Детскогий досуг

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Категория: Книги на иностранных языках - На английском языке - Детскогий досуг (кол-во: 870)
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Занимательный английский в наклейках и раскрасках
Занимательный английский в наклейках и раскрасках
Книжка-раскраска, предназначенная для изучения английских слов, поможет взрослому организовать полезное и приятное времяпрепровождение для ребенка-дошкольника.Представленные в книжке несложные стихи-загадки помогут малышам легко запомнить английские слова, транскрипция научит правильно произносить их. Картинки с изображением знакомых детям предметов и персонажей можно обводить и раскрашивать, что позволит правильно поставить и потренировать детскую руку в написании элементов английских букв, а также развить воображение и образное мышление, овладеть умением обводить, раскрашивать, рисовать. Рисуя и раскрашивая, ребенок научится передавать правильную цветовую гамму с помощью карандашей, фломастеров или красок.Книжка-раскраска поможет родителям и педагогам увлечь детей изучением английского языка.

Серия: Радуга знаний
Год: 2021
Производитель: Учитель
Артикул: 762693
ISBN: 978-5-7057-5768-8
Автор: Батова Ирина Сергеевна
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Занимательный английский в наклейках и раскрасках
89 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Книга-квест The city. Лексика Город. Интерактивная книга приключений
Книга-квест "The city". Лексика "Город". Интерактивная книга приключений
Ты держишь в руках уникальное издание, которое станет для тебя не только интересным времяпрепровождением, но и полезным проводником в мир английского языка. Если тебе нравится выполнять задания на английском языке, где необходимо включать логику и творческое мышление, то наши интерактивные логические квесты точно не оставят тебя равнодушным.На страницах данной книги тебя ждет захватывающая история с необычными заданиями, насыщенными полезной английской лексикой, современными английскими фразами и выражениями. Эта книга увлечет тебя в мир творчества. Скоро ты и сам в этом убедишься.А пока мы желаем тебе удачи! Good luck!

Серия: Активити-book
Год: 2021
Производитель: Феникс
Артикул: 752955
ISBN: 978-5-222-33605-2
Автор: Танченко Клавдия, Нечаева Александра
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Книга-квест "The city". Лексика "Город". Интерактивная книга приключений
166 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Книга-квест Tommy s house. Лексика Дом. Интерактивная книга приключений
Книга-квест "Tommy's house". Лексика "Дом". Интерактивная книга приключений
Ты держишь в руках уникальное издание, которое станет для тебя не только интересным времяпрепровождением, но и полезным проводником в мир английского языка. Если тебе нравится выполнять задания на английском языке, где необходимо включать логику и творческое мышление, то наши интерактивные логические квесты точно не оставят тебя равнодушным.На страницах данной книги тебя ждет захватывающая история с необычными заданиями, насыщенными полезной английской лексикой, современными английскими фразами и выражениями. Эта книга увлечет тебя в мир творчества. Скоро ты и сам в этом убедишься.А пока мы желаем тебе удачи! Good luck!

Серия: Активити-book
Год: 2021
Производитель: Феникс
Артикул: 752956
ISBN: 978-5-222-33776-9
Автор: Танченко Клавдия, Нечаева Александра
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Книга-квест "Tommy's house". Лексика "Дом". Интерактивная книга приключений
166 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Incredible Earth. Level 4. Activity Book
Incredible Earth. Level 4. Activity Book
Many of our primary and secondary coursebooks support Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). We also publish teacher training resources and dictionaries for CLIL.These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.Additional reading, writing, and grammar practice for each chapter of the readerConsolidation activitiesA book reviewAnswers to the activities can be found on the teacher's website

Серия: Oxford Read and Discover
Год: 2023
Производитель: Oxford
Артикул: 956974
ISBN: 9780194644488
Автор: Northcott Richard
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Incredible Earth. Level 4. Activity Book
241 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
В зоопарке. Спрятанные предметы. Играй и учись. Выпуск 9
В зоопарке. Спрятанные предметы. Играй и учись. Выпуск 9
Девятый выпуск говорящей книжки "Играй и учись/ Play&Learn".Учи английский с удовольствием!Для младшего школьного возраста.

Серия: Играй и учись
Год: 2015
Производитель: Амфора
Артикул: 610392
ISBN: 978-5-367-03892-7
Автор: Антонова Г
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

В зоопарке. Спрятанные предметы. Играй и учись. Выпуск 9
268 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Ворона и кувшин. Веселые серферы. Завтрак для птиц. Выпуск 11
Ворона и кувшин. Веселые серферы. Завтрак для птиц. Выпуск 11
Одиннадцатый выпуск говорящей книжки "Играй и учись / Play&Learn". Учи английский с удовольствием!Для младшего школьного возраста.

Серия: Играй и учись
Год: 2015
Производитель: Амфора
Артикул: 610389
ISBN: 978-5-367-03894-1
Автор: Антонова Г
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Ворона и кувшин. Веселые серферы. Завтрак для птиц. Выпуск 11
268 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Головастик и рыбка. Выпуск 5
Головастик и рыбка. Выпуск 5
Представляем вашему вниманию пятый выпуск говорящей книжки "Играй и учись/Play&Learn". В нем вас ждут запутанные лабиринты, спрятанные предметы и другие интересные задания. Сказка номера "Tadpole and Fish/Головастик и Рыбка".Учи английский с удовольствием!

Серия: Играй и учись
Год: 2015
Производитель: Амфора
Артикул: 513260
ISBN: 978-5-367-03888-0
Автор: Савицкая И. А
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Головастик и рыбка. Выпуск 5
268 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
День рождения Медвежонка. Выпуск 7
День рождения Медвежонка. Выпуск 7
Еженедельной издание "Учись и играй" включает в себя головоломки и задания для детей на английском языке с цветными иллюстрациями.

Серия: Играй и учись
Год: 2015
Производитель: Амфора
Артикул: 583635
ISBN: 978-5-367-03890-3
Автор: Савицкая И. А
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

День рождения Медвежонка. Выпуск 7
268 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Маленькая Рыжая Курочка
Маленькая Рыжая Курочка
Представляем вашему вниманию двенадцатый выпуск говорящей книжки "Играй и учись / Play & Learn". В нем вас ждут зимняя прогулка, веселый автодром, спрятанные предметы и другие интересные задания.Сказка номера "Маленькая Рыжая Курочка".Учи английский с удовольствием!Для младшего школьного возраста.

Серия: Играй и учись
Год: 2016
Производитель: Амфора
Артикул: 539651
ISBN: 978-5-367-03895-8
Автор: Анненкова Г. Е
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Маленькая Рыжая Курочка
268 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Мой друг по переписке. Выпуск 6
Мой друг по переписке. Выпуск 6
Представляем вашему вниманию шестой выпуск говорящей книжки "Играй и учись / Play&Learn". В нем вас ждут запутанные лабиринты, спрятанные предметы и другие интересные задания. Рассказ номера "My Computer Pal / Мой друг по переписке".Учи английский с удовольствием!

Серия: Играй и учись
Год: 2015
Производитель: Амфора
Артикул: 513261
ISBN: 978-5-367-03889-7
Автор: Савицкая И. А
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Мой друг по переписке. Выпуск 6
268 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Моя подруга Элли. Играй и учись. Выпуск 8
Моя подруга Элли. Играй и учись. Выпуск 8
В замечательной серии "Учись, играя" вышли новые книжки - "Азбука" и "Цифры". Одна поможет выучить алфавит - нужно будет правильно подобрать и расположить наклейки-буквы и наклейки-картинки. В этом помогут силуэты-подсказки, форма и размер которых были разработаны специально таким образом, чтобы маленький ребенок смог справиться с этим заданием.А вторая познакомит с цифрами, научит считать, поможет запомнить последовательность цифр, расскажет, как выглядят разные фигуры.А еще ребенок сам сможет научиться писать цифры, для этого ему нужно будет обвести пунктир.

Серия: Играй и учись
Год: 2015
Производитель: Амфора
Артикул: 610390
ISBN: 978-5-367-03891-0
Автор: Анненская Г
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Моя подруга Элли. Играй и учись. Выпуск 8
268 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Муравей и голубка. Выпуск 4
Муравей и голубка. Выпуск 4
Коллекция "Играй и учись" поможет юным читателям погрузиться в увлекательный мир английского языка. Изучение языков в раннем возрасте дается легко и свободно, но как же трудно заставить юного непоседу сидеть над учебниками, запоминать грамматические конструкции и применять свои знания на практике. "Играй и учись" поможет заинтересовать ребенка самим процессом обучения. Коллекция оформлена яркими и качественными иллюстрациями и не будет ассоциироваться со школьными учебниками и домашними заданиями. Юные читатели смогут весело, увлекательно и с пользой провести время, обогатить словарный запас, узнать азы грамматики и даже послушать сказку в исполнении настоящего англичанина. Каждый том включает в себя три раздела: "ИГРАЙ", "СКАЗКА НОМЕРА" и "ВЕСЕЛЫЕ УРОКИ". Раздел "ИГРАЙ" поможет ребенку без "зубрежки" выучить новые слова и применить знания на практике: сюда входят всевозможные лабиринты, паззлы, скрытые картинки, кроссворды, раскраски и другие интересные и веселые задания. В разделе "СКАЗКА НОМЕРА" приводится иллюстрированная сказка с переводом, которую можно прослушать с помощью смартфона, сосканировав QR-код. Задания раздела "ВЕСЕЛЫЕ УРОКИ" помогут юным полиглотам освоить грамматические конструкции и устойчивые выражения и расширить словарный запас. Все тома составлены высококвалифицированными педагогами, соответствуют разделам школьной программы и дополняют её.

Серия: Играй и учись
Год: 2015
Производитель: Амфора
Артикул: 511120
ISBN: 978-5-367-03887-3
Автор: Савицкая И. А
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Муравей и голубка. Выпуск 4
268 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Трудимся вместе. Играй и учись. Выпуск 10
Трудимся вместе. Играй и учись. Выпуск 10
10 выпуск говорящей книжки "Играй и учись. Play&Learn". Учи английский с удовольствием! Для младшего школьного возраста.

Серия: Играй и учись
Год: 2015
Производитель: Амфора
Артикул: 610387
ISBN: 978-5-367-03893-4
Автор: Анненская Г
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Трудимся вместе. Играй и учись. Выпуск 10
268 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Чей дом лучше? Играй и учись. Выпуск 1
Чей дом лучше? Играй и учись. Выпуск 1
Еженедельной издание "Учись и играй" включает в себя головоломки и задания для детей на английском языке с цветными иллюстрациями. На книге есть QR-код, при помощи которого можно скачать приложение для воспроизведения аудиозаписи.

Серия: Играй и учись
Год: 2015
Производитель: Амфора
Артикул: 505269
ISBN: 978-5-367-03884-2
Автор: Савицкая И. А
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Чей дом лучше? Играй и учись. Выпуск 1
268 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Waybuloo Sticker Scene
Waybuloo Sticker Scene
Twelve vivid scenes and four pages of stickers offer hours of creative play for young Waybuloo fans. Children can re-enact their favourite scenes from the show or create their own stories using stickers of characters, accessories, props, and more!
Год: 2010
Производитель: Egmont Books
Артикул: 785973
ISBN: 9781405250214
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Waybuloo Sticker Scene
282 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
i-SPY On a car journey in France: What can you spot?
i-SPY On a car journey in France: What can you spot?
Search for over 140 sights on trip in France with this i-SPY guide. This fun activity book encourages kids to look all around, from signs on the road to stopping off in towns or villages, in search of i-SPY points. A fun, interactive way to encourage curious children to learn about the world around them.What can you spot? Get i-SPYing with these features: Vibrant colour coded photographsLearn facts about France s transport, attractions and shopsPoints to score from common sights like motorway sign (5 points) to top spots such as a converted van (40 points).Children love these fun and fascinating i-SPY activity books discover over 30 other i-SPY guides in the series!

Серия: Collins Michelin i-SPY Guides
Год: 2016
Производитель: Collins
Артикул: 813004
ISBN: 9780008182885
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

i-SPY On a car journey in France: What can you spot?
307 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Sticker Friends. Farm
Sticker Friends. Farm
Pre-schoolers will love the fun-packed pages of this oh-so-cute, cow-shaped sticker book all about the barnyard! Inside are more than 300 reusable stickers for little hands to decorate the scenes and complete the activities time and time again. Perfect for rainy days or sunny days, trips out or vacations, to share with friends or individual play, this fabulous book is full of farm stickering fun!
Год: 2017
Производитель: Priddy Books
Артикул: 672306
ISBN: 978-1-78341-368-3
Автор: Priddy Roger
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Sticker Friends. Farm
343 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Small Beginnings. Trace and Chase 3 +
Small Beginnings. Trace and Chase 3 +
Small Beginnings make for happy endings! Small Beginnings offer the opportunity to learn through playful experience, and encourage imagination, curiosity and exploration. Simple, early concepts are explored in a structured, progressive way, and regular guidance notes help to put parents in the picture. Small Beginnings bring a happy ending to all early learning sessions!Ideal for:A brilliant early learning book for children over the age of 3 years.

Серия: Small Beginnings
Год: 2017
Производитель: Autumn Publishing
Артикул: 627300
ISBN: 978-1-84958-327-5
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Small Beginnings. Trace and Chase 3 +
344 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
My Super Sparkly Sticker Bag
My Super Sparkly Sticker Bag
Introducing My Super Sparkly Sticker Bag, a fabulous sticker activity book with a sparkly cover! Bursting with fun activities for children to complete, this glittery book will keep little ones entertained for hours.Over 1000 stickers can be used in the book or anywhere else, while the imaginative activities will inspire children and gently support their early learning. A must-have for all fun-loving kids!Fun activities will keep children busy and entertained.Sticker and colouring activities improve hand-eye coordination.Full of fun pictures that children will love!
Год: 2019
Производитель: Make Believe Ideas
Артикул: 681613
ISBN: 978-1-78598-117-3
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

My Super Sparkly Sticker Bag
393 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Big and Little
Big and Little
A very useful first learning book to help children understand opposites like big, little, long and short. Children can have fun pointing to the pictures and saying the words, while finding out about the world around them.

Серия: FirstSkills
Год: 2011
Производитель: Ladybird
Артикул: 755397
ISBN: 9781409310303
Автор: Clark Lesley
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Big and Little
394 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Usborne Workbooks. Comprehension 5-6
Usborne Workbooks. Comprehension 5-6
Guided by a friendly group of woodland animals, children can begin to develop their comprehension skills. The activities in this book build confidence in reading and understanding written English.

Серия: Usborne workbooks
Год: 2021
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 812880
ISBN: 9781474994477
Автор: Watson Hannah
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Usborne Workbooks. Comprehension 5-6
437 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Usborne Workbooks. Grammar and Punctuation 5-6
Usborne Workbooks. Grammar and Punctuation 5-6
With the help of Olly the Owl and his friends, children can explore the rules of written English. The activities in this book build confidence in using capital letters, punctuating sentences and using plurals.

Серия: Usborne workbooks
Год: 2021
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 812881
ISBN: 9781474990967
Автор: Greenwell Jessica
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Usborne Workbooks. Grammar and Punctuation 5-6
437 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
My Puss In Boots Sticker Scenes
My Puss In Boots Sticker Scenes
What happens when the miller's son meets Puss in Boots? Find out with this exciting activity book, bursting with colourful stickers and scenes from the story. Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!

Серия: Activity books
Год: 2016
Производитель: Bloomsbury
Артикул: 579933
ISBN: 978-1-4088-4748-0
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Детскогий досуг

My Puss In Boots Sticker Scenes
444 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Children Just Like Me. Ultimate Sticker Book
Children Just Like Me. Ultimate Sticker Book
Packed with colourful, photographic stickers, Children Just Like Me Ultimate Sticker Book is an exciting sticker book for kids interested in what life is like for children around the world. In Children Just Like Me Ultimate Sticker Book discover what daily life is like for kids around the world - then decorate the pages with colourful stickers. Filled with more then 250 cool stickers, Children Just Like Me Sticker Book will entertain children for hours.
Год: 2016
Производитель: Dorling Kindersley
Артикул: 702644
ISBN: 9780241207376
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Children Just Like Me. Ultimate Sticker Book
462 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Pirate Puzzles
Pirate Puzzles
An exciting new activity series for boys and girls aged 7 and up! Puzzles are themed according to the title and each book is printed in a different colour. Other titles in the series include Dinosaur Puzzles, Princess Puzzles and Monster Puzzles.
Год: 2019
Производитель: Arcturus
Артикул: 733722
ISBN: 9781789503456
Автор: Regan Lisa
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Pirate Puzzles
466 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Bugs to Spot
Bugs to Spot
Readers can identify 60 bugs, from earwigs and mayflies to emperor moths and stag beetles with this informative little book. The pages are organised by location, showing bugs you might find in towns and parks, trees and woodlands and ponds and lakes. There's also a spotting chart and stickers to add so you can keep track of bugs you've spotted.

Серия: Usborne Minis
Год: 2019
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 723136
ISBN: 9781474952170
Автор: Brown Jenny
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Bugs to Spot
470 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
I Can Do It! Book of Mazes. Age 3-4. На английском языке
I Can Do It! Book of Mazes. Age 3-4. На английском языке
Let's climb a mountain! Or fix a hole in an airplane! Or maybe we could journey to the center of the Earth?This activity book contains 63 interesting and exciting mazes. Your child will get acquainted with the concept of the maze and develop attention, patience, and the ability to concentrate on tasks. Each task has a plot, so your child can easily understand where and why they need to draw a line and why they cannot go off the path.This book will help you teach your child how to properly hold a pencil, draw lines accurately and precisely, and prepare their hand for writing. Working with mazes helps develop fine mo-tor skills, which is important for developing language skills. The tasks in this book are organized from simple to more complex. It will help your child feel confident about themselves and their abilities.This activity book has a page of 67 stickers, which children enjoy so much. Laminated reusable stickers are perfect for kids.Activity books in the I Can Do It! series are printed on carefully chosen thick paper, making them easy for children to use.

Серия: Age 2-3
Год: 2021
Производитель: Я МОГУ
Артикул: 918134
ISBN: 9785604501047
Автор: Lyalina Irina, Lazareva Evgenia, Lyalina Natalya
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

I Can Do It! Book of Mazes. Age 3-4. На английском языке
472 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
I Can Do It! Playing with Modelling Clay and Colour. Age 2-3
I Can Do It! Playing with Modelling Clay and Colour. Age 2-3
- Fun and engaging storylines - Introduces your child to working with modelling clay, drawing and colouring - Trains fine motor skills - Demonstrates that learning can be fun - 45 reusable stickers -Good quality paper - Convenient, open flat spiral bindingLet's light a fire in the fireplace! Let's build a kennel or a snowman! What does your child like doing? Playing is probably what they enjoy the most. This is why we think they will like building bridges out of modelling clay or drawing teeth on an alligator. We wanted to turn each activity in this book into a little adventure for young children. Colouring and making things out of clay are not just fun activities, they are also very useful ones! They help children prepare their hands for writing and will also improve their language skills. This activity book is designed for children who are 2 to 3 years old, but the tasks should also be interesting for older children. Inside, you'll also find 45 laminated reusable stickers, which we know your child will love. Our activity books in this series are printed on carefully chosen thick paper, making them easy for children to use.

Серия: Age 2-3
Год: 2021
Производитель: Я МОГУ
Артикул: 918130
ISBN: 9785604501085
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

I Can Do It! Playing with Modelling Clay and Colour. Age 2-3
472 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
I Can Do It! Playing with Modelling Clay and Colour. Age 3-4. На английском языке
I Can Do It! Playing with Modelling Clay and Colour. Age 3-4. На английском языке
- engaging storylines- trains fine motor skills - emphasises that learning is fun- 50 reusable stickers- good quality paper - convenient format and open flat spiral binding How does a snake see? How do architects design cities? Why does a tiger need stripes? To find out, open your activity book and start... studying? No, playing! The easiest way for a child to develop and learn new things is through playing. We want to make every activity in this book a little adventure for young children.Colouring and making things out of clay aren't just fun activities, they also help children build some very useful skills, such as preparing their hand for writing and improving their language and cognitive abilities. The activities in this book are designed for children aged between 3 and 4, but older children should enjoy them too. Inside, you'll also find 50 laminated reusable stickers, which we know your child will love.Our activity books in this series are printed on carefully chosen thick paper, making them easy for children to use.

Серия: Age 2-3
Год: 2021
Производитель: Я МОГУ
Артикул: 918135
ISBN: 9785604571439
Автор: Lyalina Natalya, Lyalina Irina
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

I Can Do It! Playing with Modelling Clay and Colour. Age 3-4. На английском языке
472 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
I Can Do It! Tracing Skills. Age 2-3. На английском языке
I Can Do It! Tracing Skills. Age 2-3. На английском языке
- fun and engaging storylines- prepares your child's hand for writing by teaching them to draw shapes- helps to improve attention skills- develops fine motor skills- 42 reusable stickers- convenient format and open flat spiral binding- good quality paperLet's give archery a go! Or play blind-man's-buff! Or shall we make a sand castle?This activity book contains 63 interesting activities that will help your child hold a pencil properly, draw lines precisely and carefully, and prepare their hand for writing. Drawing lines is a way of practising fine motor skills, something very important for children's speech development. With the help of this activity book your child will become more attentive, patient, and able to concentrate on tasks. This activity book has a page of 42 laminated reusable stickers, which we know your child will love.Our activity books in this series are printed on carefully chosen thick paper, making them easy for children to use.

Серия: Age 2-3
Год: 2021
Производитель: Я МОГУ
Артикул: 918129
ISBN: 9785604571477
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

I Can Do It! Tracing Skills. Age 2-3. На английском языке
472 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
I Can Do It! Tracing Skills. Age 3-4. На английском языке
I Can Do It! Tracing Skills. Age 3-4. На английском языке
- fun and engaging storylines- prepares little hands for writing - trains diligence and attentiveness- teaches shapes and numbers- develops fine motor skills- 43 reusable stickers- convenient format and open flat spiral binding- good quality paperLet's go on a safari! Or explore an underwater cave!Or maybe ride a dogsleigh?This activity book contains 63 interesting activities that will help your child hold a pencil properly, draw lines precisely and carefully, and prepare their hand for writing. Drawing lines is a way of practising fine motor skills, something very important for children's speech development. With the help of this activity book your child will become more attentive, patient, and able to concentrate on tasks.This activity book has a page of 43 laminated reusable stickers, which we know your child will love.Our activity books in this series are printed on carefully chosen thick paper, making them easy for children to use.

Серия: Age 2-3
Год: 2021
Производитель: Я МОГУ
Артикул: 918132
ISBN: 9785604501030
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

I Can Do It! Tracing Skills. Age 3-4. На английском языке
472 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Handwriting. Age 5-6
Handwriting. Age 5-6
This Progress with Oxford: Handwriting Age 5-6 workbook will help your child to progress with handwriting while having fun so they will quickly learn the correct formation of letters and start to learn how to add flicks to prepare them for cursive handwriting.The Progress with Oxford series has been created to help every child develop essential skills at home, with minimal help and support. Picture clues are used to show very young children how to complete activities, whilst reminder boxes, tips and advice support older children to become self-sufficient learners. A lively character accompanies your child through all the colourful and engaging activities, and fun stickersare included to reward their work. A handy progress chart at the end of each book captures their achievements, so you both know what to do next.You can find even more practical advice, free eBooks and fun activities to help your child progress on our award-winning website, oxfordowl.co.uk. Let's get them flying!

Серия: Progress with Oxford
Год: 2019
Производитель: Oxford
Артикул: 681698
ISBN: 978-0-19-276587-1
Автор: Tomlinson Fiona
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Handwriting. Age 5-6
475 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Handwriting Made Easy. Ages 7-11. Key Stage 2. Advanced Writing
Handwriting Made Easy. Ages 7-11. Key Stage 2. Advanced Writing
Help your child be the top of the class with the best-selling home-study series from Carol Vorderman. Carol Vorderman can help your child learn good handwriting skills with this homeschool learning resource for 7-11 year olds. Handwriting Made Easy - Advanced Writing is one of Carol Vorderman's series of DK workbooks packed with notes, tips, and fact-boxes to make home learning handwriting skills easy and fun! Follow the exercises and activities with your child at home to strengthen their learning in school. Your child can keep track of all the exercises they have completed using the progress chart and colour in the topic stars as they go. Helpful parents' notes explains what your child needs to know at each stage and what's being covered in the national curriculum so you can support and homeschool your child with confidence.This book will help your child develop a neat, consistent, and fluid style of handwriting by practicising different handwriting joins. Further handwriting practice includes proof-reading, story planning, and writing letters. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support the new national curriculum learning, Handwriting Made Easy is a great way to improve your child's handwriting skills - "the more you practise, the better you'll be!" (Carol Vorderman)

Серия: English Made Easy
Год: 2020
Производитель: Dorling Kindersley
Артикул: 916264
ISBN: 9780241225387
Автор: Vorderman Carol, Apsley Brenda
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Handwriting Made Easy. Ages 7-11. Key Stage 2. Advanced Writing
476 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
100 First Farm Words Sticker Activity book
100 First Farm Words Sticker Activity book
Young children are encouraged to sticker, colour and point as they learn their first farm words. Bright photographs and simple labels will engage young readers. These books offer the opportunity for children to look and point, making it perfect for children and parents to read together.
Год: 2018
Производитель: Make Believe Ideas
Артикул: 696112
ISBN: 978-1-78692-962-4
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

100 First Farm Words Sticker Activity book
491 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Peppa s Party. A Make and Do Book
Peppa's Party. A Make and Do Book
Put on your very own party with Peppa Pig and her little brother George! With fun games to play, simple decorations to press out and make and delicious treats to bake! Based on the hit preschool animation Peppa Pig, shown daily on Five's Milkshake and Nick Jnr.

Серия: Peppa Pig
Год: 2016
Производитель: Ladybird
Артикул: 561780
ISBN: 978-0-241-24987-1
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Peppa's Party. A Make and Do Book
502 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
English Made Easy. Ages 5-6. Key Stage 1
English Made Easy. Ages 5-6. Key Stage 1
Help your child be the top of the class with the best-selling home-study series from Carol Vorderman.Carol Vorderman can help your child succeed in English with this homeschool learning resource for 5-6 year olds. English Made Easy is one of Carol Vorderman's series of DK workbooks packed with notes and tips to make home learning about English easy and fun! Follow the exercises and activities with your child at home to strengthen their learning in school. Each title contains a progress chart so your child can keep track of all the exercises they have completed and colour in the topic stars as they go. Helpful parents' notes explain what children need to know at each stage and what's being covered in the curriculum so you can support and homeschool your child with confidence.This book will help your child practise using paragraphs and punctuation, similes and metaphors, and looks at different types of writing, such as instructional and information text. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, English Made Easy is a great way to improve your child's English skills - "the more you practise, the better you'll be!" (Carol Vorderman)

Серия: English Made Easy
Год: 2020
Производитель: Dorling Kindersley
Артикул: 916624
ISBN: 9781409344643
Автор: Vorderman Carol
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

English Made Easy. Ages 5-6. Key Stage 1
513 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
I Can Do It! Cutting and Pasting. Age 3-4. На английском языке
I Can Do It! Cutting and Pasting. Age 3-4. На английском языке
- fun and engaging storylines- teaches your child to work with scissors and glue - includes 4 three-dimensional projects - introduces interesting topics for discussion- improves attention skills and diligence - 80 reusable stickers- convenient format and open flat spiral binding- good quality paperLet's make a telescope, or save the deer from a forest fire!Or maybe rescue a princess from a dragon?This activity book contains 57 interesting tasks that will teach your child to cut and paste. Working through this book will help them to use scissors in a proper and safe way, as well as to learn how to glue carefully and precisely.Using scissors is a way of practising fine motor skills, which is very important for speech development. This activity book will help your child improve their attention, patience, and ability to concentrate on tasks.Thanks to fun storylines and a gradually increasing complexity of tasks, your child will be able to master the skill of cutting. This will help them feel confidence in their own abilities.This activity book has 3 pages of stickers (80 stickers in total), which all children will love.

Серия: Age 2-3
Год: 2021
Производитель: Я МОГУ
Артикул: 918133
ISBN: 9785604501023
Автор: Lyalina Irina, Lyalina Natalya
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

I Can Do It! Cutting and Pasting. Age 3-4. На английском языке
525 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Giraffes Can t Dance. Sticker Activity Book
Giraffes Can't Dance. Sticker Activity Book
Come into the jungle for hours of sticker activity fun with Gerald the Giraffe and friends. Over 250 stickers inside!Much-loved classic, Giraffes Can't Dance, has been a family favourite for 20 years. And now you can join in the fun! Help Gerald the Giraffe find his way through the maze to the Jungle Dance. Create your own super-colourful dancing scene. Join up the dots, complete the sticker puzzle, spot the difference ... And lots more!With over 250 stickers, and lots of brilliant animal activities, this fun-packed activity book is perfect for Giraffes Can't Dance fans old and new.
Год: 2019
Производитель: Orchard Book
Артикул: 717488
ISBN: 9781408356586
Автор: Andreae Giles
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Giraffes Can't Dance. Sticker Activity Book
527 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Peppa s Underwater Friends
Peppa's Underwater Friends
Take a dive underwater and meet Peppa's friends!Peppa and George love mermaids and narwhals. With underwater gardens to visit, sea monsters to spot and reef races to take part in, this sticker activity book will keep Peppa's biggest fans busy.Includes lots of fun stickers for little hands.

Серия: Peppa Pig
Год: 2021
Производитель: Ladybird
Артикул: 839384
ISBN: 9780241476727
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Peppa's Underwater Friends
528 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
The Hidden World: 1001 Stickers How to Train Your
The Hidden World: 1001 Stickers How to Train Your
Based on the billion dollar DreamWorks franchise, join Hiccup and Toothless in this fun-filled sticker activity book - with over 1000 stickers!A dragon-filled activity book perfect for fans of How To Train Your Dragon! This sticker book is packed with games, activities and over 1000 stickers of all of your favourite Dragons characters.

Серия: How to Train Your Dragon
Год: 2019
Производитель: Hodder & Stoughton
Артикул: 723186
ISBN: 9781444944495
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

The Hidden World: 1001 Stickers How to Train Your
529 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Let s Do Grammar. 5-6
Let s Do Grammar. 5-6
Matched to the demands of the National Curriculum, the Let's Do Grammar workbooks have been carefully devised to match the appropriate age and stage of your child. Containing a rich variety of activity pages, each book has been designed for use at home and supports classroom learning.With regular progress tests and a complete answer section to aid assessment, this book is the perfect way for your child to practise their punctuation skills and consolidate their learning. And for added enjoyment and motivation, it also contains over 100 reward stickers!

Серия: Let`s Do
Год: 2017
Производитель: Bloomsbury
Артикул: 922327
ISBN: 9781472940605
Автор: Brodie Andrew
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Let s Do Grammar. 5-6
535 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Let s do Grammar, age 10-11
Let's do Grammar, age 10-11
Matched to the demands of the National Curriculum, the Let's Do Grammar workbooks have been carefully devised to match the appropriate age and stage of your child. Containing a rich variety of activity pages, each book has been designed for use at home and supports classroom learning.With regular progress tests and a complete answer section to aid assessment, this book is the perfect way for your child to practise their punctuation skills and consolidate their learning. And for added enjoyment and motivation, it also contains over 100 reward stickers!
Год: 2017
Производитель: Bloomsbury
Артикул: 826960
ISBN: 9781472940827
Автор: Brodie Andrew
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Let's do Grammar, age 10-11
535 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Let s do Grammar, age 8-9
Let's do Grammar, age 8-9
Matched to the demands of the National Curriculum, the Let's Do Grammar workbooks have been carefully devised to match the appropriate age and stage of your child. Containing a rich variety of activity pages, each book has been designed for use at home and supports classroom learning.With regular progress tests and a complete answer section to aid assessment, this book is the perfect way for your child to practise their grammar skills and consolidate their learning. And for added enjoyment and motivation, it also contains over 100 reward stickers!
Год: 2017
Производитель: Bloomsbury
Артикул: 826961
ISBN: 9781472940674
Автор: Brodie Andrew
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Let's do Grammar, age 8-9
535 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Let s do Grammar, age 9-10
Let's do Grammar, age 9-10
Matched to the demands of the National Curriculum, the Let's Do Grammar workbooks have been carefully devised to match the appropriate age and stage of your child. Containing a rich variety of activity pages, each book has been designed for use at home and supports classroom learning.With regular progress tests and a complete answer section to aid assessment, this book is the perfect way for your child to practise their grammar skills and consolidate their learning. And for added enjoyment and motivation, it also contains over 100 reward stickers!
Год: 2017
Производитель: Bloomsbury
Артикул: 826962
ISBN: 9781472940704
Автор: Brodie Andrew
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Let's do Grammar, age 9-10
535 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
My Dinosaurs Sticker Storybook
My Dinosaurs Sticker Storybook
This brilliant activity book is bursting with colourful illustrations and stickers to help you write your own amazing dinosaur stories! The first sentence of every story has been written for you, but you need to decide what will happen and how your Jurassic tales will end. Also features two completed stories to add fun stickers to. Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!

Серия: Activity books
Год: 2014
Производитель: Bloomsbury
Артикул: 460827
ISBN: 9781408847299
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Детскогий досуг

My Dinosaurs Sticker Storybook
535 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
My Enchanted Sticker Storybook
My Enchanted Sticker Storybook
This beautiful activity book is packed full of colourful illustrations and stickers to help you write fantastic fairytales! The first sentence of every story has been written for you, but you need to decide what will happen and how your amazing tales will end. Also features two completed stories to add fun stickers to.Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!

Серия: Activity books
Год: 2013
Производитель: Bloomsbury
Артикул: 464313
ISBN: 9781408190135
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Детскогий досуг

My Enchanted Sticker Storybook
535 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
My Fearless Knight. Activity and Sticker Book
My Fearless Knight. Activity and Sticker Book
Join the knights on their valiant quests. Battles, invasions and slaying dragon activities for every brave knight.Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!

Серия: Activity books
Год: 2014
Производитель: Bloomsbury
Артикул: 464316
ISBN: 9781408840702
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Детскогий досуг

My Fearless Knight. Activity and Sticker Book
542 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
My Spring Activity and Sticker Book
My Spring Activity and Sticker Book
The ultimate Spring activity book, packed full of activities and stickers for hours of holiday fun.Help the rabbits through the maze, decorate the eggs, find the hiding chick and much more!Bloomsbury Activity Books is an exciting new Bloomsbury brand designed to provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!

Серия: Activity books
Год: 2013
Производитель: Bloomsbury
Артикул: 463018
ISBN: 9781408836507
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Детскогий досуг

My Spring Activity and Sticker Book
542 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Peter Rabbit. Movie 2. Sticker Activity Book
Peter Rabbit. Movie 2. Sticker Activity Book
Peter Rabbit is hopping into cinemas in spring 2020. Featuring all the star-studded cast as last time, including James Corden (the voice of Peter Rabbit), Domhnall Gleeson (Mr. McGregor) and Rose Byrne (McGregor's animal loving neighbour, Bea).This pawsome activity book is based on the major new movie, so you can relive the best moments of the film.Peter Rabbit is up to mischief again and it's over to you to help him in this action-packed sticker book.Featuring your favourite characters from the movie, puzzles, activities and lots of stickers, this book is perfect for keeping little paws busy for hours!Also look out for the chapter book, Peter Rabbit, Based on the Major New Movie and the Peter Rabbit Movie Colouring Sticker Activity book.

Серия: Peter Rabbit
Год: 2020
Производитель: Puffin
Артикул: 770000
ISBN: 9780241415689
Автор: Potter Beatrix
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Peter Rabbit. Movie 2. Sticker Activity Book
549 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Look and Find Puzzles. On the Farm
Look and Find Puzzles. On the Farm
Spot a dancing pig, a bull in a scarf and a cat driving a tractor, and look for the little white mouse hiding on every page. This lively book is packed with sheep, pigs, cows and lots of farmyard animals to find, match, count and talk about.

Серия: Look and Find
Год: 2022
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 933843
ISBN: 9781803702506
Автор: Robson Kirsteen
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Look and Find Puzzles. On the Farm
551 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
My First Dinosaur. Sticker Activity Book
My First Dinosaur. Sticker Activity Book
Complete the dinosaur jigsaw, colour in the baby dinosaurs, add stickers to the dinosaur beach party and much more! Have a roaring good time with this exciting dinosaurs activity book, packed full of colourful stickers. Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!

Серия: Activity books
Год: 2016
Производитель: Bloomsbury
Артикул: 572755
ISBN: 978-1-4088-5555-3
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Детскогий досуг

My First Dinosaur. Sticker Activity Book
552 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
My Trains. Activity and Sticker Book
My Trains. Activity and Sticker Book
All aboard! Hop on board your first train with this fantastic activity book, bursting with different activities to complete and colourful stickers that you can collect. Pack a lunchbox for the journey, work your way through the town maze to reach the train station, spot the matching trains in the station and much more! Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book is filled with bright illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. This book is perfect for providing entertainment for children at home and on the move!

Серия: Activity books
Год: 2017
Производитель: Bloomsbury
Артикул: 607588
ISBN: 978-1-4088-7735-7
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Детскогий досуг

My Trains. Activity and Sticker Book
552 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
On the Move! Sticker Activity Book
On the Move! Sticker Activity Book
Hop aboard! Peppa and George are always on the move, and so are alt their family and friends. Join the fun, using the stickers in this book to complete the activities.

Серия: Peppa Pig
Год: 2021
Производитель: Ladybird
Артикул: 461664
ISBN: 978-0-7232-6932-8
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

On the Move! Sticker Activity Book
556 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Peppa Pig. Daddy & Me Sticker Colouring Book
Peppa Pig. Daddy & Me Sticker Colouring Book
Peppa and George loves drawing pictures of their daddy. Make your very own special scrapbook all about you and your daddy!With a free pull-out frame for a picture of your daddy and a sheet of stickers.

Серия: Peppa Pig
Год: 2015
Производитель: Ladybird
Артикул: 527658
ISBN: 9780723297826
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Peppa Pig. Daddy & Me Sticker Colouring Book
556 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Peter Rabbit Animation. Best Friends Sticker Book
Peter Rabbit Animation. Best Friends Sticker Book
Have fun with Lily's very own sticker activity book. Lily, Peter and Benjamin are BEST friends! Play the games, colour the pictures and stick the stickers to win your puzzle skills award.

Серия: Peter Rabbit
Год: 2014
Производитель: Puffin
Артикул: 693910
ISBN: 978-0-14-135323-4
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Peter Rabbit Animation. Best Friends Sticker Book
556 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Practise with Peppa. Super Phonics
Practise with Peppa. Super Phonics
This colourful sticker book follows on from Peppa Pig: First Phonics and introduces more letters and sounds.Learn at home by practising first phonics with Peppa and her friends in this colourful sticker activity book. Letters and sounds are introduced in a systematic order, with fun activities to build confidence in reading and spelling.Each page is structured in the same way to help children navigate the book, and learning is reinforced with fun stickers and activities. Peppa and her friends show how phonics can be fun and easy!Perfect for young children who are learning at home or starting school.

Серия: Practise with Peppa
Год: 2021
Производитель: Ladybird
Артикул: 835698
ISBN: 9780241519219
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Practise with Peppa. Super Phonics
556 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Number Problems. Age 4-5
Number Problems. Age 4-5
Progress with Oxford: Number Problems 4-5 builds number skills while helping your child to work independently. Engaging activities, fun characters and stickers keep them motivated and a progress chart captures achievements. Additional activities and support on oxfordowl.co.uk all help your child to make progress whilst having fun.

Серия: Progress with Oxford
Год: 2018
Производитель: Oxford
Артикул: 960392
ISBN: 9780192765574
Автор: Hodge Paul
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Number Problems. Age 4-5
566 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Progress with Oxford. Shape and Size. Age 3-4
Progress with Oxford. Shape and Size. Age 3-4
This Progress with Oxford: Shape and Size Age 3 4 workbook will help your child to progress with learning about shapes and size while having fun. They will quickly learn the names of shapes, recognise their features and learn the vocabulary of measurement.The Progress with Oxford series has been created to help every child develop essential skills at home, with minimal help and support. Picture clues are used to show very young children how to complete activities, whilst reminder boxes, tips and advice support older children to become self-sufficient learners. A lively character accompanies your child through all the colourful and engaging activities, and fun stickers are included to reward their work. A handy progress chart at the end of each book captures their achievements, so you both know what to do next.

Серия: Progress with Oxford
Год: 2021
Производитель: Oxford
Артикул: 957065
ISBN: 9780192765512, 9780192780584
Автор: Snashall Sarah
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Progress with Oxford. Shape and Size. Age 3-4
566 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
English for Beginners. First 100 Verbs. Workbook
English for Beginners. First 100 Verbs. Workbook
English for Beginners is a Ladybird series designed for young people learning English worldwide. The emphasis is on word recognition and word learning through simple, clear text and colourful pictures and activities. Each workbook is accompanied by its own hardback title, re-enforcing the learning process in a structured but entertaining way.First 100 Verbs Workbook contains more than twenty stimulating and enjoyable activities based on the vocabulary presented in First 100 Verbs. Each activity is clearly illustrated and each encourages writing, drawing, reading and understanding.

Серия: English for Beginners
Год: 2014
Производитель: Ladybird
Артикул: 755454
ISBN: 9780723294320
Автор: Preston Roy
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

English for Beginners. First 100 Verbs. Workbook
568 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
First Colouring Book. Airport
First Colouring Book. Airport
Take a trip through the airport and into the sky with this activity book for little children. Scenes include boarding a plane, take off, what happens during the flight and baggage reclaim. The backgrounds are already coloured in, so children can focus on the fun parts. Essential packing for a journey or holiday.

Серия: First Colouring Book
Год: 2017
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 690993
ISBN: 978-1-4749-3892-1
Автор: Tudhope Simon
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

First Colouring Book. Airport
570 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Bring the jungle to life by colouring in monkeys, tigers, elephants and lots of other amazing rainforest animals in this exciting colouring book. Scenes include birds squawking in the treetops, big cats cooling down by the river and elephants getting ready for bedtime. The backgrounds are already coloured in, so children can focus on the fun parts.

Серия: First Colouring Book
Год: 2014
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 933568
ISBN: 9781474945721
Автор: Primmer Alice
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

570 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Spot the Difference
Spot the Difference
Spot the difference between flocks of flamingos, adorable llamas, herds of elephants and lots more in this lively mini book, bursting with animal-themed puzzles. Part of a range of pocket-sized paperbacks that are perfect for holidays, journeys and party bags.

Серия: Usborne Minis
Год: 2019
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 773098
ISBN: 9781474952781
Автор: Smith Sam
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Spot the Difference
570 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Big Nate. Laugh-O-Rama (Big Nate Activity Book 4)
Big Nate. Laugh-O-Rama (Big Nate Activity Book 4)
Big Nate is back! This companion activity book to the bestselling Big Nate series is packed with laughs, activities and fun. Big Nate is created by Lincoln Peirce, who inspired Jeff Kinney, author of 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid'.Big Nate is ready to rock, and with this fourth activity book in the series you can join the comic craziness and laugh along too! With 224 pages of Big Nate fun, including word puzzles, drawing games, brain-bending quizzes and lots and lots of hilarity, you'll never run out of Big Nate to enjoy.

Серия: Big Nate
Год: 2015
Производитель: HarperCollins
Артикул: 760664
ISBN: 9780007569076
Автор: Peirce Lincoln
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Big Nate. Laugh-O-Rama (Big Nate Activity Book 4)
571 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Let s do Grammar. For ages 6-7
Let s do Grammar. For ages 6-7
Matched to the demands of the National Curriculum, the Let's Do Grammar workbooks have been carefully devised to match the appropriate age and stage of your child. Containing a rich variety of activity pages, each book has been designed for use at home and supports classroom learning.With regular progress tests and a complete answer section to aid assessment, this book is the perfect way for your child to practise their grammar skills and consolidate their learning. And for added enjoyment and motivation, it also contains over 100 reward stickers!

Серия: Let`s Do
Год: 2017
Производитель: Bloomsbury
Артикул: 922328
ISBN: 9781472940643
Автор: Brodie Andrew
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Let s do Grammar. For ages 6-7
576 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Let s Grammar. 7-8
Let s Grammar. 7-8
Matched to the demands of the National Curriculum, the Let's Do Grammar workbooks have been carefully devised to match the appropriate age and stage of your child. Containing a rich variety of activity pages, each book has been designed for use at home and support classroom learning. With regular progress tests and a complete answer section to aid assessment, this book is the perfect way for your child to practise their grammar skills and consolidate their learning. And for added enjoyment and motivation, it also contains over 100 reward stickers!

Серия: Let`s Do
Год: 2017
Производитель: Bloomsbury
Артикул: 922326
ISBN: 9781472940667
Автор: Brodie Andrew
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Let s Grammar. 7-8
576 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Getting Ready for Spring. A Sticker Storybook
Getting Ready for Spring. A Sticker Storybook
With over 130 stickers, this springtime storybook will keep little ones busy for hours!It's almost Easter in this gorgeous sticker book full of beautiful springtime scenes. Use stickers to fill the woods with bunnies, add birds to the garden, decorate Easter bonnets and much, much more. With over 130 stickers and a checklist at the end for spotting extra details in each scene, this is the perfect accompaniment for the countdown to spring.

Серия: National Trust
Год: 2020
Производитель: Nosy Crow
Артикул: 810085
ISBN: 9781788004107
Автор: Selbert Kathryn
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Getting Ready for Spring. A Sticker Storybook
577 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
My Fabulous Pink Fairy. Activity and Sticker Book
My Fabulous Pink Fairy. Activity and Sticker Book
Your very own magical fairyland comes to life with fairies dancing to dressing up with activities including through the maze to the magic castle to decorating the fairy shoes. Sticker, colour, puzzle and draw fun for every little fairy!Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!

Серия: Activity books
Год: 2013
Производитель: Bloomsbury
Артикул: 464314
ISBN: 9781408190074
Гендер: Девочки
Категория: Детскогий досуг

My Fabulous Pink Fairy. Activity and Sticker Book
577 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
First Colouring Unicorns
First Colouring Unicorns
Little children will love the magical illustrations in this early years colouring book filled with unicorns, castles and rainbows. Bold, simple outlines and large areas to colour in make this book ideal for developing pencil control skills.
Год: 2021
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 839865
ISBN: 9781474995603
Автор: Oldham Matthew
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

First Colouring Unicorns
593 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Football Colouring and Activity Book
Football Colouring and Activity Book
An action-packed colouring book with hours of colouring and doodling fun, perfect for football fans. Each right-hand page has a scene to colour, while left-hand pages have suggestions for doodles, designs and pictures to complete. Includes a page of colouring tips for drawing patterns, colouring in large areas and getting perfect results. Perfect for keeping any football fan occupied this summer.
Год: 2014
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 933837
ISBN: 9781409583134
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Football Colouring and Activity Book
593 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
100 First Words - Sticker Activity Book
100 First Words - Sticker Activity Book
Bold, bright pictures and simple labels introduce children to 100 first words, including animals, vehicles, toys, and much more!
Год: 2018
Производитель: Make Believe Ideas
Артикул: 731632
ISBN: 9781786929600
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

100 First Words - Sticker Activity Book
594 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Let s Look In Ponds & Rivers ( + 30 stickers)
Let's Look In Ponds & Rivers ( + 30 stickers)
This delightful nature book forms the perfect introduction to ponds and rivers.Take it outside with you to see which of the freshwater plants and animals you can find and identify, then tick off the things you see. Learn about the life cycle of a frog and the names of the most common waterbirds. Then have fun playing with the stickers on the fold-out seashore play scene at the back.Suitable for ages 4 to 8 years.

Серия: Let`s Look
Год: 2014
Производитель: Fine Feather Press
Артикул: 736817
ISBN: 9781908489135
Автор: Pinnington Andrea
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Let's Look In Ponds & Rivers ( + 30 stickers)
594 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
First Phonics Activity Book
First Phonics Activity Book
Learn with the PAW Patrol pups!Help your little learner get ready to go, go, go with this colourful PAW Patrol activity book.Children are introduced to phonics alongside their loveable and playful PAW Patrol friends.Children can practise recognising and saying letter sounds alongside the pupsLook out for the badge awarded at the end of the bookIdeal for pre-schoolers getting ready for schoolChildren will be on a roll in no time!

Серия: Paw Patrol
Год: 2021
Производитель: Harpercollins
Артикул: 898833
ISBN: 9780008461515
Автор: Asquith Carole
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

First Phonics Activity Book
604 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Little Children s Drawing Book
Little Children's Drawing Book
Join Bee and friends for lots of drawing fun in this bright and friendly first drawing book. Draw stripes on Zebra, add wheels to cars, give Jellyfish long twisty tentacles and discover lots of other fun ways to draw lines, circles, spirals, squiggles and more, all of which are perfect for developing pen control skills.
Год: 2020
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 812866
ISBN: 9781474968638
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Little Children's Drawing Book
614 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Spy Disguises
Spy Disguises
Unmask enemy spies and complete all kinds of exciting missions in this mini book of puzzles. From mazes to secret codes, it's packed with activities that will keep budding secret agents busy on journeys or whilst out and about.

Серия: Usborne Minis
Год: 2021
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 818801
ISBN: 9781474985321
Автор: Tudhope Simon
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Spy Disguises
614 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Занимательная математика для детей 5-6 лет
Занимательная математика для детей 5-6 лет
Серия книг "Занимательная математика" содержит систему интеллектуального развития детей на основе запатентованной методики автора - доктора педагогических наук Лидии Львовны Васильевой. Патент на изобретение 2749638 "Способ компьютеризированного развития навыков скорочтения пользователя".Каждое пособие имеет поурочную систему занятий, что способствует постепенному и всестороннему развитию языковых навыков. Кроме того, в ходе занятий ребенок расширяет свои представления об окружающем мире, о математике, логике, развивает зрительную и смысловую память, аналитические функции, тренирует мышление.Серия книг предназначена педагогам дошкольного образования и начальной школы, а также родителям для работы с детьми дома.
Год: 2024
Производитель: Билингва
Артикул: 994945
ISBN: 978-5-9797-0132-5
Автор: Васильева Лидия Львовна
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Занимательная математика для детей 5-6 лет
620 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
In the Jungle: Funtime Sticker Activity Book
In the Jungle: Funtime Sticker Activity Book
Enjoy hours of fun in the jungle with this super sticker activity book. With brilliant play scenes for your stickers and a fun question on every page, it's perfect for little learners. Plus it's packed with puzzles, mazes, doodles, colouring and much, much more!

Серия: Little Snappers
Год: 2015
Производитель: Little Tiger Press
Артикул: 702915
ISBN: 9781848691605
Автор: Meredith Samantha
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

In the Jungle: Funtime Sticker Activity Book
621 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Landmarks of the World. Activity Book
Landmarks of the World. Activity Book
Come on a trip you'll never forget as we discover the landmarks of the world!Bursting with boredom-busting activities and more than 300 stickers, this colourful activity book will keep kids off their screens and entertained on their holidays. Young travellers will love this on-the-page round the world trip as they play their way through fabulous sticker games, brilliant brain teasers, clever quizzes, creative doodling, and lots more. On each page, little readers discover landmarks from a different continent as they play and learn.This activity book is crammed with more than 300 reusable stickers to use in the activities (and lots of extras for fun), as well as more than 35 games, including completing a sticker puzzle of Mt Fuji, finishing the second half of the Taj Mahal, solving the statue anagram, and much more.Vibrant and creative, Landmarks of the World Activity Book will keep kids occupied (and parents happy!) for a great start to the holiday. Little travellers will use their brains, learn about the world, look around them and imagine travelling to new places. So are you ready to go? Let's turn the page and travel round the world!

Серия: Activity Books
Год: 2020
Производитель: Dorling Kindersley
Артикул: 769934
ISBN: 9780241423684
Автор: Mitchem James
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Landmarks of the World. Activity Book
622 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Ultimate Sticker Book. Animals
Ultimate Sticker Book. Animals
For kids who love stickers and animals, this is the ultimate sticker book. It's filled with incredible wildlife, from mammals to fish, and over 250 reusable stickers!Little ones will love learning all about their favourite animals and placing the stickers on the pages where they think they should go. The stickers are easy to peel, re-usable, and perfect for little fingers!Explore the Animal WorldUltimate Sticker Book Animals is the perfect way to engage your child with fun facts and interactive reading.Inside this fascinating animal-themed activity book, you'll find:- Over 250 reusable stickers that are easy to peel and stick to pages or other surfaces- Fun facts, puzzles and quizzes for kids to learn about the animal kingdom as they play- Gorgeous photos and illustrations that will captivate and engage childrenThis colourful activity book keeps kids engaged and learning as they play. Bright photos and stunning illustrations transport children into desserts, jungles, and grasslands! They're challenged to find the correct stickers to fill in the blanks in the images. Kids can also get creative and craft their own scenes out of different stickers, there's no end to where their imagination can take them!Alongside the pictures are bite-sized descriptions and information that is easy to read and suitable for children 5 years and up. They will learn about the world's diverse and magical animal kingdom, from pandas and tigers to orangutans and lemurs.This animal-themed sticker book inspires budding zoologists to explore the outside world and learn more about different types of animals, where they live, and what they eat. The book is divided into the different continents of the world, providing children with an introduction to geography, too. There's also a quiz so you and your pre-schooler can read and engage together.

Серия: Ultimate Sticker Book
Год: 2020
Производитель: Dorling Kindersley
Артикул: 801051
ISBN: 9780241467039
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Ultimate Sticker Book. Animals
622 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Ultimate Sticker Book. Bugs
Ultimate Sticker Book. Bugs
For kids who love stickers and bugs, this is the ultimate sticker book. It's filled with creepy crawlies, fluttering butterflies, spindly spiders, and over 250 reusable stickers!Little entomologists will love learning all about their favourite insects and peeling the stickers from the back and sticking them all over the book. The stickers are easy to peel, perfect for little fingers!Explore the Insect WorldUltimate Sticker Book: Bugs is the perfect way to engage your child with fun facts and interactive reading.Inside this fun, bug-themed activity book, you'll find:- Over 250 reusable stickers that are easy to peel and stick to pages or other surfaces- Fun facts, puzzles and quizzes for kids to learn about creepy crawlies as they play- Gorgeous photos and illustrations that will captivate and engage childrenThis colourful activity book keeps children engaged and learning about bugs as they play. Bright photos and stunning illustrations transport children into the world of insects. They're challenged to find the right stickers to go with each insect and complete the picture, such as matching wings to butterflies and planting the flowers in the garden. Kids can also get creative and craft their own scenes out of different stickers, there's no end to where their imagination can take them!Alongside the pictures are bite-sized descriptions and information that is easy to read and suitable for children 5 years and up. They will learn about the many types of insects, and what makes each of them unique. Discover how grasshoppers sing, why they have antennae, and how the giraffe beetle got its name.This sticker book inspires little ones to explore the outside world with activities such as follow the bee trail in the garden, and learn where bugs like to hide so they can look out for bugs in their own gardens. There's also a sticker quiz at the end, so you and your pre-schooler can read and engage together.

Серия: Ultimate Sticker Book
Год: 2020
Производитель: Dorling Kindersley
Артикул: 801052
ISBN: 9780241467077
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Ultimate Sticker Book. Bugs
622 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Ultimate Sticker Book. Dinosaurs
Ultimate Sticker Book. Dinosaurs
With fun-filled quizzes, loads of dinosaur facts, and over 250 stickers, this dinosaur book will provide children with hours of educational fun!Travel millions of years back in time to learn all about the amazing dinosaurs that lived on our planet. This colourful children's activity book contains reusable and easy-to-peel stickers - perfect for little fingers to add to pages as they read and learn!Dinosaurs Ultimate Sticker Book is the perfect way to engage children with fun facts and interactive reading. Inside the book you'll find:- Over 250 reusable stickers that are easy to peel and stick to pages or other surfaces- A variety of activities including a quiz, follow-the-trail, and creative sticker activities- Interesting facts that help children discover more about dinosaurs - the different species, what they ate, and where they lived- Bright and colourful pictures paired with educational content that keeps children engagedGo back in time and meet some of the earth's most fascinating creatures - the dinosaurs. These prehistoric animals have captured the imagination of children for decades and continue to awaken their curiosity. Young palaeontologists will be delighted to page through this book, meet dino's such as terrifying T- Rex, spiky Stegosaurus, and vicious Velociraptor. Learn all about where these dinosaurs lived, and what they ate.This book allows children to learn while they create: they're able to fill in scenes, construct their own, find and match stickers, and even answer fun quiz questions. With hours of discovery ahead this sticker book is a wonderful educational tool or gift for children between 4-7 years old.The Ultimate Sticker Book Series takes children on adventures through history, nature and fascinating human inventions. All in the name of fun and learning, these books like the Ultimate Sticker Book Bugs, Ultimate Sticker Book Tractors, Ultimate Sticker Book Sharks are packed with puzzles, quizzes, and, of course, lots and lots of stickers!

Серия: Ultimate Sticker Book
Год: 2021
Производитель: Dorling Kindersley
Артикул: 816512
ISBN: 9780241467053
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Ultimate Sticker Book. Dinosaurs
622 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
My Unicorn Bag Sticker Activity Book
My Unicorn Bag Sticker Activity Book
Come and explore the magical world of unicorns in this dazzling sticker activity book! From magic mazes and rainbow codes, to unicorn scenes to search and fairy games to play, there's something for everyone. Unicorn fans will love the sparkling foil cover, and with the unique handle, it's perfect to take with you on the go.
Год: 2019
Производитель: Make Believe Ideas
Артикул: 729826
ISBN: 9781789470291
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

My Unicorn Bag Sticker Activity Book
625 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Summer Puzzle Pad
Summer Puzzle Pad
This fun-packed book contains over 100 picture, word and number puzzles that children can enjoy at home, in the park or on long journeys. Activities include a beach wordsearch, a maze leading to a secret den, spotting identical fish at an aquarium and much more. All the answers are at the back of the book.

Серия: Puzzle pads
Год: 2020
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 781755
ISBN: 9781474969321
Автор: Robson Kirsteen
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Summer Puzzle Pad
631 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Travel Activity Pad
Travel Activity Pad
Whether you're in a car, train, boat or plane, long journeys will pass by in a flash with this fun-packed activity book. Includes over 200 pages packed with pen-and-paper puzzles to keep the whole family entertained, wherever you happen to be! Includes picture puzzles, holiday dot-to-dots and space for doodling and colouring. Perfect for slipping into your hand luggage.

Серия: Usborne Activities
Год: 2013
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 794890
ISBN: 9781409561910
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Travel Activity Pad
631 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
English Made Easy. Ages 9-10. Key Stage 2
English Made Easy. Ages 9-10. Key Stage 2
Help your child be the top of the class with the best-selling home-study series from Carol Vorderman.Carol Vorderman can help your child succeed in English with this homeschool learning resource for 9-10 year olds. English Made Easy is one of Carol Vorderman's series of DK workbooks packed with notes and tips to make home learning about English easy and fun! Follow the exercises and activities with your child at home to strengthen their learning in school. Each title contains a progress chart so your child can keep track of all the exercises they have completed and colour in the topic stars as they go. Helpful parents' notes explain what children need to know at each stage and what's being covered in the curriculum so you can support and homeschool your child with confidence.This book will help your child to understand clauses in sentences and how to use apostrophes. It also looks at persuasive writing, poetry, and classic novels. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, English Made Easy is a great way to improve your child's English skills - "the more you practise, the better you'll be!" (Carol Vorderman)

Серия: English Made Easy
Год: 2020
Производитель: Dorling Kindersley
Артикул: 916589
ISBN: 9781409344681
Автор: Vorderman Carol
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

English Made Easy. Ages 9-10. Key Stage 2
634 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
First Sticker Book. Jungle
First Sticker Book. Jungle
Helps children find out about the exotic animals and plants that live in the jungle. This simple sticker book comes with over 100 stickers to complete the scenes.

Серия: First Sticker Books
Год: 2018
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 694715
ISBN: 978-1-4095-8238-0
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

First Sticker Book. Jungle
642 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Ultimate Sticker Book. Farm
Ultimate Sticker Book. Farm
For kids who love stickers and farm animals, this is the ultimate sticker book. It's filled with turkeys and tractors, pigs and potatoes, and over 250 reusable stickers!Little ones will love learning all about farm life and placing the stickers on the pages where they think they should go. The stickers are easy to peel, re-usable, and perfect for little fingers!Inside this fun, farmyard-themed sticker book, you'll find:- Over 250 reusable stickers that are easy to peel and stick to pages or other surfaces- Fun facts, puzzles and quizzes for kids to learn about different animals as they play- Gorgeous photos and illustrations that will captivate and engage childrenThis colourful activity book keeps kids engaged and learning as they play. Bright photos and stunning illustrations transport children into the barns and fields of the countryside. They're challenged to match the stickers of baby animals with the adults, and plant crops in the right field. Kids can also get creative and craft their own scenes out of different stickers, there's no end to where their imagination can take them!Alongside the pictures are bite-sized descriptions and information that is easy to read and suitable for children 5 years and up. They will learn about the different things that you can find on a farm, such as where the farm animals live, what grows on farms, and the vehicles farmers use.This sticker book inspires budding farmers to explore the outside world with activities such as follow-the-trail and learning about why farms are important and where certain foods come from. There's also a quiz so you and your pre-schooler can read and engage together.

Серия: Ultimate Sticker Book
Год: 2020
Производитель: Dorling Kindersley
Артикул: 801053
ISBN: 9780241467046
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Ultimate Sticker Book. Farm
642 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
A Sticker Dolly Stories. Waterlily Ball
A Sticker Dolly Stories. Waterlily Ball
Meera, Sophia and Olivia, the Princess Dolls, are on an urgent mission to the River Kingdom on the Majestic Isle. It's the day of the Waterlily Ball, but the River Princess has flooded the ballroom! Somehow, the Princess Dolls must find a way for the biggest dance of the year to go ahead...and time is running out!

Серия: Usborne Sticker Stories
Год: 2021
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 839881
ISBN: 9781474974769
Автор: Davidson Zanna
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

A Sticker Dolly Stories. Waterlily Ball
647 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Fairies Transfer Book
Fairies Transfer Book
Bring the magical world of fairies to life in this gorgeous activity book. There are over 400 delightful transfers of fairies, flowers, butterflies, laybirds and more to decorate scenes including a fairy tea party, magic academy and a starlight ball. For each scene, there is a fairy picture to colour, too.

Серия: Little Transfer Book
Год: 2019
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 794840
ISBN: 9781474951289
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Fairies Transfer Book
647 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
First Sticker Book. Bugs
First Sticker Book. Bugs
Butterflies, dragonflies, caterpillars, spiders - the world is full of amazing bugs of all shapes and sizes. Find out which ones live in jungles, deserts, swamps and gardens by adding over 170 stickers to the colourful scenes in this book. Includes simple facts, the names of all the bugs and links to recommended websites to find out more.

Серия: First Sticker Books
Год: 2017
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 671663
ISBN: 978-1-4749-3707-8
Автор: Young Caroline
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

First Sticker Book. Bugs
647 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
First Sticker Book. Narwhals
First Sticker Book. Narwhals
Dive under the sea and meet narwhals, whales, giant octopuses and other amazing animals in this exciting sticker book. Learn where otters live, what elephant seals look like, discover creatures of the deep and lots more. With over 150 stickers to decorate the underwater scenes and links to websites with videos of narwhals, sea otters and more.

Серия: First Sticker Books
Год: 2020
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 771280
ISBN: 9781474968294
Автор: Bathie Holly
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

First Sticker Book. Narwhals
647 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
First Sticker Book. Pirates
First Sticker Book. Pirates
Join a pirate gang on their adventures on the high seas in this exciting book with over 250 stickers to bring each picture to life. Filled with busy, colourful scenes of pirate life above and below deck, including up in the rigging, at a pirate feast and in the midst of a pirate battle. Sure to keep young ragamuffins entertained!

Серия: First Sticker Books
Год: 2013
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 794812
ISBN: 9781409556725
Автор: Taplin Sam
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

First Sticker Book. Pirates
647 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Little First Stickers. Mermaids
Little First Stickers. Mermaids
Join a group of mermaid friends as they swim in a lagoon, get ready for Princess Coralie s birthday party, dance in the underwater palace and lots more. With over 200 reusable stickers of mermaids, sea creatures and shells to bring the magical scenes to life, and a fold-out back cover to store stickers when not in use.

Серия: First Sticker Books
Год: 2020
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 772287
ISBN: 9781474968195
Автор: Bathie Holly
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Little First Stickers. Mermaids
647 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Little First Stickers. Jungle
Little First Stickers. Jungle
Journey to far-flung rainforests and decorate tropical scenes including a crocodile creek, elephant parade and parrots in the treetops in this colourful sticker book. With over 300 reusable stickers of tigers, toucans, sloths, orang-utans and more, and a fold-out back cover to store stickers when not in use.

Серия: Little First Stickers
Год: 2019
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 773086
ISBN: 9781474964425
Автор: Robson Kirsteen
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Little First Stickers. Jungle
647 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Little First Stickers. Unicorns
Little First Stickers. Unicorns
Enter a magical world filled with unicorns in this enchanting sticker book, with scenes to decorate including a cloud castle, woodland waterfall and lots more. There are over 300 reusable stickers of unicorns, flowers and other adorable creatures, and a fold-out back cover to store stickers when not in use. The perfect gift for unicorn lovers.

Серия: Little First Stickers
Год: 2019
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 773087
ISBN: 9781474952231
Автор: Watson Hannah
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Little First Stickers. Unicorns
647 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Little First Stickers. Nativity Play
Little First Stickers. Nativity Play
Bring the Christmas story to life in this charming sticker book, from Mary and Joseph looking for a place to stay in Bethlehem, to the birth of Baby Jesus and the arrival of the shepherds and three kings. With over 190 reusable stickers of costumes, decorations and accessories, and a fold-out back cover to store stickers when not in use.

Серия: Little First Stickers
Год: 2018
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 791718
ISBN: 9781474956628
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Little First Stickers. Nativity Play
647 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Little First Stickers. Funny Hats
Little First Stickers. Funny Hats
A perfect size for little hands, this engaging sticker book will delight and entertain young children for hours while they add lots of funny hats to the friendly animal characters. With so much to spot and talk about on every page, this is also a fun and interactive way for children to develop their vocabulary.

Серия: Little First Stickers
Год: 2021
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 833053
ISBN: 9781474986540
Автор: Greenwell Jessica
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Little First Stickers. Funny Hats
647 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Little Sticker Dolly Dressing. Fairy
Little Sticker Dolly Dressing. Fairy
This delightful little hook has fairies for you to dross using the enchanting stickers. The back cover folds out so you can "park" spare stickers while you dross the fairies.With over 350 reusable stickers.

Серия: Usborne Activities
Год: 2016
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 556556
ISBN: 9781409597162
Автор: Watt Fiona
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Little Sticker Dolly Dressing. Fairy
647 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Little Sticker Dolly Dressing. Cinderella
Little Sticker Dolly Dressing. Cinderella
An enchanting retelling of the Cinderella fairy tale filled with dolls to dress and scenes to create using the stickers provided. Dress Cinderella in her tatty work clothes, then transform her, with the help of her fairy godmother, so she can attend a ball at the Palace. With reusable stickers little children can create the whole fairy tale.

Серия: Usborne Activities
Год: 2018
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 691276
ISBN: 978-1-4749-5044-2
Автор: Watt Fiona
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Little Sticker Dolly Dressing. Cinderella
647 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Little Sticker Dolly Dressing. Unicorns
Little Sticker Dolly Dressing. Unicorns
Unicorn lovers will adore this sparkly activity book with unicorns to decorate and fairies, pixies and princesses to dress on every page. Scenes include a castle in the clouds, painting rainbows, a walk in the forest and lots more. With over 300 reusable stickers, plus a fold-out back cover to park stickers whilst they re not in use.

Серия: Little First Stickers
Год: 2018
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 794838
ISBN: 9781474946513
Автор: Watt Fiona
Гендер: Не определено
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Little Sticker Dolly Dressing. Unicorns
647 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Poppy and Sam s Sticker Book
Poppy and Sam's Sticker Book
Children will love the opportunity to create their own "Farmyard Tales" scenes with all of their favourite Apple Tree Farm locations and characters. Using Stephen Cartwright's popular illustrations, there are stickers for all the well-loved characters, with Mr. and Mrs. Boot, Ted, Poppy, Sam and all the animals. Scenes include: the cowshed, Ted's tractor, the pigpen, the sheep field, the hen house, the orchard, and the barn.

Серия: Usborne Farmyard Tales
Год: 2019
Производитель: Usborne
Артикул: 479772
ISBN: 9781409524489
Автор: Greenwell Jessica
Гендер: Дети
Категория: Детскогий досуг

Poppy and Sam's Sticker Book
647 руб.
Магазин: Лабиринт
Занимательный английский в наклейках и раскрасках
Книжка-раскраска, предназначенная для изучения английских слов, поможет взрослому организовать полезное и приятное времяпрепровождение для ребенка-дошкольника.Представленные в книжке несложные стихи-загадки помогут малышам легко запомнить английские слова, транскрипция научит правильно произносить их. Картинки с изображением знакомых детям предметов и персонажей можно обводить и раскрашивать, что позволит правильно поставить и потренировать детскую руку в написании элементов английских букв, а также развить воображение и образное мышление, овладеть умением обводить, раскрашивать, рисовать. Рисуя и раскрашивая, ребенок научится передавать правильную цветовую гамму с помощью карандашей, фломастеров или красок.Книжка-раскраска поможет родителям и педагогам увлечь детей изучением английского языка.

Серия: Радуга знаний

Книга-квест "The city". Лексика "Город". Интерактивная книга приключений
Ты держишь в руках уникальное издание, которое станет для тебя не только интересным времяпрепровождением, но и полезным проводником в мир английского языка. Если тебе нравится выполнять задания на английском языке, где необходимо включать логику и творческое мышление, то наши интерактивные логические квесты точно не оставят тебя равнодушным.На страницах данной книги тебя ждет захватывающая история с необычными заданиями, насыщенными полезной английской лексикой, современными английскими фразами и выражениями. Эта книга увлечет тебя в мир творчества. Скоро ты и сам в этом убедишься.А пока мы желаем тебе удачи! Good luck!

Серия: Активити-book

Книга-квест "Tommy's house". Лексика "Дом". Интерактивная книга приключений
Ты держишь в руках уникальное издание, которое станет для тебя не только интересным времяпрепровождением, но и полезным проводником в мир английского языка. Если тебе нравится выполнять задания на английском языке, где необходимо включать логику и творческое мышление, то наши интерактивные логические квесты точно не оставят тебя равнодушным.На страницах данной книги тебя ждет захватывающая история с необычными заданиями, насыщенными полезной английской лексикой, современными английскими фразами и выражениями. Эта книга увлечет тебя в мир творчества. Скоро ты и сам в этом убедишься.А пока мы желаем тебе удачи! Good luck!

Серия: Активити-book

Incredible Earth. Level 4. Activity Book
Many of our primary and secondary coursebooks support Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). We also publish teacher training resources and dictionaries for CLIL.These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.Additional reading, writing, and grammar practice for each chapter of the readerConsolidation activitiesA book reviewAnswers to the activities can be found on the teacher's website

Серия: Oxford Read and Discover

В зоопарке. Спрятанные предметы. Играй и учись. Выпуск 9
Девятый выпуск говорящей книжки "Играй и учись/ Play&Learn".Учи английский с удовольствием!Для младшего школьного возраста.

Серия: Играй и учись

Ворона и кувшин. Веселые серферы. Завтрак для птиц. Выпуск 11
Одиннадцатый выпуск говорящей книжки "Играй и учись / Play&Learn". Учи английский с удовольствием!Для младшего школьного возраста.

Серия: Играй и учись

Головастик и рыбка. Выпуск 5
Представляем вашему вниманию пятый выпуск говорящей книжки "Играй и учись/Play&Learn". В нем вас ждут запутанные лабиринты, спрятанные предметы и другие интересные задания. Сказка номера "Tadpole and Fish/Головастик и Рыбка".Учи английский с удовольствием!

Серия: Играй и учись

День рождения Медвежонка. Выпуск 7
Еженедельной издание "Учись и играй" включает в себя головоломки и задания для детей на английском языке с цветными иллюстрациями.

Серия: Играй и учись

Маленькая Рыжая Курочка
Представляем вашему вниманию двенадцатый выпуск говорящей книжки "Играй и учись / Play & Learn". В нем вас ждут зимняя прогулка, веселый автодром, спрятанные предметы и другие интересные задания.Сказка номера "Маленькая Рыжая Курочка".Учи английский с удовольствием!Для младшего школьного возраста.

Серия: Играй и учись

Мой друг по переписке. Выпуск 6
Представляем вашему вниманию шестой выпуск говорящей книжки "Играй и учись / Play&Learn". В нем вас ждут запутанные лабиринты, спрятанные предметы и другие интересные задания. Рассказ номера "My Computer Pal / Мой друг по переписке".Учи английский с удовольствием!

Серия: Играй и учись

Моя подруга Элли. Играй и учись. Выпуск 8
В замечательной серии "Учись, играя" вышли новые книжки - "Азбука" и "Цифры". Одна поможет выучить алфавит - нужно будет правильно подобрать и расположить наклейки-буквы и наклейки-картинки. В этом помогут силуэты-подсказки, форма и размер которых были разработаны специально таким образом, чтобы маленький ребенок смог справиться с этим заданием.А вторая познакомит с цифрами, научит считать, поможет запомнить последовательность цифр, расскажет, как выглядят разные фигуры.А еще ребенок сам сможет научиться писать цифры, для этого ему нужно будет обвести пунктир.

Серия: Играй и учись

Муравей и голубка. Выпуск 4
Коллекция "Играй и учись" поможет юным читателям погрузиться в увлекательный мир английского языка. Изучение языков в раннем возрасте дается легко и свободно, но как же трудно заставить юного непоседу сидеть над учебниками, запоминать грамматические конструкции и применять свои знания на практике. "Играй и учись" поможет заинтересовать ребенка самим процессом обучения. Коллекция оформлена яркими и качественными иллюстрациями и не будет ассоциироваться со школьными учебниками и домашними заданиями. Юные читатели смогут весело, увлекательно и с пользой провести время, обогатить словарный запас, узнать азы грамматики и даже послушать сказку в исполнении настоящего англичанина. Каждый том включает в себя три раздела: "ИГРАЙ", "СКАЗКА НОМЕРА" и "ВЕСЕЛЫЕ УРОКИ". Раздел "ИГРАЙ" поможет ребенку без "зубрежки" выучить новые слова и применить знания на практике: сюда входят всевозможные лабиринты, паззлы, скрытые картинки, кроссворды, раскраски и другие интересные и веселые задания. В разделе "СКАЗКА НОМЕРА" приводится иллюстрированная сказка с переводом, которую можно прослушать с помощью смартфона, сосканировав QR-код. Задания раздела "ВЕСЕЛЫЕ УРОКИ" помогут юным полиглотам освоить грамматические конструкции и устойчивые выражения и расширить словарный запас. Все тома составлены высококвалифицированными педагогами, соответствуют разделам школьной программы и дополняют её.

Серия: Играй и учись

Трудимся вместе. Играй и учись. Выпуск 10
10 выпуск говорящей книжки "Играй и учись. Play&Learn". Учи английский с удовольствием! Для младшего школьного возраста.

Серия: Играй и учись

Чей дом лучше? Играй и учись. Выпуск 1
Еженедельной издание "Учись и играй" включает в себя головоломки и задания для детей на английском языке с цветными иллюстрациями. На книге есть QR-код, при помощи которого можно скачать приложение для воспроизведения аудиозаписи.

Серия: Играй и учись

Waybuloo Sticker Scene
Twelve vivid scenes and four pages of stickers offer hours of creative play for young Waybuloo fans. Children can re-enact their favourite scenes from the show or create their own stories using stickers of characters, accessories, props, and more!
i-SPY On a car journey in France: What can you spot?
Search for over 140 sights on trip in France with this i-SPY guide. This fun activity book encourages kids to look all around, from signs on the road to stopping off in towns or villages, in search of i-SPY points. A fun, interactive way to encourage curious children to learn about the world around them.What can you spot? Get i-SPYing with these features: Vibrant colour coded photographsLearn facts about France s transport, attractions and shopsPoints to score from common sights like motorway sign (5 points) to top spots such as a converted van (40 points).Children love these fun and fascinating i-SPY activity books discover over 30 other i-SPY guides in the series!

Серия: Collins Michelin i-SPY Guides

Sticker Friends. Farm
Pre-schoolers will love the fun-packed pages of this oh-so-cute, cow-shaped sticker book all about the barnyard! Inside are more than 300 reusable stickers for little hands to decorate the scenes and complete the activities time and time again. Perfect for rainy days or sunny days, trips out or vacations, to share with friends or individual play, this fabulous book is full of farm stickering fun!
Small Beginnings. Trace and Chase 3 +
Small Beginnings make for happy endings! Small Beginnings offer the opportunity to learn through playful experience, and encourage imagination, curiosity and exploration. Simple, early concepts are explored in a structured, progressive way, and regular guidance notes help to put parents in the picture. Small Beginnings bring a happy ending to all early learning sessions!Ideal for:A brilliant early learning book for children over the age of 3 years.

Серия: Small Beginnings

My Super Sparkly Sticker Bag
Introducing My Super Sparkly Sticker Bag, a fabulous sticker activity book with a sparkly cover! Bursting with fun activities for children to complete, this glittery book will keep little ones entertained for hours.Over 1000 stickers can be used in the book or anywhere else, while the imaginative activities will inspire children and gently support their early learning. A must-have for all fun-loving kids!Fun activities will keep children busy and entertained.Sticker and colouring activities improve hand-eye coordination.Full of fun pictures that children will love!
Big and Little
A very useful first learning book to help children understand opposites like big, little, long and short. Children can have fun pointing to the pictures and saying the words, while finding out about the world around them.

Серия: FirstSkills

Usborne Workbooks. Comprehension 5-6
Guided by a friendly group of woodland animals, children can begin to develop their comprehension skills. The activities in this book build confidence in reading and understanding written English.

Серия: Usborne workbooks

Usborne Workbooks. Grammar and Punctuation 5-6
With the help of Olly the Owl and his friends, children can explore the rules of written English. The activities in this book build confidence in using capital letters, punctuating sentences and using plurals.

Серия: Usborne workbooks

My Puss In Boots Sticker Scenes
What happens when the miller's son meets Puss in Boots? Find out with this exciting activity book, bursting with colourful stickers and scenes from the story. Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!

Серия: Activity books

Children Just Like Me. Ultimate Sticker Book
Packed with colourful, photographic stickers, Children Just Like Me Ultimate Sticker Book is an exciting sticker book for kids interested in what life is like for children around the world. In Children Just Like Me Ultimate Sticker Book discover what daily life is like for kids around the world - then decorate the pages with colourful stickers. Filled with more then 250 cool stickers, Children Just Like Me Sticker Book will entertain children for hours.
Pirate Puzzles
An exciting new activity series for boys and girls aged 7 and up! Puzzles are themed according to the title and each book is printed in a different colour. Other titles in the series include Dinosaur Puzzles, Princess Puzzles and Monster Puzzles.
Bugs to Spot
Readers can identify 60 bugs, from earwigs and mayflies to emperor moths and stag beetles with this informative little book. The pages are organised by location, showing bugs you might find in towns and parks, trees and woodlands and ponds and lakes. There's also a spotting chart and stickers to add so you can keep track of bugs you've spotted.

Серия: Usborne Minis

I Can Do It! Book of Mazes. Age 3-4. На английском языке
Let's climb a mountain! Or fix a hole in an airplane! Or maybe we could journey to the center of the Earth?This activity book contains 63 interesting and exciting mazes. Your child will get acquainted with the concept of the maze and develop attention, patience, and the ability to concentrate on tasks. Each task has a plot, so your child can easily understand where and why they need to draw a line and why they cannot go off the path.This book will help you teach your child how to properly hold a pencil, draw lines accurately and precisely, and prepare their hand for writing. Working with mazes helps develop fine mo-tor skills, which is important for developing language skills. The tasks in this book are organized from simple to more complex. It will help your child feel confident about themselves and their abilities.This activity book has a page of 67 stickers, which children enjoy so much. Laminated reusable stickers are perfect for kids.Activity books in the I Can Do It! series are printed on carefully chosen thick paper, making them easy for children to use.

Серия: Age 2-3

I Can Do It! Playing with Modelling Clay and Colour. Age 2-3
- Fun and engaging storylines - Introduces your child to working with modelling clay, drawing and colouring - Trains fine motor skills - Demonstrates that learning can be fun - 45 reusable stickers -Good quality paper - Convenient, open flat spiral bindingLet's light a fire in the fireplace! Let's build a kennel or a snowman! What does your child like doing? Playing is probably what they enjoy the most. This is why we think they will like building bridges out of modelling clay or drawing teeth on an alligator. We wanted to turn each activity in this book into a little adventure for young children. Colouring and making things out of clay are not just fun activities, they are also very useful ones! They help children prepare their hands for writing and will also improve their language skills. This activity book is designed for children who are 2 to 3 years old, but the tasks should also be interesting for older children. Inside, you'll also find 45 laminated reusable stickers, which we know your child will love. Our activity books in this series are printed on carefully chosen thick paper, making them easy for children to use.

Серия: Age 2-3

I Can Do It! Playing with Modelling Clay and Colour. Age 3-4. На английском языке
- engaging storylines- trains fine motor skills - emphasises that learning is fun- 50 reusable stickers- good quality paper - convenient format and open flat spiral binding How does a snake see? How do architects design cities? Why does a tiger need stripes? To find out, open your activity book and start... studying? No, playing! The easiest way for a child to develop and learn new things is through playing. We want to make every activity in this book a little adventure for young children.Colouring and making things out of clay aren't just fun activities, they also help children build some very useful skills, such as preparing their hand for writing and improving their language and cognitive abilities. The activities in this book are designed for children aged between 3 and 4, but older children should enjoy them too. Inside, you'll also find 50 laminated reusable stickers, which we know your child will love.Our activity books in this series are printed on carefully chosen thick paper, making them easy for children to use.

Серия: Age 2-3

I Can Do It! Tracing Skills. Age 2-3. На английском языке
- fun and engaging storylines- prepares your child's hand for writing by teaching them to draw shapes- helps to improve attention skills- develops fine motor skills- 42 reusable stickers- convenient format and open flat spiral binding- good quality paperLet's give archery a go! Or play blind-man's-buff! Or shall we make a sand castle?This activity book contains 63 interesting activities that will help your child hold a pencil properly, draw lines precisely and carefully, and prepare their hand for writing. Drawing lines is a way of practising fine motor skills, something very important for children's speech development. With the help of this activity book your child will become more attentive, patient, and able to concentrate on tasks. This activity book has a page of 42 laminated reusable stickers, which we know your child will love.Our activity books in this series are printed on carefully chosen thick paper, making them easy for children to use.

Серия: Age 2-3

I Can Do It! Tracing Skills. Age 3-4. На английском языке
- fun and engaging storylines- prepares little hands for writing - trains diligence and attentiveness- teaches shapes and numbers- develops fine motor skills- 43 reusable stickers- convenient format and open flat spiral binding- good quality paperLet's go on a safari! Or explore an underwater cave!Or maybe ride a dogsleigh?This activity book contains 63 interesting activities that will help your child hold a pencil properly, draw lines precisely and carefully, and prepare their hand for writing. Drawing lines is a way of practising fine motor skills, something very important for children's speech development. With the help of this activity book your child will become more attentive, patient, and able to concentrate on tasks.This activity book has a page of 43 laminated reusable stickers, which we know your child will love.Our activity books in this series are printed on carefully chosen thick paper, making them easy for children to use.

Серия: Age 2-3

Handwriting. Age 5-6
This Progress with Oxford: Handwriting Age 5-6 workbook will help your child to progress with handwriting while having fun so they will quickly learn the correct formation of letters and start to learn how to add flicks to prepare them for cursive handwriting.The Progress with Oxford series has been created to help every child develop essential skills at home, with minimal help and support. Picture clues are used to show very young children how to complete activities, whilst reminder boxes, tips and advice support older children to become self-sufficient learners. A lively character accompanies your child through all the colourful and engaging activities, and fun stickersare included to reward their work. A handy progress chart at the end of each book captures their achievements, so you both know what to do next.You can find even more practical advice, free eBooks and fun activities to help your child progress on our award-winning website, oxfordowl.co.uk. Let's get them flying!

Серия: Progress with Oxford

Handwriting Made Easy. Ages 7-11. Key Stage 2. Advanced Writing
Help your child be the top of the class with the best-selling home-study series from Carol Vorderman. Carol Vorderman can help your child learn good handwriting skills with this homeschool learning resource for 7-11 year olds. Handwriting Made Easy - Advanced Writing is one of Carol Vorderman's series of DK workbooks packed with notes, tips, and fact-boxes to make home learning handwriting skills easy and fun! Follow the exercises and activities with your child at home to strengthen their learning in school. Your child can keep track of all the exercises they have completed using the progress chart and colour in the topic stars as they go. Helpful parents' notes explains what your child needs to know at each stage and what's being covered in the national curriculum so you can support and homeschool your child with confidence.This book will help your child develop a neat, consistent, and fluid style of handwriting by practicising different handwriting joins. Further handwriting practice includes proof-reading, story planning, and writing letters. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support the new national curriculum learning, Handwriting Made Easy is a great way to improve your child's handwriting skills - "the more you practise, the better you'll be!" (Carol Vorderman)

Серия: English Made Easy

100 First Farm Words Sticker Activity book
Young children are encouraged to sticker, colour and point as they learn their first farm words. Bright photographs and simple labels will engage young readers. These books offer the opportunity for children to look and point, making it perfect for children and parents to read together.
Peppa's Party. A Make and Do Book
Put on your very own party with Peppa Pig and her little brother George! With fun games to play, simple decorations to press out and make and delicious treats to bake! Based on the hit preschool animation Peppa Pig, shown daily on Five's Milkshake and Nick Jnr.

Серия: Peppa Pig

English Made Easy. Ages 5-6. Key Stage 1
Help your child be the top of the class with the best-selling home-study series from Carol Vorderman.Carol Vorderman can help your child succeed in English with this homeschool learning resource for 5-6 year olds. English Made Easy is one of Carol Vorderman's series of DK workbooks packed with notes and tips to make home learning about English easy and fun! Follow the exercises and activities with your child at home to strengthen their learning in school. Each title contains a progress chart so your child can keep track of all the exercises they have completed and colour in the topic stars as they go. Helpful parents' notes explain what children need to know at each stage and what's being covered in the curriculum so you can support and homeschool your child with confidence.This book will help your child practise using paragraphs and punctuation, similes and metaphors, and looks at different types of writing, such as instructional and information text. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, English Made Easy is a great way to improve your child's English skills - "the more you practise, the better you'll be!" (Carol Vorderman)

Серия: English Made Easy

I Can Do It! Cutting and Pasting. Age 3-4. На английском языке
- fun and engaging storylines- teaches your child to work with scissors and glue - includes 4 three-dimensional projects - introduces interesting topics for discussion- improves attention skills and diligence - 80 reusable stickers- convenient format and open flat spiral binding- good quality paperLet's make a telescope, or save the deer from a forest fire!Or maybe rescue a princess from a dragon?This activity book contains 57 interesting tasks that will teach your child to cut and paste. Working through this book will help them to use scissors in a proper and safe way, as well as to learn how to glue carefully and precisely.Using scissors is a way of practising fine motor skills, which is very important for speech development. This activity book will help your child improve their attention, patience, and ability to concentrate on tasks.Thanks to fun storylines and a gradually increasing complexity of tasks, your child will be able to master the skill of cutting. This will help them feel confidence in their own abilities.This activity book has 3 pages of stickers (80 stickers in total), which all children will love.

Серия: Age 2-3

Giraffes Can't Dance. Sticker Activity Book
Come into the jungle for hours of sticker activity fun with Gerald the Giraffe and friends. Over 250 stickers inside!Much-loved classic, Giraffes Can't Dance, has been a family favourite for 20 years. And now you can join in the fun! Help Gerald the Giraffe find his way through the maze to the Jungle Dance. Create your own super-colourful dancing scene. Join up the dots, complete the sticker puzzle, spot the difference ... And lots more!With over 250 stickers, and lots of brilliant animal activities, this fun-packed activity book is perfect for Giraffes Can't Dance fans old and new.
Peppa's Underwater Friends
Take a dive underwater and meet Peppa's friends!Peppa and George love mermaids and narwhals. With underwater gardens to visit, sea monsters to spot and reef races to take part in, this sticker activity book will keep Peppa's biggest fans busy.Includes lots of fun stickers for little hands.

Серия: Peppa Pig

The Hidden World: 1001 Stickers How to Train Your
Based on the billion dollar DreamWorks franchise, join Hiccup and Toothless in this fun-filled sticker activity book - with over 1000 stickers!A dragon-filled activity book perfect for fans of How To Train Your Dragon! This sticker book is packed with games, activities and over 1000 stickers of all of your favourite Dragons characters.

Серия: How to Train Your Dragon

Let s Do Grammar. 5-6
Matched to the demands of the National Curriculum, the Let's Do Grammar workbooks have been carefully devised to match the appropriate age and stage of your child. Containing a rich variety of activity pages, each book has been designed for use at home and supports classroom learning.With regular progress tests and a complete answer section to aid assessment, this book is the perfect way for your child to practise their punctuation skills and consolidate their learning. And for added enjoyment and motivation, it also contains over 100 reward stickers!

Серия: Let`s Do

Let's do Grammar, age 10-11
Matched to the demands of the National Curriculum, the Let's Do Grammar workbooks have been carefully devised to match the appropriate age and stage of your child. Containing a rich variety of activity pages, each book has been designed for use at home and supports classroom learning.With regular progress tests and a complete answer section to aid assessment, this book is the perfect way for your child to practise their punctuation skills and consolidate their learning. And for added enjoyment and motivation, it also contains over 100 reward stickers!
Let's do Grammar, age 8-9
Matched to the demands of the National Curriculum, the Let's Do Grammar workbooks have been carefully devised to match the appropriate age and stage of your child. Containing a rich variety of activity pages, each book has been designed for use at home and supports classroom learning.With regular progress tests and a complete answer section to aid assessment, this book is the perfect way for your child to practise their grammar skills and consolidate their learning. And for added enjoyment and motivation, it also contains over 100 reward stickers!
Let's do Grammar, age 9-10
Matched to the demands of the National Curriculum, the Let's Do Grammar workbooks have been carefully devised to match the appropriate age and stage of your child. Containing a rich variety of activity pages, each book has been designed for use at home and supports classroom learning.With regular progress tests and a complete answer section to aid assessment, this book is the perfect way for your child to practise their grammar skills and consolidate their learning. And for added enjoyment and motivation, it also contains over 100 reward stickers!
My Dinosaurs Sticker Storybook
This brilliant activity book is bursting with colourful illustrations and stickers to help you write your own amazing dinosaur stories! The first sentence of every story has been written for you, but you need to decide what will happen and how your Jurassic tales will end. Also features two completed stories to add fun stickers to. Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!

Серия: Activity books

My Enchanted Sticker Storybook
This beautiful activity book is packed full of colourful illustrations and stickers to help you write fantastic fairytales! The first sentence of every story has been written for you, but you need to decide what will happen and how your amazing tales will end. Also features two completed stories to add fun stickers to.Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!

Серия: Activity books

My Fearless Knight. Activity and Sticker Book
Join the knights on their valiant quests. Battles, invasions and slaying dragon activities for every brave knight.Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!

Серия: Activity books

My Spring Activity and Sticker Book
The ultimate Spring activity book, packed full of activities and stickers for hours of holiday fun.Help the rabbits through the maze, decorate the eggs, find the hiding chick and much more!Bloomsbury Activity Books is an exciting new Bloomsbury brand designed to provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!

Серия: Activity books

Peter Rabbit. Movie 2. Sticker Activity Book
Peter Rabbit is hopping into cinemas in spring 2020. Featuring all the star-studded cast as last time, including James Corden (the voice of Peter Rabbit), Domhnall Gleeson (Mr. McGregor) and Rose Byrne (McGregor's animal loving neighbour, Bea).This pawsome activity book is based on the major new movie, so you can relive the best moments of the film.Peter Rabbit is up to mischief again and it's over to you to help him in this action-packed sticker book.Featuring your favourite characters from the movie, puzzles, activities and lots of stickers, this book is perfect for keeping little paws busy for hours!Also look out for the chapter book, Peter Rabbit, Based on the Major New Movie and the Peter Rabbit Movie Colouring Sticker Activity book.

Серия: Peter Rabbit

Look and Find Puzzles. On the Farm
Spot a dancing pig, a bull in a scarf and a cat driving a tractor, and look for the little white mouse hiding on every page. This lively book is packed with sheep, pigs, cows and lots of farmyard animals to find, match, count and talk about.

Серия: Look and Find

My First Dinosaur. Sticker Activity Book
Complete the dinosaur jigsaw, colour in the baby dinosaurs, add stickers to the dinosaur beach party and much more! Have a roaring good time with this exciting dinosaurs activity book, packed full of colourful stickers. Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!

Серия: Activity books

My Trains. Activity and Sticker Book
All aboard! Hop on board your first train with this fantastic activity book, bursting with different activities to complete and colourful stickers that you can collect. Pack a lunchbox for the journey, work your way through the town maze to reach the train station, spot the matching trains in the station and much more! Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book is filled with bright illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. This book is perfect for providing entertainment for children at home and on the move!

Серия: Activity books

On the Move! Sticker Activity Book
Hop aboard! Peppa and George are always on the move, and so are alt their family and friends. Join the fun, using the stickers in this book to complete the activities.

Серия: Peppa Pig

Peppa Pig. Daddy & Me Sticker Colouring Book
Peppa and George loves drawing pictures of their daddy. Make your very own special scrapbook all about you and your daddy!With a free pull-out frame for a picture of your daddy and a sheet of stickers.

Серия: Peppa Pig

Peter Rabbit Animation. Best Friends Sticker Book
Have fun with Lily's very own sticker activity book. Lily, Peter and Benjamin are BEST friends! Play the games, colour the pictures and stick the stickers to win your puzzle skills award.

Серия: Peter Rabbit

Practise with Peppa. Super Phonics
This colourful sticker book follows on from Peppa Pig: First Phonics and introduces more letters and sounds.Learn at home by practising first phonics with Peppa and her friends in this colourful sticker activity book. Letters and sounds are introduced in a systematic order, with fun activities to build confidence in reading and spelling.Each page is structured in the same way to help children navigate the book, and learning is reinforced with fun stickers and activities. Peppa and her friends show how phonics can be fun and easy!Perfect for young children who are learning at home or starting school.

Серия: Practise with Peppa

Number Problems. Age 4-5
Progress with Oxford: Number Problems 4-5 builds number skills while helping your child to work independently. Engaging activities, fun characters and stickers keep them motivated and a progress chart captures achievements. Additional activities and support on oxfordowl.co.uk all help your child to make progress whilst having fun.

Серия: Progress with Oxford

Progress with Oxford. Shape and Size. Age 3-4
This Progress with Oxford: Shape and Size Age 3 4 workbook will help your child to progress with learning about shapes and size while having fun. They will quickly learn the names of shapes, recognise their features and learn the vocabulary of measurement.The Progress with Oxford series has been created to help every child develop essential skills at home, with minimal help and support. Picture clues are used to show very young children how to complete activities, whilst reminder boxes, tips and advice support older children to become self-sufficient learners. A lively character accompanies your child through all the colourful and engaging activities, and fun stickers are included to reward their work. A handy progress chart at the end of each book captures their achievements, so you both know what to do next.

Серия: Progress with Oxford

English for Beginners. First 100 Verbs. Workbook
English for Beginners is a Ladybird series designed for young people learning English worldwide. The emphasis is on word recognition and word learning through simple, clear text and colourful pictures and activities. Each workbook is accompanied by its own hardback title, re-enforcing the learning process in a structured but entertaining way.First 100 Verbs Workbook contains more than twenty stimulating and enjoyable activities based on the vocabulary presented in First 100 Verbs. Each activity is clearly illustrated and each encourages writing, drawing, reading and understanding.

Серия: English for Beginners

First Colouring Book. Airport
Take a trip through the airport and into the sky with this activity book for little children. Scenes include boarding a plane, take off, what happens during the flight and baggage reclaim. The backgrounds are already coloured in, so children can focus on the fun parts. Essential packing for a journey or holiday.

Серия: First Colouring Book

Bring the jungle to life by colouring in monkeys, tigers, elephants and lots of other amazing rainforest animals in this exciting colouring book. Scenes include birds squawking in the treetops, big cats cooling down by the river and elephants getting ready for bedtime. The backgrounds are already coloured in, so children can focus on the fun parts.

Серия: First Colouring Book

Spot the Difference
Spot the difference between flocks of flamingos, adorable llamas, herds of elephants and lots more in this lively mini book, bursting with animal-themed puzzles. Part of a range of pocket-sized paperbacks that are perfect for holidays, journeys and party bags.

Серия: Usborne Minis

Big Nate. Laugh-O-Rama (Big Nate Activity Book 4)
Big Nate is back! This companion activity book to the bestselling Big Nate series is packed with laughs, activities and fun. Big Nate is created by Lincoln Peirce, who inspired Jeff Kinney, author of 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid'.Big Nate is ready to rock, and with this fourth activity book in the series you can join the comic craziness and laugh along too! With 224 pages of Big Nate fun, including word puzzles, drawing games, brain-bending quizzes and lots and lots of hilarity, you'll never run out of Big Nate to enjoy.

Серия: Big Nate

Let s do Grammar. For ages 6-7
Matched to the demands of the National Curriculum, the Let's Do Grammar workbooks have been carefully devised to match the appropriate age and stage of your child. Containing a rich variety of activity pages, each book has been designed for use at home and supports classroom learning.With regular progress tests and a complete answer section to aid assessment, this book is the perfect way for your child to practise their grammar skills and consolidate their learning. And for added enjoyment and motivation, it also contains over 100 reward stickers!

Серия: Let`s Do

Let s Grammar. 7-8
Matched to the demands of the National Curriculum, the Let's Do Grammar workbooks have been carefully devised to match the appropriate age and stage of your child. Containing a rich variety of activity pages, each book has been designed for use at home and support classroom learning. With regular progress tests and a complete answer section to aid assessment, this book is the perfect way for your child to practise their grammar skills and consolidate their learning. And for added enjoyment and motivation, it also contains over 100 reward stickers!

Серия: Let`s Do

Getting Ready for Spring. A Sticker Storybook
With over 130 stickers, this springtime storybook will keep little ones busy for hours!It's almost Easter in this gorgeous sticker book full of beautiful springtime scenes. Use stickers to fill the woods with bunnies, add birds to the garden, decorate Easter bonnets and much, much more. With over 130 stickers and a checklist at the end for spotting extra details in each scene, this is the perfect accompaniment for the countdown to spring.

Серия: National Trust

My Fabulous Pink Fairy. Activity and Sticker Book
Your very own magical fairyland comes to life with fairies dancing to dressing up with activities including through the maze to the magic castle to decorating the fairy shoes. Sticker, colour, puzzle and draw fun for every little fairy!Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!

Серия: Activity books

First Colouring Unicorns
Little children will love the magical illustrations in this early years colouring book filled with unicorns, castles and rainbows. Bold, simple outlines and large areas to colour in make this book ideal for developing pencil control skills.
Football Colouring and Activity Book
An action-packed colouring book with hours of colouring and doodling fun, perfect for football fans. Each right-hand page has a scene to colour, while left-hand pages have suggestions for doodles, designs and pictures to complete. Includes a page of colouring tips for drawing patterns, colouring in large areas and getting perfect results. Perfect for keeping any football fan occupied this summer.
100 First Words - Sticker Activity Book
Bold, bright pictures and simple labels introduce children to 100 first words, including animals, vehicles, toys, and much more!
Let's Look In Ponds & Rivers ( + 30 stickers)
This delightful nature book forms the perfect introduction to ponds and rivers.Take it outside with you to see which of the freshwater plants and animals you can find and identify, then tick off the things you see. Learn about the life cycle of a frog and the names of the most common waterbirds. Then have fun playing with the stickers on the fold-out seashore play scene at the back.Suitable for ages 4 to 8 years.

Серия: Let`s Look

First Phonics Activity Book
Learn with the PAW Patrol pups!Help your little learner get ready to go, go, go with this colourful PAW Patrol activity book.Children are introduced to phonics alongside their loveable and playful PAW Patrol friends.Children can practise recognising and saying letter sounds alongside the pupsLook out for the badge awarded at the end of the bookIdeal for pre-schoolers getting ready for schoolChildren will be on a roll in no time!

Серия: Paw Patrol

Little Children's Drawing Book
Join Bee and friends for lots of drawing fun in this bright and friendly first drawing book. Draw stripes on Zebra, add wheels to cars, give Jellyfish long twisty tentacles and discover lots of other fun ways to draw lines, circles, spirals, squiggles and more, all of which are perfect for developing pen control skills.
Spy Disguises
Unmask enemy spies and complete all kinds of exciting missions in this mini book of puzzles. From mazes to secret codes, it's packed with activities that will keep budding secret agents busy on journeys or whilst out and about.

Серия: Usborne Minis

Занимательная математика для детей 5-6 лет
Серия книг "Занимательная математика" содержит систему интеллектуального развития детей на основе запатентованной методики автора - доктора педагогических наук Лидии Львовны Васильевой. Патент на изобретение 2749638 "Способ компьютеризированного развития навыков скорочтения пользователя".Каждое пособие имеет поурочную систему занятий, что способствует постепенному и всестороннему развитию языковых навыков. Кроме того, в ходе занятий ребенок расширяет свои представления об окружающем мире, о математике, логике, развивает зрительную и смысловую память, аналитические функции, тренирует мышление.Серия книг предназначена педагогам дошкольного образования и начальной школы, а также родителям для работы с детьми дома.
In the Jungle: Funtime Sticker Activity Book
Enjoy hours of fun in the jungle with this super sticker activity book. With brilliant play scenes for your stickers and a fun question on every page, it's perfect for little learners. Plus it's packed with puzzles, mazes, doodles, colouring and much, much more!

Серия: Little Snappers

Landmarks of the World. Activity Book
Come on a trip you'll never forget as we discover the landmarks of the world!Bursting with boredom-busting activities and more than 300 stickers, this colourful activity book will keep kids off their screens and entertained on their holidays. Young travellers will love this on-the-page round the world trip as they play their way through fabulous sticker games, brilliant brain teasers, clever quizzes, creative doodling, and lots more. On each page, little readers discover landmarks from a different continent as they play and learn.This activity book is crammed with more than 300 reusable stickers to use in the activities (and lots of extras for fun), as well as more than 35 games, including completing a sticker puzzle of Mt Fuji, finishing the second half of the Taj Mahal, solving the statue anagram, and much more.Vibrant and creative, Landmarks of the World Activity Book will keep kids occupied (and parents happy!) for a great start to the holiday. Little travellers will use their brains, learn about the world, look around them and imagine travelling to new places. So are you ready to go? Let's turn the page and travel round the world!

Серия: Activity Books

Ultimate Sticker Book. Animals
For kids who love stickers and animals, this is the ultimate sticker book. It's filled with incredible wildlife, from mammals to fish, and over 250 reusable stickers!Little ones will love learning all about their favourite animals and placing the stickers on the pages where they think they should go. The stickers are easy to peel, re-usable, and perfect for little fingers!Explore the Animal WorldUltimate Sticker Book Animals is the perfect way to engage your child with fun facts and interactive reading.Inside this fascinating animal-themed activity book, you'll find:- Over 250 reusable stickers that are easy to peel and stick to pages or other surfaces- Fun facts, puzzles and quizzes for kids to learn about the animal kingdom as they play- Gorgeous photos and illustrations that will captivate and engage childrenThis colourful activity book keeps kids engaged and learning as they play. Bright photos and stunning illustrations transport children into desserts, jungles, and grasslands! They're challenged to find the correct stickers to fill in the blanks in the images. Kids can also get creative and craft their own scenes out of different stickers, there's no end to where their imagination can take them!Alongside the pictures are bite-sized descriptions and information that is easy to read and suitable for children 5 years and up. They will learn about the world's diverse and magical animal kingdom, from pandas and tigers to orangutans and lemurs.This animal-themed sticker book inspires budding zoologists to explore the outside world and learn more about different types of animals, where they live, and what they eat. The book is divided into the different continents of the world, providing children with an introduction to geography, too. There's also a quiz so you and your pre-schooler can read and engage together.

Серия: Ultimate Sticker Book

Ultimate Sticker Book. Bugs
For kids who love stickers and bugs, this is the ultimate sticker book. It's filled with creepy crawlies, fluttering butterflies, spindly spiders, and over 250 reusable stickers!Little entomologists will love learning all about their favourite insects and peeling the stickers from the back and sticking them all over the book. The stickers are easy to peel, perfect for little fingers!Explore the Insect WorldUltimate Sticker Book: Bugs is the perfect way to engage your child with fun facts and interactive reading.Inside this fun, bug-themed activity book, you'll find:- Over 250 reusable stickers that are easy to peel and stick to pages or other surfaces- Fun facts, puzzles and quizzes for kids to learn about creepy crawlies as they play- Gorgeous photos and illustrations that will captivate and engage childrenThis colourful activity book keeps children engaged and learning about bugs as they play. Bright photos and stunning illustrations transport children into the world of insects. They're challenged to find the right stickers to go with each insect and complete the picture, such as matching wings to butterflies and planting the flowers in the garden. Kids can also get creative and craft their own scenes out of different stickers, there's no end to where their imagination can take them!Alongside the pictures are bite-sized descriptions and information that is easy to read and suitable for children 5 years and up. They will learn about the many types of insects, and what makes each of them unique. Discover how grasshoppers sing, why they have antennae, and how the giraffe beetle got its name.This sticker book inspires little ones to explore the outside world with activities such as follow the bee trail in the garden, and learn where bugs like to hide so they can look out for bugs in their own gardens. There's also a sticker quiz at the end, so you and your pre-schooler can read and engage together.

Серия: Ultimate Sticker Book

Ultimate Sticker Book. Dinosaurs
With fun-filled quizzes, loads of dinosaur facts, and over 250 stickers, this dinosaur book will provide children with hours of educational fun!Travel millions of years back in time to learn all about the amazing dinosaurs that lived on our planet. This colourful children's activity book contains reusable and easy-to-peel stickers - perfect for little fingers to add to pages as they read and learn!Dinosaurs Ultimate Sticker Book is the perfect way to engage children with fun facts and interactive reading. Inside the book you'll find:- Over 250 reusable stickers that are easy to peel and stick to pages or other surfaces- A variety of activities including a quiz, follow-the-trail, and creative sticker activities- Interesting facts that help children discover more about dinosaurs - the different species, what they ate, and where they lived- Bright and colourful pictures paired with educational content that keeps children engagedGo back in time and meet some of the earth's most fascinating creatures - the dinosaurs. These prehistoric animals have captured the imagination of children for decades and continue to awaken their curiosity. Young palaeontologists will be delighted to page through this book, meet dino's such as terrifying T- Rex, spiky Stegosaurus, and vicious Velociraptor. Learn all about where these dinosaurs lived, and what they ate.This book allows children to learn while they create: they're able to fill in scenes, construct their own, find and match stickers, and even answer fun quiz questions. With hours of discovery ahead this sticker book is a wonderful educational tool or gift for children between 4-7 years old.The Ultimate Sticker Book Series takes children on adventures through history, nature and fascinating human inventions. All in the name of fun and learning, these books like the Ultimate Sticker Book Bugs, Ultimate Sticker Book Tractors, Ultimate Sticker Book Sharks are packed with puzzles, quizzes, and, of course, lots and lots of stickers!

Серия: Ultimate Sticker Book

My Unicorn Bag Sticker Activity Book
Come and explore the magical world of unicorns in this dazzling sticker activity book! From magic mazes and rainbow codes, to unicorn scenes to search and fairy games to play, there's something for everyone. Unicorn fans will love the sparkling foil cover, and with the unique handle, it's perfect to take with you on the go.
Summer Puzzle Pad
This fun-packed book contains over 100 picture, word and number puzzles that children can enjoy at home, in the park or on long journeys. Activities include a beach wordsearch, a maze leading to a secret den, spotting identical fish at an aquarium and much more. All the answers are at the back of the book.

Серия: Puzzle pads

Travel Activity Pad
Whether you're in a car, train, boat or plane, long journeys will pass by in a flash with this fun-packed activity book. Includes over 200 pages packed with pen-and-paper puzzles to keep the whole family entertained, wherever you happen to be! Includes picture puzzles, holiday dot-to-dots and space for doodling and colouring. Perfect for slipping into your hand luggage.

Серия: Usborne Activities

English Made Easy. Ages 9-10. Key Stage 2
Help your child be the top of the class with the best-selling home-study series from Carol Vorderman.Carol Vorderman can help your child succeed in English with this homeschool learning resource for 9-10 year olds. English Made Easy is one of Carol Vorderman's series of DK workbooks packed with notes and tips to make home learning about English easy and fun! Follow the exercises and activities with your child at home to strengthen their learning in school. Each title contains a progress chart so your child can keep track of all the exercises they have completed and colour in the topic stars as they go. Helpful parents' notes explain what children need to know at each stage and what's being covered in the curriculum so you can support and homeschool your child with confidence.This book will help your child to understand clauses in sentences and how to use apostrophes. It also looks at persuasive writing, poetry, and classic novels. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, English Made Easy is a great way to improve your child's English skills - "the more you practise, the better you'll be!" (Carol Vorderman)

Серия: English Made Easy

First Sticker Book. Jungle
Helps children find out about the exotic animals and plants that live in the jungle. This simple sticker book comes with over 100 stickers to complete the scenes.

Серия: First Sticker Books

Ultimate Sticker Book. Farm
For kids who love stickers and farm animals, this is the ultimate sticker book. It's filled with turkeys and tractors, pigs and potatoes, and over 250 reusable stickers!Little ones will love learning all about farm life and placing the stickers on the pages where they think they should go. The stickers are easy to peel, re-usable, and perfect for little fingers!Inside this fun, farmyard-themed sticker book, you'll find:- Over 250 reusable stickers that are easy to peel and stick to pages or other surfaces- Fun facts, puzzles and quizzes for kids to learn about different animals as they play- Gorgeous photos and illustrations that will captivate and engage childrenThis colourful activity book keeps kids engaged and learning as they play. Bright photos and stunning illustrations transport children into the barns and fields of the countryside. They're challenged to match the stickers of baby animals with the adults, and plant crops in the right field. Kids can also get creative and craft their own scenes out of different stickers, there's no end to where their imagination can take them!Alongside the pictures are bite-sized descriptions and information that is easy to read and suitable for children 5 years and up. They will learn about the different things that you can find on a farm, such as where the farm animals live, what grows on farms, and the vehicles farmers use.This sticker book inspires budding farmers to explore the outside world with activities such as follow-the-trail and learning about why farms are important and where certain foods come from. There's also a quiz so you and your pre-schooler can read and engage together.

Серия: Ultimate Sticker Book

A Sticker Dolly Stories. Waterlily Ball
Meera, Sophia and Olivia, the Princess Dolls, are on an urgent mission to the River Kingdom on the Majestic Isle. It's the day of the Waterlily Ball, but the River Princess has flooded the ballroom! Somehow, the Princess Dolls must find a way for the biggest dance of the year to go ahead...and time is running out!

Серия: Usborne Sticker Stories

Fairies Transfer Book
Bring the magical world of fairies to life in this gorgeous activity book. There are over 400 delightful transfers of fairies, flowers, butterflies, laybirds and more to decorate scenes including a fairy tea party, magic academy and a starlight ball. For each scene, there is a fairy picture to colour, too.

Серия: Little Transfer Book

First Sticker Book. Bugs
Butterflies, dragonflies, caterpillars, spiders - the world is full of amazing bugs of all shapes and sizes. Find out which ones live in jungles, deserts, swamps and gardens by adding over 170 stickers to the colourful scenes in this book. Includes simple facts, the names of all the bugs and links to recommended websites to find out more.

Серия: First Sticker Books

First Sticker Book. Narwhals
Dive under the sea and meet narwhals, whales, giant octopuses and other amazing animals in this exciting sticker book. Learn where otters live, what elephant seals look like, discover creatures of the deep and lots more. With over 150 stickers to decorate the underwater scenes and links to websites with videos of narwhals, sea otters and more.

Серия: First Sticker Books

First Sticker Book. Pirates
Join a pirate gang on their adventures on the high seas in this exciting book with over 250 stickers to bring each picture to life. Filled with busy, colourful scenes of pirate life above and below deck, including up in the rigging, at a pirate feast and in the midst of a pirate battle. Sure to keep young ragamuffins entertained!

Серия: First Sticker Books

Little First Stickers. Mermaids
Join a group of mermaid friends as they swim in a lagoon, get ready for Princess Coralie s birthday party, dance in the underwater palace and lots more. With over 200 reusable stickers of mermaids, sea creatures and shells to bring the magical scenes to life, and a fold-out back cover to store stickers when not in use.

Серия: First Sticker Books

Little First Stickers. Jungle
Journey to far-flung rainforests and decorate tropical scenes including a crocodile creek, elephant parade and parrots in the treetops in this colourful sticker book. With over 300 reusable stickers of tigers, toucans, sloths, orang-utans and more, and a fold-out back cover to store stickers when not in use.

Серия: Little First Stickers

Little First Stickers. Unicorns
Enter a magical world filled with unicorns in this enchanting sticker book, with scenes to decorate including a cloud castle, woodland waterfall and lots more. There are over 300 reusable stickers of unicorns, flowers and other adorable creatures, and a fold-out back cover to store stickers when not in use. The perfect gift for unicorn lovers.

Серия: Little First Stickers

Little First Stickers. Nativity Play
Bring the Christmas story to life in this charming sticker book, from Mary and Joseph looking for a place to stay in Bethlehem, to the birth of Baby Jesus and the arrival of the shepherds and three kings. With over 190 reusable stickers of costumes, decorations and accessories, and a fold-out back cover to store stickers when not in use.

Серия: Little First Stickers

Little First Stickers. Funny Hats
A perfect size for little hands, this engaging sticker book will delight and entertain young children for hours while they add lots of funny hats to the friendly animal characters. With so much to spot and talk about on every page, this is also a fun and interactive way for children to develop their vocabulary.

Серия: Little First Stickers

Little Sticker Dolly Dressing. Fairy
This delightful little hook has fairies for you to dross using the enchanting stickers. The back cover folds out so you can "park" spare stickers while you dross the fairies.With over 350 reusable stickers.

Серия: Usborne Activities

Little Sticker Dolly Dressing. Cinderella
An enchanting retelling of the Cinderella fairy tale filled with dolls to dress and scenes to create using the stickers provided. Dress Cinderella in her tatty work clothes, then transform her, with the help of her fairy godmother, so she can attend a ball at the Palace. With reusable stickers little children can create the whole fairy tale.

Серия: Usborne Activities

Little Sticker Dolly Dressing. Unicorns
Unicorn lovers will adore this sparkly activity book with unicorns to decorate and fairies, pixies and princesses to dress on every page. Scenes include a castle in the clouds, painting rainbows, a walk in the forest and lots more. With over 300 reusable stickers, plus a fold-out back cover to park stickers whilst they re not in use.

Серия: Little First Stickers

Poppy and Sam's Sticker Book
Children will love the opportunity to create their own "Farmyard Tales" scenes with all of their favourite Apple Tree Farm locations and characters. Using Stephen Cartwright's popular illustrations, there are stickers for all the well-loved characters, with Mr. and Mrs. Boot, Ted, Poppy, Sam and all the animals. Scenes include: the cowshed, Ted's tractor, the pigpen, the sheep field, the hen house, the orchard, and the barn.

Серия: Usborne Farmyard Tales

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Вид просмотра: Миниатюры, Полный многострочный, Полный в две строчки, Полный в одну строчку, Полный без аннотации, Наименование-Цена-Производитель, Наименование-Цена
Сортировка: Цена, Наименование, Автор, Магазин, Год, Производитель, Артикул, Гендер
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