, which is the result of independent research that began more than fifteen years ago. It discusses the problems of connection analysis and describes a generally applicable methodology, based on Finite Element Analysis, for analyzing the connections in steel structures. That methodology has been implemented in software successfully, providing a fast, automatic, and flexible route to the design and analysis of the connections in steel structures. Steel Connection Analysis explains several general methods which have been researched and programmed during many years, and that can be used to tackle the problem of connection analysis in a very general way, with a limited and automated computational effort. It also covers several problems related to steel connection analysis automation. Uses Finite Element Analysis to discuss the analysis of structural steel connections Analysis is applicable to all connections in steel structures The methodology is the basis of the commercially successful CSE connection analysis software Analysis is fast and flexible Structural engineers, fabricators, software developing firms, university researchers, and advanced students of civil and structural engineering will all benefit from Steel Connection Analysis.

Цена: 14912.72 руб.
ISBN: 9781119303480


Strengthening of Concrete Structures with Adhesively Bonded Reinforcement
Strengthening of Concrete Structures with Adhesively Bonded Reinforcement

Автор: Konrad Zilch

Design and construction in existing contexts is becoming increasingly important, and often the structures – sometimes of historical interest – can be preserved easily and at minimum cost by employing strengthening measures. Existing concrete members can be strengthened by using adhesives to bond additional reinforcing elements onto or into those members. This book explains the design rules, together with their background, and uses examples to illustrate their use, specifically for slabs, beams and columns. Concrete member strengthening measures can take the form of, for example, flexural strengthening with externally bonded (surface-mounted) CFRP strips, CF sheets and steel plates, flexural strengthening with CFRP strips bonded in slits (near-surface-mounted reinforcement), shear strengthening with externally bonded CF sheets and steel plates, and column strengthening with CF sheets as confining reinforcement. The explanations and background information provided are mainly based on the new German guideline «Strengthening of Concrete Members with Adhesively Bonded Reinforcement» by the German Committee for Structural Concrete (DAfStb). This is the first European guideline to regulate this topic in the form of a supplement to the Eurocode. As it is planned to produce a document in a future Eurocode 2, the DAfStb guideline serves as a starting point. The authors are extensively involved in the planning, design, operation and inspection of buildings for preservation and reconstruction, and in the updating of European Technical Approval Guidelines (ETAGs) and design rules. Selected chapters from the German concrete yearbook are now being published in the new English «Beton-Kalender Series» for the benefit of an international audience. Since it was founded in 1906, the Ernst & Sohn «Beton-Kalender» has been supporting developments in reinforced and prestressed concrete. The aim was to publish a yearbook to reflect progress in «ferro-concrete» structures until – as the book's first editor, Fritz von Emperger (1862-1942), expressed it – the «tempestuous development» in this form of construction came to an end. However, the «Beton-Kalender» quickly became the chosen work of reference for civil and structural engineers, and apart from the years 1945-1950 has been published annually ever since.

Цена: 5350.49 руб.
ISBN: 9783433604038


The Hands-on Guide to Clinical Pharmacology
The Hands-on Guide to Clinical Pharmacology

Автор: Sukhdev Chatu

Are you about to sit your pharmacology exams? Do you lack confidence in prescribing? Would it help to have a quick reference, pocket-sized reassurance on common drugs and the conditions that they are used in? The Hands-on Guide to Clinical Pharmacology is the perfect companion for students, doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other health care professionals who need help on the ward or are preparing for exams. It includes sections containing both treatment regimens of common conditions and detailed information on the relevant drugs that help you obtain a better understanding of therapeutic management. The benefits include: A-Z of over 100 key drugs in a one-drug-per-page format A systems-based approach Fully indexed text Clear explanations of drug mechanisms – a regular feature of pharmacology exams Management guidelines for common conditions within each system Brand new two-colour design to help with information retrieval A new chapter on chemotherapy agents Take the stress out of clinical pharmacology with The Hands-on Guide!

Цена: 4673.79 руб.
ISBN: 9781444398977


The Melanocytic Proliferations
The Melanocytic Proliferations

Автор: A. Neil Crowson

A thorough updating of the best-selling, vital reference and textbook on melanocytic proliferations PRAISE FOR THE FIRST EDITION: “Well-written and entertaining” —Modern Pathology “An extremely helpful guide for the practicing dermatopathologist or general pathologist” —Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine “An incredibly relevant clinical-histopathologic text” —Doody’s Melanocytic proliferations comprise a large number of pigmented lesions of the skin and muscosa. Of these, melanoma is of particular interest to clinicians and their patients. The rising number of incidences of melanoma has led to increased interest in the disease from diagnostic, management, and basic science perspectives. The Melanocytic Proliferations: A Comprehensive Textbook of Pigmented Lesions is the most complete single-source treatment of the subject available—thoroughly updated to reflect the very latest studies and clinical experience in diagnosing and treating melanocytic proliferation. This new edition of the bestseller presents an experience- and evidence-based review of pigmented lesions that encompasses the biology, diagnosis, and treatment of melanocytic proliferations and disorders, including melanoma. It comes with over 300 new color images—bringing the total to over 600—and contains two completely new chapters: Dermatoscopic Diagnosis of Melanoma; and Reflectance Confocal Microscopy. Chapter coverage includes: • An approach to the clinical diagnosis of melanoma, its precursors, and its clinical mimics • Freckles and lentigines • Benign acquired nevi • Dermal dendritic melanocytic proliferations/dermal melanocytoses • Spitz nevus • Combined nevus, deep penetrating nevus, plexiform spindle cell nevus, and borderline tumors of the deep penetrating nevus variant • Recurrent melanocytic nevus • Congenital nevi • Dysplastic melanocytic nevi, de novo intradermal epithelioid and lentiginous melanocytic dysplasias, and nevi at specific anatomic sites • Melanoma • Conjunctival melanocytic proliferations • Use of adjunctive immunoperoxidase, molecular, and ultrastructural studies in the diagnosis of melanocytic proliferations • Biology of melanoma • Borderline melanocytic proliferation • Dermatoscopic diagnosis of melanoma • Reflectance confocal microscopy • Therapy of melanoma The Melanocytic Proliferations: A Comprehensive Textbook of Pigmented Lesions is an incredibly important text for all clinical pathologists, dermatopathologists, surgical pathologists, dermatologists, cosmetic physicians, and surgeons.

Цена: 32505.4 руб.
ISBN: 9781118488959


Ultra-High Performance Concrete UHPC
Ultra-High Performance Concrete UHPC

Автор: Susanne Frohlich

Selected chapters from the German concrete yearbook are now being published in the new English «Beton-Kalender Series» for the benefit of an international audience. Since it was founded in 1906, the Ernst & Sohn «Beton-Kalender» has been supporting developments in reinforced and prestressed concrete. The aim was to publish a yearbook to reflect progress in «ferro-concrete» structures until – as the book's first editor, Fritz von Emperger (1862-1942), expressed it – the «tempestuous development» in this form of construction came to an end. However, the «Beton-Kalender» quickly became the chosen work of reference for civil and structural engineers, and apart from the years 1945-1950 has been published annually ever since. Ultra high performance concrete (UHPC) is a milestone in concrete technology and application. It permits the construction of both more slender and more durable concrete structures with a prolonged service life and thus improved sustainability. This book is a comprehensive overview of UHPC – from the principles behind its production and its mechanical properties to design and detailing aspects. The focus is on the material behaviour of steel fibre-reinforced UHPC. Numerical modelling and detailing of the connections with reinforced concrete elements are featured as well. Numerous examples worldwide – bridges, columns, facades and roofs – are the basis for additional explanations about the benefits of UHPC and how it helps to realise several architectural requirements. The authors are extensively involved in the testing, design, construction and monitoring of UHPC structures. What they provide here is therefore a unique synopsis of the state of the art with a view to practical applications.

Цена: 5350.49 руб.
ISBN: 9783433604069

