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НаименованиеЦенаАвторГодКод ISBN
1Prince of Twilight641.91Maggie Shayne 9781408979785

Prince of Twilight
Foretold centuries ago, it is a destiny they cannot escape…Far older than his legend, the immortal Vlad Dracul has wandered for centuries in search of the reincarnation of his wife, Elisabeta. Now he believes he has found the woman possessed by his beloved's soul and is prepared to make her his for all eternity. Tempest «Stormy» Jones is that mortal.She has long sensed the other, someone inside her fighting to take control, a feeling that becomes even stronger when the dark prince is near. But as Stormy denies the passion that burns between them, she also resists allowing Elisabeta to take over her mind and body to prevent her from claiming Vlad as her own.But when Elisabeta discovers Vlad's feelings for Stormy, her wrath knows no bounds. She demands that her destiny be fulfilled, and seeks to destroy her rival, leaving Vlad in anguish, tormented by what was…and what could be. Now only he can choose–who will live and who will die.

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


2Or?genes y expresiones de la religiosidad en M?xico442.91Mar?a Teresa Jarqu?n Ortega 9786078509720

Or?genes y expresiones de la religiosidad en M?xico
En el presente libro se condensa una serie de trabajos discutidos en las sesiones que el seminario de investigaci?n «Santos, devociones e identidades» de El Colegio Mexiquense, A.C celebr? en 2017, con la participaci?n de diversos investigadores del fen?meno religioso, procedentes de diferentes instituciones de educaci?n superior del pa?s.
Los estudios que aqu? se exponen explican, a la luz del examen hist?rico, antropol?gico y sociol?gico la manera en que la Iglesia cat?lica ha conseguido adaptarse y sobrevivir al paso del tiempo, a trav?s del fomento de los cultos cristol?gicos, la veneraci?n a la Virgen Mar?a y sus distintas advocaciones, a los santos y las expresiones devocionales en el M?xico novohispano y decimon?nico. Los cuales, en varios de los casos constituyen procesos de larga duraci?n que, hoy en d?a, se consagran como elementos cohesionadores e identitarios de los pueblos, pero tambi?n como material digno de estudio por su significativa carga hist?rica y simb?lica, capaz de explicar su supervivencia entre las sociedades del presente.


3Horvath auf der Flucht - Des Lehrers dritter Fall - Lehrer Horvath ermittelt, Band 3 (ungek?rzt)882.87Marc Hofmann 4066004501468

Horvath auf der Flucht - Des Lehrers dritter Fall - Lehrer Horvath ermittelt, Band 3 (ungek?rzt)

Исполнители: Jona Mues


4El Prode245.63Marcelo Tramannoni 9789878706474

El Prode
En el entramado que nos presenta lo m?s inmediato por venir, cual telara?a sutil pero implacable, est? latente la elecci?n de un destino, porque el hombre de alguna manera es una marioneta del mismo. MARCELO TRAMANONI nos transmite en esta novela El Prode, toda la encrucijada a la cual un hombre casi an?nimo debe enfrentar. D?a tras d?a Ra?l, el personaje central de esta historia; se aferra a esa realidad y detr?s de una m?quina de escribir, no deja de pensar lo que podr?a llegar a cambiar su vida, si la caprichosa fortuna lo eligiese a ?l. La realidad concreta cohabita con otra realidad, hecha de enigmas indescifrables como cotidianos. Los avatares, las desventuras, los duelos y todo aquello que deliberadamente empujan al personaje de esta historia, no hacen m?s que adentrarnos en otra historia que bien podr?a ser la nuestra llegado el caso. MARCELO TRAMANONI con su fina y prolija escritura, ubica toda esta historia en los primeros a?os de la d?cada del ?70 en donde la expectativa general y los sue?os de aquellos que eran ?vidos lectores de los pron?sticos deportivos, inundaban con sus predicciones y c?lculos cualquier charla de caf?. La otra historia, ofrece la otra cara. La realidad de verse inmerso en algo nuevo, en el cual todo tiene similitud con lo so?ado, pero que al fin no es m?s que la misma ruta del destino. MARCELO TRAMANONI, lo revela con gran talento y valiente audacia expresiva. No lo desmiente y lo afirma con vigor, porque el hombre en definitiva no es m?s que una marioneta del destino. Marcelo Manuel Oviedo.

Исполнители: J?rgen Kluckert


5Fallen, Folge 6: Labrags590.88Marco G?llner 4260507144898

Fallen, Folge 6: Labrags
Sie ist zehn Jahre alt – allein und auf der Flucht vor unbegreiflichen Kr?ften: Wei?e und schwarze Engel sammeln sich zum letzten Kampf um die kleine Marie Dufage, die die Ausersehene aus der Prophezeiung sein k?nnte. Es ist eine erbarmungslose Jagd, ein ?berirdischer Kampf zwischen Gut und B?se – und mittendrin versuchen zwei Menschen verzweifelt, Marie zu retten, um damit das Schlimmste zu verhindern.

Исполнители: Frank R?th


6Fallen, Folge 2: Genf590.88Marco G?llner 4260507144850

Fallen, Folge 2: Genf
Hat dieses Kind etwas gesehen? Und wenn ja – was? Eine Fotografie zeigt ein Wesen, das wie ein Engel aussieht. Die zehnj?hrige Marie scheint der Schl?ssel zu allem zu sein, denn sie war zur gleichen Zeit dort. Der ehemalige Gardist Friedrich von Gartner geht der Geschichte nach – nicht ahnend, dass ihm in einem Kinderheim bei Genf das Unfassbare begegnen wird.

Исполнители: Frank R?th


7Fallen, Folge 1: Paris590.88Marco G?llner 4260507144843

Fallen, Folge 1: Paris
Ein Foto. Aufgenommen in einem Vorort von Paris. Es zeigt die Front eines Hauses. Viele Balkone. Auf einem davon steht «jemand» … eine «Person» … «etwas» … aber was? Friedrich von Gartner, einst Soldat der Schweizer Garde und mittlerweile selbstst?ndig im Sicherheitsgesch?ft t?tig, erh?lt von seinem ehemaligen Arbeitgeber den Auftrag, herauszufinden, was dort zu sehen ist – nicht ahnend, dass damit eine Odyssee an die Grenze des Fassbaren beginnt.

Исполнители: Frank R?th


8Real Vintage Maverick360.82Marie Ferrarella 9781408971567

Real Vintage Maverick

Серия: Mills & Boon Cherish


9Mac's Bedside Manner363.11Marie Ferrarella 9781472082671

Mac s Bedside Manner
With his killer smile, his bone-melting charm and his medical dedication, hospital hunk Dr. Harrison «Mac» Mackenzie could thaw an iceberg at twenty paces.Collecting willing women like baseball cards, he hadn't met resistance since high school physics. Until feisty nurse Jolene DeLuca sashayed into the E.R., with her perfect curves, her flashing green eyes–and an attitude that told big-deal doctors to drop dead!Mac was intrigued. Challenged. And utterly enchanted by spitfire Jolene and her daddyless two-year-old daughter. But what was a confirmed bachelor to do with such a skittish single mom? Chase her…until she caught him!

Серия: Mills & Boon Vintage Cherish


10Once Upon a Matchmaker360.82Marie Ferrarella 9781408971260

Once Upon a Matchmaker

Серия: Matchmaking Mamas


11Road Brothers1467.32Mark Lawrence 9780008221393

Road Brothers
A volume of short stories by the bestselling author of THE BROKEN EMPIRE series, Mark LawrenceThis is a collection of fourteen stories of murder, mayhem, pathos, and philosophy, all set in the world of the Broken Empire.Within these pages, you will find tales of men such as Red Kent, Sir Makin, Rike, Burlow and the Nuban, telling of their origins and the events that forged them. There is Jorg himself, striding the page as a child of six, as a teenage wanderer and as a young king. And then there is a tale about Prince Jalan Kendeth – liar, cheat, womaniser and coward.To the new reader, welcome to a lawless world where wit and sword are the most useful weapons, and danger lurks as much in candle-lit palaces as in dark alleys and dense woodland. To those who have already journeyed with Jorg, we hope you will enjoy renewing old acquaintances with your favourite characters.


12The Broken Empire560.24Mark Lawrence 9780007423309

The Broken Empire
From the publisher that brought you Game of Thrones… Prince of Thorns is the first volume in a powerful epic fantasy trilogy, original, absorbing and challenging.Before the thorns taught me their sharp lessons and bled weakness from me I had but one brother, and I loved him well. But those days are gone and what is left of them lies in my mother's tomb. Now I have many brothers, quick with knife and sword, and as evil as you please. We ride this broken empire and loot its corpse. They say these are violent times, the end of days when the dead roam and monsters haunt the night. All that's true enough, but there's something worse out there, in the dark. Much worse.From being a privileged royal child, raised by a loving mother, Jorg Ancrath has become the Prince of Thorns, a charming, immoral boy leading a grim band of outlaws in a series of raids and atrocities. The world is in chaos: violence is rife, nightmares everywhere. Jorg has the ability to master the living and the dead, but there is still one thing that puts a chill in him. Returning to his father's castle Jorg must confront horrors from his childhood and carve himself a future with all hands turned against him.Mark Lawrence's debut novel tells a tale of blood and treachery, magic and brotherhood and paints a compelling and brutal, and sometimes beautiful, picture of an exceptional boy on his journey toward manhood and the throne.

Серия: The Broken Empire


13Holy Sister1467.32Mark Lawrence 9780008152413

Holy Sister
Nona Grey’s story reaches its shattering conclusion in the third instalment of Book of the Ancestor.THEY CAME AGAINST HER AS A CHILD. NOW THEY FACE THE WOMAN.The ice is advancing, the Corridor narrowing, and the empire is under siege from the Scithrowl in the east and the Durns in the west. Everywhere, the emperor’s armies are in retreat.Nona faces the final challenges that must be overcome if she is to become a full sister in the order of her choice. But it seems unlikely that Nona and her friends will have time to earn a nun’s habit before war is on their doorstep.Even a warrior like Nona cannot hope to turn the tide of war. The shiphearts offer strength that she might use to protect those she loves, but it’s a power that corrupts. A final battle is coming in which she will be torn between friends, unable to save them all. A battle in which her own demons will try to unmake her.A battle in which hearts will be broken, lovers lost, thrones burned.HOLY SISTER completes the Book of the Ancestor trilogy that began with RED SISTER and GREY SISTER. A ground-breaking series, it has established Mark Lawrence as one of the most exciting new voices in modern speculative fiction.

Серия: Book of the Ancestor


14Warten auf Doggo689.53Mark B. Mills 9783838776972

Warten auf Doggo
Doggo ist der wahrscheinlich h?sslichste Hund der Welt. Und er geh?rt jetzt, mehr so aus Versehen, Daniel. Doggo stellt Daniels Alltag v?llig auf den Kopf – und wird sein ganz spezieller Freund. Und den kann Daniel gut gebrauchen, denn er hat nicht nur einen Gro?vater mit Alzheimer und eine Mutter, die viele Jahre ein ziemlich gro?es Geheimnis mit sich herumgetragen hat, sondern auch Probleme an der Liebesfront. Und dann m?ssen beide eine schicksalhafte Begegnung mit ihrer Vergangenheit meistern -

Исполнители: Stefan Kaminski


15Conquiste o seu primeiro milh?o (Integral)788.17Mark Banks 9786599099809

Conquiste o seu primeiro milh?o (Integral)

Исполнители: Leobaldo Prado


16John Sinclair, Sonderedition 7: Brandmal1084.1Mark Benecke 4251234334959

John Sinclair, Sonderedition 7: Brandmal
Ein Fall von spontaner Selbstentz?ndung im Londoner Hyde Park bringt Geisterj?ger John Sinclair auf den Plan. F?r ihn liegt nahe, dass es sich bei dem Opfer um einen Vampir gehandelt hat. Doch warum sollte sich ein Vampir dem Sonnenlicht aussetzen? Weitere Vorf?lle folgen, und auch in Deutschland kommt es an verschiedenen Orten zu spontaner Selbstentz?ndung. Dort wird der Kriminalbiologe Dr. Mark Benecke zu einem solchen Fall hinzugezogen. Als John Sinclair davon erf?hrt, tut er sich mit dem bekannten Forensiker zusammen.

Исполнители: Dietmar Wunder


17Morgan & Bailey, Folge 7: Tot aber herzlich590.88Markus Topf 4260507133472

Morgan & Bailey, Folge 7: Tot aber herzlich
Rose bekommt Besuch – und ganz Heaven's Bridge steht Kopf! Denn ihre Schwester Violet ist mit dem erfolgreichen Unternehmer Lloyd Fletcher verheiratet, ?ber deren turbulentes Familienleben eine Reality- Show gedreht wird. Doch auch der n?chste Mord l?sst nicht lange auf sich warten und so stecken Rose Bailey und ihr Kollege Charles Morgan bald wieder bis zum Hals in einem neuen Fall.

Исполнители: Alexandra Lange


18Sherlock Holmes Phantastik, Die unsichtbare Wand590.88Markus Winter 9783960669005

Sherlock Holmes Phantastik, Die unsichtbare Wand
1880, Dunwich, Massachusetts. Der junge Sherlock Holmes besucht seinen ehemaligen Studienfreund Basil Bishop. Im Landhaus der Bishops tauchen am ersten gemeinsamen Abend h?chst merkw?rdige G?ste auf, die schier unglaubliche Ereignisse hervorrufen. Der zuk?nftige Meisterdetektiv ger?t unversehens in seinen ersten Fall, der absolut unl?sbar scheint.

Исполнители: Tom Jacobs


19Millionaire's Christmas Miracle363.11Mary Anne Wilson 9781474026796

Millionaire s Christmas Miracle
Quint Gallagher in love? It would take a miracle…Self-made millionaire Quint Gallagher could rule a boardroom and bend numbers to his will, but he'd rather lose a merger than analyze his feelings for day-care worker Amy Blake. He was too old for the beautiful widow, too jaded to fall in love. Yet when he found a baby on the day-care doorstep just days after Christmas, Quint turned to Amy.The sophisticated millionaire was more man than Amy could handle. But Quint with the tiny babe touched her wary heart. Fate had thrown them together in the season of miracles–was it too late to wish for the miracle of love?Just for Kids: A day-care center where love abounds…and families are made!

Серия: Mills & Boon American Romance


20Der erste Federstrich - Das Buch der gel?schten W?rter - Die Chronik der B?cherwelt, Teil 1 (Ungek?rzt)1380.04Mary E. Garner 9783838798592

Der erste Federstrich - Das Buch der gel?schten W?rter - Die Chronik der B?cherwelt, Teil 1 (Ungek?rzt)

Исполнители: Ann Vielhaben


21A Lesson in Murder - Cherringham - A Cosy Crime Series: Mystery Shorts 13 (Unabridged)492.24Matthew Costello 9783838779607

A Lesson in Murder - Cherringham - A Cosy Crime Series: Mystery Shorts 13 (Unabridged)

Исполнители: Neil Dudgeon


22Cherringham - Landluft kann t?dlich sein, Folge 19: Spur aus der Vergangenheit492.24Matthew Costello 9783838779355

Cherringham - Landluft kann t?dlich sein, Folge 19: Spur aus der Vergangenheit

Исполнители: Sabina Godec


23Der falsche Mann - Mydworth - Ein Fall f?r Lord und Lady Mortimer 7 (Ungek?rzt)492.24Matthew Costello 9783838797915

Der falsche Mann - Mydworth - Ein Fall f?r Lord und Lady Mortimer 7 (Ungek?rzt)

Исполнители: Julia von Tettenborn


24The Vanishing Tourist - Cherringham - A Cosy Crime Series: Mystery Shorts 18 (Unabridged)492.24Matthew Costello 9783838784762

The Vanishing Tourist - Cherringham - A Cosy Crime Series: Mystery Shorts 18 (Unabridged)

Исполнители: Neil Dudgeon


25Der Verbannte - Memiana, Band 5 (Ungek?rzt)1277.45Matthias Herbert 4260158976107

Der Verbannte - Memiana, Band 5 (Ungek?rzt)

Исполнители: Tim G?ssler


26Abseits des Pfades - Memiana, Band 7 (Ungek?rzt)1277.45Matthias Herbert 4260158976121

Abseits des Pfades - Memiana, Band 7 (Ungek?rzt)

Исполнители: Tim G?ssler


27Die verborgene Stadt - Memiana, Band 2 (Ungek?rzt)1277.45Matthias Herbert 4260158975339

Die verborgene Stadt - Memiana, Band 2 (Ungek?rzt)

Исполнители: Tim G?ssler


28Das Licht des Todes - Memiana, Band 1 (Ungek?rzt)1277.45Matthias Herbert 4260158975322

Das Licht des Todes - Memiana, Band 1 (Ungek?rzt)

Исполнители: Tim G?ssler


29Hetzjagd - Memiana, Band 6 (Ungek?rzt)1277.45Matthias Herbert 4260158976114

Hetzjagd - Memiana, Band 6 (Ungek?rzt)

Исполнители: Tim G?ssler


30The Hudsons: Max, Bella and Devlin540.67Maureen Child 9781472001313

The Hudsons: Max, Bella and Devlin
Bargained Into Her Boss’s Bed In the fast-paced, cut-throat world of Hollywood, producer Max Hudson has a movie deadline breathing down his neck – when his gorgeous assistant, Dana Fallon, suddenly resigns, wreaking havoc! No amount of money will sway her decision – but, luckily, Max has other means of persuasion… Propositioned Into a Foreign AffairPublicly, Bella Hudson had the world at her feet. Privately, her life was in turmoil: a humiliating breakup, paparazzi at her heels… The Hollywood starlet needed to escape. Then she found a night of pleasure – media-free – in hotel magnate Sam Garrison’s bed. Only Sam wanted more and he was willing to do anything to keep her! Seduced Into a Paper MarriageNo one ever denied Devlin Hudson. The boss of Hudson Pictures could have any woman he wanted, until his prim and proper wife, Valerie Shelton, walked out on their matrimonial merger. Devlin wasn’t going to rest until he got her back! And this time he vowed to win her over the old-fashioned way…in bed.

Серия: Mills & Boon By Request


31The Guardians282.99Maureen Child 9781408938737

The Guardians
Unleash the untamed passions of the underworld in these deliciously wicked tales of paranormal romance.He was a Guardian. An immortal fighter of evil. The sexy, sword-wielding stranger standing before Julie Carpenter claimed he was out to destroy a demon and that she was its next target. As he whisked her away to his fortresslike mansion high in the Hollywood hills, she could only hope Kieran was not the true danger. For centuries Kieran had heard the legend of Destined Mates…but he never believed until now.He could read Julie's thoughts, sense her deepest desires. And he knew she wanted him just as he knew joining with her would make him strong enough to defeat any demon from hell. But the cost might be losing the woman who was his true salvation.

Серия: The Guardians


32His Ultimate Prize314.05Maya Blake 9781472002754

His Ultimate Prize
Racing driver Rafael is a devil behind the wheel and in the bedroom until a major crash puts him out of action. Rafael masks his crippling pain the only way he knows how… by seducing his beautiful physio, Raven Blass!Raven is in hell… literally. Resisting Rafael is hard enough without knowing she was responsible for the scars on his sculpted body. Once he discovers the truth, he’ll walk away.But will virgin Raven risk a night in Rafael’s bed?

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern


33We Are Unprepared152.58Meg Little Reilly 9781474058469

We Are Unprepared
Meg Little Reilly places a young couple in harm’s way—both literally and emotionally—as they face a cataclysmic storm that threatens to decimate their Vermont town, and the Eastern Seaboard in her penetrating debut novel, WE ARE UNPREPARED.Ash and Pia move from hipster Brooklyn to rustic Vermont in search of a more authentic life. But just months after settling in, the forecast of a superstorm disrupts their dream. Fear of an impending disaster splits their tight-knit community and exposes the cracks in their marriage. Where Isole was once a place of old farm families, rednecks and transplants, it now divides into paranoid preppers, religious fanatics and government tools, each at odds about what course to take.WE ARE UNPREPARED is an emotional journey, a terrifying glimpse into the human costs of our changing earth and, ultimately, a cautionary tale of survival and the human.

Серия: MIRA


34Wizard of the Pigeons862.45Megan Lindholm 9780007387489

Wizard of the Pigeons
The fifth book in the Megan Lindholm (Robin Hobb) backlist.Seattle: a place as magical as the Emerald City.Subtle magic seeps through the cracks in the paving stones of the sprawling metropolis. But only the inhabitants who possess special gifts are open to the city's consciousness; finding portents in the graffiti, reading messages in the rubbish or listening to warnings in the skipping-rope chants of children.Wizard is bound to Seattle and her magic. His gift is the Knowing – a powerful enchantment allowing him to know the truth of things; to hear the life-stories of ancient mummies locked behind glass cabinets, to receive true fortunes from the carnival machines, to reveal to ordinary people the answers to their troubles and to safeguard the city's equilibrium.The magic has its price; Wizard must never have more than a dollar in his pocket, must remain celibate, and he must feed and protect the pigeons.But a threat to Seattle has begun to emerge in the portents. A malevolent force born of Wizard's forgotten past has returned to prey upon his power and taunt him with images of his obscure history; and he is the only wizard in Seattle who can face the evil and save the city, his friends and himself.


35Gefangen - Ruins of Love - Grace & Hayden, Band 1 (Ungek?rzt)1967.96Megan DeVos 9783985711451

Gefangen - Ruins of Love - Grace & Hayden, Band 1 (Ungek?rzt)

Исполнители: Katja Sallay


36Von Blut & Magie590.88Melanie Lane 9783954528325

Von Blut & Magie
Grau, langweilig und ereignislos beschreibt Lillys Leben wohl am besten. Doch als Nick Callahan sie entf?hrt, ist die Verwirrung perfekt. Wenn man Nick Glauben schenkt, ist Lilly die verlorene Prinzessin der Anderswelt. Pl?tzlich sieht sie sich D?monen, Engeln und anderen mystischen Wesen einer magischen Parallelwelt gegen?ber. Lilly wird unvermittelt zur Zielscheibe der D?monen in einem jahrhundertealten Kampf um den Thron der Anderswelt. Wem kann sie in dieser neuen Welt ?berhaupt trauen? Und dann ist da noch Lucan Vale, der geheimnisvolle Krieger, und das verbotene Knistern zwischen ihnen.


37Von Flammen & Verrat590.88Melanie Lane 9783954528332

Von Flammen & Verrat
Nach und nach beginnt Lilly ihre Rolle in der Anderswelt zu akzeptieren, nicht aber ohne Ver?nderungen anzusto?en. Doch die Intrigen gegen sie werden konkreter und fordern weitere Opfer. Gemeinsam mit ihren Verb?ndeten stellt sie sich den Gefahren, die nicht nur in Arcadia auf sie lauern. Dabei k?mpft sie nicht nur gegen alte, l?ngst ?berholte Traditionen, sondern auch gegen ihre eigenen Emotionen. Denn seit sie von ihrer einzigartigen Verbindung zu Lucan Vale – dem Assassinen-K?nig – wei?, spielen ihre Gef?hle komplett verr?ckt…


38Button Bright (Unabridged)2169.19Michael Kurland 9781913328115

Button Bright (Unabridged)

Исполнители: Synthesized Voice


39Paddington Races Ahead400.33Michael Bond 9780007468263

Paddington Races Ahead
Paddington – the beloved, classic bear from Darkest Peru – is back in this fantastically funny, brand new, illustrated novel from master storyteller Michael Bond!“My legs are a bit short for the pole vault!” repeated Paddington hotly. “But they’ve always been that way.”Somehow Paddington Bear always manages to find himself in unusual situations. So it is no surprise when he gets into a spot of bother with some shaving cream, causes a London bus to be evacuated, and is mistaken for a famous Peruvian hurdler by a film crew. Will the chance of becoming a star of the screen take Paddington away from the Brown family of number 32 Windsor Gardens?Paddington Bear has been delighting adults and children alike with his earnest good intentions and humorous misadventures for over fifty years.

Серия: Paddington


40Paddington228.93Michael Bond 9780007423583

The classic story of a much-loved bear – Paddington! Join Paddington and the Browns as they start their adventures at Paddington Station and relive their treasured story.   Paddington Bear first met the Brown family at a railway station – Paddington station, in fact. He had travelled all the way from Darkest Peru with only a jar of marmalade, a suitcase and a label reading 'Please look after this bear'. Without further ado, Mr and Mrs Brown promptly welcomed the adventurous bear into their family, and in honour of their meeting place they named him Paddington.   The Browns soon discover that Paddington is a most unusual bear. Ordinary things – like having a bath – become quite extraordinary when a bear called Paddington is around.

Исполнители: Paul Vaughan


41A Bear Called Paddington517.66Michael Bond 9780007372843

A Bear Called Paddington
“A bear on Paddington Station?” said Mrs Brown in amazement. “Don’t be silly – there can’t be.”The Browns first met Paddington on a railway station – Paddington station, in fact. He had travelled all the way from Darkest Peru with only a jar of marmalade, a suitcase and his hat.The Browns soon find that Paddington is a very unusual bear. Ordinary things – like having a bath, travelling underground or going to the seaside become quite extraordinary, if a bear called Paddington is involved.


42Pops: Fatherhood in Pieces863.6Michael Chabon 9780008286309

Pops: Fatherhood in Pieces
Michael Chabon, author of The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, Manhood for Amateurs and Moonglow, returns with a collection of heartfelt, humorous and insightful essays on the meaning of fatherhood.You are born into a family and those are your people, and they know you and they love you and if you are lucky they even, on occasion, manage to understand you. And that ought to be enough. But it is never enoughWhat are you allowed to talk about with your children? When to step in with advice, when to let them make their own mistakes? It’s more complicated than you think. Somehow you muddle through.In this heartfelt, humorous and wise book, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Michael Chabon attempts to weigh in on difficult conversations with his children, on everything from texting girls to death. But it is when he hangs back that he catches them transforming into their own people. What emerges is a father’s deep respect for his children’s passions and for their bravery in the face of conformity.Whether you know the joy and struggles of being a father, or were shaped by one, you will find a home in these stunning essays.


43Die Vereinigung jiddischer Polizisten788.17Michael Chabon 9783838764887

Die Vereinigung jiddischer Polizisten
Die Vereinigung jiddischer Polizisten Detektiv Meyer Landsman vom Morddezernat hat Probleme. Seine Ehe ist am Ende, er trinkt und steckt auch beruflich in einer Sackgasse: Nicht mal die H?lfte der F?lle ist gel?st. Sein neuer Chef ist seine Exfrau, und in dem billigen Hotel, in dem er wohnt, wurde ein Mord begangen. Landsman beginnt mit seinen Untersuchungen aus blo?er Routine und mit dem Gef?hl, dass er dadurch vielleicht noch etwas gutmachen kann. Doch als von ganz oben die Anweisung ergeht, dass der Fall sofort zu den Akten gelegt werden soll, ermittelt Landsman mit seinem Partner auf eigene Faust und ger?t tief in eine Welt, in der politische Ziele und religi?ser Wahn eine gef?hrliche Allianz eingehen.

Исполнители: Armin Rohde


44Wiegen und W?lzen - Vergessene Geschichten, Band 2 (ungek?rzt)488.29Michael Hirtzy 4251888708175

Wiegen und W?lzen - Vergessene Geschichten, Band 2 (ungek?rzt)

Исполнители: Florian Hoffmann


45Nomaden985.46Michael Schreckenberg 9783942625203

„Wir hatten die Autobahn schon bei Montabaur verlassen (…) und fuhren nun auf langen, geraden Landstra?en, die links und rechts von Wald ges?umt waren. Laub und Ge?st lag auf der einstigen Fahrbahn, das Unterholz an den R?ndern war hoch, und ?berall bahnten sich Pflanzen ihren Weg durch kleinste Durchl?sse im Asphalt. Mit unseren br?llenden Motoren waren wir St?renfriede in einer Stille, die wahr und richtig schien. Die Welt hatte begonnen, uns zu vergessen, und es schien mir fast obsz?n, dass wir uns mit solchem L?rm in Erinnerung brachten.“ Das neue Endzeit-Abenteuer aus der Welt des Erfolgsromans „Der Finder“ erz?hlt die Abenteuer der ?berlebenden, die seinerzeit mit Autos und Motorr?dern auf die Reise durch eine leere Welt gingen, nachdem von jetzt auf gleich alle Menschen verschwunden waren. Viel mehr als eine Fortsetzung: Eine ganz eigene, mitrei?ende Endzeit-Geschichte.


46Seducing the Vampire630.41Michele Hauf 9781408975060

Seducing the Vampire
A Vampire Like No Other… Courted by two dangerous vampire brothers, Viviane succumbs to handsome Rhys. Yet Viviane’s unaware that Rhys seeks vengeance against his brother, Constantine – and he intends to get it by stealing Viviane and tainting her with his blood. But just as Rhys is realising the depth of his love for Viviane, his brother takes his revenge.Constantine casts a spell that condemns her to living death in a glass coffin. Two centuries later, Rhys hears of the Snow White vampire – his lost love Viviane. He must find her and set her free, but can he save her from the evil still intent on destroying them?

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


47The Vampire's Protector449.8Michele Hauf 9781474049979

The Vampire s Protector
OUT OF THE GRAVE . . . AND INTO HER LIFEFor over a century, muscician Nicolo Paganini had rested in peace. Until Summer Santiago’s innocent touch raised him from the grave. Awake in a world suddenly so foreign, he needed Summer’s help. Yet his protector was a vampire…with a deep desire for Nicolo’s blood.Despite the raving attraction between them, the pair had something more dangerous than bloodlust to contend with. The devil had a plan for Nicolo’s eternal life. Should Nicolo play the cursed black violin, his fate would be sealed. But if he resisted Satan’s call, he would lose the woman who had made his life worth living.

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


48Fallen449.8Michele Hauf 9781408928752

Unleash the untamed passions of the underworld in these deliciously wicked tales of paranormal romance.He fell because he loved mankind. It cost him his soul.Now Cooper seeks his halo, his only to chance to regain what he lost. But wherever the Fallen walk, a Sinistari demon is not far behind; their only task is to slay the earthbound angels. Pyxion stalks Cooper. When she kills an angel, she can claim her own soul. His death will be her chance at redemption.Yet Cooper’s first encounter with the Sinistari leaves him hungering for more. And Pyx finds herself drawn desperately, sensually towards Cooper. With a vampire trailing both of them, relying on each other could be their best hope of survival – but they cannot give in to their lust or they’ll both be doomed.

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne


49Eyes Wide Open175.87Michelle Kelly 9781474035484

Eyes Wide Open
She was supposed to keep them safe. She was their only hope and she had failed.Fifteen year old Jenna’s parents would never approve of her new boyfriend. But he says he loves her. So, even if she hates the way his friends look at her, nothing will stop Jenna sneaking out. After all, what her parents don’t know about her could fill a book.On the other side of town, social worker Rachael Morris is devastated when a girl she had sworn to protect, Kitty Lewis, is found murdered. And while she failed to defend her in life, Rachael is determined that Kitty will have justice in death.With no-one prepared to talk, Rachael must decide whether to help the officer assigned to the case, DI Matt Winston, discover what really happened the night of Kitty’s death – before another family is torn apart or stay silent. But when evil comes in so many forms, how can you know where to start looking?The chilling new book in Michelle Kelly’s bestselling MISSING series will have you on the edge of your seat.The Missing series: Book 1 – WHEN I WASN’T WATCHING Book 2 – EYES WIDE OPEN Book 3 – coming soon


50Cast In Deception814.15Michelle Sagara 9781474074681

Cast In Deception
With friends like these, who needs enemies?A member of the elite Hawk force that protects the City of Elantra, Kaylin Neya has sacrificed much to earn the respect of the winged Aerians and immortal Barrani she works alongside. But the mean streets she escaped as a child aren't the ones she's vowed to give her life guarding. Those were much darker…Kaylin's moved on with her life—and is keeping silent about the shameful things she's done to stay alive. But when the city's oracles warn of brewing unrest in the outer fiefdoms, a mysterious visitor from Kaylin's past casts her under a cloud of suspicion. Thankfully, if she's anything, she's a survivor…Readers love Michelle Sagara:“One of my favourite series”“I love this”“Love Love, More More!!”“this book deserves the 5 stars I gave it”

Серия: MIRA


51Cast in Flame641.91Michelle Sagara 9781472098238

Cast in Flame
Any day that starts with dragon arguments is going to be badKaylin returned from the West March in one piece. Now that piece is fraying. She's not at home in the Imperial Palace and she never intends to be. All she wants is normal garden-variety criminals and a place of her own. Of course, normal in her new life involves a dragon as a roommate, but she can handle that.She can't as easily handle the new residents to the city she polices, because one of them is Nightshade's younger brother. On a night when she should be talking to landlords in perfectly normal buildings, she's called to the fief by Teela. A small family disagreement has become a large, complicated problem: Castle Nightshade's latent magic is waking.And it's not the only thing.

Серия: MIRA


52Cast In Flight85.47Michelle Sagara 9781474064408

Cast In Flight
New York Times bestselling author Michelle Sagara returns to the city of Elantra with a thrilling tale rife with ancient magic, assassination attempts and political intrigue.Private Kaylin Neya already has Dragons and Barrani as roommates. Adding one injured, flightless Aerian to her household should be trivial. Sure, the Aerian is Sergeant Moran dar Carafel, but Kaylin's own sergeant is a Leontine, the definition of growly and fanged. She can handle one Aerian.But when a walk to the Halls of Law becomes a street-shattering magical assassination attempt on the sergeant, Kaylin discovers that it's not the guest who's going to be the problem: it's all of the people who suddenly want Moran dar Carafel dead. And though Moran refuses to tell her why she's being targeted, Kaylin is determined to discover her secret and protect her at all costs—even if keeping Moran safe means dealing with Aerian politics, angry dragons and something far more sinister.

Серия: MIRA


53Straight By The Rules498.11Michelle Scott 9781474045889

Straight By The Rules
The Devil made me…I’m Lilith Straight, the Devil’s servant. You’d think that it would be straightforward, wouldn’t you? Carry out the Devil’s work, that’s all: wreak havoc and cause carnage on Earth…The problem is, I still have a conscience. Which makes life just a little bit tricky in Hell, as you might imagine. And when your sister actually belongs in Heaven, the hot man in your life has his own devilish agenda and the rest of your family won’t stop meddling in your unfinished business…well, let’s just say it’s complicated!No one ever plays by the rules in Hell, so maybe it’s time to make up my own!Book 3 in the Lilith Straight series! Straight to Hell – Book 1 Straight to Heaven – Book 2 Straight by the Rules – Book 3

Серия: Lilith Straight series


54The MacEgan Brothers180.61Michelle Willingham 9781408923504

The MacEgan Brothers
Ireland, 1181To secure peace for her clan and protection for her mother, chieftain's daughter Auder ? Reilly agrees to marry a powerful Norman baron. Though she desperately hopes the alliance will work, Auder worries she won't be able to please her husband in the marriage bed—a fear she admits to her friend, handsome Viking Gunnar Dalrata.Auder has no difficulty imagining sensual delights with Gunnar, but she doesn't believe he would ever think of her that way. Until the night of Bealtaine, when Gunnar whisks Auder away to introduce her to the true pleasure of making love. . . .

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical Undone


55The Murder Pit718.21Mick Finlay 9780008214777

The Murder Pit
London Society takes their problems to Sherlock Holmes. Everyone else goes to Arrowood.1896: Sherlock Holmes has once again hit the headlines, solving mysteries for the cream of London society. But among the workhouses and pudding shops of the city, private detective William Arrowood is presented with far grittier, more violent, and considerably less well-paid cases.Arrowood is in no doubt who is the better detective, and when Mr and Mrs Barclay engage him to trace their estranged daughter Birdie, he’s sure it won’t be long before he and his assistant Barnett have tracked her down.But this seemingly simple missing person case soon turns into a murder investigation. Far from the comfort of Baker Street, Arrowood’s London is a city of unrelenting cruelty, where evil is waiting to be uncovered . . .PRAISE FOR THE MURDER PIT:‘Another brilliant read from Mick Finlay . . . even better than [Arrowood]’ B.A. Paris‘gripping’ Daily Telegraph ‘astounding … If you crave Victorian age murder mystery, love darkly gothic atmospheres and want your detective rather tattered and torn at the edges Arrowood is your man.’ SHOTS‘Enthralling’ Publishers Weekly (starred review)‘A gripping novel with an adept sense of place as well as a clear-eyed examination of the dark exigencies of human behaviour’ Crime Time

Серия: An Arrowood Mystery


56La fuerza de la sangre (Completo)393.59Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 4066004646664

La fuerza de la sangre (Completo)

Исполнители: Luis Marquez


57San Manuel Bueno, martir (Completo)393.59Miguel de Unamuno 4066004675770

San Manuel Bueno, martir (Completo)

Исполнители: Muriel Niebla


58Собачья жизнь289Minecraft Family2014978-5-04-192432-4

Собачья жизнь
Как вы уже наверняка догадались, Стив попал в очередной мир в «Майнкрафте»! На этот раз его ждут огромный пес (такой ли уж пес, на самом деле?), захватывающее приключение в пещере, первое сражение с монстрами. А ещё первый настоящий друг! Ох, Стиву предстоят жаркие деньки! Приготовьтесь! Вас ждут тонны шуток, обалденные приключения, скелеты и море веселья!

Серия: Дневник Стива

Исполнители: Александр Слуцкий


59Дневник Стива, застрявшего в Minecraft399Minecraft Family2014978-5-04-192434-8

Дневник Стива, застрявшего в Minecraft
Стив был обычным школьником, но совершенно внезапно попал в «Майнкрафт», о котором слышал только краем уха. Очутившись в новом для себя мире, мальчик не растерялся и решил использовать такой удачный шанс изучить все аспекты игры лично! Первая встреча с монстрами и попытки завести разговор с местными жителями – внутри вас ждет увлекательное начало путешествия.

Серия: Дневник Стива

Исполнители: Александр Слуцкий


60Куда глаза летят289Minecraft Family2017 

Куда глаза летят
Стив наконец узнал, как попасть домой! Ему предстоит опасное путешествие и смертельная схватка… Но это скорее план на отдалённое будущее. К такому приключению надо как следует подготовиться! Поэтому читатель вместе со Стивом, его ламами и лошадью-скелетом отправятся покорять мир Лесного особняка… во второй раз. Увы-увы, летающая книга не сработала, поэтому нам предстоит отправиться в путь на поиски новой книги и очей Края! Стив придумает 6 способов заставить очи Края НЕ работать, приручит нового необычного и очень полезного питомца и придумает, как отнять у зомби-воришки, затерявшегося в лесу, око Края.

Серия: Дневник Стива

Исполнители: Александр Слуцкий


61Да начнутся приключения! Книги 1-5439Minecraft Family2014978-5-04-159413-8

Да начнутся приключения! Книги 1-5
Стив – обыкновенный мальчишка, жизнь которого ничем не примечательна, но… Внезапно он оказывается в захватывающем мире «Майнкрафт»! Он и сам не понимает, как умудрился застрять в игре, но теперь его ждут невероятные приключения и опасности! Сможет ли Стив найти друзей в этом странном мире, победить криперов и жутких зомби, а также придумать, как же ему вернуться домой? Стив не унывает, ведь ему так хочется стать героем «Майнкрафта», и поэтому он готов отправиться в рискованное путешествие! В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги. Получите в подарок чек-лист «МЕРЫ ПРЕДОСТОРОЖНОСТИ. Защита детей от сексуального насилия» при покупке книги до 12.06.2023

Серия: Дневник Стива


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