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1Born Bad400.33Josephine Cox 9780007290048

Born Bad
The powerful bestseller from the nation’s favourite storyteller and author of The Loner and The JourneyHarry always knew he would go back one day …Eighteen years ago, he made a hard decision that drove him from the place he loved. Since then, he carved out a life for himself and found a semblance of peace, yet he is still haunted by the warm, carefree girl with the laughing eyes.For Judy Saunders, the pain of her past has left her deeply scarred. Cut off from her family and trapped in a loveless marriage, the distant memories of her first love are her only source of comfort in a dark and dangerous world.Years later, Harry is heading back. Excited, afraid and racked with guilt, he has little choice. He must confront the past, and seek forgiveness.


2Paddington Races Ahead400.33Michael Bond 9780007468263

Paddington Races Ahead
Paddington – the beloved, classic bear from Darkest Peru – is back in this fantastically funny, brand new, illustrated novel from master storyteller Michael Bond!“My legs are a bit short for the pole vault!” repeated Paddington hotly. “But they’ve always been that way.”Somehow Paddington Bear always manages to find himself in unusual situations. So it is no surprise when he gets into a spot of bother with some shaving cream, causes a London bus to be evacuated, and is mistaken for a famous Peruvian hurdler by a film crew. Will the chance of becoming a star of the screen take Paddington away from the Brown family of number 32 Windsor Gardens?Paddington Bear has been delighting adults and children alike with his earnest good intentions and humorous misadventures for over fifty years.

Серия: Paddington


3White Boots400.33Noel Streatfeild 9780007380763

White Boots
The author of children’s classic ‘Ballet Shoes’ delights with a best-loved story of ice skating rivalry…“If you pass your inter-silver, I’ll tell Aunt Claudia that I don’t want to work with you any more.”Harriet is told that she must take up ice-skating in order to improve her health. She isn’t much good at it, until she meets Lalla Moore, a young skating star. Now Harriet is getting better and better on the ice, and Lalla doesn’t like it. Does Harriet want to save their friendship more than she wants to skate?


4Удивительная Земля419Сергей Рязанский2018978-5-699-98557-9

Удивительная Земля
Перед вами уникальный фотоальбом с редкими кадрами съемки Земли прямо с борта Международной космической станции, созданный действующим космонавтом, героем России, ученым и просто увлеченным человеком Сергеем Рязанским. Вулканы и острова, реки и ночные города, горы и поля… Таких кадров вы не увидите из иллюминатора самолета. Наша Земля предстанет перед вами в необычном и неповторимом ракурсе.

Серия: Подарочные издания. Миссия «Космос» (Эксмо)


5Minecraft. Том 1419Р. Сфе Монстр2019978-5-17-121168-4

Minecraft. Том 1
Тайлер – обычный подросток, чья жизнь изменилась с переездом в другой город. К счастью, лучшие друзья Тайлера всегда с ним в мире Minecraft! Тайлер, Эван, Кэндес, Тоби и Грейс пережили вместе много захватывающих и опасных приключений, и они готовы к новому испытанию. Ребята решили пройти Главный квест – дойти до Края и встретиться лицом к лицу с драконом!

Серия: Minecraft. Графический роман


6Бисер. Цветы и деревья. Основы бисерной флористики. Практическое руководство для начинающих и не только420Юлия Журушкина2023978-5-04-185545-1

Бисер. Цветы и деревья. Основы бисерной флористики. Практическое руководство для начинающих и не только
Бисер – искусство вечное. Но как и любой другой вид искусства, оно живое и меняется со временем. Вот уже несколько десятилетий в тренде великолепные цветы, деревья, листья и даже целые букеты, сделанные из бисера! Эта красочная книга подробно расскажет, как сплести великолепные изделия, похожие на настоящие, но обладающие особым шармом и индивидуальностью. Самые актуальные растения, самые нежные букеты – все это вы сможете создать сами, следуя подробным и красиво иллюстрированным инструкциям автора, замечательного мастера и блогера Юлии Журушкиной. Эти цветы или веточки, помимо своего природного обаяния, будут нести в себе и тепло ваших рук. Удачи вам в творчестве!

Серия: Популярная энциклопедия современного рукоделия


7Время отправляться в Край! Книги 11-14429Minecraft Family2017978-5-04-159412-1

Время отправляться в Край! Книги 11-14
Это Стив, и он уже довольно неплохо освоился в мире «Майнкрафта». Он успел обзавестись собственным огородом, научился приручать животных и попал в парочку заварушек. Стив сталкивался со многими опасностями и переживал невероятные приключения во время своего странствия по мирам «Майнкрафта». И кажется, теперь у него начинает вырисовываться план, как ему вернуться домой… Но что это там? Дракон Края?!

Серия: Дневник Стива


8Captivated By The She-Wolf431.39Kristal Hollis 9781474082006

Captivated By The She-Wolf
A shifter finds his soul mate…Ronni Lyles and her son are just settling into their new pack when her dead husband’s brother comes to claim them. Bodie Gryffon is looking for a safe place to raise his daughter – a raven-shifter just like him. What begins as a purely practical alliance turns passionate. But Ronnie senses that Bodie has a secret holding him back – one that might force him to make a painful choice.

Серия: Mills & Boon Supernatural


9Possessing the Witch431.39Elle James 9781474013451

Possessing the Witch
A Fierce Attraction…Shape shifter Gryph Leone has always kept out of sight, hiding his dark secret from the world. But, when his powerful senses detect a woman in distress, his inner lion takes over, throwing him into battle with a wolf shifter.When spirit witch Selene Chattox rescues Gryph and brings him home, she’s determined to resist the intense desire aroused within her by the injured stranger. As he heals, a new threat emerges, and only they have the power to track a ruthless killer through the tunnels of Chicago. But, as the danger ignites, so does their passion…

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


10The Mysterious Affair at Styles433.69Agatha Christie 9780007422586

The Mysterious Affair at Styles
Agatha Christie’s first ever murder mystery.With impeccable timing Hercule Poirot, the renowned Belgian detective, makes his dramatic entrance on to the English crime stage.Recently, there had been some strange goings on at Styles St Mary. Evelyn, constant companion to old Mrs Inglethorp, had stormed out of the house muttering something about ‘a lot of sharks’. And with her, something indefinable had gone from the atmosphere. Her presence had spelt security; now the air seemed rife with suspicion and impending evil.A shattered coffee cup, a splash of candle grease, a bed of begonias… all Poirot required to display his now legendary powers of detection.

Серия: Poirot


11Да начнутся приключения! Книги 1-5439Minecraft Family2014978-5-04-159413-8

Да начнутся приключения! Книги 1-5
Стив – обыкновенный мальчишка, жизнь которого ничем не примечательна, но… Внезапно он оказывается в захватывающем мире «Майнкрафт»! Он и сам не понимает, как умудрился застрять в игре, но теперь его ждут невероятные приключения и опасности! Сможет ли Стив найти друзей в этом странном мире, победить криперов и жутких зомби, а также придумать, как же ему вернуться домой? Стив не унывает, ведь ему так хочется стать героем «Майнкрафта», и поэтому он готов отправиться в рискованное путешествие! В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги. Получите в подарок чек-лист «МЕРЫ ПРЕДОСТОРОЖНОСТИ. Защита детей от сексуального насилия» при покупке книги до 12.06.2023

Серия: Дневник Стива


12Or?genes y expresiones de la religiosidad en M?xico442.91Mar?a Teresa Jarqu?n Ortega 9786078509720

Or?genes y expresiones de la religiosidad en M?xico
En el presente libro se condensa una serie de trabajos discutidos en las sesiones que el seminario de investigaci?n «Santos, devociones e identidades» de El Colegio Mexiquense, A.C celebr? en 2017, con la participaci?n de diversos investigadores del fen?meno religioso, procedentes de diferentes instituciones de educaci?n superior del pa?s.
Los estudios que aqu? se exponen explican, a la luz del examen hist?rico, antropol?gico y sociol?gico la manera en que la Iglesia cat?lica ha conseguido adaptarse y sobrevivir al paso del tiempo, a trav?s del fomento de los cultos cristol?gicos, la veneraci?n a la Virgen Mar?a y sus distintas advocaciones, a los santos y las expresiones devocionales en el M?xico novohispano y decimon?nico. Los cuales, en varios de los casos constituyen procesos de larga duraci?n que, hoy en d?a, se consagran como elementos cohesionadores e identitarios de los pueblos, pero tambi?n como material digno de estudio por su significativa carga hist?rica y simb?lica, capaz de explicar su supervivencia entre las sociedades del presente.


13Saga del ?ngel ca?do. El resiliente442.91Walter Huertas 9789874760784

Saga del ?ngel ca?do. El resiliente
En una novela con la impronta «road trip», el protagonista es narrado y observado en un mundo que parece no ser habitado por ?l sino que lo describe yendo en busca de su propia naturaleza, entonces el mundo, el suyo, se grafica de una forma muy distinta.

Исполнители: Tim G?ssler


14Воля к власти449Фридрих Вильгельм Ницше1888 

Воля к власти
«Воля к власти» – произведение, венчающее философское творчество Фридриха Ницше. Опубликованное после смерти автора, оно вызвало настоящий резонанс и бурные споры. До сегодняшнего дня исследователи пытаются понять, что имел в виду немецкий философ и насколько его мысль была верно интерпретирована последователями. И был ли Ницше настолько уж беспринципным сторонником «культа силы» или в его афоризмах содержится нечто гораздо более глубокое и нетривиальное?

Серия: Фридрих Ницше

Исполнители: Роман Волков


15Вышивка Юки Кусано. Нежные анималистические картины449Юки Кусано2018978-5-04-190224-7

Вышивка Юки Кусано. Нежные анималистические картины
Вышейте восхитительные картины, которые невозможно забыть, вместе с Юки Кусано! Знаменитая японская вышивальщица предлагает вам насладиться дорогими сердцу моментами, нашедшими свое отражение в ее шедеврах. 19 великолепных вышитых картин и более 25 очаровательных миниатюр ждут вас на страницах этой книги. Инструкции по подготовке инструментов и материалов для работы помогут не потеряться в многообразии вышивальных принадлежностей. Иллюстрированные советы по техникам вышивания и четкие шаблоны не оставят вам шанса допустить ошибку при вышивании. А благодаря пошаговому руководству по выполнению швов и стежков с созданием картин справятся даже новички!

Серия: Шедевры мировой вышивки


16Не перегори. Как не потерять интерес к жизни и работе449Екатерина Шурова2024978-5-17-167323-9

Не перегори. Как не потерять интерес к жизни и работе
В чем причины выгорания и как с ними справиться? Отвечает врач-психиатр и психотерапевт Екатерина Шурова! Кажется, что жизнь скучна и безрадостна. Нет уже прежней страсти, все осточертело. Хобби, работа, семья. Муж – зануда, жена – «пила», на рыбалке уже были, с парашютом прыгали, а в шесть утра вставать к пациентам – зачем. Все равно никакой благодарности. Знакомые симптомы? На самом деле все дело в выгорании. И книга врача-психиатра и психотерапевта Екатерины Шуровой поможет найти ответы на вопросы: • Где взять силы просыпаться по утрам, когда ни в чем не видишь смысла? • Как вернуть любовь к тому, что раньше доставляло так много радости? • В чем причины выгорания и как с ними справиться? Воспользуйтесь шансом снова начать радоваться жизни. Эта книга содержит дополнительный материал в виде ПДФ-файла, который вы можете скачать на странице аудиокниги на сайте после её покупки. © Оформление. ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2024

Серия: Psychology курс

Исполнители: Кристина Марценюк


17A Warrior's Desire449.8Pamela Palmer 9781408974827

A Warrior s Desire
A love that could destroy the world…Former navy SEAL Charlie embarks on the most dangerous mission of his career when he dives through a portal to rescue the only person who knows how to seal the gates between faery land and the mortal world. But meeting Tarrys, his guide and companion, is the true revelation.As the pair traverse the Forest of Nightmares they’re pursued by deadly creatures. But the greatest danger is the electrifying attraction that’s growing between them, an attraction that could doom humanity…

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


18Alaskan Wolf449.8Linda O. Johnston 9781408928899

Alaskan Wolf
The shimmering winter landscape hides the darkest passions When Mariah travels to the remote Alaska glacier region, she’s seduced by the stark beauty of the landscape – and the powerful appeal of her rugged new guide, Patrick Worley. For Patrick, the beautiful nature writer is an unwelcome distraction.His job at the Great Glacier Ranch is only a cover for his classified work with Alpha Force. He is on a mission to uncover the truth behind a series of deadly explosions, and her presence hinders his ability to shape-shift and to hunt – as only a werewolf can. Even if he, too, feels an animal lust hot enough to melt the Alaskan ice, he knows their desire cannot be satisfied. But can it truly be denied?

Серия: Alpha Force


19Alpha Wolf449.8Linda O. Johnston 9781408904602

Alpha Wolf
When evil hunts by moonlight, desire can be fatal… When Melanie comes to rural Maryland to open a vet clinic, she has no intention of buying into the area’s absurd werewolf legends. Until she rescues an ordinary dog shot with a silver bullet and meets his sexy owner, Major Drew Connell.A powerful werewolf himself, Drew has developed an elixir that helps shape-shifters control their abilities. He’s always tried to keep his distance from the civilian population, but Melanie soon wears down his defences. With the attacks on locals mounting, can their fiery attraction withstand their toughest challenge?

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


20Claim the Night449.8Rachel Lee 9781408974575

Claim the Night
His hunger knew no bounds… Jude felt the Hunger deep inside him.From the moment he’d rescued Theresa from a late-night attack, he’d ached for things he could never have. The touch of her skin. The taste of her blood. But if the vampire claimed her, one of them might not survive.So Jude did everything he could to make Terri stay away. Yet a demon stalked the sexy spitfire and Jude was the only protection she had. So he had no choice but to protect a woman he hungered for and fight cravings that could never be sated.

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


21D?j? Vu449.8Lisa Childs 9781408928875

D?j? Vu
Alaina knows she’s lived before.And that a sinister secret lies behind her death. The gifted hands of a handsome lover. A gleaming knife and blood-curdling screams for help. That was all Alaina remembered from her past life and the reason she investigated serial murders for the FBI…including her own.Reclusive writer Trent was her prime suspect. An empath barricaded in a fortress-like home, Trent included details in his books that mirrored the murders…and that no one could possibly know. But one look at Trent and Alaina recalled their passionate embraces. Then the murders began anew…

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


22Fallen449.8Michele Hauf 9781408928752

Unleash the untamed passions of the underworld in these deliciously wicked tales of paranormal romance.He fell because he loved mankind. It cost him his soul.Now Cooper seeks his halo, his only to chance to regain what he lost. But wherever the Fallen walk, a Sinistari demon is not far behind; their only task is to slay the earthbound angels. Pyxion stalks Cooper. When she kills an angel, she can claim her own soul. His death will be her chance at redemption.Yet Cooper’s first encounter with the Sinistari leaves him hungering for more. And Pyx finds herself drawn desperately, sensually towards Cooper. With a vampire trailing both of them, relying on each other could be their best hope of survival – but they cannot give in to their lust or they’ll both be doomed.

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


23Heiress to a Curse449.8Zandria Munson 9781408928967

Heiress to a Curse
He was supposed to kill her, not fall in love with her. Yet one look at Alexandra and Marius was a man possessed by a hunger he’d never known. Keeping his family curse a secret from the woman whose death would end it would take all of his stone-cold strength, but protecting his family’s enemy might be the death of him. Alexandra’s charismatic new neighbour intrigued her as no man had.What secrets was he keeping and what did he know of the mysterious winged creature rumoured to be haunting the night skies? The truth would be her undoing – or her destiny…

Серия: Hearts of Stone


24How To Ruin A Reputation449.8Bronwyn Scott 9781408943786

How To Ruin A Reputation
ASHTON BEDEVERE: RENOWNED LIBERTINE WHO CAN RUIN A REPUTATION QUICKER THAN OTHER GENTLEMEN CAN DRINK THEIR BRANDYAfter years in Italy, honing his skills in the delicious art of seduction, Ashe returns to London’s high-class establishments – preceded, of course, by his reputation for lavish opulence and unashamed wickedness. Then his scandalous ways are abruptly ended by his father’s death.To claim what is rightfully his, notorious lothario Ashe must do the inconceivable – take a wife! But who could possibly even think about marrying such a man? Certainly not the lovely Genevra Ralston. After all, she’d be finished in polite society. Wouldn’t she? Yet Ashe’s notorious charm and practised touch could prove irresistible… Rakes Beyond Redemption Too wicked for polite society…

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical


25Keeper of the Dawn449.8Heather Graham 9781472006769

Keeper of the Dawn
A deadly killer on the loose…Alessande Salisbrooke has heard that human sacrifices are being carried out in LA by the followers of a shape-shifting magician. As a Keeper, Alessande understands the risks of investigating, but she can’t shake the feeling that the killings are tied to a friend’s recent murder…With the help of Mark Valiente, a dangerously sexy vampire cop, Alessande narrowly escapes becoming a sacrifice herself. But as the bodies pile up, drained of blood, one truth becomes clear: no one – not even those you care about the most – is who they seem.

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


26Keeper of the Night449.8Heather Graham 9781472005786

Keeper of the Night
There’s no business like bloodlust… New Keeper Rhiannon Gryffald has her peacekeeping duties cut out for her – because in Hollywood, it’s hard to tell the actors from the werewolves, bloodsuckers and shape-shifters. When Rhiannon hears about a string of murders that bear all the hallmarks of a vampire serial killer, she must confront her greatest challenge yet.Together with detective Brodie McKay, she heads to Laurel Canyon, the epicentre of the danger, where they uncover a plot that may forever alter the face of human-paranormal relations…

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


27Loyal Wolf449.8Linda O. Johnston 9781472050854

Loyal Wolf
The alpha male meets his match…When fearless deputy sheriff Kathlene Baylor detects suspicious behaviour occurring on the outskirts of her Montana town, she takes action into her own hands and calls in the military. But the team assigned to her isn’t your average task force! Part of the top secret Alpha Force is shapeshifter Jock Larabey – the sexiest man Kathlene has ever laid eyes on. Even when she catches him shifting, she finds herself more aroused than scared.Jock feels the same way, but can’t control it for much longer. As the danger escalates, so does their desire…

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


28Mistress of the Underground449.8Lisa Childs 9781408904596

Mistress of the Underground
Passion reborn…?Healing supernatural beings is Ben’s gift – and his curse. His power demands secrecy, a secrecy that once cost him his wife, Paige. But even she can’t deny the potent passion that continues to draw them together… When Paige takes over running nightspot Club Underground she learns that no one in her life is quite what they seem – not her customers, her ex-husband…not even herself.But when an unspeakable evil is unleashed, Paige gets more answers than she bargained for. Now she and Ben must reunite to save themselves and their hopes for the future…

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


29One Night with the Shifter449.8Theresa Meyers 9781472050687

One Night with the Shifter
Unexpected consequences After he is exiled from his pack, Tyee Grayson must learn to make it on his own. But one night with a beautiful stranger changes everything… Especially when his instincts shout that she’s the one.All teacher Jessica Brierly wanted was one wild night, but when she finds herself pregnant, everything changes. Not only does her lover have more secrets than she ever imagined, suddenly vampires attack her town. Now Ty must work with his old pack to save them from a ruthless enemy who could kill not only his mate and unborn child – but the entire human race.

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


30Poisoned Kisses449.8Stephanie Draven 9781408928769

Poisoned Kisses
Unleash the untamed passions of the underworld in these deliciously wicked tales of paranormal romance.His blood would be her deathDaughter of the war god Ares, Kyra had been born into darkness – a darkness she’d vowed to annihilate. Just as she’d destroy warmonger Marco for feeding the bloodlust she despised. She’d use her nymph’s carnal powers to seduce him, then slay him. But Kyra wasn’t prepared for Marco’s secret weapon.For millennia Kyra had avoided mortal men, but she couldn’t resist Marco’s magnetism, his raw sexuality. That he was a shape-shifter she could forgive, but not his one fatal flaw – his poisoned blood could kill her. Kyra had fallen for the only being who could destroy her… Yet how could she spend eternity without him?

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


31Possessed by a Warrior449.8Sharon Ashwood 9781472050779

Possessed by a Warrior
A dazzling dress is costing lives… The violent death of her uncle sends Chloe Anderson reeling. As co-executor of Jack’s will, she doesn’t expect a bejewelled wedding gown with a note warning her to trust only his business partner – dark, mysterious and sexy Sam Ralston.Chloe’s been burned in love, but never bitten and there’s something about Sam that keeps drawing her in. The attraction is mutual and it takes all of Sam’s willpower to hide his fangs. With Chloe’s career at stake and murderous thieves hot on their trail, the vampire vows to protect her. But can he save her from himself?

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


32Protector Wolf449.8Linda O. Johnston 9781474063449

Protector Wolf
What Happens Under a Full Moon…When naturalist Maya Everton travels to Washington State, she is nearly attacked by a pack of wolves – until another wolf arrives to drive them off. Later, she sees Lieutenant Ryan Blaiddinger shifting and realises he is her mysterious protector. Ryan is a member of the elite unit of shapeshifters known as Alpha Force, whose mission is at cross-purposes with hers…But as news of attacks spreads in the small community, the scientist and soldier unite to protect area wolves from locals who will stop at nothing to decimate the perceived threat. And close together in the moonlit woods, Maya and Ryan may not be able to resist their own natural instincts…

Серия: Alpha Force


33Renegade Angel449.8Kendra Leigh Castle 9781408928837

Renegade Angel
Her fallen guardian angel It’s been thousands of years since Raum’s angelic wings turned from white to black and he’s never looked back. Enemy to both heaven and hell, he works with a motley crew on a new mission: destroying demons and their half-human progeny. Raum’s latest assignment leads him to a beautiful half-demon, half-human he’ll risk everything to save.Ember stirs him as no woman ever before – and she holds the key to what Lucifer will move hell and earth to prevent: Raum’s redemption. But Ember’s secrets are as dark as Raum’s wings. And have the power to both entwine them and destroy them.

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


34Taken449.8Lilith Saintcrow 9781408928813

He was everything she feared. She was everything he desired. And he’d claim her – even if it killed him! Sophie never believed she was special. Avoiding a violent ex, she can’t remember the last time she truly felt safe. Then vampires murder her best friend and Sophie is kidnapped by a dangerously sexy shape-shifter. Zach insists that Sophie is a Shaman – someone with a rare gift for taming his savage side – and he needs her to help him save his pack.Now, with a malevolent enemy closing in, Sophie and Zach must risk everything on a bond that may be their only salvation…

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


35The Enemy's Kiss449.8Zandria Munson 9781408974940

The Enemy s Kiss
When two different worlds collide, sworn enemies must choose whether to kiss or kill… The curse Nicholas Drakon had endured for centuries had finally been lifted. And although he no longer turned to stone at daybreak, his priority was still to protect his family. So when expert thief Daniela Ferreria stole an ancient Drakon artefact, he vowed to get back what belonged to his clan…and eliminate the threat.Upon capturing the intoxicating cat burglar, he discovered she was desperate to save her own sister’s life. The unexpected pull he felt for Daniela had Nicholas rethinking his next move. Family honour was at the core of his very being. But to turn his back on Daniela could mean losing the heart he’d just rediscovered.

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


36The Keepers: Christmas in Salem449.8Heather Graham 9781472006820

The Keepers: Christmas in Salem
This holiday season can the Keepers stop the reign of Darkness?Christmas is coming to Salem, but so is an evil force that threatens all mankind. In this festive collection four powerful Keepers must save their community as a strange, eternal night creeps over the town. Forced to choose between their time-honoured responsibilities or the lovers their hearts desire, these four extraordinary women must risk their own happiness to save Christmas.But this is a time for miracles and, as each Keeper’s greatest longing is met, the Season of Light returns.

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


37The Shadow Wolf449.8Bonnie Vanak 9781408974797

The Shadow Wolf
Can sworn enemies become lovers? On the run from the authorities, gutsy Megan Moraine knows shadow wolves like herself have no place in this world. But she’s still prepared to do anything to protect her young charges. That resolve is tested when the trio are captured by Gabriel Robichaux.Everyone knows that Gabriel is a ruthless bounty hunter, a member of an elite group called the Enforcers. Why then is Megan so attracted to her enemy – a wolf who hunts his own people? A wolf whose languid, sexy drawl makes her dream the impossible?

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


38The Scandal Series449.8Delilah Marvelle 9781408995716

The Scandal Series
Lady Victoria Jane Emerson left behind her girlish notions of romance when Jonathan deserted her without a backward glance.Now the time has come when she must finally choose a husband, and she has vowed to marry someone who will never break her heart. Jonathan Pierce Thatcher, Viscount Remington, has returned home, free of all his family's debts.Only to discover that by some miracle he has been chosen to vie for the hand of his beloved Victoria. To convince his only love to once again believe in the magic of love and the promise of desire will be his greatest challenge yet. And one he cannot fail!

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical


39The Vampire Affair449.8Livia Reasoner 9781408904565

The Vampire Affair
The world knew Michael Brandt as a playboy tycoon…The underworld knew him as a fierce vampire hunter. Armed with a wooden stake and superior strength, Michael targeted the most powerful overlords in a clandestine do-or-die operation…and then tabloid reporter Jessie Morgan uncovered his secret.Only once before had Michael allowed a woman into his lair…and the consequences had been catastrophic. Now he’d fight heaven and hell to keep Jessie from the same fate. But he can’t fight the attraction that draws him to her like a bloodlust. An attraction that might prove deadly…

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


40The Vampire's Protector449.8Michele Hauf 9781474049979

The Vampire s Protector
OUT OF THE GRAVE . . . AND INTO HER LIFEFor over a century, muscician Nicolo Paganini had rested in peace. Until Summer Santiago’s innocent touch raised him from the grave. Awake in a world suddenly so foreign, he needed Summer’s help. Yet his protector was a vampire…with a deep desire for Nicolo’s blood.Despite the raving attraction between them, the pair had something more dangerous than bloodlust to contend with. The devil had a plan for Nicolo’s eternal life. Should Nicolo play the cursed black violin, his fate would be sealed. But if he resisted Satan’s call, he would lose the woman who had made his life worth living.

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


41The Witch's Thirst449.8Deborah LeBlanc 9781474063562

The Witch s Thirst
Deadly desireFor Evette Francois, falling in love is the end of the world – literally. A witch from a long and distinguished line, Evee wields power that comes at a devastating price – if she ever loves a human, all of humanity will suffer!Resisting temptations of men has never been terribly difficult – until she meets Lucien Hyland. One member of a cabal devoted to preventing a race of interdimensional monsters from ruling the universe. Lucien is the most exquisite creature Evee has ever seen. If she succumbs to passion, death and chaos will follow. But is she strong enough to fight her desire?

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


42Two Wrongs Make A Marriage449.8Christine Merrill 9781408943779

Two Wrongs Make A Marriage
They’ve made their bed… Lord Kenton is surprisingly happy to be lured to a moonlit gazebo, held at gunpoint by the delectable Cynthia Banester and forced to marry her. The only finger he’s had to lift is the one that’s caressed the neckline of her dress. She’s claimed a title – he’s secured a fortune.There are just two problems – he’s not the real Lord Kenton, and she’s not rich! So they might as well lie in it! Bound by their own deceptions, Cynthia and Jack decide to make the best of a bad deal. They may not have two coins to rub together, but consummating their vows proves deliciously satisfying…

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical


43Undercover Wolf449.8Linda O. Johnston 9781472005816

Undercover Wolf
Danger and desire collide in this race against time… PI Quinn Parran’s new mission is to join Alpha Force, a unique military team of shapeshifters, and use their new elixir that will enhance his shapeshifting abilities. But with Sergeant Kristine Norwood, each shifting experiment sparks a volatile primal passion.And when Quinn’s brother vanishes on his honeymoon, he must join forces with Kristine and go undercover as newlyweds to investigate. While Kristine is attracted to the ruggedly handsome Quinn she isn’t about to get involved with a shapeshifter – until their quest becomes more dangerous.Now they must cross the divide between shifter and human, because every minute they’re apart brings the threat closer.

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


44Заправка картриджей лазерных принтеров, МФУ и портативных копировальных аппаратов450В. В. Печеровый2014978-5-91359-118-0

Заправка картриджей лазерных принтеров, МФУ и портативных копировальных аппаратов
Книга является практико-информационным пособием по методам заправки и восстановлению картриджей для популярных моделей лазерных принтеров и МФУ Hewlett Packard и Canon, а также и портативных копировальных аппаратов Canon. Впервые в технической литературе приводятся материалы, в которых рассматриваются 26 типов картриджей для более чем 80 моделей устройств. В книге использованы статьи журнала «Ремонт&Сервис» за 2009-2012 гг. Книга будет полезна как специалистам, так и широкому кругу пользователей ПК.

Серия: Ремонт. Приложение к журналу «Ремонт и Сервис»

Исполнители: Robert Frank


45Туда и обратно450Лев Троцкий1907 

Туда и обратно
В 1907 году Троцкого вместе с другими народными депутатами отправили подальше от центра России: сначала на арестантских каретах до вокзала, а дальше – на поезде в сибирскую глушь. Впрочем, пробыл он в этой ссылке недолго – нашел себе провожатого из аборигенов и отправился на оленях до уральских заводов. Как пишет автор, тогда не бежал только ленивый – процент покорно остававшихся был примерно равен проценту добровольно приходящих на суд по административному делу в наши дни. Искрометное и ценное с неожиданной для автора – этнографической стороны – произведение, из которого вдумчивый читатель может сделать и такой вывод – диалектика революции непредсказуема, все может поменяться в считанные часы. Сегодня ты мерзнешь в глуши в оленьей упряжке, а завтра у твоих ног лежит Петроград. Сын состоятельного землевладельца и предпринимателя, Лев Бронштейн (Троцкий) – ближайший сподвижник Ленина, создатель Красной армии, нарком по иностранным, военным и морским делам, демон Революции – как назовут его позднее. Блестящий публицист и политик начала века, Троцкий был первым революционным деятелем, у которого были личные секретари, стенографировавшие каждую речь лидера и фиксировавшие все произнесенные им вслух мысли. Ведь он – гениальный, прирожденный агитатор, его выступления собирают полные площади и цирковые арены, зажигают и ведут за ним толпу. И все это в полной мере отражено в его книгах – глубоких по содержанию и блистательных по форме.

Серия: Азиатская одиссея

Исполнители: Константин Корольков


46Дневник наикрутейшего воина. Теперь я и правда круче всех!459Кьюб Кид2018978-5-04-162101-8

Дневник наикрутейшего воина. Теперь я и правда круче всех!
Минус и его друзья отправляются в Эфирийскую академию в столицу Майнкрафтии, чтобы продолжить обучение. Это большая честь для них и для их деревни. По пути в столицу они встретят зомби-метаморфов, пройдут через эльфийский лес, напоследок заглянут домой, в родную деревню… но едва ли успеют спасти её от армии монстров. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский дизайн.

Серия: Майнкрафт. Дневник воина


47Иммануил Кант. Критика чистого разума. Критика практического разума. Критика способности суждения (сборник)459Иммануил Кант  

Иммануил Кант. Критика чистого разума. Критика практического разума. Критика способности суждения (сборник)
«Критика чистого разума» – один из трех фундаментальных философских трудов выдающегося мыслителя Иммануила Канта. В работе автор размышляет об источниках и границах разума, о роли чувств, рассудка и разума в познании мира. Мыслитель исследует вопросы пространства и времени, возможности доказательства Бога с помощью разума и другие важные философские проблемы.

Серия: Библиотека избранных сочинений

Исполнители: Александр Дунин


48По домам. Как превратить удаленную работу в преимущество459Александр Мезин2020 

По домам. Как превратить удаленную работу в преимущество
Как совладать с собой и выработать навык удаленной работы? Почему управлять сотрудниками в распределенной команде может быть даже легче, чем в офисе? Что делать, если сотрудники могут, но не хотят переходить на удаленную работу? Мы рассмотрим эти и другие вопросы и попытаемся понять, что такое удаленная работа: свершившаяся революция или привычная нам практика, вдруг ставшая более актуальной. В этой книге: – Настраиваем рутину и быт, привыкаем к новой реальности. – Управляем людьми, которых не видим вживую. – Решаем вопросы переезда организации по домам. – Размышляем о реалиях и будущем удаленной работы. Мы разберем особенности удаленной работы с трех разных перспектив: специалиста, менеджера и владельца бизнеса.

Серия: Цифровое общество

Исполнители: Владимир Князев


49An Innocent Masquerade460.15Paula Marshall 9781472039873

An Innocent Masquerade
THE MYSTERY MAN OF HER DREAMSAfter losing his beloved wife in childbirth, Thomas Dilhorne is a man inconsolable. Worried that his son will never recover from his grief, Thomas's father sends him to Melbourne to do a little business and try to enjoy himself. But an attack by robbers turns the Dilhorne heir into a man who can remember neither his name nor his past.Kirstie Moore can hardly believe it when her father brings home a mysterious vagrant! Fred Waring might have duped her father into believing he was a decent sort, but Kirstie has her suspicions. Soon «Fred» proves he's a good worker and works his charms on the Moore family, including beautiful Kirstie. But will she still love him when she discovers his true identity?

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical


50Back to Life460.15Linda O. Johnston 9781408938584

Back to Life
Unleash the untamed passions of the underworld in these deliciously wicked tales of paranormal romance.From the second she reaches for his hand, Skye Rydell feels compelled to save the SWAT officer from the brink of death.Skye senses Trevor has something more to accomplish in life. Something disquieting. Important. Something involving her. Skye makes a split-second decision and, with her choice to use her Valkyrie powers to bring Trevor back to life, everything changes. For her act causes her to accidentally impart her deadly powers to Trevor. . . .And now, with a murderer hot on their heels, Trevor must grapple with his new gift, his fierce desire for Skye–and a monumental decision that will put all that he holds most dear on the line!

Серия: Mills & Boon Intrigue


51Dark Surrender460.15Alyssa Morgan 9781472096272

Dark Surrender
Some sins are unforgiveable…Every time the planets align Lucifer has a chance to break open the Gates of Hell. The only thing that stands in his way is the fallen angel warrior Kyriel. Banished to Earth, Kyriel must atone for his sins of pride, envy and lust. His entry back to heaven is dependent on him finding the Ring of Melchior – which is currently in possession of gorgeous Head Curator Dr Jillian Whitmore…Jillian has always considered herself immune to the charms of even the most irresistible of men. Afraid of her own desires she had hidden in her family’s museum poring over ancient relics. Until she met the inscrutable Mr Smith. She feels an invisible pull to this mysterious man, but he is on a quest to uncover a missing artifact, one she had in her possession until it was stolen.Jillian and Kyriel must find the ring before the next planetary alignment or risk losing the world they call their own – as well as an illicit love they are just starting to discover….


52Too Wise To Wed?460.15Пенни Джордан 9781408999387

Too Wise To Wed?
Penny Jordan is an award-winning New York Times and Sunday Times bestselling author of more than 200 books with sales of over 100 million copies. We have celebrated her wonderful writing with a special collection of her novels, many of which are available for the first time in eBook right now.Taming the seductress! Star's cynical about marriage. No man really wants to be tied down. What he wants is fun without responsibility. Kyle's against sex without emotional commitment. So just why is he accepting a dinner date with Star? Is it because he's her temporary boss, or is he holding out for the one thing she's not ready to offer – love?

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern


53Who Wants To Live Forever?460.15Steve Wilson 9781472083982

Who Wants To Live Forever?
Murder. History. Mayhem.Recently divorced, Ethan Hudson is looking for something to occupy his time and, encouraged by his daughter to get out more, he decides to sign up for a local evening history class to improve his knowledge of Lancashire’s past. Hoping to meet new people, little does Ethan know that this course will change his life forever…This is no ordinary history class. Instead, Ethan and his classmates are introduced to a series of mysterious murder cases that occurred over the last century within the county. At first they seem unrelated, but soon Ethan’s inquisitive and suspicious mind, fed on crime novels and detective shows, begins to see a pattern connecting the murders. But how could a series of murders dating back to 1911 have anything to do with the present day? And can Ethan solve the mystery before it is too late?


54Married For His Secret Heir464.75Jennifer Faye 9781474059794

Married For His Secret Heir
From secret heir to secret vows…Elena Ricci has always had a crush on Earl Luca DiSalvo—with his dark and stormy eyes, his protective nature and his royal bearing, who wouldn't? But she believed they were destined to only ever be friends, until one magical evening in Paris…that has dramatic consequences.Luca is reluctant to marry…but a baby changes everything. So when beautiful Elena reveals her secret, his royal duty means he has no choice—he must make her his wife!Mirraccino Marriages Royal weddings in the Mediterranean

Серия: Mills & Boon Cherish


55Protecting The Boss464.75Beverly Long 9781474093569

Protecting The Boss
Her bodyguard might protect her business…But what about her heart?Designer-turned-entrepreneur Megan North is tantalizingly close to realizing the dream of a lifetime: opening four boutiques around the country. And someone seems desperate to stop her.That’s where security expert Seth Pike comes in. As dogged as he is dreamy, he’ll do whatever it takes to protect his gorgeous client. When business quickly turns personal, can he save Megan… before lurking danger overcomes them both?

Серия: Wingman Security


56Taming Her Billionaire464.75Yahrah St. John 9781474079990

Taming Her Billionaire
The fine art of seductionMaximus Knight just had a rude awakening. It’s bad enough he has to compete for control of Knight Shipping with the half-brother he never knew he had. Now his father’s will has just given gorgeous gallery owner Tahlia Armstrong a tie-breaking stake in the company. Seducing her into turning over her shares—and controlling interest–to him backfires when a sizzling kiss ignites emotions too powerful to ignore.Max is Tahlia’s secret weakness. For years, she has desired the man no woman can resist. But the charismatic entrepreneur is used to getting what he wants, and Tahlia has been scorched by love before. When a shocking power play threatens their passionate bond, Tahlia has to decide whether she can trust Max with her heart—and a love too precious to lose.

Серия: Mills & Boon Kimani


57The Finnegan Connection464.75Heather Graham 9781474078542

The Finnegan Connection
A love rekindled… Or a deadly reunion?Sarah Hampton is still haunted by a night that nearly ended in a bloody massacre and destroyed her romance with Tyler Grant. Now the horror has returned. This time, Tyler must protect Sarah from the killer hiding in the darkness…

Серия: The Finnegan Connection


58The Protectors of Riker County464.75Tyler Anne Snell 9781474062312

The Protectors of Riker County
For this lawman, it's do or die in Riker County Bound to protect and serve, sheriff Billy Reed has tried to let his career be enough. But he could never forget Mara Copeland, the woman who left without a goodbye and hurt him without warning. Now she's back with criminals on her trail and a child in her arms. His child.Mara didn't trust the future she and Billy could've had. He's a lawman and she was born into a world of ruthless criminals. Still, he's the man she can turn to. He'll do anything to protect their daughter, but will love be reason enough to forgive Mara and bring their family back together?

Серия: The Protectors of Riker County


59Starlight Over Bluebell Castle478.56Sarah Bennett 9780008314828

Starlight Over Bluebell Castle
Don’t miss Starlight Over Bluebell Castle, the third book in the delightfully uplifting Bluebell Castle trilogy!The most magical time of the year…Jessica Ridley’s life has just been turned upside-down – and not in a good way! So when blast-from-the-past Tristan Ludworth invites her to stay at Bluebell Castle and transform it into a winter wonderland, it’s the perfect distraction for Jess and her two young children…Jess is used to planning even the most elaborate events in her sleep, but she certainly didn’t expect to be working so closely with Tristan at the castle – or that she could still find him quite so handsome after all this time!And with a little holiday magic in the air, it’s becoming harder and harder to resist his charms. Can Tristan convince Jess to give love one more chance, just in time for Christmas?Perfect for fans of Trisha Ashley, Rachael Lucas and Hilary Boyd.Book 1: Spring Skies Over Bluebell Castle Book 2: Sunshine Over Bluebell Castle Book 3: Starlight Over Bluebell CastleReaders love Sarah Bennett:“Summer At Lavender Bay by Sarah Bennett is a deliciously warm, welcoming, fun contemporary read and just perfect for a summer's day.”“Absolutely loved this book it has a great story line and the characters feel like great friends who you laugh with and cry with and really care about.”“Such a joy to read – I cannot recommend this book enough!”“Sarah Bennett always keeps me entertained from the very first page”“Five stars from me!”“This is a brilliant five star modern fiction story.”

Серия: Bluebell Castle


60Мама, у меня будет книга! Как научиться писать в разных жанрах и найти свой стиль479Коллектив авторов2020 

Мама, у меня будет книга! Как научиться писать в разных жанрах и найти свой стиль
«Опыт и пот, – вот и вся формула успеха». Так говорят Майя Кучерская и Марина Степнова – известные российские писательницы и преподавательницы Высшей школы экономики. Выпускники их магистерской программы по литературному мастерству и стали основными авторами этой книги. Если вы уже давно переросли сочинение постов для своего блога, но все еще не решаетесь на написание собственной книги и мечетесь между жанрами, то этот учебник для вас. Он не только укажет на все тонкости литературных канонов, но и научит смело эти каноны ломать и перекраивать.

Серия: Мастер сцены

Исполнители: Алевтина Пугач


61My Family and Other Animals479.71Gerald Durrell 9781785292743

My Family and Other Animals
Celia Imrie and Toby Jones star in this BBC Radio 4 dramatisation of Gerald Durrell's much-loved comic gem. My Family and Other Animals is the classic tale of naturalist Gerald Durrell's magical 1930s childhood on pre-war Corfu. His descriptions of his eccentric family and his encounters with the local creatures are full of humour and charm, and the book has delighted readers of all ages for sixty years. Ten-year-old Gerry is the youngest member of the Durrell family, which also consists of Mother, pompous eldest son Larry, gun-mad second son Leslie, acne-ridden sister Margo, and Roger the dog. When they arrive in Corfu, Gerry is thrilled to find a paradise of exotic wildlife to be explored. Soon he is embarking on natural history expeditions, swimming in the clearblue sea and befriending the island's inhabitants.Gerry's relatives are less impressed with his exploits, especially when his burgeoning animal collection sparks chaos at the family's Christmas party… With a specially created soundtrack, this vivid adaptation takes the story out of the studio and into the Greek wilderness that enthralled Durrell the young naturalist. Duration: 2 hours approx.

Исполнители: Celia Imrie


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