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1His Texas Baby314.05Stella Bagwell 9781408971383

His Texas Baby
“The baby’s a Donovan – and so will you be. As soon as you become my wife.“Horse trainer Kitty Cartwright didn’t expect a romantic proposal…especially from the New Mexico rancher who was her business rival. She didn’t expect a proposal at all! But Kitty was having Liam Donovan’s baby. And now the daddy-to-be was insisting they make it legal. No child of Liam’s was going to be born without him around.The surprise was how quickly Kitty said “I do” – for the sake of the baby, of course. But with passion reigniting, this marriage of convenience was starting to feel an awful lot like the real thing. Was Liam ready to risk his heart? Because Kitty wasn’t settling for anything less.

Серия: Men of the West


2His Ultimate Prize314.05Maya Blake 9781472002754

His Ultimate Prize
Racing driver Rafael is a devil behind the wheel and in the bedroom until a major crash puts him out of action. Rafael masks his crippling pain the only way he knows how… by seducing his beautiful physio, Raven Blass!Raven is in hell… literally. Resisting Rafael is hard enough without knowing she was responsible for the scars on his sculpted body. Once he discovers the truth, he’ll walk away.But will virgin Raven risk a night in Rafael’s bed?

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern


3No More Sweet Surrender314.05Caitlin Crews 9781472001658

No More Sweet Surrender
Enemies attract! Ivan Korovin is determined to cement his evolution from dirt-poor dreamless kid to billionaire philanthropist. But first he has a serious PR problem to take care of: outspoken Miranda Sweet has ruined his reputation by labelling him ‘Caveman #1’ in her bestselling book.The solution? Give the ravenous public what they want – to see the enemies become lovers! From the red carpet in LA to black-tie charity balls in Moscow, they play out their pretend love story for all the world to see. But beneath the glare of the spotlight it’s getting harder to tell what’s real and what’s for show…‘Brilliant, emotional and passionately intense. Thank you, Caitlin!’ – Becca, Photographer, Dumfries

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern


4Taming the Last Acosta314.05Susan Stephens 9781472001771

Taming the Last Acosta
Her mother told her never to play with fire…Living her life vicariously through a camera lens, photojournalist Romy Winner is happy to stay in the background, capturing other people’s happiness. Until Argentinian polo champion turned Special Forces soldier Kruz Acosta challenges her to step out of the shadows – and into his bed!Their recklessness has one startling repercussion that should never be linked to a man with such a wicked reputation. If Romy is to secure her child’s future she must get beneath the mask that hides his scars and learn how to tame the wild Acosta…‘Susan Stephens is the reason why I am so passionate about the Mills & Boon Modern series.’ – Christine, 53, Altrincham

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern


5Ваше женское здоровье. Новый подход к лечению от французского гинеколога319Светлана Герасёва2022978-5-04-171969-2

Ваше женское здоровье. Новый подход к лечению от французского гинеколога
Жерар Салама за свою многолетнюю практику в качестве гинеколога консультировал и лечил множество женщин по всему миру. Стоит ли бояться противозачаточных таблеток, и как правильно выбрать контрацептивы? Почему диагноз «бесплодие» – это не приговор? Можно ли отсрочить старение, и когда нужна гормонотерапия? Влияет ли резус-фактор партнеров на наступление беременности, и почему у французских гинекологов нет понятия «лечь на сохранение»? Жерар Салама отвечает на все эти вопросы, чтобы женщины перестали стесняться походов к гинекологу, были вооружены знаниями о возможностях современной медицины и сделали свою жизнь счастливее. Внимание! Информация, содержащаяся в книге, не может служить заменой консультации врача. Необходимо проконсультироваться со специалистом перед совершением любых рекомендуемых действий.

Серия: Разумная гинекология. Новый подход к здоровью женщины

Исполнители: Елена Понеделина


6Возвращение в Майнкрафт. Выбери свой квест319Коннор Хувер2018978-5-17-151710-6

Возвращение в Майнкрафт. Выбери свой квест
Ты наконец-то подключился к серверу, на который так давно мечтал попасть! Но вдруг ты понимаешь, что игра превратилась в реальность – ты очутился в мире из блоков… И теперь любой неверный шаг может стать последним. А это значит, что тебе предстоит испытать удачу и проявить мастерство, чтобы выбраться из Майнкрафта! Внимание! Эту книгу не нужно читать как обычно, страницу за страницей. Следуй указаниям, переходя по главам, и история будет меняться в зависимости от принимаемых тобой решений.

Серия: Вселенная Minecraft


7Дневник супервоина. Настоящий герой!319Кьюб Кид2016978-5-04-157127-6

Дневник супервоина. Настоящий герой!
Приключения Минуса продолжаются! Хотите знать, что ждёт его на этот раз? Он обретёт новых друзей и новых врагов, вступит в бой с армией мобов и проявит небывалую предприимчивость в попытке вернуть себе лист с оценками. К тому же в школе появился человек-загадка, невероятно сильный ученик – но кто же он? Читайте невероятно захватывающий и полный приключений дневника Минуса, деревенского жителя из Майнкрафтии! Классные иллюстрации и необычный дизайн покорят любого любителя «Майнкрафта».

Серия: Майнкрафт. Дневник воина

Исполнители: Амир Шакиров


8Практический курс испанского с ключами319Р. А. Гонсалес2023978-5-17-150531-8

Практический курс испанского с ключами
Выучите испанский языке помощью «Практического курса испанского с ключами»! Научиться верно применять правила можно, только практикуясь, и в данном пособии вы найдете большое количество упражнений, чтобы закрепить нужные навыки. Опытные преподаватели МГИМО, Р. А. Гонсалес и Р. Р. Алимова, разработали курс, состоящий из 12 уроков, за которые вы получите качественные базовые знания испанской грамматики, научитесь говорить и писать, пополните свой словарный запас лексикой, необходимой для повседневного общения. Каждый урок сопровождается упражнениями, ответы к которым даются в конце книги. Пособие подходит всем, кто только начинает изучать испанский язык и хочет достигнуть уровня В1.

Серия: Практический курс с ключами (м)


9Сафари для жизни. Как сделать мечты реальностью и никогда не переживать о потраченном времени319Джон П. Стрелеки  

Сафари для жизни. Как сделать мечты реальностью и никогда не переживать о потраченном времени
У каждого из нас есть своя Большая Пятерка – заветные мечты, воплощение которых будет означать то, что наша жизнь удалась, причем именно в том смысле, в котором мы сами определяем. Порой их сложно определить, но это не значит, что нужно останавливаться и опускать руки. Следует просто начинать двигаться в ту сторону, которая вроде бы кажется желанной, как сделал это Джек, отправившийся в Африку в поисках счастья. Из этой аудиокниги вы узнаете: – как найти людей, которые помогут воплотить вашу Большую пятерку для жизни; – как перестать подавлять свои мечты и начать действовать; – что общего между театром и вашей жизнью; – как отличать свои реальные желания от навязанных обществом; – как распознавать знаки Вселенной. "

Серия: Кафе на краю земли

Исполнители: Вадим Пугачев


10Mackenzie's Magic319.81Linda Howard 9781472086914

Mackenzie s Magic

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B


11Лисий план329Эйми Картер2021978-5-04-190430-2

Лисий план
Год прошёл с того дня, который Саймон Торн предпочёл бы не вспоминать. Саймон живёт обычной жизнью подростка, которой был лишён, пока гонялся за Осколками. Но неожиданно, он столкнулся на улице с девушкой по имени Шарлотта. Она рассказала, что некие Одичалые забрали её сестру, что Саймону и его брату-близнецу Нолану тоже грозит смертельная опасность. Саймон не хочет ввязываться в новую историю и не воспринимает слова незнакомки всерьёз. Ради чего он должен всё бросить и ехать в Европу? Слишком многих он уже потерял, хватит с него. Но когда Нолан исчезает, у Саймона не остаётся другого выбора… Первая книга цикла «Анимоксы: Наследники».

Серия: Анимоксы

Исполнители: Валерий Смекалов


12A Scoundrel Of Consequence331.04Хелен Диксон 9781408933527

A Scoundrel Of Consequence
William Lampard, distinguished military captain, kept London abuzz with scandal.Against his better judgment, he made a wager to seduce Miss Cassandra Greenwood. But despite her provocative ways, and the impudent sway of her skirts, he quickly realized that her innocence and goodness put her above a mere dalliance. Should Cassandra believe the gossip?She knew she had spiked William's interest, but to get to know the infamous captain properly would be dangerous—and exciting. And therein lay his appeal. . . !

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical


13Dead Man’s Prayer335.62Jackie Baldwin 9780008200954

Dead Man’s Prayer
‘Gripping … a compelling and authentic page-turner’ Sunday Mail‘A must read!’ Reader review‘A sparkling debut!’ Reader reviewThe first in an exciting new Scottish crime thriller series. Perfect for fans of L J Ross, Val McDermid and Ann Cleeves.Ex-priest DI Frank Farrell has returned to his roots in Dumfries, only to be landed with a disturbing murder case. Even worse, Farrell knows the victim: Father Boyd, the man who forced him out of the priesthood eighteen years earlier.With no leads, Farrell must delve into the old priest’s past, one that is inexorably linked with his own. But his attention is diverted when a pair of twin boys go missing. The Dumfries police force recover one in an abandoned church, unharmed. But where is his brother?As Farrell investigates the two cases, he can’t help but feel targeted. Is someone playing a sinister game, or is he seeing patterns that don’t exist? Either way, it’s a game Farrell needs to win before he loses his grip on his sanity, or someone else turns up dead.

Серия: DI Frank Farrell


14Неприятности в Нетере339Кьюб Кид2017978-5-04-116030-2

Неприятности в Нетере
Пока Билли, котёнок, который потерялся в Майнкрафте, пытается найти путь домой, он встречает волшебницу Эльдру. Она мастерски варит магические зелья и снадобья. Волшебница говорит Билли, что ему было суждено оказаться в Майнкрафте, потому что он избранный! Только смелый и отважный Билли может противостоять злобным существам, которые хотят властвовать над всеми тремя мирами: над миром людей, над Нетером и даже над Эндером! Что ж, Билли готов бросить вызов тёмным силам!

Серия: Котёнок попал в Нетер. Неофициальное издание Minecraft


15Подземный мир339Дэн Мираж2022978-5-04-175977-3

Подземный мир
Третья книга в серии «Защитники Майнкрафта». Исследовать «Майнкрафт» становится все сложнее и опаснее! Дом-крепость, где живут Алекс, Вика и Ник, окружило целое ПОЛЧИЩЕ МОНСТРОВ во главе с помощником Иногада – Стивом-Без-Зрачков. Силой вырваться на свободу не получается. Есть ли другой путь? Ребята находят решение: выкопать туннель, ведущий прямиком из их дома в ближайшую деревню. Так они оказываются в настоящем ПОДЗЕМНОМ МИРЕ, где их поджидает множество интересных находок. Сталактиты и сталагмиты, летучие мыши и пауки, лавопады и спаунеры монстров… А ведь где-то здесь должно быть и логово Стива-Без-Зрачков, в котором он собирает свое войско.

Серия: Защитники Майнкрафта

Исполнители: Александр Слуцкий


16Her Colorado Sheriff343.64Patricia Thayer 9781474059169

Her Colorado Sheriff
Safe in his ArmsShelby Townsend and her orphaned five-year-old nephew have escaped to Hidden Springs, Colorado, leaving plenty of pain behind. New job, new home—a new start is just what they both need. Until a very delicious complication walks into her life: Sheriff Cullen Brannigan.Cullen assumes he'll miss the hustle and bustle of his big-city life when he's forced to take a break from his job with the Denver police force and he's surprised how much two complete strangers make him want to stay around. Behind Shelby's protective shell is a vulnerability that inspires a promise in him—to keep Shelby and her nephew safe at any cost.

Серия: Mills & Boon Cherish


17Lone Star Valentine343.64Cathy Gillen Thacker 9781474001472

Lone Star Valentine
COMPROMISE…OR ALL-OR-NOTHING? The heart-stopping attraction’s still there, but today Lily needs only one thing from old flame Gannon Montgomery – the best legal counsel he can provide. The stakes are high – custody of Lily’s son Lucas hangs in the balance. And the rules are clear: Lily’s not giving Gannon the chance to break her heart again. Gannon only came to town to sell his family ranch, but Mayor Lily McCabe makes sticking around impossibly tempting. As the tension between them grows, so does the attraction. Lily won’t compromise, but Gannon’s determined to prove his loyalty… and make her his Valentine!

Серия: Mills & Boon Cherish


18Reunited By A Shock Pregnancy343.64Шантель Шоу 9781474087636

Reunited By A Shock Pregnancy
Bedded for the Italian’s pleasure…Claimed for his baby!Sienna should not be secretly attending her ex-husband’s wedding, but she has to see the woman Nico De Conti has replaced her with. Until she realises Nico isn’t the groom… Mortified, she can’t escape the church fast enough! But when Nico follows her, their burning fire spectacularly reignites, leading to one last night in Nico’s bed… A night that leaves Sienna shockingly pregnant with the Italian’s child!

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern


19Shock Heir For The Crown Prince343.64Kelly Hunter 9781474071765

Shock Heir For The Crown Prince
She kept his royal heir a secret… Now he’ll make her his reluctant Queen!Prince Casimir of Byzenmaach can’t shake the memory of Anastasia Douglas. With her, he forgot his royal duties in a moment of wild abandon. Seven years later he must wed—but in seeking out the unforgettable Anastasia he discovers a secret: she had his daughter! And he’ll stop at nothing to claim them both…

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern


20Sweet Madness343.64Sharon Kendrick 9781474063852

Sweet Madness
Mills & Boon are proud to present a thrilling digital collection of all Sharon Kendrick’s novels and novellas for us to celebrate the publication of her amazing 100th book! Many of these books are available as e books for the first time.A very personal assistant…Declan Hunt’s reputation preceded him. ‘Difficult’ was a polite way of describing the world renowned photographer. But Samantha Gilbert would do anything to become his assistant… It was her dream come true.Eventually she’d managed to convince Declan that she could handle the job – and him! But now, though, she’s not so sure. Oh, she can handle the job with ease, but her feelings for Declan are proving to be a different matter altogether!

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern


21The Sins Of Sebastian Rey-Defoe343.64Ким Лоренс 9781472098603

The Sins Of Sebastian Rey-Defoe
‘Yes, I do – I object!’Standing at the altar, Sebastian Rey-Defoe has resigned himself to a marriage of convenience until a flame-haired siren interrupts the ceremony! Worse, he recognises her – this must be her idea of revenge…Mari Jones is determined to put a dent in Sebastian’s insurmountable pride – and to make him pay for his sins! But she hasn’t bargained on the sparks that fly the instant she and the arrogant tycoon meet again.Nor has she ever imagined that the consequences of her plan will see her walking down the aisle… towards Sebastian!SEVEN SEXY SINS – The true taste of temptation!

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern


22Хозяйственная история графини Ретель-Бор344Татьяна Михаль2021978-5-535-10630-4

Хозяйственная история графини Ретель-Бор
Студия «МедиаКнига» представляет аудиокнигу популярной современной писательницы Татьяны Михаль – «Хозяйственная история графини Ретель-Бор». Книга прочитана популярной радиоведущей и известной актрисой дубляжа Аллой Човжик. Попала в другой мир, и ты графиня? Прекрасно. Но что если всё не так радужно? Графство бедствует. Муж пропал без вести. На тебя смотрят сочувственно, ведь ты – женщина. Ты в Средневековье, и женщина здесь считается и не человеком вовсе. Но кто сказал, что это обо мне? Засучу рукава и подниму графство с колен. Найду золото и отыщу пропавшего мужа. Слушаем, лайкаем, активно комментируем!) © & ℗ ООО «МедиаКнига», 2021

Исполнители: Алла Човжик


23Super Western Doppelband 1 - Zwei Wildwestromane in einem Band344.27Alfred Bekker 9783956179112

Super Western Doppelband 1 - Zwei Wildwestromane in einem Band
Dieser Band enth?lt folgende Romane:

Oregon Treck (Heinz Squarra)
H?llenjob in Kansas (Alfred Bekker)

"Da kommen sie – diese verdammten Blaur?cke!", presste Jeffrey Bridger zwischen den Z?hnen hindurch. Zusammen mit mehr als zwei Dutzend Bewaffneten lauerte er in den steinigen H?ngen und blickte in die langgezogene, gewundene Schlucht hinab. Eine Abteilung Kavalleristen der US-Army ritt dort entlang…


24Про Лёню Губанова349Коллектив авторов2016978-5-98604-536-8

Про Лёню Губанова
Губанов Лёня, или, как его называли поклонники, Лёнечка – ярчайший поэт русского андеграунда. После обрушившейся на него (в восемнадцать лет) скандальной славы, Губанов стал всесоюзной знаменитостью. Однако в советской печати имя поэта сознательно замалчивалось – его стихи распространялись в самиздате, о нём ходили всевозможные слухи… Каким на самом деле был поэт, повествуют воспоминания современников, лично знавших героя этой книги.

Исполнители: Matthias L?hn


25Come the Night357.39Susan Krinard 9781408921333

Come the Night
The Great War has ended And Gillian is to marry a werewolf of her father’s choosing, ensuring the purity of their noble bloodline.Still, she can’t forget Ross, whose forbidden touch unleashed a passion she’d never known. Learning that they have a son makes Ross even more determined to prove his worth to Gillian, despite being merely a quarter werewolf.Then a mysterious spate of murders casts a pall of suspicion upon him. Torn between duty and desire, Gillian knows she must push Ross away. Even as their hunger for each other grows stronger by the hour…

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


26Encounter with a Commanding Officer357.39Charlotte Hawkes 9781474051682

Encounter with a Commanding Officer
Rules of engagement!Army trauma doctor Major Felicity Delaunay likes the rules and regulations that give structure to her life. But the arrival of maverick hotshot Colonel Ash Stirling is about to turn her world upside down!Ash hasn't overcome his troubled past to get where he is without taking risks, but he never crosses the line. Not with a colleague…no matter how gorgeous! Yet Felicity gets under his skin like no other, and he soon finds himself breaking all his—and her—rules.

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical


27Innocent Courtesan to Adventurer's Bride357.39Louise Allen 9781408916612

Innocent Courtesan to Adventurer s Bride
Out of the brothel…Wrongly accused of theft, innocent Celina Shelley is cast out of the brothel she calls home and flees to Quinn Ashley, Lord Dreycott, for safety. But the heat in the daredevil adventurer’s eyes tells Lina that the danger is just beginning… …and into the rake’s bedroom!Lina dresses like a nun, looks like an angel, but flirts like a professional – and the last thing Quinn expects to discover is that she’s a virgin! Now he knows the truth, will he wed her before he beds her?The Transformation of the Shelley Sisters Three sisters, three escapades, three very different destinies!

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical


28My Greek Island Fling357.39Nina Harrington 9781408997703

My Greek Island Fling
Could writing someone else’s life story mean re-writing her own? Sipping a cocktail under the warm Greek sun, Lexi Sloane can almost taste success. Ghost-writing a celebrity memoir on a postcard-perfect island will be the career breakthrough she’s been working towards for years…but only if she can persuade the infuriatingly guarded Mark Belmont to open up about his famous mother.Mark grew up in the spotlight and learned young to stay cautious and alert to intrusion, so Lexi has her work cut out. Lexi is hiding too – behind the experiences of those she writes about… Could she learn to be the star of her own life? If you like the films Mamma Mia or Love Actually, you’ll love this.

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern Heat


29The Road Not Taken (The Daddy Diaries)357.39Jackie Braun 9781408900482

The Road Not Taken (The Daddy Diaries)
Breaking down Manipulative and cold as ice, Caro’s ex might be an utter jerk, but she’s got to go back to him to keep custody of her young son. Her journey through a blizzard makes the hard decision harder – and one almighty skid later she’s got a whole new sub-zero problem… Until a mysterious stranger appears out of the mist on horseback! Breaking free? Trapped with him in the ongoing storm, Caro discovers her rescuer is an ex-cop – the grouchy-yet- gorgeous Jake McCabe.Shocked by their intense attraction, Caro will soon face the most difficult choice of all: in Jake she may have found the hero she’s been looking for (and, by God, deserves! ), but to claim him she risks losing her little boy…

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern Heat


30Дневник супервоина. Настоящий герой!359Кьюб Кид2016978-5-04-092604-6

Дневник супервоина. Настоящий герой!
Приключения Минуса продолжаются! Хотите знать, что ждёт его на этот раз? Он обретёт новых друзей и новых врагов, вступит в бой с армией мобов и проявит небывалую предприимчивость в попытке вернуть себе лист с оценками. К тому же в школе появился человек-загадка, невероятно сильный ученик – но кто же он? Читайте невероятно захватывающий и полный приключений дневник Минуса, деревенского жителя из Майнкрафтии! Классные иллюстрации и необычный дизайн покорят любого любителя «Майнкрафта». В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский дизайн.

Серия: Майнкрафт. Дневник воина


31Слишком много монстров!359Дэн Мираж2022978-5-04-173263-9

Слишком много монстров!
Алекс, Вика и Ник ни дня не могут передохнуть: всегда нужно строить убежище или бороться с новыми монстрами. В этой книге ребята познакомятся с деревенскими жителями, научатся торговле и получат крутые доспехи. А еще узнают, откуда на их острове появляются враждебные мобы. Возможно, это первый шаг к победе над Иногадом!

Серия: Защитники Майнкрафта

Исполнители: Александр Слуцкий


32A Marriage Worth Fighting For360.82Lilian Darcy 9781408971376

A Marriage Worth Fighting For

Серия: Mills & Boon Cherish


33Barefoot Blue Jean Night360.82Debbi Rawlins 9781408969410

Barefoot Blue Jean Night
Destination: Sundance Dude Ranch – Blackfoot Falls, Montana Activities: Horseback riding, rodeos, guided hikes…and lots of cowboy action!The moment she sees the ad for Sundance Dude Ranch – featuring the rugged McAllister brothers – travel blogger Jamie Daniels can’t resist booking. After all, a week of fresh air and scenery will do her good…especially if that scenery includes Cole McAllister’s very fine backside!Cole’s not thrilled about playing host to hordes of ogling women. But when he’s persuaded into showing Jamie the ropes, his reluctance is conspicuously absent. In fact, there’s nothing he’d like more than giving Jamie a cowboy experience she won’t ever forget…

Серия: Made in Montana


34Charity House Courtship360.82Renee Ryan 9781408995860

Charity House Courtship
FOR THE CHILDREN Thanks to a troubled childhood, Laney O’Connor knows the struggles faced by the offspring of society’s most desperate women. These young innocents need a safe place, which Laney seeks to provide at Charity House. When foreclosure threatens her haven, she’ll let nothing stop her from keeping the orphanage open.Not even handsome hotel owner Marc Dupree. A series of misunderstandings put Laney and Marc at odds, but telling him the truth would mean breaking a promise—and jeopardizing the funds Charity House needs. And as Marc and Laney struggle with faith and trust, a secret from the past could ruin everything….Charity House: Offering an oasis of hope, faith and love on the rugged Colorado frontier.

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired Historical


35Her Sister's Fianc?360.82Teresa Hill 9781408944448

Her Sister s Fianc?
Sisters, Sisters…For years, Kathie Cassidy suffered in silence, determined that no one would ever find out she’d fallen in love with her beloved sister’s fianc?! And then the unthinkable happened. Her sister’s longtime engagement was over—and she, unbelievably, was marrying someone else. Joe was a free man. But what kind of girl would go after her sister’s ex-fianc??Joe Reed was a man with a plan. For years, he was engaged to one woman. Now he’d been dumped, but he couldn’t even bring himself to care. Because inexplicably, he was falling for Kathie—his ex-fianc?e’s sister. Which was not in the plan. But then he kissed her.… And his safe, predictable existence shattered on a dime.

Серия: Mills & Boon Cherish


36Killer Cargo360.82Dana Mentink 9781408966310

Killer Cargo
Deception at 20,000 feet Transporting pet supplies–and the occasional bunny–is routine for pilot Maria de Silva.Discovering drugs amidst her shipments of kitty litter is not. Out of fuel in the Oregon wilderness, Maria barely escapes with her life when dealers meet her on the runway. She finds refuge at Cy Sheridan's idyllic animal sanctuary–a whole new world for this city girl.But Maria fears that her drug-smuggling client will take revenge against the man–and animals–she's come to love. Is there a wolf in sheep's clothing lurking in the woods?

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired


37Once Upon a Matchmaker360.82Marie Ferrarella 9781408971260

Once Upon a Matchmaker

Серия: Matchmaking Mamas


38Real Vintage Maverick360.82Marie Ferrarella 9781408971567

Real Vintage Maverick

Серия: Mills & Boon Cherish


39Speed Trap360.82Patricia Davids 9781408966570

Speed Trap
The fatal crash was no accident.The killer's only mistake was leaving behind a survivor…a four-month-old boy. For his sake–and for his murdered mother's–Sheriff Mandy Scott will see justice served. And she already has her prime suspect: the boy's father, Garrett Bowen. Yet despite the evidence against him, something about the reclusive rancher makes Mandy question his guilt.Nothing is as it seems as crime starts spiraling out of control in Timber Wells. If Mandy lets herself trust Garrett, will he shield her from danger, or send her racing into another lethal trap?

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired


40The Night in Question360.82Kelsey Roberts 9781408947937

The Night in Question
FBI agent Matt DeMarco never thought his morning jog on the beach would draw him into a ring of cold-blooded killers. Or that one of the murder suspects would be the stunning half-conscious woman he found washed up on the beach…dressed in an evening gown and dripping blood. «Trust no one» was all she remembered. But as her memory of that night came back, so did an overwhelming fear and the feeling that she was in serious danger.With nowhere else to turn, she had to trust Matt with her life. And in an unguarded moment, he seemed willing to trust her with his darkest secret. But how long could they keep their mutual lust in check?

Серия: Mills & Boon Intrigue


41A Billionaire's Redemption363.11Cindy Dees 9781472007247

A Billionaire s Redemption
Billionaire Gabe Dawson still remembers the gawky teenager Willa Merris was, but that awkward girl is now a sultry, beautiful woman.Gabe knows he should keep his distance while she sorts out her dead father’s estate, but he can’t, especially when peril is in hot pursuit. Now he’ll risk his own life to protect the woman he’s falling for…

Серия: Mills & Boon Intrigue


42A Man Worth Remembering363.11Delores Fossen 9781408962671

A Man Worth Remembering
FBI agent Gabe Sanchez had his orders concerning witness Leigh O'Brien – keep her alive, catch the bad guys, take care of her.The last was asking a lot, given that Leigh had vanished from his life two years ago. Now she was back, and Gabe wanted answers. Who was trying to kill her? Why did she leave without a word? Why did he still yearn for her, body and soul? Leigh couldn't remember her name, let alone the sexy stranger who claimed to be her husband.All she knew was that she had to get to Houston in time to save a child in grave danger. But she and Gabe were in for the shock of their lives when they arrived at their destination…because the child they sought was their son!

Серия: Mills & Boon Intrigue


43At Your Service, Jack363.11Brenda Hammond 9781474027366

At Your Service, Jack
JEEVES NEVER LOOKED THIS GOOD…Freddi Elliott needs a job, fast. And she's willing to take anything–even a job as some old coot's butler. Only, little does Freddi know that this assignment will test not only her domestic skills, but also her libido. Because her new boss is stubborn, obnoxious…and utterly irresistible.Jack Carlisle has only a few weeks to learn some manners. Otherwise, he can kiss the cash from his uncle for a new business venture goodbye. Jack doesn't have a clue how to begin, but hopes his new butler can offer a few suggestions. What he doesn't expect is to be the one doing all the suggesting. And his first recommendation is to get Freddi out of those stuffy clothes and into his bed…

Серия: Mills & Boon Temptation


44Bodyguard Confessions363.11Donna Young 9781408962428

Bodyguard Confessions
On a diplomatic mission to Taer, First Daughter Anna Cambridge never expected the royal palace would be attacked.But as the rebel army took the king and queen hostage, Anna fled into the night with the baby prince in her arms– and the enigmatic Quamar Bazan Al Asadi at her back. A former U.S. agent with ties to the royal family, the bold Arab had returned to his country to make peace and found only war.But leading Miss Cambridge and her ready-made family across the fiery desert meant engaging in a life he had already given up on. A life Anna wouldn't let him just throw away– without a fight.

Серия: Mills & Boon Intrigue


45Born In Secret363.11Kylie Brant 9781472076380

Born In Secret
"I've courted danger all my life." –Walker James, international spyWalker James felt a rush of adrenaline when he was assigned to infiltrate a terrorist compound and discover the location of a deadly virus. However, the brazenly sexy spy was incensed to learn he would be partnered with Jasmine LeBarr on this perilous mission. Walker had had the misfortune of tangling with the bewitching Moroccan beauty once before, and her savvy one-upmanship had dented his fierce macho pride. Still, as they raced against time to safeguard the royal Kamal sheikdom from a diabolical scheme, he couldn't deny the aching, elemental needs Jasmine stirred in him. Now their electrifying attraction promised to either rekindle a once-in-a-lifetime love–or totally consume them both!

Серия: Mills & Boon Vintage Intrigue


46Christmas Crime in Colorado363.11Cassie Miles 9781472060488

Christmas Crime in Colorado

Серия: Mills & Boon Intrigue


47Cody Walker's Woman363.11Amelia Autin 9781472096814

Cody Walker s Woman
Working undercover with the last man she should trust…Rescuing a «civilian» blew his latest undercover op–but when Special Agent Cody Walker next met the damsel in distress, he was astonished to discover she was a fellow agent! Now they are assigned to the same task force to track down a terrorist cell that has a personal connection to Cody's past….While Keira is grateful to Cody, she's determined to prove she can handle herself professionally. But their sizzling chemistry is making it hard to keep things quiet. And as they hunt down the would-be terrorists, they are getting closer–and more personal–than ever….

Серия: Mills & Boon Romantic Suspense


48Elusive Lover363.11Кэрол Мортимер 9781474029742

Elusive Lover
Carole Mortimer is one of Mills & Boon’s best loved Modern Romance authors. With nearly 200 books published and a career spanning 35 years, Mills & Boon are thrilled to present her complete works available to download for the very first time! Rediscover old favourites – and find new ones! – in this fabulous collection…Claiming his virgin mistress…Wealthy businessman, Josh Hawke, is the one man who can take hotel maid Erin Richards away from her awful life that is a far cry from her childhood home in England. But leaving with Josh comes with a price—he wants Erin to be his mistress!Captivated by Erin’s beauty and na?ve innocence, Josh is determined to entice her into his bed! But learning just how innocent Erin actually is, he’s faced with a decision: let Erin go or claim his virgin mistress…for ever?

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern


49Finding His Child363.11Tracy Montoya 9781408962657

Finding His Child
It had been six long months since his beautiful daughter had disappeared.When another girl was kidnapped in the Washington State woods, Detective Aaron Donovan was convinced the two crimes were related. After joining the search-and-rescue team, Aaron was forced to work with top-notch tracker Sabrina Adelante…and try to ignore the attraction they'd shared before his world had been shattered.Offering up his military sniper skills, the group soon uncovered some helpful clues. But then Sabrina nearly became a madman's next victim, and Aaron wondered how he could possibly get close to another woman he cared about when he might just lose her. Then again, how could he afford not to?

Серия: Mills & Boon Intrigue


50Her Secret Thrill363.11Donna Kauffman 9781408948477

Her Secret Thrill
The proposal: Get together whenever their heavy travel schedules overlapNatalie Holcomb's impulsive – and uncharacteristic – night of steamy sex with a gorgeous stranger was supposed to be a onetime-only affair. But straitlaced Natalie is determined to play by the rules and get more of what her body is craving….The ground rules: Keep the relationship strictly sexual Jake Lannister may live in another town, but after his incredible night with Natalie he just can't say goodbye. But when Jake's lust turns into something more, he's faced with an unfamiliar problem – honor his rules and ignore his building emotions, or give up sex this good and risk losing what he has with Natalie?

Серия: Mills & Boon Blaze


51High-Society Bachelor363.11Krista Thoren 9781474021234

High-Society Bachelor
His Blue-Chip BrideEveryone in their tiny town was convinced that Deborah Clark and Cameron Lyle were the perfect couple. Everyone but Deborah and Cameron, of course. She was the perky girl next door who planned children's parties. And this serious-minded businessman was the town's most eligible bachelor, accustomed to wining and dining glamorous women. So when these total opposites concocted the ideal solution to outwit the town's matchmakers, they quickly found themselves in way over their heads. Cameron had always thought of Deborah as a sweet girl, but now there was no mistaking the soul-searing heat that flared between them. Could this high-society bachelor convince her that the only solution was…a trip to the altar?

Серия: Mills & Boon American Romance


52Mac's Bedside Manner363.11Marie Ferrarella 9781472082671

Mac s Bedside Manner
With his killer smile, his bone-melting charm and his medical dedication, hospital hunk Dr. Harrison «Mac» Mackenzie could thaw an iceberg at twenty paces.Collecting willing women like baseball cards, he hadn't met resistance since high school physics. Until feisty nurse Jolene DeLuca sashayed into the E.R., with her perfect curves, her flashing green eyes–and an attitude that told big-deal doctors to drop dead!Mac was intrigued. Challenged. And utterly enchanted by spitfire Jolene and her daddyless two-year-old daughter. But what was a confirmed bachelor to do with such a skittish single mom? Chase her…until she caught him!

Серия: Mills & Boon Vintage Cherish


53Millionaire's Calculated Baby Bid363.11Laura Wright 9781408961087

Millionaire s Calculated Baby Bid
Strictly business? He'd raised himself from the depths of poverty to the heights of wealth and power. But Ethan Curtis knew polite society would be forever closed to him. Unless a woman from the most exclusive social circles–namely Mary Kelley–gave him a child. Mary was stunned by the arrogant millionaire's proposition. But she agreed to give him what he wanted to protect her family.She thought their 'lovemaking' would be as cold and heartless as Ethan seemed to be. Nothing could have prepared her for her sudden desire for this man she'd sworn to hate.

Серия: Mills & Boon Desire


54Millionaire's Christmas Miracle363.11Mary Anne Wilson 9781474026796

Millionaire s Christmas Miracle
Quint Gallagher in love? It would take a miracle…Self-made millionaire Quint Gallagher could rule a boardroom and bend numbers to his will, but he'd rather lose a merger than analyze his feelings for day-care worker Amy Blake. He was too old for the beautiful widow, too jaded to fall in love. Yet when he found a baby on the day-care doorstep just days after Christmas, Quint turned to Amy.The sophisticated millionaire was more man than Amy could handle. But Quint with the tiny babe touched her wary heart. Fate had thrown them together in the season of miracles–was it too late to wish for the miracle of love?Just for Kids: A day-care center where love abounds…and families are made!

Серия: Mills & Boon American Romance


55Nowhere To Hide363.11Debby Giusti 9781408967492

Nowhere To Hide
Her husband was murdered.Now someone's trying to kidnap her son. If she'd arrived a moment later, her husband's killer would have taken her son away forever. Fearful the perpetrator would return, Lydia Sloan fled to an island of refuge off the Georgia coast. As she attempted to unravel the tangle of lies left by her husband, Lydia knew that with the murderer only a step behind, her son was far from safe.Matt Lawson, the fiercely handsome security guard, seemed to be the only one she could trust with her secret. Yet as danger rose with the evening tide, Lydia was left with nowhere to hide.

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired


56Prim, Proper... Pregnant363.11Alice Sharpe 9781474009577

Prim, Proper... Pregnant
Once he opened his eyes and gazed adoringly into hers, Amelia Enderling knew something was different about Ryder Hogan. The man she'd loved, the man who'd claimed her virginity yet not the consequences, had no memory. But this man was ready to commit…to Amelia and their unborn twins. The name Ryder meant nothing; the family surrounding him were strangers. But Amelia… Holding her was like coming home. And cherishing her was second nature. Whatever he'd once been, this Ryder wanted only to be a better man–for Amelia, and for their babies. And then his memory returned…

Серия: Mills & Boon Silhouette


57Scarlet Vows363.11Dani Sinclair 9781408962664

Scarlet Vows
THE MAN FROM HER PAST Struggling waitress Brie Dudley had managed to keep the identity of her daughter's father a secret for years. Until wealthy, powerful Drew Pierce came back to Moriah's Landing. With one glance, Drew saw what the town hadn't–his own eyes staring back from his daughter's innocent face. And primitive instinct warned him to stake his claim on mother and child….Brie had dreamed about marrying Drew, but now the vows they made were of necessity, not love. Or were they? With a storm of scandal brewing, news of their daughter had provoked a deadly enemy. Together they could keep her safe–but only if they shared the secrets in their hearts….

Серия: Mills & Boon Intrigue


58Secrets of a Career Girl363.11Carol Marinelli 9781472003188

Secrets of a Career Girl
Her pregnancy dream…With the same work ethic that made her a registrar, Penny is determined to start a family. She’s come to terms with having IVF alone, but the biggest obstacle is keeping it a secret from her persistent boss, Consultant Ethan Lewis.Penny thought it was her hormones making her hyper-aware of Ethan’s dark eyes and sexy smile, but as she confides in him she realises it’s their sizzling chemistry!Secrets on the Emergency Wing Life and love behind the doors of an Australian ER

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical


59She Who Dares, Wins363.11Candace Havens 9781472030023

She Who Dares, Wins
Well, it certainly wasn't the assignment detective Katie McClure was expecting. Traveling to London to protect an old scientist who'd been receiving death threats? Too easy.As it turns out, Dr. Macon Douglas is hot. The kind that makes Katie ponder her own kinds of experiments–namely ones that involve Mac being naked. But the death threats are real…along with the wicked chemistry that seems to sizzle and zap whenever they're together. Can Katie keep her professional thoughts in mind and keep Mac safe–or will she risk everything and dare to be bare?

Серия: Mills & Boon Blaze


60Soldier's Secret Child363.11Caridad Pi?eiro 9781472060372

Soldier s Secret Child

Серия: Mills & Boon Intrigue


61Survival Reflex363.11Don Pendleton 9781474023894

Survival Reflex
GREEN HELLA desperate call for help on behalf of an old friend put Mack Bolan in an awkward position. Dr. Nathan Weiss is plying his life-saving skills among the Brazilian tribes embroiled in civil war in the heart of the blood-drenched Amazon. Bolan is not sure Weiss wants help, yet the Executioner's combat senses tell him Weiss is part of something bigger. And finds it on a collision course with government death squads holding hands with CIA black ops who view Weiss as a liability to the U.S.The odds against the mission's success greatly increase and Bolan becomes a moving target when he's temporarily blinded in a firefight. But the Stony warrior goes into every battle knowing trouble– even death–will eventually find him. He's prepared for both.

Серия: Gold Eagle Superbolan


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