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Категория: - бизнес-книги - маркетинг, PR, реклама

Формат посмотра: Полный многострочный, Полный в две строчки, Полный без аннотации, Наименование-Цена-Автор, Наименование-Цена

Сортировка: Наименование, Цена, Автор, Год

Рекламные предложения от интернет-магазина ""

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101 Ways to Save Money on Your Tax - Legally! 2022-2023
101 Ways to Save Money on Your Tax - Legally! 2022-2023

Автор: Adrian Raftery

Цена: 1736.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781119883197


11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding
11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding

Автор: Al Ries

As we move into the twenty-first century the most important question for businesses everywhere is: What are we going to do about the Internet? The two most qualified people in the country to answer that question may be Al Ries and Laura Ries. Not only are they the authors of the BusinessWeek bestseller The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding, they are also consultants to dozens of Fortune 500 companies.This book is the result of their hands-on work with both large and small companies as well as Internet start-ups and established Internet brands. Brash, bold, and mercifully succinct, The 11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding is the definitive text for businesses eager to jump on the Internet expressway.In the book you'll learn why:The Internet can be a business or a medium for your brand, but not both.Interactivity is the single most important ingredient of any Internet site.The kiss of death for an Internet brand is a common name.Being second in a category is tantamount to being nowhere.You have to be fast. You have to be first. You have to be focused.Everyone is talking about convergence while just the opposite is happening.The 11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding will also give you tangible information on how to successfully build your company, product, service, or self into a hot and profitable brand on the Internet. Specifically you'll learn how to:Build a brand that will dominate a category over an extended period of time.Find a proper name (instead of a common one) for your Website.Take your brand into the global marketplace.Avoid the biggest mistake in Internet branding: the belief that you can do everything.Take advantage of the transformations that will occur in all aspects of life, thanks to the power of the Internet.With characteristic counterculture observations and signature marketing savvy, Ries and Ries bring their expertise to branding on the Internet, the most challenging problem in the world of marketing today. No one who wants to turn a brand into a global phenomenon should ignore their sage advice.

Исполнители: Al Ries

Цена: 459 руб.
ISBN: 9780060859930


22 Immutable Laws of Marketing
22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

Автор: Джек Траут

There are laws of nature, so why shouldnt there be laws of marketing?As Al Ries and Jack Troutthe world-renowned marketing consultants and bestselling authors of Positioningnote, you can build an impressive airplane, but it will never leave the ground if you ignore the laws of physics, especially gravity. Why then, they ask, shouldnt there also be laws of marketing that must be followed to launch and maintain winning brands? In The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, Ries and Trout offer a compendium of twenty-two innovative rules for understanding and succeeding in the international marketplace. From the Law of Leadership, to The Law of the Category, to The Law of the Mind, these valuable insights stand the test of time and present a clear path to successful products. Violate them at your own risk.

Исполнители: David Drummond

Цена: 803.81 руб.
ISBN: 9780062351401


22 Immutable Laws of Marketing
22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

Автор: Джек Траут

The authors have distilled their 40-plus years of marketing expertise to provide the key to today's competitive marketplace, showing you what makes some products inordinately successful while others fall by the wayside.

Исполнители: Джек Траут

Цена: 459 руб.
ISBN: 9780060859992


Пиарь меня, если можешь. Инструкция для пиарщика, написанная журналистом
Пиарь меня, если можешь. Инструкция для пиарщика, написанная журналистом

Автор: Тим Скоренко

Книги по PR обычно пишут пиарщики. Проблема в том, что почти никто из них не бывал по другую сторону баррикад – не работал в журнале или на телевидении, не снимал популярных видеоблогов и не вёл корпоративных аккаунтов в соцсетях. Из-за этого между журналистами и пиарщиками постоянно возникают конфликты. Тим Скоренко, 10 лет проработав в журналистике, решил написать учебник по PR и рассказать о том, какие ошибки пиарщики совершают при работе с прессой и блогерами. И наоборот, когда журналисты неправы по отношению к PR-службе.

Серия: Звезда Рунета. Бизнес

Цена: 319 руб.
Год: 2019
ISBN: 978-5-17-119376-8


Пиарь меня, если можешь. Инструкция для пиарщика, написанная журналистом
Пиарь меня, если можешь. Инструкция для пиарщика, написанная журналистом

Автор: Тим Скоренко

Уникальная аудиокнига для пиарщиков, записанная не пиарщиком. ЧИТАЕТ АВТОР Книги по PR обычно пишут пиарщики. Проблема в том, что почти никто из них не бывал по другую сторону баррикад – не работал в журнале или на телевидении, не снимал популярных видеоблогов и не вёл корпоративных аккаунтов в соцсетях. Из-за этого между журналистами и пиарщиками постоянно возникают конфликты. Тим Скоренко, 10 лет проработав в журналистике, решил написать учебник по PR и рассказать о том, какие ошибки пиарщики совершают при работе с прессой и блогерами. И наоборот, когда журналисты неправы по отношению к PR-службе. © Скоренко Т.Ю., 2019 © & ℗ ООО «Издательство АСТ», «Аудиокнига», 2019 Продюсер аудиозаписи: Татьяна Плюта

Серия: Звезда Рунета. Бизнес

Исполнители: Тим Скоренко

Цена: 379 руб.
Год: 2019
ISBN: 978-5-17-119376-8


Театральный фандрайзинг, или Как спонсоры и арт-проекты находят друг друга
Театральный фандрайзинг, или Как спонсоры и арт-проекты находят друг друга

Автор: Евгения Карпанина

Как убедить спонсоров поддержать арт-проект? Где найти ту самую компанию, которая захочет поддержать ресурсами вашу идею? Что написать в предложении о сотрудничестве, чтобы не упустить главное?Книга рассказывает, как менеджерам арт-проектов привлекать ресурсы, предлагает полезные упражнения. Вы поймете, как преодолевать психологические барьеры, которые мешают арт-менеджерам находить партнеров и спонсоров, а так же получите разбор вдохновляющих кейсов из практики современного российского театрального фандрайзера. Автор – Евгения Карпанина, эксперт по фандрайзингу и арт-проектированию, продюсер, член оргкомитета Вахтанговского фестиваля театральных менеджеров, создатель профессиональных медиа-площадок «Международный клуб театральных менеджеров» и «Работа со спонсорами», член Союза театральных деятелей России.

Цена: 249 руб.
Год: 2022


Укус ангела
Укус ангела

Автор: Павел Крусанов

Когда-то где-то на идиллической лесной дороге загадочный старик подарил юному Ивану Некитаеву, сыну русского офицера и китаянки-хунхузки, магический обжигающий талисман – артефакт, который сам выбрал будущего властителя державы. С тех пор начался его неумолимый путь к власти и славе. До слепой ревности влюбленный в собственную сестру, луноликую фею Ван Цзыдэн, бесстрашный и закаленный в боях воин, губернатор Царьграда и консул Гесперии, тайно ведомый своим приспешником Петром Легкоступовым, – он не остановится ни перед чем. Российская Империя, знавшая смуту, разделенная надвое и собранная вновь воедино, должна, наконец, обрести своего Императора… Модернистский роман петербургского писателя Павла Крусанова вышел в самом начале нового тысячелетия (2000) и разделил критиков и читателей на два лагеря. Кто-то возмутился его откровенной «имперскостью» и натурализмом, иные же восхитились смелой стилизацией и глубоким символизмом текста. В любом случае перед вами шикарный образец русской антиутопии и мистического реализма нового века. Со всеми своими превращениями, блуждающими по зеркалам неспокойными душами, раскладами Таро, томными чаепитиями на веранде усадьбы, философскими тетрадями, страшными обрядами и предательским запахом иланг-иланга… Книга понравится любителям жанра альтернативной истории, увлеченным мистикой и эзотерикой, а также всем ценителям языковых экспериментов.

Серия: Магистраль. Главный тренд

Исполнители: Всеволод Богомольный

Цена: 349 руб.
Год: 1999
ISBN: 978-5-04-202659-1


Account-Based Marketing
Account-Based Marketing

Автор: Chris Golec

Цена: 2870.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781119572046


Accounting Disrupted
Accounting Disrupted

Автор: Al Bhimani

Цена: 2949.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781119720119


Approaches to Soil Health Analysis, Volume 1
Approaches to Soil Health Analysis, Volume 1

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 7090.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780891189855


Augmented Customer Strategy
Augmented Customer Strategy

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119618249


ayayay kniga
ayayay kniga

Автор: poppy

Первый участник всегда добавляется с типом “Автор”. Основного автора можно сменить, но нельзя удалить.

Цена: 129 руб.
Год: 2024


Bora l?, assuma a lideran?a - 22 estrat?gias para chegar ao topo (Integral)
Bora l?, assuma a lideran?a - 22 estrat?gias para chegar ao topo (Integral)

Автор: Pedro Camargo

Исполнители: Leobaldo Prado

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9786599099816


Closing the Sale - 5 Sales Skills for Achieving Win-Win Outcomes and Customer Success (Unabridged)
Closing the Sale - 5 Sales Skills for Achieving Win-Win Outcomes and Customer Success (Unabridged)

Автор: Craig Christensen

Исполнители: Seth Podowitz

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781624616891


Das Digital Transformer s Dilemma
Das Digital Transformer's Dilemma

Автор: Hannah M. Mayer

Bringen Sie Ihr Unternehmen in das digitale Zeitalter, ohne Ihr Kerngesch?ft zu beeintr?chtigen! In ihrem Buch zeigen die Autoren Unternehmen, wie sie mit neuen und innovativen Produkten und Dienstleistungen digitaler werden sowie gleichzeitig ihr Kerngesch?ft vorantreiben k?nnen. Das Buch erl?utert, wie man das schwierige Gleichgewicht zwischen dem Aufbau eines neuen (digitalen) Gesch?fts und der Revitalisierung – und Digitalisierung – des Altgesch?fts findet. Der Kern des Buches konzentriert sich auf die tats?chliche Umsetzung der digitalen Transformation in beiden Gesch?ftsfeldern und bietet konkrete Tipps, Tricks, Tools und Aktionspl?ne in sechs Schl?sseldimensionen: – Aufbau einer flexiblen Organisation, – Nutzung von Technologie als Antrieb – Entwerfen der notwendigen Prozesse, – Aufbau von Transformationsf?hrern, – «Richtige Qualifizierung» der Arbeitskr?fte der Zukunft, – Befeuerung des kulturellen Wandels. «Das Digital Transformer's Dilemma» ist ein sehr visuelles Buch, gef?llt mit Dutzenden von ansprechenden Illustrationen, die die enthaltenen Konzepte auf jeder Seite zum Leben erwecken. Auf der Grundlage von mehr als 100 Interviews mit F?hrungskr?ften f?hrender Unternehmen (wie z. B. Nestl?, Novartis, Volkswagen und BASF) und kleineren Hidden Champions, zahlreichen erhellenden Fallstudien und den eigenen Erfahrungen der Autoren aus der Arbeit in der internationalen Managementberatung und jahrelanger akademischer Erfahrung beleuchtet das Buch die grundlegenden Prinzipien, die F?hrungskr?fte und Gesch?ftsleute ben?tigen, um traditionelle, alteingesessene Unternehmen in digitale, zukunftsf?hige Unternehmen zu verwandeln.

Цена: 4012.87 руб.
ISBN: 9783527835355


Das Praxisbuch f?r den modernen Au?endienst
Das Praxisbuch f?r den modernen Au?endienst

Автор: Ralf Koschinski

Vier Situationen aus dem Leben eines Au?endienstmitarbeiters: Er hat in wenigen Minuten einen wichtigen Termin. Er steht vor einem bedeutenden Jahresgespr?ch mit einem Stammkunden. Er will ein Angebot schreiben, das verkauft. Er m?chte einen Kunden strategisch entwickeln. Mit dem vorliegenden Buch kann er sich nun auf die Situationen vorbereiten, er geht top vorbereitet in den jeweiligen Kundenkontakt. Ralf Koschinski legt mit seinem umsetzungsfokussierten Ratgeber eine Arbeitshilfe f?r Au?endienstmitarbeiter und Verkaufsf?hrungskr?fte vor, die ihre Mitarbeiter systematisch weiterentwickeln wollen. Das Arbeitshandbuch beschreibt mit der Au?endienst-Viertakt-Strategie (AVS) eine schl?sselfertige Systematik, mit der ein Umsatzwachstum nach Plan m?glich ist und Kundenauftr?ge sich vom Zufall befreien lassen. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die vier entscheidenden Prozesse im Au?endienst: Akquisitionsprozess, Beratungsprozess, Verkaufsprozess und Entwicklungsprozess. Bei jedem der vier Prozesse (deshalb Quattro) stehen drei Managementbereiche im Fokus. Zu jedem der Managementbereiche gibt es drei Themen, zu denen der Autor rasch und sofort einsetzbares Knowhow, Umsetzungstipps und individualisierbare Checklisten pr?sentiert, die der Au?endienstmitarbeiter zur systematischen Selbststeuerung nutzen kann. Au?endienstler erhalten so rasch und einfach umsetzbare Probleml?sungen f?r alle Herausforderungen, die ihnen im Au?endienst begegnen, und k?nnen sich mit den Arbeitshilfen (Checklisten und Umsetzungstipps) des Praxiskompendiums zielorientiert, effektiv und zeitsparend auf ihre Kundenkontakte vorbereiten. Die klare Systematik sorgt daf?r, dass der Leser Souver?nit?t, Sicherheit und Gelassenheit gewinnt.

Цена: 2545.03 руб.
ISBN: 9783527837670


Data-First Marketing
Data-First Marketing

Автор: Janet Driscoll Miller

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119701262


Der Pumpkin Plan: Die Strategie f?r Unternehmenswachstum
Der Pumpkin Plan: Die Strategie f?r Unternehmenswachstum

Автор: Mike Michalowicz

Viele Unternehmen scheitern – oft innerhalb der ersten f?nf Jahre nach Gr?ndung. In diesem Existenzkampf sehen die Selbstst?ndigen f?r sich h?ufig nur den Ausweg des Selbst-und-st?ndig-Arbeitens. Sie jagen im Hamsterrad in hohem Tempo durch den Alltag und kommen doch nicht voran. Das f?hrt zu Frust, zu Ersch?pfung und niemals aus der Sackgasse. Mike Michalowicz kennt dies aus eigener Erfahrung: Sein erstes Unternehmen machte ordentliche Ums?tze – und doch war nie genug Geld ?brig. Er war im Dauereinsatz, k?mpfte um jeden Kunden und um jeden Auftrag. In dieser Situation der best?ndigen ?berforderung stie? er pl?tzlich und unerwartet auf eine Quelle der Inspiration: K?rbisbauern. Mike Michalowicz erkannte, was ein erfolgreicher K?rbisz?chter mit erfolgreichen Unternehmenslenkern gemein hat. Und entwickelte daraus den Pumpkin Plan. Denn die gleiche Systematik, mit der gigantische Riesenk?rbisse gez?chtet werden, l?sst sich hervorragend anwenden, um ein erfolgreiches und gesundes Unternehmen zu f?hren – langfristig, mit Freude und Lebensqualit?t.

Серия: budrich Inspirited

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783847410126


Digital Government Excellence
Digital Government Excellence

Автор: Siim Sikkut

How to lead the digital transformation of governments Digital Government Excellence: Lessons from Effective Digital Leaders  delivers a fascinating treatment of digital leadership as governments around the world start or restart the digital transformation of their work and service delivery. The author provides a playbook on how to achieve digital excellence via interviews with 20 remarkable digital government leaders from around the world. Each one offers insights on strategies for how to incorporate the best of digital into public services and practical tips on leading digital reforms and delivery teams. The book also: Explores how to begin the task of making all of government to «go digital» or go deeper and bolder in this direction, including the first steps and beyond Highlights leadership styles and practices for effective and lasting delivery of digital strategies and reforms Provides food for thought about what it takes to be an impactful digital transformation leader – in government and beyond The book is ideal for Chief Digital/Information/Technology Officers or digital agency leaders in public service. Digital Government Excellence is also an indispensable resource for any practitioner, policymaker or political leader in governments at any level, as well as any student or advisor of governments looking into how to deliver digital transformation in the public sector.

Цена: 3797.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781119858881


Dynamic Digital Marketing
Dynamic Digital Marketing

Автор: Dawn McGruer

8 powerful ways to market your business online to consistently generate an abundance of leads that convert into profitable customers. Dynamic Digital Marketing teaches any business or individual how to increase online visibility and presence, attract their target audience, generate leads, and convert them into profitable customers. Author Dawn McGruer is an expert at making businesses and brands shine online. She is passionate about helping entrepreneurs and businesses maximise their digital marketing profits by developing digital skills which scale and grow their businesses and accelerate their success. Most entrepreneurs and businesses fully understand the importance of digital marketing, yet many do not know where to start or, worse, continue to spend time, money, and effort on strategies that fail to provide the best results for their investment. To remedy this situation, Dawn developed her multi-award-winning digital marketing framework, Dynamic Digital Marketing Model. Offering step-by-step guidance, this book shows you how to use this model to market your business online whilst transforming yourself into a proficient digital marketer. This must-read book will help you: Gain invaluable insights on what works – and what doesn’t – based on the author’s 20 years’ experience in digital marketing Avoid pitfalls and missteps by implementing the same proven success strategies used by key influencers Harness the power of search engine optimisation (SEO), social media, content marketing, online video, and more Amplify your brand, cultivate customers, and increase profits Incorporate e-mail marketing, customer analytics, strategic web design, and influencer partnerships in your overall digital marketing strategy Dynamic Digital Marketing: Master the world of online and social media marketing to grow your business is an indispensable resource for business leaders, business owners, marketing and sales professionals, digital strategists and consultants, entrepreneurs, and students in business and marketing programmes.

Цена: 2673.27 руб.
ISBN: 9781119635932


Efficiently Studying Organic Chemistry
Efficiently Studying Organic Chemistry

Автор: Eberhard Breitmaier

Цена: 5019.04 руб.
ISBN: 9783527838493



Автор: ttttrt yerr


Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 2024


Elite Sales Strategies
Elite Sales Strategies

Автор: Anthony Iannarino

Цена: 2367.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781119858966


Elite Sales Strategies
Elite Sales Strategies

Автор: Anthony Iannarino

Accelerate your sales career with this how-to book from an expert in sales In Elite Sales Strategies , expert sales leader Anthony Iannarino offers his philosophy about becoming a commercial success. This guidebook provides unique insights into how to approach every sale by serving your clients from a position of authority and expertise. As Iannarino himself notes, this technique speaks to an ethical obligation towards your client, combining ethics and tactics to help place you in a position where your strengths can be fully utilized. This guidebook suggests putting yourself in a “one-up” position, where you, as the salesperson, come to a client in a position of authority and strength, where you yourself are qualified to offer nuanced and helpful advice to companies that have put themselves in a “one-down” position, whether that be by bad decision-making, poor understanding of the marketplace, or bad luck. At its heart, this book suggests you find the advantages that you can provide that will, in turn, help your client become “one-up” themselves in their own field and ensure they achieve the better results they need. In addition, Elite Sales Strategies provides readers with: A step-by-step approach for how to become “one-up” yourself and what you provide to your clients A healthy analysis of what makes a person or a company “one-down” and tips on how to course correct Strategies, tactics, and talk tracks that will provide you with what you need to become “one-up” Terminology and vocabulary so that you can approach your client with tact and decorum while still addressing the weaknesses of their system As a successful international speaker, author, and sales leader, Anthony Iannarino brings a unique set of skills to bear in this book. Iannarino's tried-and-true methodology is an ideal resource for sales professionals in all fields, as well as for executives and managers looking to improve their sales success and position within the business world.

Цена: 2367.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781119858959


Evidence-Based CBT for Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents
Evidence-Based CBT for Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents

Автор: Ronald M. Rapee

Evidence-Based CBT is the first book to take an explicitly competencies-based approach to the cognitive-behavioural treatment of anxiety and depression in children and young people. It draws on top-name expertise to define and demonstrate the therapist competencies needed to effectively implement CBT.

Цена: 5794.39 руб.
ISBN: 9781118469224


Fish Behavior 1
Fish Behavior 1

Автор: Jean-Pierre Quignard

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119721895


Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Children s Nurses
Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Children's Nurses

Автор: Группа авторов

Registered Nurses must have thorough knowledge of pharmacology, medicines administration, and the effects of medicines.  Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Children's Nurses  is written for nurses and allied health professionals involved in the care of children and young people (CYP) to focus exclusively on pharmacology. Filling a gap in current literature on the subject, this much-needed resource develops the competence and confidence required to prescribe, dispense, and administer medicines to children and young people.  Emphasising the importance of patient-centered care to CYP, the text describes the role of the healthcare provider working with CYP and their families; explains how to use pharmaceutical and prescribing reference guides; discusses legal and ethical issues; examines pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, and more. Helping readers respond appropriately and compassionately to the needs of those receiving care and their families, this textbook:  Covers a wide range of medications used in diabetes, cancer, mental health, and other areas Features a wealth of full-colour images and numerous pedagogical tools including learning objectives, self-test questions, and reflective exercises to enable readers to contextualise and assess their knowledge Presents case studies to reinforce learning, and illustrate the application of theory to practice Provides authoritative and practical guidance on formulations, adverse drug reactions, analgesics, antibiotics, immunisations, and the medications most commonly used when providing care to CYP Includes access to a companion website with interactive MCQs, case studies, references, an image bank, and links to further reading and supplemental resources  Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Children's Nurses  is essential reading for undergraduate children’s nursing students, trainee nursing associates, those undertaking healthcare programmes of study, as well as those seeking to better understand pharmacology.

Цена: 4285.13 руб.
ISBN: 9781119633235


Growth Hacking For Dummies
Growth Hacking For Dummies

Автор: Anuj Adhiya

Цена: 2278.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781119612179


Hidden Truths
Hidden Truths

Автор: David Fubini

Цена: 2525.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119682356


Horses For Dummies
Horses For Dummies

Автор: Audrey Pavia

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119589556


Innovation in Clusters
Innovation in Clusters

Автор: Estelle Vallier

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119881445


Introduction to Thermo-Fluids Systems Design
Introduction to Thermo-Fluids Systems Design

Автор: Andr? Garcia McDonald

A fully comprehensive guide to thermal systems design covering fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, heat transfer and thermodynamic power cycles Bridging the gap between the fundamental concepts of fluid mechanics, heat transfer and thermodynamics, and the practical design of thermo-fluids components and systems, this textbook focuses on the design of internal fluid flow systems, coiled heat exchangers and performance analysis of power plant systems. The topics are arranged so that each builds upon the previous chapter to convey to the reader that topics are not stand-alone items during the design process, and that they all must come together to produce a successful design. Because the complete design or modification of modern equipment and systems requires knowledge of current industry practices, the authors highlight the use of manufacturer’s catalogs to select equipment, and practical examples are included throughout to give readers an exhaustive illustration of the fundamental aspects of the design process. Key Features: Demonstrates how industrial equipment and systems are designed, covering the underlying theory and practical application of thermo-fluid system design Practical rules-of-thumb are included in the text as ‘Practical Notes’ to underline their importance in current practice and provide additional information Includes an instructor’s manual hosted on the book’s companion website

Цена: 14435.67 руб.
ISBN: 9781118403181


Knowledge Management in Innovative Companies 1
Knowledge Management in Innovative Companies 1

Автор: Jean-Louis Ermine

The status of knowledge management (KM) as a mature science has long been recognized in the academic world. However, in the economic arena, its connection with companies and organizations has been more gradual. Jean-Louis Ermine established a theoretical and practical framework for KM in his book, Knowledge Management: The Creative Loop – issued by the same publishers as this book. In this latest tome, practical examples are illustrated with real case studies. Modeled on the four-step operational approach inspired by the creative loop, this book includes four sets of real case studies – each one following the basic presentation of the fundamental material per step. Knowledge Management in Innovative Companies 1 is especially useful for practitioners, as there are numerous illustrations based on best practices for each specific KM step and for global project implementation. Indeed, the last chapter is dedicated to the implementation of a global KM corporate project.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119681151


Leader in Me
Leader in Me

Автор: Стивен Кови

From the multimillion-copy bestselling author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Dr. Stephen R. Covey illustrates how his principles of leadership can be applied to children of all ages. In today's world, we are inundated with information about who to be, what to do, and how to live. But what if there was a way to learn not just what to think about, but how to think? A program that taught young people how to manage priorities, focus on goals, and be a positive influence in their schools? The Leader in Me is that program. In this bestseller, Stephen R. Covey took the 7 Habits that have already changed the lives of millions of readers and showed that even young children can use them as they develop. These habits are being adapted by schools around the country in leadership programs, most famously at the A.B Combs Elementary school in Raleigh. Not only do the programs work, but they work better than anyone could have imagined. This book is full of examples of how the students blossom under the programfrom the classroom that decided to form a support group for one of their classmates who had behavioral problems to the fourth grader who overcame his fear of public speaking and took his class to see him compete in a national story telling competition. Perfect for individuals and corporations alike, The Leader in Me shows how easy it is to incorporate these skills into daily life so kids of all ages can be more effective, goal-oriented, and successful.

Исполнители: Стивен Кови

Цена: 1028.49 руб.
ISBN: 9780743583091


Leading Equity
Leading Equity

Автор: Sheldon L. Eakins

Цена: 2466.12 руб.
ISBN: 9781119840992


Location-Based Marketing
Location-Based Marketing

Автор: G?rard Cliquet

Location-based Marketing outlines the main concepts, methods and strategies for implementing spatial marketing, also known as geomarketing. With an emphasis on the value of mapping in marketing decision-making, this book demonstrates the importance of a more spatialized view of these decisions, in order to best respond to market realities – whether local or international. The main techniques of geomarketing are presented along with an understanding of the spatial behavior of consumers, both outside the point of sale and in stores. The book further introduces the idea of a «geomarketing mix», which spatializes product innovations, merchandising, pricing and various aspects of promotion. Finally, the book defines what real georetailing comprises and develops the concept of mobile marketing based on geolocation techniques.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119721291


Magic of Positive Parenting
Magic of Positive Parenting

Автор: Larry Iverson

Listen to the experts as they weigh in with time-tested advice on preparing your children for a brilliant future.Parenting great kids doesn't happen by accident, and with the proper training, anyone can raise positive, motivated children. In today's fast-paced culture, vast amounts of information bombard our children from all sides, competing for their attention. Nevertheless, research demonstrates that a parent's involvement is the number-one contributing factor to the ultimate respectfulness and motivation of kids.So the question is, how do you structure your communications and activities with your children to create a positive attitude with a bright future? In The Magic of Positive Parenting, you will learn modern child-rearing techniques from doctors, psychologists, parenting experts, and bestselling authors. In this easy-to-digest program, leading professional speakers offer quick, thirty-minute segments that you can listen to while in the car, working out, or relaxing at home.

Исполнители: Брайан Трейси

Цена: 2752.95 руб.
ISBN: 9781483091365


Marketing 5.0
Marketing 5.0

Автор: Philip Kotler

Цена: 2367.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781119668572


Marketing and Finance
Marketing and Finance

Автор: Malcolm McDonald

Written for marketing and finance directors, CEOs, and strategists, as well as MBA students, this practical book explains the principles and practice behind rigorous due diligence in marketing. It connects marketing plans and investment to the valuation of the firm and how it can contribute to increasing stakeholder value. Completely revised and updated throughout, the Second Edition features new case examples as well as a completely new first chapter containing the results of new research into risk and marketing strategies amongst Finance Directors and Chief Marketing Officers.

Цена: 4012.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781118748893


Measurement in Marketing
Measurement in Marketing

Автор: Azza Frikha

Scientific research uses concepts (or constructs) and requires means to measure them. Often latent, abstract and not directly observable, these concepts demand special attention. When facing problems related to their operationalization, considerable efforts are required to construe measures that effectively represent the phenomena studied. Measurement in Marketing presents a wide range of ideas to help researchers in the selection, design and validation of measurements of constructs. It analyzes the provisions that must be implemented to allow the transition from a latent conceptual construct to an operational level close to reality, and thus to make possible a fluid, reliable and valid reading of the phenomena observed. This instructive book guides readers through all stages of the implementation of a measure. It is intended for a wide audience, offering examples, summary tables and boxes in order to emphasize the primary information.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119671350


Nanomaterials, Polymers and Devices
Nanomaterials, Polymers and Devices

Автор: Группа авторов

Providing an eclectic snapshot of the current state of the art and future implications of the field, Nanomaterials, Polymers, and Devices: Materials Functionalization and Device Fabrication presents topics grouped into three categorical focuses: The synthesis, mechanism and functionalization of nanomaterials, such as carbon nanotubes, graphene, silica, and quantum dots Various functional devices which properties and structures are tailored with emphasis on nanofabrication. Among discussed are light emitting diodes, nanophotonic, nano-optical, and photovoltaic devices Nanoelectronic devices, which include semiconductor, nanotube and nanowire-based electronics, single-walled carbon-nanotube based nanoelectronics, as well as thin-film transistors

Цена: 18418.93 руб.
ISBN: 9781118866955


Next Level Sales
Next Level Sales

Автор: Christopher Held

Analog orientierter Vertrieb ist in Deutschland aktuell noch sehr stark verbreitet. Zwar haben einige Unternehmen bereits erkannt, dass der digitale Vertrieb die Zukunft ist, doch bislang nur ein Bruchteil. Der Umbau zum digitalen Vertrieb wird dabei aktuell durch die Corona-Pandemie beschleunigt, ist aber bereits seit Jahren ein weltweit bestehender Trend, der sich nun auch in Deutschland rasant ausbreitet. «Next Level Sales» ist ein Leitfaden f?r den Umbau eines analog orientierten Vertriebs in einen virtuellen/digitalen Vertrieb. Christopher Held stellt die strategisch notwendigen Schritte f?r solch einen Umbau dar und erkl?rt eine potenzielle Implementierung Schritt f?r Schritt. Von einem Piloten mit einem kleinen Teil des Vertriebsteams bis zum Roll-out f?r eine gesamte Vertriebsmannschaft deckt das Buch alle Facetten ab. Auch der zugeh?rige Change-Management-Prozess wird erl?utert. Christopher Held gibt Vertrieblern und deren Managern Tipps und Tricks an die Hand, mit denen sie diesen Weg erfolgreich gestalten k?nnen. «Next Level Sales» ist gepr?gt von vielen Praxiserfahrungen und Fallbeispielen w?hrend der COVID-19-Krise und davor. Es enth?lt viele Abbildungen und Erl?uterungen aus dem «echten» (Vertriebs-)Leben. Das Buch von Christopher Held ist branchen?bergreifend einsetzbar und legt den Fokus auf den B2B (Business to Business)-Vertrieb, deckt aber auch relevante B2C (Business to Customer)-Thematiken ab. Die dargestellten Methoden und Techniken k?nnen auch auf verwandte Gebiete wie Marketing, Customer Care und Service angewandt werden.

Цена: 3018.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783527836369


Organic Reactions, Volume 90
Organic Reactions, Volume 90

Автор: Scott E. Denmark

The latest volume in this series for organic chemists in industry presents critical discussions of widely used organic reactions or particular phases of a reaction. The material is treated from a preparative viewpoint, with emphasis on limitations, interfering influences, effects of structure and the selection of experimental techniques. The work includes tables that contain all possible examples of the reaction under consideration. Detailed procedures illustrate the significant modifications of each method.

Цена: 30671.6 руб.
ISBN: 9781119281450


Pick Up The Phone and Sell
Pick Up The Phone and Sell

Автор: Alex Goldfayn

Unlock the power of a simple phone call to boost your sales with guidance from a world-renowned expert   In Pick Up The Phone and Sell: How Proactive Calls To Customers and Prospects Can Double Your Sales , sales expert, consultant, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Alex Goldfayn delivers a comprehensive roadmap to one of the most important weapons in any salesperson’s arsenal: the phone. From the author of Selling Boldly and 5-Minute Selling , the book teaches you techniques to supercharge your sales by making the proactive call the tip of your selling spear. In addition to critical advice on how to call people you don’t know, this timely and important book includes: A thorough introduction to the power of a proactive phone call and links to free call planners and trackers at Direction on how to use text messaging as an adjunct to phone sales Instructions on the appropriate role of social media, including LinkedIn, in boosting telephone sales Guidance on how to stop being afraid of phone calls and how to effectively warm up any cold call. Perfect for new and experienced salespeople alike, who are more comfortable with email, videoconferencing, social media, and text than they are with the telephone, Pick Up The Phone and Sell is an indispensable guide to one of the most important and lucrative tools in the selling profession.

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119814658


Pitching and Closing
Pitching and Closing

Автор: Alex Taub

Earn huge profits in today's business-development startup boomDriving the most successful startups today is Business Development (BD), which includes strategic partnerships, content licensing, product distribution, data partnership, monetization, and acquisitions.Pitching and Closing reveals how to master the specific skills that people in BD at today's startups need to succeed, including forging relationships, pitching a company's product, building network, sourcing deals, dealing with rejection, and closing large deals.

Исполнители: Kate Rudd

Цена: 2068.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781491535158


Positive Psychology and Change
Positive Psychology and Change

Автор: Sarah Lewis

Positive Psychology and Change explores how areas of positive psychology such as strengths, flow, and psychological capital can be applied to the everyday challenges of leading a dynamic and adaptive work community, and how collaborative group approaches to transformational change can be combined with a positive mindset to maintain optimism and motivation in an unpredictable working environment. Articulates a unique vision for organizational leadership in the 21st century that combines positive psychology, Appreciative Inquiry (AI), and collaborative group technologies Focuses on four specific co-creative approaches (Appreciative Inquiry, Open Space, World Caf? and SimuReal) and the ways in which they surpass traditional methods for organizational change Explains the latest theory, research, and practice, and translates it into concrete, actionable ideas for meeting the day-to-day challenges of effective and adaptive leadership and management Includes learning features such as boxed text, short case studies, stories, and cartoons

Цена: 4018.79 руб.
ISBN: 9781118793848


Power System Modeling, Computation, and Control
Power System Modeling, Computation, and Control

Автор: Joe H. Chow

Provides students with an understanding of the modeling and practice in power system stability analysis and control design, as well as the computational tools used by commercial vendors Bringing together wind, FACTS, HVDC, and several other modern elements, this book gives readers everything they need to know about power systems. It makes learning complex power system concepts, models, and dynamics simpler and more efficient while providing modern viewpoints of power system analysis. Power System Modeling, Computation, and Control provides students with a new and detailed analysis of voltage stability; a simple example illustrating the BCU method of transient stability analysis; and one of only a few derivations of the transient synchronous machine model. It offers a discussion on reactive power consumption of induction motors during start-up to illustrate the low-voltage phenomenon observed in urban load centers. Damping controller designs using power system stabilizer, HVDC systems, static var compensator, and thyristor-controlled series compensation are also examined. In addition, there are chapters covering flexible AC transmission Systems (FACTS)—including both thyristor and voltage-sourced converter technology—and wind turbine generation and modeling. Simplifies the learning of complex power system concepts, models, and dynamics Provides chapters on power flow solution, voltage stability, simulation methods, transient stability, small signal stability, synchronous machine models (steady-state and dynamic models), excitation systems, and power system stabilizer design Includes advanced analysis of voltage stability, voltage recovery during motor starts, FACTS and their operation, damping control design using various control equipment, wind turbine models, and control Contains numerous examples, tables, figures of block diagrams, MATLAB plots, and problems involving real systems Written by experienced educators whose previous books and papers are used extensively by the international scientific community Power System Modeling, Computation, and Control is an ideal textbook for graduate students of the subject, as well as for power system engineers and control design professionals.

Цена: 15145.91 руб.
ISBN: 9781119546887


Practical Risk Management for EPC / Design-Build Projects
Practical Risk Management for EPC / Design-Build Projects

Автор: Walter A. Salmon

Many of the books on construction risk management concentrate on theoretical approaches to the accurate assessment of the overall risks of taking on a new project. Less attention is paid to the typical risks to which the operational level of a project is exposed and how operational managers should approach those risks during project implementation. This book identifies precisely where the major EPC/Design-Build risks occur within an operational framework and shows how best to deal with those risks. The book attempts to offer practical advice, approaches and tools for dealing with risks to which the various operational departments are exposed.

Цена: 10700.98 руб.
ISBN: 9781119596257


Pricing and Profitability Management
Pricing and Profitability Management

Автор: Julie Meehan

The practical guide to using pricing and profitability management to build a better business A comprehensive reference for any business professional looking to understand the capabilities and competencies required for effectively managing pricing and profitability, Pricing and Profitability Management explains how to determine the right approach, tools, and techniques for each of six key categories (pricing strategy, price execution, advanced analytics and optimization, organizational alignment and governance, pricing technology and data management, and tax and regulatory effectiveness). Exploring each category in detail, the book addresses how an integrated approach to pricing improvement can give a sustainable, competitive advantage to any organization. The ultimate «how to» manual for any executive or manager interested in price management, the book presents a holistic, comprehensive framework that shows how integrating these pricing categories into a cohesive program leads to impressive gains that cannot be achieved through a single-pronged approach. Presents a comprehensive framework for more effectively managing pricing and profitability Identities the six key categories of pricing and profitability management Shows you how to gain a competitive edge by managing pricing and profitability Taking a comprehensive view of pricing, companies can position themselves to tap a vast source of shareholder value—the ability to set and enforce profitable prices, not just once, but again and again in response to marketplace changes and evolving business needs—and this book will show you how.

Цена: 9363.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780470827048


Process Gas Chromatographs
Process Gas Chromatographs

Автор: Tony Waters

Цена: 17986.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781119633006


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